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My work experience

Step One: simple sentences and structures I did my work experience at a dentists surgery. I worked there from 21 st February to 11th March 2005. My working hours were from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 5 pm. I had a three-hour lunch break. During those three weeks I observed and learnt what tasks a dentists assistant has to do.
(58 words)

Step Two: adding information and details I did my work experience at a dentists surgery which was small and quite old. I started there at the end of February and worked there from 21st February to 11th March 2005. My working hours were from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 5 pm. I had a three-hour lunch break. During those three long weeks I observed and learnt what tasks a dentists assistant has to do all day long.
(76 words)

Step Three: adding opinions and reasons I did my work experience at a dentists surgery which was small and quite old. I started there at the end of February and worked there from 21st February to 11th March 2005. My working hours were from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 5 pm. I had a three-hour lunch break which was far too long in my opinion. I never knew what to do for those three hours. During those three long weeks I observed and learnt what tasks a dentists assistant has to do all day long. I didnt like this job, because if there were no patients we had nothing to do.
(110 words)

Step Four: adding a conclusion What have I learnt? I did my work experience at a dentists surgery which was small and quite old. I started there at the end of February and worked there from 21st February to 11th March 2005. My working hours were from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 5 pm. I had a three-hour lunch break which was far too long in my opinion. I never knew what to do for those three hours. During those three long weeks I observed and learnt what tasks a dentists assistant has to do all day long. I didnt like this job, because if there were no patients we had nothing to do. I wouldnt like to do this job in the future, because there are lots of people who train to become a dentists assistant and there are many who are unemployed. I didnt learn a lot, because they had no real work for me. I just learnt how to clean the instruments after the dentist had used them. In addition, I learnt how to clean teeth properly by listeng to the dentist telling children who came to the surgery. It was really boring when I had nothing to do, though.
(199 words)

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