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A fair fee may be paid for a service rendered, making corruption impossible.

A fair fee may be paid for a service rendered, making corruption impossible. A fair fee may be paid for a service rendered, making corruption impossible. A fair fee may be paid for a service rendered, making corruption impossible. A fair fee may be paid for a service rendered, making corruption impossible. That is all.

February 2012

Issue 55

A brief investigation into

History of the Institute of Public Affairs

political donation to make sure your industry gets looked after is just good business sense. Technically these beliefs make corruption impossible for the Institute of Public Affairs and the other think tanks. A fair fee may be paid for a service rendered, making corruption impossible. Need something done? Just pay someone some money and everyone is happy! Theres no such thing as exploitation, child labour laws just get in the way of free enterprise, the Murray river has enough water for endless irrigation and the mining tax will destroy the economy, here look at our research.

The Institute of Public Affairs?

What is

presented by

The New Reality


In which the New Reality shine a light on the crepuscular world of think tanks
The New Reality have long been admirers of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) as stalwarts of conviction in the fight of righteousness against the forces of justice. Those shadow adversaries are constantly shifting and wavering and only the unceasing attention of the ever vigilant writers of opinion pieces, letters to the editor and blog comments will ensure the victory of the forces of progression over those who would move us forward as a society. But such battles are only the public face of the IPA. IPA members maintain positions of integrity and respect in a myriad of positions throughout society, from the lowliest CEO to the greatest company director. But, wait, theres more! For just a low, low fee of cash (or gratuities) you too can have the IPA in your corner! Got an industry thats under attack from a meddling government after a quick boost in the polls because it does something practical about a major social issue? Bastard do-gooders. Our operators are waiting now to take your credit card details.

Those who are doomed to repeat history need better accountants

Corporate entities, or things like the IPA are able to thrive in environments which would be toxic to other organisations, like extremeophile bacteria living in sulphurous pools or at the bottom of the ocean hovering in the tiny sliver of not boiling - not freezing water alongside the black smokers. By surviving in such niche ecosystems such as that between government, big business and the mainstream media, the Institute of Public Affairs shows us all just how tenacious some organisms can

be as they sidle crab-wise along the edge of an almost invisible morality, darting quickly to pick at a falling morsel almost out of reach in the darkness, or risk burning in the heat and pressure of superheated water column to scrape at some slime. But instead of revealing themselves to potential predators, they flit around in between, feeding where they can, not risking the step that might place to them too far from the teat. Getting published in The Australian works too.

If the material assembled by the IPA Review provided evidence of a newly unified, vital drive across cultural fields crystalising, purifying, elemental, and transformative in its modality the practitioners of this new culture were thought to represent a new type of human being.

In envisioning this current work, the Founder has filled not one, but many needs that were originally bought about by the questions of people concerning the Institute of Public Affairs. This publication has been designed on the premise that the Institute of Public Affairs and those interested in the Institute of Public Affairs have only to ask and here in What is the Institute of Public Affairs? will be the answers for them.

This long awaited book is a first in the Institute of Public Affairs publications in that it contains much specialised knowledge and information heretofore published.

It is in effect a data book, the entire motif of which is giving information about the Institute of Public Affairs. Thus it is of enormous use and value to both members of the Institute of Public Affairs and public persons in that it holds pertinent information about the Institute of Public Affairs history, its classifications of thought and technology and applications, and its wide and varied achievements.
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Readers now have recourse to this book whenever they want to know about a date or an event important to the Institute of Public Affairs or the answer to a question that somebody was asking.

This notion of integration challenged fundamentally the inheritance of linear deterministic causality and opened the way for todays science of complexity and the expanded field of nonlinear behaviour.

