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Murilo Leite DImperio Interview on Bristol City Radio

What were you doing before you enrolled at City of Bristol College? I studied the BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts in Exeter. Then I had two years out of study. During this time I travelled to visit family in Brazil and ran my own dance company Reflex Dance in Exeter. What did you enjoy most about your course? I enjoyed the freedom. At City of Bristol I was one of a small group of 10 students where we each knew everyone. When I started my degree I needed freedom combined with guidance and support. This is what I got and the tutors were especially caring. It prepared me well. When I went to Middlesex, I was one of 60 students so here I enjoyed a different challenge whilst also having to get to know another part of the world. What are you doing now & how did your course help you? I have joined Earthfall. Earthfall are a physical theatre dance company, who have been established for 20 years and are based in Cardiff. I have joined Earthfall to be in At Swim Two Boys. There are two parts in this production and almost 30 people were auditioned for these two parts. I am very lucky to have this opportunity. The tour of At Swim Two Boys is being held to celebrate the ten year anniversary of the novel. It is going really well, the first three venues have all sold out. This is my first professional tour although I have worked on lots of dance projects before this. Earthfall is like a family. Other members of the company have worked with them for seven years of more. Working with them is an amazing opportunity, especially as a first job. What do you hope to go on to do next? I would really love to stay with Earthfall but we will have to see as future projects may demand different skills to mine. Do you think you would you have done so well if you had started your degree straight after completing your BTEC National Diploma? I think having the gap between school and university suited me. I have two years to work, party and to work at a non-qualified level e.g. in call centres. This really helped me focus when I started my Foundation Degree. I had an appreciation of what I needed to do to succeed. It also made me very motivated, for example I gave up drinking alcohol for the three years whilst I was studying for my degrees. What would you tell current students? Do not expect to be mollycoddled throughout your time at university. Take responsibility for your own motivation and that way you will succeed.

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