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From the Andes to the Amazon Bike Tour (6 Days / 5 Nights)

Biking from the mountains to the jungle is an unforgettable experience. From a high point of 4960m on the Hualla Hualla pass we descend from the Andes through the cloud forest into the jungle to 300m, making for a fantastic cross section through eastern Peru. Not only does the altitude and scenery change dramatically but also the local beliefs, traditions and dresses. Our route follows the road that connect Peru to Brazil, soon to be the Pan Oceanic Highway, presently a dirt road but will be paved over the next few years. This is a wonderful way to follow this interesting route before it turns into a main highway. Along the route we stay in small locally run hospedajes and eat in some of the numerous small cafes to give you an authentic taste of the local dishes. We ride 310km from the high Andes to the Amazon basin. Day 1: Cusco Cuyume Pass 4200m Ocongate Town Well pick you up from your hotel or hostel in Cusco at 7:00am and then set off by x4 to Cuyume Pass, a 3 hour drive through the surrounding valley, following a winding road passing rural countryside dotted with picturesque Andean villages and small patchworked subsistence crops. the view expands into a patchwork of small fields which cover the surrounding mountains. At the top of the pass unload and give you a short safety briefing before getting on our bikes for the first downhill of the trip. This short ride will take us 38km takes us roughly two hours and follows the dirt track down into a shady valley towards the village of Ocongate where we spend our first night. The village is typical of the region, having a small plaza where markets are regularly held. Well set off very early in the morning from Cusco. After about 5 hours and passing the picturesque little towns such as Ocongate, well reach the high point of Hualla Hualla Pass close to snowy Ausangate Peak the highest in southern Peru. From Hualla Hualla well begin a beautiful descent over an altitude range comprising between 4950 and 2400 meters above sea level in a distance of approximately 90km. Duration of journey is 8 hours total (4-5 hours pedaling). Well observe glaciers, lagoons with birds indigenous to the region, great mountains with fast-moving streams which descend towards the trail, at certain moments well even be surrounded by herds of llamas and alpacas which cross the path. Marcapata has an agreeable climate, hotsprings, and a picturesque countryside village. Well spend the night camping or in a local inn.

Day 02: Ocongate Town Hualla Hualla Pass Downhill Mountainbike to Marcapata Hot Springs over the Hualla Hualla pass. Starting early we drive to the top of the 4950m Hualla Hualla pass (thought the adventurous may decide to cycle up part of the way). Climbing up we see spectacular views of Mt Ausangate (6340m) and the glacier (Caravaya range) which is the focus of the Qoylluriti festival where thousands of pilgrims flock each year to pay homage to the Apu or spiritual mountain, and pass grazing flocks of Alpacas watched by shepherds in traditional Andean dress. Once over the pass the eastern side of the Andes fills the view. Deep glacial valleys strewn with giant boulders and remote hamlets surround us we start to descend. There are many opportunities here to take exciting off road shortcuts and further down the mountainsides are covered in steep terraces before the high scrubland gives way to cloud forest. We finish the day at Marcapata (2900m), a mysterious town cloaked in cloud by afternoon but offering spectacular views in the clear mornings. Hot springs wait to loosen your aching muscles, and a hearty meal to replenish your energy levels. Stay in tents or basic local accommodation with shower and bath availability (B - L - D). Level of difficulty: Difficult, with steep downhill and optional single track routes, taking 4 - 5 hours downhill with an optional 2 - 3 hours if you choose to cycle up to the top of the Hualla Hualla pass. Distance: 4x4 12km - Biking 47km. Day 3: Marcapata - Downhill MTB to Quincemil Jungle From then cloud forest to the high jungle After an energizing breakfast in Marcapata and a quick look around the town we start our rapid descent through the cloud forest. Dramatic green mountain sides meet in the valley bottoms where streams turn into rivers and waterfalls run like ribbons down the slopes. Coffee beans can be seen drying next to the road, while early morning fresh forest smell and fantastic views make this a beautiful downhill ride. As our road winds down the cloud forest flattens out and we enter the jungle. The second half of this day is spent fording streams and cycling on more of an even road. Giant ferns and cliffs hug the roadside and hundreds of butterflies flutter around you. We finish the day at Quincemil (755m), a small gold mining community. Stay in tents or basic local accommodation with shower and bath availability (B - L - D). Level of difficulty: Medium, mostly downhill with sharp rocky bends and some flat sections, 5-6 hours. Distance: 4x4 0km - Biking 70km. Day 04: Quincemil Jungle Cross Country Ride Style to Mazuko Jungle Through the high jungle Leaving bright and early to make the most of the cool morning we follow on the left bank of the river out of town and spend the first three hours alternating between fairly steep up and downhill sections. The road is fairly smooth on this day offering some lovely descents and some interesting stream and small river crossings which is a lovely way to cool off in the heat of the day! We pass through several small jungle villages including San Lorenzo and Inambari, constructed out of wood and raised off the ground to avoid the flooding in the rainy season. Though we obviously cannot promise wild life the sorts of animals that can be seen include Squirrel monkeys, Macaws, Wild boar, Orapendulas, Parrots, snakes and Vultures. Toward the end of the day the road flattens out and we finish the day in the lively town of Mazuko (440m).Stay in tents or basic local accommodation with shower and bath availability (B - L - D). Level of difficulty: Medium, but a long day and hard work on the uphill sections. The jungle is hot and humid from midday. 6 - 7 hours biking, if you don't want to continue pedaling you can stay in the 4x4 to end of the day. Distance: 4x4 0km - Biking 68km. Day 05: Mazuko Jungle Puerto Maldonado Jungle Into the low jungle Staying in the jungle gives you many opportunities to taste fresh fruit drinks and dishes such as fried bananas and a jug of papaya juice for breakfast. This day we take our 4WD

