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Students will explore transport systems in their local area, focusing on the different forms of transport, why we need them and how they impact on the environment.

Outcomes and Indicators

SSS1.7 Explains how people and technologies in systems link to provide goods and services to satisfy needs and wants. Explains how people help them Depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet needs and wants, e.g. model of a transport system Examines the impact of a system on lifestyle and on the environment. Outlines social and environmental responsibilities when operating in or using a system ENS1.6 Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between environments and people. Evaluates the results of human activity in environments relevant to them Describes interactions with the environment that can affect their life or the lives of others Identifies ways that places in their immediate environment have changed and are continuing to change

Links with other KLAs

English: Students will write basic information reports on different forms of transport Create mind maps, and carry out role plays. PDHPE: Students will: Learn about road safety including passenger, pedestrian and bike safety Maths: Students will: Making 3d models of modes of transport Creating maps and graphs of transport systems Creative and Performing Arts: Students will: Role playing people who use and work with transport systems. Creating and designing modes of transport using various materials and mediums

Resources (This will be open throughout the unit) Class Wikispace resources relevant to this unit will be kept here. Various transport toys and models cars, trucks, trains and train sets etc. Map of the local area Atlas/ world map Pictures/ posters of modes of transport K-6 HSIE Units of work (page 47-50) Intellectual Quality Deep knowledge Deep understanding o Problematic Knowledge Higher Order Thinking Metalanguage Substantive Communication

Quality Learning Environment Explicit quality criteria Engagement o High expectations o Social support Students self-regulation o Student direction Significance Background knowledge o Cultural knowledge Knowledge integration Inclusivity o Connectedness o Narrative

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Outcomes and Indicators SSS1.7: Depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet needs and wants, e.g. model of a transport system

Learning Activity Introduction Students will solve the problem of transporting an object across the ocean. Ask the students how they would transport an animal from Australia to a zoo in another country (students transport the animal to a country close to Australia e.g. Japan, then further away) Students brainstorm ways to complete this task, showing their reasoning on the smart board. In work books, students depict how they transported their animal across the world through drawings, labels and captions. Discuss transport and how it affects people and the environment.

Assessment Students explain how to transport objects over a long distance. Correctly labelling components of the transport system e.g. airplane, truck, boat Students label components of the transport system outlining how they are used. Students label different modes of transport used to meet a variety of needs.

Resources Smartboard map activity Toys Airplane, car, truck etc.

SSS1.7: Depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet needs and wants, e.g. model of a transport system SSS1.7: Depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet needs and wants, e.g. model of a transport system SSS1.7: Examines the impact of a system on lifestyle and on the environment.

Ask students to brainstorm different types of transport (put into mind map on board) Students depict how they get to school in the morning, drawing any mode of transport they use (scooters, bikes, cars etc.) writing a short explanation as well. How can they find out more? Why do we need Transport? On the smart board show students pictures of different forms of transport. Ask them to drag labels to each from, discussing how people use these modes of transport. Students choose one mode of transport, and brainstorm the different uses using pictures and texts. Kindergarten using iPads students use the Educreate app to draw a mode of transport and narrate the uses, this will then be uploaded to the Wikispace. Using images from previous lesson, ask students to add additional information about the purpose, features and uses of each mode of transport. Discuss situations where people would be affected if certain forms of transport were not available, brainstorm consequences on the board. Students complete the These vehicles can worksheet. Students then complete the sentence we need transport so we can What makes a transport system? Students categorise modes of transport into road, rail, air, water or pedestrian transport on the Smartboard. Students then cut and glue pictures of transport and sort them into the same categories. Students then create a class graph depicting who has used each form of transport.

Workbooks. Pencils Popplet.

Various pictures of transport iPads Workbooks.

Students explain the affect transport has on lifestyle.

Worksheet Workbook

SSS1.7: Depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet needs and wants, e.g. model of a transport system

Students categorise modes of transport based on where they operate.

Video from Youtube depicting different forms of transport. (Found on Wikispace) Worksheet, glue, scissors, Smartboard

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

Outcomes and Indicators SSS1.7: Depicts and labels components of a system designed to meet needs and wants, e.g. model of a transport system PSES1. 5 States how they travel to school giving reasons for this as part of developing a class graph about transport to and from school and identifying with is most common. PSS1. 5 Participates in and documents, in a graph, the types of transport used to travel to school PPS1.4 Explores and describes how pushes and pulls can make things move

Learning Activity In groups students choose a category of transport and create a mind map of all the people, signs, buildings, facilities, businesses connected with that category. Students share their mind maps with the class.

Assessment Students label components of transport systems

Resources Butchers paper Textas Pens/ pencils

How we travel to school In this lesson students will create a graph depicting how they travel to and from school. Teacher explains to students that they are going to graph how they travel to school and when the teacher says car the people who drove to school will raise their hands and so on until the whole class has participated. Why did the students choose that way to travel? Students fill in the information on their own graph as the lesson progresses with the teachers assistance if required. Once the graph has been completed, students will discuss and identify the most common form of transport. Why do they think this form is most used? Teacher asks students why they chose that form of transport to travel to school, is it the same form of transport they would use to travel to into town or to another city? Why? Why not?

Students state how they travel to school and develop a class graph.

Student worksheet pencils

Science Experiment Students will hypothesise and observe throughout this experiment and discuss the results. For safety purposes the teacher will conduct this experiment. On the board, students will brainstorm what they think will happen while completing the experiment. Class carries out experiment. Teacher asks: what do you think will happen? Do you think the amount of vinegar and baking soda will affect how the boat travels? Making our own transport. Using play dough, students will make their own forms of transport. Students discuss features using iPads, to take photos, import into Educreations and narrate a description. Once this task is completed students will then use classroom materials to create a new form of transport.

Students explore how a bottle can be pushed by different materials.

SSS1.7 Depicts and labels components of modes of transport using concrete materials.

Students create new modes of transport and labelling them using iPads, and other means.

Tub of water/ sink Plastic bottle with a top Baking soda Scissors Vinegar Tissue paper Blue tack Plastic straw. Play dough Class materials Lego, blocks, etc.

Kathryn Dunbar Term 2 Program 2012

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