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Chin-Ming i Chin-Ming i

Human - Computer Interaction Human - Computer Interaction

Chin-Ming i Chin-Ming i
Human - Computer Interaction Human - Computer Interaction
Chin-Ming i
Human - Computer Interaction

Human - Computer Interaction (734)277-1508

Student, Master of Science in Information
School of Information
University of Michigan
Chih-Ming Yi, your specialist.

Chin-Ming i
Human - Computer Interaction
Chin-Ming i
Human - Computer Interaction

Contact Me

About Me Research Graphic Design Extracurricular Trips Abroad

About Me
Yi, Chih-Ming is by nature a very curious and sentimental person who always wants to explore
new visions, while yearning for the past. He is not only interested in the knowledge that humans
have developed to enrich this world, but also the human mind.

Chih-Ming, Yi
Education: Sep.,2008 - present
MSI Candidate '10 in Human-Computer Interaction
University of Michigan School of Information, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Sep., 2003 - 2007
Department of Computer Science
National Tsinghua University, HsinChu, Taiwan

Address: 1831 Lake Lila Dr., Apt. B5, Ann Arbor MI 48105

Research Interest: HCI ( Human & Computer Interaction)

Working Experience: Jul. 2007-Jun. 2008 Second Lieutenant Armor Officer, Army, Taiwan.

E-mail: cmyi(at) yihrichard(at) Mobile: (734)277-1508

Chin-Ming i
Human - Computer Interaction

Contact Me

About Me Research Graphic Design Extracurricular Trips Abroad

Graphic Design These are all the graphic design works done by Chih-Ming Yi. Many of them
were finished in the clouse of SI520 Graphic Design. This webpage is powered
by Adobe PhotoShopCS3 photo gallery.
Gallery usability project, Ann Ar-
bor, Michigan Sep. 2008-Dec. 2008
Team member, redesign the interaction
and interfaces of Gallery, the open-source,
web-based photo album organizer

Institute of Communication Studies at

National Chiao Tung University (NCTU),
HsinChu, Taiwan Feb. 2007-Jun. 2007
Team member, the interface design of
Web2.0 style knowledge base: A field
study of YAHOO! ANSWERS in Taiwan

Computer Vision Laboratory of Com-

Chih-Ming Yi puter Science at National Tsing
1831 Lake Lila Dr., Apt. Hua University (NTHU), Hsin-
B5, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Chu, Taiwan Feb. 2006-Nov. 2006
+734-277-1508, Research assistant, a study and imple-
mentation of speech-driven mouthanima-
Education: tion based on support vector regression
MSI Candidate ’10 in Human-Com-
puter Interaction Sep. 2008-present Director and supporting actor in short
University of Michigan School of Informa- film production Feb. 2005-Mar. 2005
tion, Ann Arbor, Michigan Course name: The Internet and its
Applications : digital video production
Bachelor of Science in Com- Film name: Psycho

puter Science Jun. 2007
Diploma of Program of Information Work Experience
and Communication Media Jun. 2007 Second Lieutenant Armor Officer,

your specialist!
National Tsing Hua University, College of Army, Taiwan. Jul. 2007 – Jun. 2008
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci- A platoon leader
ence, HsinChu, Taiwan

Academic Projects:
Ecology Center, Ann Arbor,
Michigan Sep. 2008-Dec. 2008
Team member, analyze the pro-
cess by which EC manages electronic
communication with its supporters.
foreign country, which was quite different from that
Personal Statement of my hometown. I worked hard during class and

I am by nature a very curious person. I am not only enjoyed life after class. We participated in cultural

interested in the knowledge that humans have devel- exchanges, went to the museums andgalleries

oped to enrich this world, but also the intricacies of together. Those experiences of traveling and learning

the human mind. My philosophy of life is to immerse boosted my confidence in adaptation in an English-

myself in my surroundings to discover the charac- speaking environment.

teristics of everything and to appreciate the diversity

In the field of Human-Computer Interaction, I have
between people. I have to admit I am the kind of
established substantial knowledge and theoretical
person who knows what he wants and would devote
foundation in National Tsinghua University. My inter-
all his energy to his goal until it is achieved.
personal communication skills prove that not only am

I’ve been involved in lots of extracurricular activities As a col- I able to handle problems independently, but I’m also

during college. I was the activities staff of NTHU CS lege student in Taiwan, I have benefited so much able to engage in team research work. Most impor-

Summer Camp for high school students (2004) and from the society that I want to make my contribu- tantly, my keen interest in these fields makes me one

the NTHU Orientation Camp for CS freshman stu- tion. Therefore, I joined the Education Equality Club, of the most suitable candidates. I look forward to

dents (2004). I was also the activities staff member which is a group of volunteers who teach impover- the opportunity to learn and work with the renowned

of the AEARU (Association of East Asia Research ished children in my junior year. We tutored poor professors and diverse students of your department.

University) summer Camp for 60 students from children with divorced parents. We helped over 90

China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan (2005). kids during four years’ time and won an award from

One of my favorite hobbies is seeing movies, and local city government for our long-term efforts. With

I also joined NTHU movies clubs. Not only joining those experiences, I believe I can easily adapt living

movie club to meet people interesting in movies, I in a new place and bring my potential research into

also produced a short film in the class” Internet and full play.

Its Applications: Digital Video Production”. I was

It has been my dream for a long time to pursue
the director and supporting actor in that film called
my future studies in the United States. To fulfill my
“Psycho” (You can download it from my own website.
dream, I’ve tried to equip myself in every aspect. I
graduated from a prestigious high school and passed
the College Entrance Ability Examination with high
score of 70/75 points (percentile rank: 98.91%) to
enter the CS department of Tsinghua University.
When I was in high school, I attended Secondary
Level English Proficiency Test (SLEP) administered by
the CEDCA in Taiwan, and scored 59 (total 64, level:
ADVANCED). I joined and took the English Intensive
Courses in University College London in England,
Embassy CES International Language Schools in
the summer of 2003. I enjoyed the campus life in a

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