MyBibReview 4rm Matt

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Annotated Bibliography

Brody, Jane E. Researchers Unravel the Motives of Stalkers. New York Times. 25 Aug. 1998. Web. 16 Feb. 2012.
Brody is a columnist for the New York Times, her purpose is to shed light on the plight of the stalked. She gives background on the research that has been done on stalkers in reference to motives, usual victims and how successful they are. Virtually, stalkers can be anyone, an exlover, casual acquaintance, disgruntled employee/business associate, vengeful neighbors and even a total stranger. Brody points out that the ability of stalkers to find and harass their victims has been aided in recent years by computers. Since more cases of stalking has enhanced via the web, if the police enforced stronger state laws it would enable law enforcement to intervene before serious bodily injury is inflicted on the victim or those surrounding the victim. 'Brody sheds light on the fact that the cyber stalkers that invade their victims cyber world overwhelmingly seep into the real world of the victims. The purpose of the article is to inform readers of the dark side of the internet and now that we acknowledge what dangers can happen online the police can enforce such laws to aid in the protection of the victims. Brody has some creditable sources from psychiatrists, district of attorneys and statistics from the Justice Department. Although theyre creditable, it just may be a little bit outdated. Brody is a specialist in medicine and biology and has degrees in biochemistry and science. Brody has some authority over what stalking can do to the bodily functions of the victim and how it may affect the body. It may not be wise to use the statistics produced in 1998, but Im able to link how cyber stalking that is transmitted online can seep into and physically affect the well-being of a victim.

Docksai, Rick. Stalking Goes High Tech. EBSCOhost Discovery Service. 2009 Jan. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. This academic journal was Docksais reproduction from, The Futurist published by the World Future Society. Docksai gives evidence of how stalkers are able to track their

victims without them knowing. Through various technologies like microscopic cameras, GPS services, caller identification and cell phones stalkers can determine the exact location of a victim. "People who become tech-savvy, as perpetrators, they can find weak spots. Along with the advantages that stalkers have with more advanced technologies, the internet can also help such victims. Docksai advises that the victims should perform certain duties; do not send any confidential information via a personal computer, use a library computer, which a stalker will not be able to track, destroying as much personal information as possible and routinely checking your computer for viruses and intruder programs to help decrease the likelihood of a stalker obtaining a victims personal information. Docksai is a staff editor at World Future Society; he is a communications specialist and new media professional so his authority on this subject is relevant to my topic. Docksais work can help me link the drastic increase of stalking via web and how a more integrative and advanced technology system can aid in a stalkers pursuit.

Lamberg, Lynne. Stalking Disrupts Lives, Leaves Emotional Scars. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 286.5 Aug. 2001: EBSCOhost Discovery Service Web. 23 Feb. 2012. Just like the other sources, this academic Journal of the American Medical Association, highlights the reason why stalkers stalk, who they may stalk, and aid for the stalkers prey. Unlike the other sources, the JAMA emphasize the aftermath of the victim even after the stalking is over and the stalker has been put to justice. The invasions of a stalkers pursuit via cyberspace become an actual reality for the victim. Not only does the harassment tactics of the stalker become part of the victims real world problems but also the emotional and psychological scars that they exhibit. Some effects of stalking may include heightened fear and perception of vulnerability therefore people who have been stalked

may need treatment for depression and other symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Lynne Lamberg is a medical journalist and editor, beneficial to the type of responses that a person exhibits when under stress. Lambergs work can help me link cyber stalking effects of the victims physical state. Simpson, Doug. Feds Find Dangerous Cyberstalking Hard to Prevent. CNN. 12 June 2000. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. Simpson notes that state and local governments are struggling to contain this high tech criminal they refer to as the cyber stalker. Cyber stalking is extremely difficult to catch and prosecute due to the crime being committed via internet. Internet crimes are hard to catch because its challenging to track a cyber-stalkers paper trail, especially if they are computer savvy. "But there are a lot of ways to hide information on a computer, and you need a well-trained person to unlock it." Cyber stalking does not just cease through the internet and electronic means, but it may also be a prelude to more serious and sometimes violent behavior. I did not find that much information on Doug Simpson, but he is a creditable advantage in relation to his sources. Cable News Network is an authority on giving their audience updates on worldwide news coverage. Simpson also pulls in authority for the claims presented; U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, Los Angeles deputy district attorney Rhonda Saunders, and Robert Morgester, a California deputy attorney general who specializes in high-technology crimes. With that in mind, the statistics may not be conducive to my research it can be useful to understand how laws are passed and the complexity of the issue. My Feedback I chose Matt because he did not give me the typical good job; keep up the good work review. Matt gave me some positive responses along with his critiques. Matts review was

well balanced. I was challenged with the questions that he asked. I did not even look at my peer reviews before writing my draft of the paper. The paper was not nearly as long as I wanted it to be. I can see now after reviewing this once again that I can touch more on the cyber laws, whether the laws are lagging behind the advancement of technology, and if flawed what I and/or some experts would suggest. Matt did not just skim my work but he assessed it. I feel more confident now in the revision process and certain of what my following steps are. Monet

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