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COLONIES a spec treatment by Ran Cartwright

COLONIES treatment/RSC/2

COLONIES a spec treatment A small damaged and unmarked asteroid hopper is inbound to the Vesta Jumping Station. Unmarked, has to be some rebel vermin attempting something stupid. Station Commander Richard Dalins and Imperial Earth agent Alex Pascovin have it on the screen. The hopper lands at the station, Platform B. Security is called to the airlock. Theyre ready, weapons drawn; Dalins and Pascovin stand behind them. The airlock opens, the hopper pilot in space suit and helmet steps through. She removes the helmet and skull cap, shakes her long dark hair loose. Its not rebel vermin at all! Its Nal Karo young, sensuous, drop dead gorgeous, and hired assassin. * * *

A lot of trouble in the Outer Colonies with rebels stirring up trouble. They should be stamped out like the vermin they are. The trouble has Outer Colonies Governor Greg Vasachek in hot water. The water is so hot that the governor has been called to Mars to discuss the matter in a

COLONIES treatment/RSC/3 private meeting with Organization of Imperial Earth (OIE) Agent David Vernon. Secluded at the Phobos Relay Station, the two men talk. A few pointed subjects. Is Hayne alive? Havent heard much from him lately. Whats the rebels next move? Vernons convinced that its something big, something to gain recruits. Like attack and destroy the Solara 7 terra-forming satellite in orbit around Europa. Well, Vernons got a surprise for them. They are going to meet the rebels in Europa orbit with the new Imperial Earth battle cruiser, the IES Calcutta, and destroy Hayne and the rebels once and for all. And Outer Colonies governor Greg Vasachek is going along for the ride. * * *

Karo has a mission, a secret mission that Pascovins in on find the secretive leader of the rebel resistance, Isaac Hayne, and eliminate him. Hayne is thought to be in the Outer Colonies, most likely in the dark and gritty Calico mining village on Terra Titan. Pascovins job is to get Karo to Calico, and shell take care of the problem.

COLONIES treatment/RSC/4 Pascovin and Karo set off and rendezvous with another ship piloted by IE agent Linda Miller, a chick with a seriously bad murderous attitude. Millers got a bigger ship just in case anything goes wrong. And its unmarked to sucker in the rebels. Just in case. * * *

The rebels have themselves a secret hideout on the Saturnian moon, Iapetus. A run down dusty and dirty place, former corporate mining shack, now abandoned, the perfect place to do their dirty work. Like receive coded or cryptic messages from Isaac Hayne. Jack Zellers, Sirce Fourwinds, Jin Marinez, Misha Yakota, Giorgi Yurashev, and Sean Irish McKenzie are gathered around a table, an oil lamp suspended above them, casting shadows in the gloom, studying one such message from Hayne. The blueprints of the IES Calcutta. If theres a weakness in the Calcutta, the blueprints will show it. * * *

Enroute to the Outer Colonies, Pascovin, Miller, and Karo are having a little get together, discussing missions

COLONIES treatment/RSC/5 and tactics. A big subject of discussion are the Calcutta and the Solara 7 satellite. Pascovins certain the rebels are out to attack the Solara 7; Karos bent on assassinating Isaac Hayne; and Miller scowls hatefully at IEs hired assassin. She never did like assassins all that much. Just about that time, Captain Robert Vagorin, commanding the IES Gordon, shows up, radios in, wondering whats up with an unmarked ship heading for the Outer Colonies. Looks awfully suspicious. But Pascovin sets Vagorins mind at ease. They are a special secret mission on their way to the Outer Colonies, and they want to blend in. Doesnt want the rebels to suspect anything is amiss. Pascovin keys in a secret Imperial Earth code to verify the truth. Vagorins satisfied, told to keep his mouth shut. Vagorin wishes them luck; theyre going to need it. * * *

Pascovin, Karo, and Miller arrive at Calicos Spaceport, and head on down to Bears Den, a rowdy rough and tumble saloon in the mining village. If theres any word about Hayne, it would be found at Bears Den. They split up, and snoop around.

