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Exercise 1: Can you put the following quotations into the right order?

1 There was the time of the Great Famine, when the old men crouched empty bellied to the fire, and let fall from their lips dim traditions of the ancient day when the Yukon ran wide open for three winters, and then lay frozen for three 2 3 summers. Again he saw the last stand of the old bull moose, and Koskoosh dropped his head wearily upon his knees. Koskoosh marveled at this, for in the days which followed, when he was a leader of man and a head of councilors, he had done great deeds and made his name a 4 5 curse in the mouths of the Pellys And he was very close to death now. Zing-ha and he had gone out that day to play at hunting after the manner of their fathers. ON the bed of the creek they struck the fresh track of a moose, and with 6 it the tracks of many wolves. Here the great animal had fought desperately. Twice had he been dragged down, as the snow attested, and twice had he shaken his assailants clear and gained 7 8 9 footing once more. The snow crunched beneath a moccasin; a man stood beside him; upon his head a hand rested gently. His son was good to do this thing. A cold muzzle thrust against his cheek, and at it touch his soul leaped back to the present. Nature was not kindly to the flesh. She had no concern for that concrete thing called the individual. Her interest lay in the species, the race.

EXERCISE 2: Are the following statements true or false? T/ F 1 The obedient individuals who perform well the task set by nature would live and live always. 2 When a woman gives birth to her off-spring, people no more look at her, and only little children find joy with her by the fire. 3 At the time of Great Famine, old men crouched to the fire, and told stories about the ancient days.

In the fight against hungry wolves, the moose had been dragged down 3 times, then he shook the wolves away and stood up again 3 times.

Koskoosh was a leader of his tribe, he had done bread deeds, but some members of the tribe cursed him.

With his heart softened, Koskooshs son came back to take him on with the tribe to the new camping site.

A hungry wolf came and immediately called other wolves till a ring of hungry wolves surrounded him.

Seeing the last stand of the old bull moose in his mind, Koskoosh stopped struggling against the wolves.

EXERCISE 3: Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. How did the old man feel when he listened to the sounds of camps being broken? What reasons did Koskooshs son give for leaving him behind? How did Koskoosh response? How did Koskoosh feel right after the departure of his son and the tribe? In what way was the old bull moose comparable to Koskoosh? How did Koskoosh feel when he blamed Sit-cum-to-ha for not preparing for him more firewood? What hope rose in him then? 6. 7. 8. How did Koskoosh feel when he heard the familiar howl in the silence? Why? How did Koskoosh struggle against the wolves? What made him stop fighting at the end?


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