Test 4

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Students Name ___________________________

1. Use prepositions of place to say where something is in the picture of the room. above behind below next to between in near on (x3) opposite over under

1. Theres a poster ___ the wall ______the bed. 2. You can see some shoes __________ the bed. 3. The lamp is __ the small table beside the bed. 4. The table is _________ the bed and the door. 5. The boys clothes are _______ the wardrobe. 6. There is a tennis racket ______the wardrobe. 7. The wardrobe is __________ the window. 8. The window is _____________ the door. 9. He put his coat _______ the arm of the chair. 10.His books are ____ the shelf _____ the window. 2. Look at the two pictures (A, B), then read the sentences and write what picture they describe. 1. The TV is on a table in the corner. ___ 2. There is a video below the TV. ___ 3. There are books on the shelf above the table. ____ 4. The flowers are in a vase on the table next to the window.___ 5. The painting is opposite the sofa. ___ 6. There is a cat under the table. ___ 7. There is a poster of Paris on the wall.___ 8. The flowers are between two photographs. ___ 9. The light switch is next to the door.___ 10. The TV is between the window and the door.___ 11. The cat is on the rug between the table and the sofa.____ 12. There are some books behind the sofa.____ 13. The light is above the sofa.____ 14. There is a crack in the ceiling above the TV.____ 3. Put the adjectives below into two groups: Big, careful, cheap, noisy, dark, expensive, famous, full, great, green, hard, high, important, interesting, , often, useful, comfortable, spacious, suitable. Group A: One syllable words with comparative in er and Group B: Words using more and most: superlative in -est:

4. Write down the comparative and superlative of words in bold from ex. 3 in each group. Group A: One syllable words with comparative in er and Group B: Words using more and most: superlative in -est:

5. Write down the comparative and superlatives of these adjectives:

many ____________________________ clever ____________________________ happy ____________________________ quiet _____________________________ little _____________________________
6. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

busy ______________________________ late _______________________________ good ______________________________ bad _______________________________ hot _______________________________

Front desk (FD): Green Tree Towers Hotel. How can I _______ you? Brian (B): Id like to know if you have a ___________ for a couple available from 20th till 27th of May. FD: Just a__________, sir. Let me _________ reservations. Yes, we do. I can give you a _________ room for six nights on the first ________. B: Oh, _________. How _______ is it ____ night? FD: That would be $95, with ______________ included, sir. B: I would like to have a good meal during our staying. Is there a ________________ in the hotel? FD: Yes, there is. Our chef can offer you the best meals. B: Ok. Id like to book a single room at the first floor. By the way, where does this room _______? My wife prefers a room with a nice _______. FD: This suite has a wonderful view on the sea, sir. Your wife will like it! Can I have your credit card _____________, please? B: Sure. Its a Visa Card. The number is 1234 5678 1290 1289. FD: Could you ____________ the last number, please? B: Its 1289. FD: What is the ___________ date? B: Its 12/2012. FD: Let me fill the reservation form. Could you __________ your name, please? B: T-a-y-l-o-r. B-r-i-a-n Taylor. FD: Ok. Id like to ____________ the check-in details: double suite from 20th till 27th of May on the first floor, __&__, ___ ________ bathroom, $95 per night. B: Yes, thats it. And. I would be grateful if you _________ me with a warm blanket. FD: No problem, sir. Here are your keys. Enjoy your staying with us! 7. Match the words with their meanings. Write the appropriate letter on the left from the word.
to rent a car accommodations available spacious room check in facilities check out a suitable hotel a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. not occupied a big room with a few furniture in it to hire a car rooms at a hotel special services to pay a bill and leave a right hotel for a person with all necessary facilities arrive and register at a hotel

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