In which the New Reality go to the pub and laugh about certain current events
For example, the chapters Date Chronology of the Institute of Public Affairs, Holidays of the Institute of Public Affairs, Victories of the Institute of Public Affairs together make up a date/event calendar that is comprehensive and detailed, assembled for easy reference. Evident in the Victories of the Institute of Public Affairs portion is a long parade of wins for the Institute of Public Affairs over attacks on it documented on all points, exactly as these events have happened. Let us suppose that a new person asks about the Institute of Public Affairs and its accomplishments. Nowhere is there such an extensive description of the Institute of Public Affairs as is given in the first chapter of this book. It expresses fully the true religious and philosophical nature of the Institute of Public Affairs and its value to life and societies. As one progresses, he most certainly would need to be informed on the overall services of the Institute of Public Affairs. A chapter consisting of a compilation of everything the Institute of Public Affairs offers to its public is now available here, and included are estimations of the availability of each service. In The Effectiveness of the Institute of Public Affairs chapter can be found a roster of success stories written by persons who have received training and processing services the very real rewards they have obtained from being effectively processed or after having successfully completed a course.

From here on we the word market will replace the word people or populace as those terms are tainted with the stink of communism.

We have provided over one hundred brilliant colour* photographs many of which were taken by the Founder, and 36 full colour illustrations. These remarkable illustrations which begin on the following page are in three parts: 1) an historical progression of Mans spiritual, philosophical and scientific searchings through time, 2) the highlights of the Founders life and 3) pictorial story examples showing the accomplishments of the Institute of Public Affairs technology when applied to everyday life situations.
* All photographs are in colour. You just arent looking closely enough. Go ask a bee.

What is the Institute of Public Affairs? is a very valuable and needed book. We think you will agree.

What does the Institute of Public Affairs stand for? *

The Institute of Public Affairs represents the interests of the many, many groups who offer us financial incentives. This is not a form of prostitution, but a glorious example of the shining beacon of the free market, where any act can be performed if the price is right and the shades are drawn to keep out prying eyes. And Unions. Dont get us started on the unions. Damn pinkos. You know its the thin edge of civilsation when you start having
* Not slavery. Not any more. 8 9

to pay people twenty-five bucks and hour just because they say the fumes hurt their eyes and a couple of people get asthma. If they dont like the work they can just go get another job somewhere else and see if they get twenty-five bucks and hour there! And try getting someone to work on a Saturday! I spend all my time at work and dont get to see my family either, but you dont hear me complaining.

Laissez-faire capitalism is the only way of ensuring that parents of children deserving of an education will be able to afford the school fees. I mean, those tennis courts dont just grow out of the ground. Apart form the grass ones.

use of capital can civilisation be propped up and democracy fought for, as long as it doesnt affect the markets, obviously.

Once properly installed, so-called dictatorships allow for a fully functioning free market to bloom in the night like ever so many shelving units manufactured The fall of the Berlin wall was in the re-education camps. not the end of the insidious Proper political processes such philosophy that was National as free elections should be not communalism. The cupboard undervalued, instead election under the stairs is full of stories results should be allowed to of western intellectuals around the world who are happy to rush find their own price in the to apologise for the most hideous marketplace. of crimes against humanity The current world-wide and money. Only by the proper fluctuations in the market are simply evidence of the financial system working just as it was

designed to do. The free market allows the flow of money from bankrupt states to less bankrupt individuals. And if the individuals happened to make a huge profit from a state going bankrupt, then thats just the market in action. The validity of the system is exemplified in the indisputable fact that anyone with money can live the dream of becoming a billionaire.

Cherry picking data to support an argument is a perfectly legitimate practice as it exemplifies the free market the data presented to the people is the data they want. If the market demands facts that support their beliefs, then those facts have a perfect right to be presented to them in an uncritical fashion. The Institute of Public Affairs is in no way a political organisation, excepting that we support whichever of the two main parties best support the rights of the people running the economy to continue to run the economy without any input from such extraordinary and ludicrous impositions such as taxes and regulation. It has been proven time and time again in studies carried out by the Institute of Public Affairs that what we say is true. This truth needs to be shared with the widest public possible, which is why the writings of the Institute of Public Affairs are so widely distributed in the mainstream media. Whenever an opposing point of view is required we are there to provide it! Railing against the slings and arrows of godless communist sympathisers and the intellectual ivory tower elites, we struggle onward in the enlightened knowledge that our cause is Just.




