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in FAQ Indian Railwas

Adance Reseration
What are the reservation rules?
For detail click on this link to get all the detail about rules of reservation
Can I book a ticket from Bhubaneswar to Bangalore at Howrah?
Yes, you can. In fact, you can book your ticket for any train on the Indian Railways network, from any
originating station to any destination* at any of the Computerized Reservation Centres, across the country. With
the networking of New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Secunderabad and Chennai Passenger Reservation Systems,
you can now book your onward and return journey tickets from any computerized Reservation Centre nearest to
you not just from major railway stations. This networking makes reservation of tickets faster and simpler.
* Reservations can be made subject to distance restrictions and availability of quotas.
How many days in advance can I reserve my ticket?
You can reserve your ticket 90 days in advance, excluding the date of journey at the train Originating station. At
intermediate stations where the train arrives the following day, Reservation can be done 91 days in advance. In
the case of some intercity day express trains, the advance reservation period is less.
How do I know the reservation status of my ticket?
The reservation status will be clearly indicated in your ticket. If your ticket is confirmed, your coach and berth
numbers will be mentioned on your ticket in all classes other than First Class and AC First Class. For these, the
word Confirmed will be printed alongside the class of travel. If your ticket is in RAC (Reservation against
Cancellation)/Waitlisted status, the same will be mentioned on the ticket.
Can I board the train with a RAC ticket?
You can board the train with an RAC ticket. You will be provided with sitting accommodation initially and
allotted a berth (in case of passengers not turning up) in the train.
How can I board a train in the reserved coach if I am not able to get a waitlisted ticket?
If you dont have any ticket, you may approach the Train Superintendent/TTE after purchasing an unreserved
ticket from the booking office. The TTE will allot the accommodation, subject to availability.
How do I find out the current status of my unconfirmed ticket?
You can contact the Enquiry Counters at your nearest Computerized Reservation Centre or call 139 from your
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
mobile, landline phone to The Interactive Voice Response System, available at major stations. Remember to
always quote the 10 digit PNR Number indicated on the upper leIt hand corner oI your ticket, to Iind out the
current status. The current status oI your ticket can also be obtained Irom the Indian Railways Passenger
InIormation Website:
How does the Railway Automatic Telephone Enquiry System work?
The railway telephone enquiry system is automated telephone enquiry system, which gives you details oI
accommodation availability and the current status oI your tickets. Dial 139 Irom any mobile, landline phone oI
any network to get detail.
Takal Scheme
What is Tatkal reservation scheme?
i. To meet the urgent requirement oI the passengers who plan their journey at short notice, Tatkal reservation
Iacility has been provided in Sleeper Class, Air-conditioned Chair Class, 3-AC & 2-AC classes in almost all
Mail/Express trains including special trains, which can be booked even on Internet.
ii. The advance reservation period under this scheme is two days excluding the day oI journey.
iii. No prooI oI identity is required to be produced by the passenger seeking reservation under Tatkal Scheme,
neither at the time oI booking nor during the journey.
iv. The new tatkal charges will be at the rate oI 10 per cent oI basic Iare Ior second class and 30 per cent oI
basic Iare Ior all other classes subject to minimum and maximum charges Ior each class.The minimum charge Ior
second class (sitting) is 10 rupees and the maximum will be 15 rupees, Ior sleeper class and AC chair car the
minimum has been Iixed at 75 rupees and the maximum at 150 rupees, while Ior AC III and AC II tier classes
the minimum will be 200 rupees with the maximum being 300 rupees.
v.Tatkal tickets will be issued Ior actual distance oI travel, instead oI end-to-end, subject to the distance
restriction applicable to the train.The same tatkal berth/seat may be booked in multiple legs till preparation oI
charts. At the time oI preparation oI charts, unutilized portion may be released to the General RAC/Waiting list
vi. Tatkal Iacility introduced in executive class oI Shatabdi Express trains also, by earmarking 10 per cent oI the
accommodation available that is Iive seats per coach
For Further detail click this link -
What do I do, iI I cannot plan my journey in advance?