COLONIES treatment/RSC/6 Proud, gorgeous, arrogant, deadly, and foolish, Karo makes a nuisance of herself by wearing a vest with an Imperial Earth patch emblazoned on the chest. Doesnt go over well with the locals. Especially Thyra Briggensen, a local Amazonian woman, a BIG Amazonian woman. Briggensen challenges Karo to a Rite of Contest, a fight to the death. Rule #1 in the Outer Colonies: Dont refuse the challenge. The fight goes on in a small circular wooden fighting arena with dirt floor. Briggensen nearly beats Karo half to death before Karo cheats and kills the Amazon. Rule #2: Dont cheat during a Rite of Contest. Karos warned to get the hell out while she can. She cant. She runs, out a side door and into an alley, and straight into the clutches of two more Amazonian women who plan to put Karo out of her misery. Again, with Karo beaten half to death and unconscious, the Amazons are about to take her out when theyre distracted. A man with an energy weapon at the end of the alley warns them off. The Amazons flee. Saves Karo from certain death. Turns out that Karos rescuer is Josef Anton, one of those rebel vermin. * * *

Karo wakes up in a strange place, Antons apartment. Shes surprised that Antons not alone. There are two

COLONIES treatment/RSC/7 others. One is Alex Pascovin, and the other is Linda Miller. Imperial Earth agents? No. Karos been hoodwinked. Both are just as much rebel vermin as Anton is, Pascovin even more (unbeknownst to Imperial Earth!) since hes second only to Isaac Hayne, and carries out all of Haynes directives. With Karo all settled in nice and safe, Anton and Pascovin have a rebel meeting to attend to plan strategy. They leave the apartment, leaving Karo in the capable murderous hands of Linda Miller, Miller promising not to harm Karo. But she just cant help herself. Alone in Antons apartment with the hired assassin, Miller focuses her viciously bad attitude squarely on Karo. * * *

The rebels are hanging out and making plans in a secret little room beneath the bleachers of the Rite of Contest Arena. The plans involve the Calcutta, namely, how to destroy it. Its a big ship, the Calcutta. Going to take a lot to destroy it. Rumor has it that the intended target of the Calcutta is the Solara 7 terra-forming satellite. Destroy the satellite, no colony for Europa to become infested with rebel vermin.

COLONIES treatment/RSC/8 Pascovins got a secret a couple of new rebel ships being built in orbit around the Saturnian satellite Rhea. The plan, take Pascovins battle frig to Rhea, collect to the two new rebel battle cruisers, and head off the Calcutta at the Solara 7 satellite. Those two new battle cruisers should be enough to bring down the Calcutta. The sooner theyre on their way, the better. No time to waste. The meeting breaks up. Anton and Yurashev plan to meet up with the rest at the Spaceport after collecting Miller and Karo back at Antons apartment. * * *

Millers got a real bad attitude. Like with Imperial Earth Agents. Or hired assassins. She just likes to beat them up for the fun of it before killing them. Round three goes to Miller as Karo suffered another beat down. But Karo lives, suffering painfully. Delights Miller. Anton and Yurashev arrive. Miller grins, shrugs her shoulders. They leave the apartment, heading for the Calico Spaceport where Pascovins battle frig is docked. Anton, Miller, and Yurashev hurry through the darker, dirtier,

COLONIES treatment/RSC/9 dustier narrow side streets and alleys, forcing Karo with them as they hurry toward the Spaceport. But Millers handiwork on Karo slows them down. Still, it should be safe. Its not. They cross a murky intersection, and just happen to run smack dab into a group of Imperial Earth Guards. All Hell breaks loose. Anton and Miller escape, leaving behind Karo and a wounded Yurashev behind. * * *

Miller and Anton make it to the battle frig, the guards on their tail. We lost Yurashev and Karo, they relate. Nothing can be done, time to get out of there. Irish runs up the battle frig engines. Everyone sits back in their seats. The frig rises through the open Spaceport roof, hovers, then swings away toward space. In seconds the battle frig attains Terra Titan orbit. A great crescent Saturn hangs in the velvet blackness. * * *