The ethical world of the Institute of Public Affairs

There are a multitude of shades of grey in this black and white world in which we live daily. Each dawn brings with it a new conundrum for those of us at the IPA to consider with all the resources we can muster. And then they show us the money and all those issues vanish, like tears in the rain. Ah, androids, is there anything they can't do cheaper than a human? Expensive as a start up cost, but you make a killing in the long run. Anyway, ethics are very important as long as they don't get in the way of a decent profit margin. Or a thin one for that matter. Or leave you open to a lawsuit down the track and those lawyers charge like wounded bulls! I remember seeing the bullfights in Madrid back in '78 and those things can move! Cut down two picadors before the matador took him down. Ah, good times. Where were we? Oh yes, ethics. Well listen to your conscious, I always say. It's certainly got me where I am today. And remember to do it to them before they do it to you.

History of the Institute of Public Affairs

Many, many years ago in a galaxy far, far closer than you think, the United Australia Party imploded, like millions of souls crying out in anguish about overtime wages. Then, like the phoenix riding on the back of a salamander, the Liberal Party appeared in a fanfare of colour and movement, only greyer and slower. But the Liberal party didnt just appear ex nihilo like the New Reality, it sprang from the loins, forehead and calf of Sir George James Coles in 1943. Menzies knew more than he was saying, but Charles Kemp kept his mouth shut too there were Reds everywhere in those days.



About us
The Institute of Public Affairs is an independent, non-profit public policy think tank, dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of economic and political freedom. Since 1943, the IPA has been at the forefront of the political and policy debate, defining the contemporary political landscape. The IPA is funded by individual memberships and subscriptions, as well as philanthropic and corporate donors. Support the IPA today! The IPA supports the free market of ideas, the free flow of capital, a limited and efficient government, evidence-based public policy, the rule of law, and representative democracy. The Institute of Public Affairs is a prostitute, but a high class prostitute. To buy its services you need big pockets to help it engineer a society where rich people can do whatever they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want. Since the 1943 the IPA has been trying to get the Liberals into power. The IPA is funded by the same friends it went to school with and their parents and grandparents money. Give us more money today! We love money. Money!t The IPA supports the free market, the free flow of capital into our offshore bank accounts, fighting international socialism, evidencebased public policy we agree with, the rule of law, and representative democracy for people who pay tax, but lets face it only suckers pay tax - not allowing poor people into the country and allowing lobbyists to make decisions on behalf of the electorate. After all, lobbyists are voters too, just ones representing rich and powerful people.






Ideas and Liberty

Throughout human history, these ideas have proven themselves to be the most dynamic, liberating and exciting. Our researchers apply these ideas to the public policy questions which matter today. The IPAs specific research areas include money, the environment, deregulation, not being poor, workplace relations, energy, political governance, intellectual property, telecommunications, technology, housing, education, health and agriculture. We dont need to know anything about any of these areas except that we can make buckets of cash from digging up rocks, cutting down trees and burning oil. So were against wind power because they are ugly and they make people sick just by looking at them, like how seat belts cause road accidents. And children should be allowed to smoke as its an expression of their free will, bless their little shrunken hearts.

Sub-topics of Ideas & Liberty Freedom of Speech

new light on the questions of today. The Institute of Public Affairs approaches political debate firmly grounded with an appreciation of entrepeneurship, civil liberties, individual responsibility, not being communist and free markets. Free speech is one of the bulwarks of individual liberty. Australians should have the right to express a viewpoint without fearing they will be dragged in front of a judge or jury just for lying, such as saying that communists would be devil worshipers if they believed in God. But our free speech is under threat. New rights like the right not to be offended by lies are supplanting
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the basic right to free expression by lying in newspaper columns. And governments unhappy with political criticism are increasingly seeking to regulate what they view as a lies simply because there is no evidence to back up the lie. Nanny State Nannys have no place in our modern society, unless they are goats, but even then they should be seen and not herd, like their kids. The people know best what best for them because they are told whats best for them in advertising and in newspaper columns that are not full of lies, but free speech.