Though it is always advisable to plan your journey well in advance, there may be times when this is not possible.
For such situations, Indian Railways have introduced the Tatkal Scheme
in Sleeper Class, AC Chair Class, 3-Tier AC and 2-Tier AC classes in almost all Mail/Express trains. The
reservation under this scheme commences at 8 a.m. on the previous day Ior which the
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eeaion i being ogh. Takal Booking o da befoe eclding he dae of jone i.e., fo jone on
3d, he booking old be aing a 8 a.m. on 1. fo fhe deail click on hi link
Wha ae he le fo efnd again cancellaion of a eeaion icke?
A fla efnd of 25% of oal fae chaged on he icke, eclding Takal chage ma be ganed on cancellaion
of confimed Takal icke, hich ae peened fo cancellaion p o
24h. befoe he chedled depae of he ain. Hoee, fll efnd of fae and Takal Chage ill be
ganed on he confimed Takal icke booked nde hi cheme in he folloing cicmance:
i) If he ain i delaed b moe han 3 ho fom he ain oiginaing aion;
ii) In cae of non-aachmen of coach in hich Takal Accommodaion ha been eamaked and he paenge
ha no been poided accommodaion in he ame cla.
iii) If he pa ha been accommodaed in loe cla and doe no an o ael. In cae he pa ael in
loe cla, he paenge ill be gien efnd of diffeence of fae and alo he diffeence of Takal chage, if
an. Nomal Rle applicable fo gan of efnd on ai li/paiall confimed icke ill alo be applicable o
he ailied and paiall confimed Takal Ticke.
Can I ge efnd aco he cone?
In mo cae, if o icke ae endeed fo cancellaion ihin he pecibed ime limi, o can ge
efnd aco he cone.
Wha ae he pecibed ime limi?
a) Whee he icke iing and jone commencing aion ae he ame and in cae hee he ae diffeen
(like/onad icke), he icke hold be endeed a he jone commencing aion ihin he folloing
ime limi:
b) If he icke ha been ied fo ael fom ome ohe aion, efnd can be obained a he icke iing
aion befoe he ain depa.
c) Refnd can alo be obained fom a aion ohe han he icke iing and jone commencing aion. In
ch cae, he icke hold be endeed ding oking ho, befoe he pepaaion of Reeaion Cha.
Refnd ill be admiible bjec o eificaion. Fo ain depaing beeen 21.00 ho and 06.00 ho, o
can ge a efnd eihe ihin he pecibed ime limi o ihin fo ho of opening of he Reeaion Office,
hichee i lae.
Wha abo efnd afe he pecibed ime limi?
If o hae no cancelled he icke ihin he pecibed ime limi o can appoach he Dep Saion
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Superintendent (Commercial)/Station Manager or ChieI Reservation Supervisor oI nominated stations. They are
authorized to grant reIunds on tickets issued Irom their stations by condoning the delay in surrendering the tickets
Ior cancellation. You must also satisIy the Station Manager that your ticket is not used.
Suppose I am unable to approach the concerned authorities, what do I do?
In such cases, you must obtain a Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) Irom the nearest major station within 30 days
Irom the date oI scheduled travel. You must then submit an application in the
prescribed Irom to the ChieI Commercial Manager (ReIunds) oI the Zonal Railway to which the Ticket Deposit
Receipt-issuing station belongs. The application should be accompanied by
the passenger Ioil oI the TDR. Distance oI your journey Time limit Ior cancellation (AIter the scheduled departure
oI the train)
Up to 200 Kms. 3 hrs.
201 to 500 Kms 6 hrs.
Over 500 Kms. 12 hrs.
This application must be submitted within 90 days Irom the date oI your journey. The reIund oIIicer will examine
the case on merit and, iI decided, reIund will be sent to you by a Station
Pay Order (to be encashed at station) or Money Order or Crossed Cheque.
Will the entire amount be reIunded or will I lose some money?
The Iare you paid Ior your ticket will be reIunded aIter deducting cancellation charges.
How much will be deducted as cancellation charges?
