Pathophysiology of Prostate Cancer

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Pathophysiology of prostate cancer Pathophysiology is the way in which the prostate cancer grows and the path it follows

if it leaves the original tumor. The formation of cancer is a multi-step process wherein a genetic or any other factor can result in uncontrolled proliferation of the cells. If a normal prostate cell loses its ability to give response to the controls that monitor the cell division then they proliferate out of control and as a result cancer progresses. With the progress in cancer the cells lose their specialized activity and start becoming less differentiated and this result in the cancer becoming more dangerous. It can either spread fast or take time to spread. In case the cancer does spread then it would spread to the lymph nodes first in the pelvis region. In some of the cases it even spreads to different parts of the body usually the bones and sometimes in the lungs, liver and bone marrow also. Like any other cancer when prostate cancer spreads to other parts of the body then it is called as metastatic cancer. In some of the cases the prostate cancer would already have metastasized at the time of diagnosis. However, in some of the cases here might be no evidence of metastasis at the time of diagnosis but it might be evident at a later stage years after the cancer has been diagnosed.

genetics or other factors

uncontrolled proliferation of the cells

prostate cell loses its ability to give response to the controls that monitor the cell division

proliferate out of control

cancer progresses With the progress in cancer the cells lose their specialized activity and start becoming less differentiated

cancer becoming more dangerous. It can either spread fast or take time to spread



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