The Institute of Public Affairs examines the philosophical and moral case for liberty. By situating current political, economic and social debate in the history of Australian and international liberalism, it is possible to shed

Lets cut the crap, shall we?

The New Reality actually feel an affinity with the Institute of Public Affairs. Both organisations hold to and agenda of engendering change in our wider society. However, (and this is a big however) the ideals of the IPA - while remaining remarkably flexible in regards to their underlying ideology - do revolve around the accumulation of capital and power to the exclusion of everything else. This base drive to collect symbols of status and to exert influence over society as a whole is sadly at odds with their stated aims to preserving and strengthening the foundations of economic and political freedom, unless you count making the rich richer as fighting for political freedom. But who is the Institute of Public Affairs anyway? The board members? The office holders? The paid staff ? Or the various professional organisations and industry bodies which fund it? The IPA (along with a swarm of other think tanks) are nothing more than fronts for very rich people who want to get richer. In a simplistic piece of syllogistic reasoning they assume that Being rich is good, so anything that you can do to get rich is also good. And since the rich people pay their bills they are in no position to argue. Got a problem with the government trying to force you to clean up your polluting factory? Start a media campaign based on a biased scientific study that claims to have discovered how baby birds love elevated levels of sulphur. Dont want to pay more in taxes even though youre making billions of dollars through dumb luck? Buy a seat on the board of a tv station and give a puppet mouthpiece his own tv show to make up facts you agree with. Maybe buy a newspaper too. The IPA and their ilk appear driven by an undisclosed desire to be the arbiters of what is good for society and if the idea comes from one of their financial backers, then so what? Thats the whole reason the IPA exists, even if they try to hide behind a guise of libertarianism.

Both New Reality and Institute of Public Affairs members aim to be provocative. This is usually achieved by making statements which are factually untenable and wholly irrational. Again, however, the function of the New Reality is to promote confusion through the auspices of the Great Lord Web, the Happy Freak and the Others, so we can be upfront about it. The Institute of Public Affairs almost exclusively conceal their higher calling, much like Scientologists pretend to care about the individual instead of their own organisation. Except in the case of the Institute of Public Affairs their primary concern is for their financial puppet masters. If Chris Berg or any other of their opinion piece writers stray too far from the path they will be out on their ear faster than a pregnant worker on an individual contract. It might be a big business boat, but it doesnt pay to see how far you can rock it with actual, honest ideals. The lesson is write what we say because were paying the bills, but dont worry - we have deep pockets. The Institute of Public Affairs is not a conservative organisation, but they are at pains to avoid being labelled right wing, just as they love labelling everyone
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who is against them as leftists. They constantly promote radical changes to our caring and historically community minded society that would make it easier for rich people to get richer by exploiting workers, lowering taxes and abolishing safety standards. They describe all regulations as examples of the nanny state which is automatically a bad thing, regardless of how much evidence there is lined up against them. Seat belt laws kill people, second-hand smoke is fine for babies, wind turbines cause brain tumours, climate change isnt real and coal-seam gas doesnt pollute the water table. And weve got the science to prove it. If they believed in such a thing, they would tell you they represented the silent majority of our society - so we should all live as individuals looking out for #1, all red in tooth and claw, Im all right jack, keep your hands off my stack. Remember making a sizeable

Every Sunday evening we randomly select a reader of Web: to participate in our special Institute of Public Affairs iPad Daily Giveaway Contest! Dont worry, its not a scam!

February 2012

Issue 55

Ashly Sydney I was just browsing online and I received a popup saying that I won. I couldnt believe it! Now I can look up Christopher Pyne videos in bed!

Justin Melbourne At first I thought it was a joke, but I went along with it anyways and registered. After verifying my mobile number, the next thing you know, I won an Apple iPad 2!

Zack Brisbane This cant be real. I won without doing anything hard. Thanks Institute of Public Affairs!

Institute of Public Affairs

Free people, free society

Copyright Intitute for Pubic Afflairs, 2012k - All rights reserved.

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