vehicle until Santa Rosa pass, from where we get nice view of the low jungle and the dirt road disappear in hug canopy. From Santa Rosa jungle village we have the last opportunity to continue pedaling on even dirt road to hundred ten (110km village). From here we normally use our 4x4 to do last hundred kilometers to Puerto Maldonado. Stay in a comfortable Amazon lodge (B - L). Level of difficulty: Easy, taking approximately 3 hours on the flat and deep low jungle. Distance: 4x4 131km - Biking 40 km. Day 06: Puerto Maldonado Jungle to Cusco This day you are free to choose how you want to come back to Cusco by plane (40 min) or by bus (12 hours). After breakfast all our camp staff will back driving our 4x4. *While in the Jungle, try one of our memorable Puerto Maldonado tours. Included Specialized Bilingual Guide Mountain Biking Gear o Front-Suspension Bikes o Gloves & Helmet Supporting Vehicle* All Meals During Ride o 05 Breakfasts o 06 Lunches o 05 Dinners Snacks & Water 05 Nights Hostel Lodging Admission: Marcapata Village Hot Spring Repair Kits & Replacement Parts First-Aid Kit with Oxygen Bottle Food & Accommodation for Camp Staff *Private 4x4 for Private Tours, Public Bus for Group Tours

Well have breakfast and set off between 8 and 9. Well continue the descent by Bike. It is impressive to see the progressive change of Andean peaks to Amazon jungle. The vegetation becomes ever more lush and tropical along with the climate. The journey is dotted with waterfalls and rivers with crystalline waters. The duration of this segment is 8 hours (5-6 hours pedaling), along this segment there do not exist important populations, except for isolated homes of small agriculture. In the afternoon, arrival to Quinemil and spend the night in a local inn or campsite. Well leave Quince Mil located at 800 meters above sea level along a path surrounded by jungle, well pass by curious villages such as San Lorenzo, Inambari, the gold-containing town of Mazuco and finally Santa Rosa at 400 meters above sea level. In the trajectory, well pass mighty rivers and spots of exceptional beauty such as Inambari River, the Blue River. At midday well arrive at Inambari River where we will have lunch and mount the bicycles atop the support vehicles for a journey of about 40 ascending kilometers. A short while after the highest point, well begin our journey by bike anew to realize the final and spectacular descent into the

Amazon Basin, which well discover in some of the curves of the path like an immense green ocean. In Santa Rosa already in the lowland rainforest at 400 meters above sea level well board the support vehicle to realize the last 130km which separate us from Puerto Maldonado.

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