The rebels are gathered, some at various stations. Bobby John pipes up on the com net. The rebels exchange puzzled glances. Bobby John? Who the hell is this Bobby John? Turns out hes an acquaintance of Pacovins and a teenaged electronics whiz kid. Pascovins got a mission for

COLONIES treatment/RSC/1 0 him. Take out the subspace com net, blinding Terra Titan from Earth. Not a problem for the whiz kid. Fry em up like a crispy critter. About that same time, rebel Ivan gets on the horn, lets Pascovin know that the cruisers wont ready. Had a little mechanical problem with a power coupling, shut down a construction platform. Will be a couple weeks before its up and running again. Nothing left to do but set off for Europa in the frig. Not good odds. * * *

With subspace com crispy crittered thanks to Bobby John, only ship to ship is available, and to Karos fortune, Vagorins in the area. She hitches a ride to go after Pascovin. Bobby Johns been listening in on Karos conversaation, hooks up with Pascovin again to warn him. A hot momma is on his tail, and shes none too happy. * * *

Meanwhile, bad guys Dave Vernon and Greg Vasachek meet up with Calcutta captain Phil Wells. Theyre hitching a ride as well, on the Calcutta.

COLONIES treatment/RSC/1 1 Ship looks huge and nasty all trussed up in dry dock in Mars orbit. But its ready to go, and they head out destination Europa with a brief stopover at the Vesta Jumping Station... * * *

The rebs are talking, a little meeting, most just cant believe it. Sure, they want to take out the Calcutta, but with the battle frig? Naw. Not possible. Thats suicide. Irish gets on the horn, calls Pascovin to the control room. Got a blip out there. Looks like Vagorin and the hot momma assassin have finally caught up. Pascovins got a new plan. Use Vagorins ship, the Gordon, against the Calcutta. Sure, still not enough firepower, but Pascovins got a few tricks up his sleeve. So does Karo. Fake problems with Vagorins ship, draw a few rebels on board and ambush them. Simple. It works. One of the ambushed rebels is Linda Miller, the chick with a bad attitude. And with Miller Karos captive its time for a little payback. Karo thinks she has the upper hand. She doesnt. Pascovin still has his Imperial Earth codes and clearance, shuts down Vagorins ship, including life support. The rebels take over.

COLONIES treatment/RSC/1 2 * * *

Vagorin, Karo, and the Vagorin crew now captives, its on to Europa...patching up some of Bobby Johns damage as they go. Pascovin works at the captains console, pushing a sequence of buttons. A readout suddenly appears on a small monitor screen next to the chair. Command Chair Escape Pod Well, might be useful, Pascovin thinks. * * *

The Calcutta slowly arcs out of Vesta Jumping Station orbit and makes for Europa. Irish leans back and stares at a crescent Jupiter while other rebels gather around Anton. Theres a bright star out there, another ship. The Calcutta. Pascovin orders everyone aboard the frig. He alone will pilot Vagorins ship against the Calcutta. And just like he shut down the Gordon, Pascovin patches into the Calcutta, and shuts down systems. But thats not enough. The ship must be destroyed. And the Calcutta folks are little upset, and even more upset when they find out whos flying the Gordon.

COLONIES treatment/RSC/1 3 Pascovin engages the auto destruct sequence, and then leaves the Calcutta crew with one last message from Hayne to ponder in the remaining seconds. YOU CAN NO MORE STOP THIS REVOLUTION THAN YOU COULDVE STOPPED MINE. IH A big ball of white light and a massive explosion... * * *

Got everyone on the frig feeling bad pretty until Pascovin speaks up from Europa. Nice weather down there, come on down and join him. They do. And they strand Vagorin and Karo. Someone will be by to pick you up in a few months. Karos ticked, threatens Pascovin. You can run, but eventually Ill catch up to you and kill you. And who really is Hayne, Pascovins compatriots pry. Is it you? No, its not. And Pascovin isnt talking.


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