The amount deducted is based on the time oI cancellation and the status oI your ticket. Detailed explanations are
given below. For cancellation oI conIirmed tickets more than one
day in advance oI the scheduled departure oI the train, excluding the date oI journey, the minimum cancellation
charges based on the class oI travel are as Iollows: Flat cancellation charges per passenger.
Class oI your ticket
Rs.70/- AC First/Executive Class
Rs.60/- AC Chair Car/ First Class/ AC 2Tier/ AC 3 Tier
Rs.40/- Sleeper Class
Rs.20/- Second Class
For cancellation oI conIirmed tickets less than one day in advance, excluding the date oI journey and up to Iour
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hours beIore the scheduled departure oI the train, the cancellation charges will be 25 oI the total Iare paid by
you. For cancellation oI conIirmed tickets less than Iour hours beIore the scheduled departure oI the train and up
to the prescribed time limits as mentioned earlier, aIter actual departure oI the train, the cancellation charges will
be 50 oI the Iare paid by you, subject to Ilat cancellation charges Ior each class.
For cancellation oI RAC/Waitlisted tickets up to the prescribed time limits, Iull reIund oI Iare will be given, aIter
deducting the clerkage charges per passenger. II you are having a ticket with several legs oI journey, iI the Iirst
leg oI the journey is conIirmed the whole ticket will be treated as a conIirmed ticket Ior purposes oI applying
cancellation /reIund rules. On the other hand iI the Iirst leg oI the journey is in the waiting list, even iI the all the
other legs oI onward journey are conIirmed, the whole ticket will still be treated only has a waitlisted ticket Ior
purpose oI granting reIund.
Can reIund be claimed iI the AC Iails during the journey?
Yes, passengers traveling by air conditioned class can claim reIund iI the AC Iails enroute. You can get a reIund
oI diIIerence oI Iare Ior the distance the AC was not Iunctioning. This reIund should be claimed immediately at
the end oI the journey or within 20 hours oI the arrival oI the train at the destination, on production oI the ticket
and certiIicate issued by the Travelling Ticket Examiner.
Can I claim reIund, iI I had to travel in a lower class, even though I had a higher class
II you were Iorced to travel in a lower class Ior want oI accommodation, you can get a reIund oI diIIerence oI
Iare between Iare paid and Iare Ior the class actually traveled. This reIund should be claimed within 2 days oI the
date oI issue oI the certiIicate (excluding the date oI issue) oI the arrival oI the train at your destination. To claim
this reIund, you will need to submit your ticket along with the certiIicate issued by the Travelling Ticket Examiner.
I had a reserved ticket but I was not provided accommodation. Can I ask Ior Iull reIund?
II you were not provided accommodation due to unIoreseen circumstances, you are entitled to Iull reIund oI the
Iare paid by your without any deductions. To claim this reIund, you should
surrender your ticket at the journey originating station within three hours aIter the actual departure oI the train.
Will I be able to get a reIund iI I do not wish to travel due to late running oI trains?
II your train is running late by more than three hours, you can get a reIund oI Iull Iare paid by you without any
deductions. You can claim this reIund at the journey commencing station
within the maximum time limits mentioned earlier.
I could not continue my onward journey due to late running oI the connecting train. Can I
claim a reIund?
AIter deducting Iare Ior the traveled portion, you will be reIunded the balance Iare. To claim this reIund, you are
required to surrender your ticket at the station, within three hours oI the actual arrival oI the train which has been
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Can I claim full refund, if m train is cancelled?
If our train is cancelled due to accidents, breaches or floods, ou will be refunded the full fare paid b ou. To
claim this refund, ou should surrender our ticket within three das of the
scheduled departure of the train.
What about refund for a ticket where some passengers are Confirmed and other are
In combined tickets, where few passengers are Waitlisted and others are Confirmed, ou will be given full refund
less clerkage charge in respect of all passengers, if such tickets are cancelled within four hours of the scheduled
departure of the train and up to three hours after the actual departure of the train.
Can I get a refund on a ticket that I have lost?
No, ou cannot get an refund on lost ticket. However, ou will be allowed to travel on the reservation alread
made, after paing the prescribed charges for the issue of a duplicate ticket. In our own interest, ou are
requested to inform the Reservation Office immediatel about the loss of our ticket. This will also help prevent
fraudulent refund claims.
How much will it cost me to get a duplicate ticket?
If the loss of our Confirmed/RAC ticket is reported before the preparation of the Reservation Chart, a duplicate
ticket will be issued on collection of the clerkage charge per passenger. In case of the loss of our confirmed
ticket is reported after preparation of the Reservation Chart a duplicate ticket will be issued on collection of 50%
of the fare. No duplicate ticket will be prepared after preparation of Reservation Chart in case of
RAC/Waitlisted tickets.
Are the duplicate ticket charges refundable. If I find the original ticket?
If our original ticket is found and presented along with our duplicate ticket, before the departure of the train,
ou will be refunded the amount paid for our duplicate ticket. However, 5% of the total amount will be
deducted, Subject to a minimum of Rs.20/-.
M little son tore m ticket. Can I get a duplicate ticket?
If the ticket that was torn/mutilated was a Confirmed one or RAC, a duplicate ticket will be issued on collection
of 25% of the fare, after the preparation of Reservation Chart. Before
chart preparation, charges are same as applicable for issue of duplicate ticket in lieu of the lost/misplaced ticket.
No duplicate ticket will be issued in case of mutilated Waitlisted tickets. Besides, refund is admissible on
torn/mutilated ticket if its genuineness and authenticit are verified on the basis of particulars visible on the face of
such a ticket.
What is clerk age charge and when is it levied?
Save as otherwise mentioned, clerk age is a charge levied for the clerical work rendered in refund of fares on
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cancellation of unreserved, waitlisted & RAC tickets. The amount of clerk age charge is Rs.20/- per passenger,
except for second class unreserved tickets where it is Rs.10/-.
How much refund is given on surrendering unused unreserved ticket?
If an unused unreserved ticket is presented for cancellation, full fare is refunded after deducting the per passenger
clerk age charge provided that the ticket is surrendered at the ticket issuing station.
i) Within 3 hours after the actual departure of the train for which the ticket was issued or
ii) Within 3 hours after the actual departure of the last train of the day for the destination station, for a ticket valid
for whole day.
Where I can see all the Refund rules of Indian Railways?
Click on this link to see all the Refund rules
Paenge Ameniie
Are bedrolls given free to passengers traveling in AC Coaches?
Yes, bedrolls are supplied free of cost, to all passengers traveling in AC First Class, AC 2-Tier and AC 3 Tier.
Do catering facilities available in all the trains?
Yes. Most of the important trains have pantry car facilities. The details of trains which offer pantry car service are
indicated in the timetables by P. Catering is also arranged in trains where this facility is not available.
How do I avail of the catering facilities on board?
You could contact the train conductors/coach attendants or other authorized catering staff of IRCTC.
What about catering facilities at stations?
Most important stations have vegetarian and non-vegetarian refreshment rooms and light refreshment stalls
managed by IRCTC. The detailed menu and tariff are displayed in the refreshment rooms.
How can I be sure of the quality of catering services on trains and at stations?
To ensure proper and good quality catering services on trains and at stations, passengers are requested to:
Place their orders for meals well in advance, with the Coach Attendant/Conductor or Waiters in Trains to
facilitate information being sent to the serving stations.
Insist on a cash memo for all catering services ordered.
Consult the menu and tariff cards displayed in or available at Restaurants/Refreshment Rooms/ Pantry Cars.
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Record your suggestions of complaints in the book maintained for this purpose in the Refreshment Rooms. The
complain book is also available with the Train Conductor and also with the Pantry Car Manager. It may be
called for, at any time, by the passenger, or you can book your complaints at the All India toll free number 1800-
What is the rate of Standard Menu all over Indian railways?
Click on this link to get the rate list
What is the rate of A-LA-Carte items all over Indian Railways?
Click on this link to get the list of rates of A-LA-Carte items all over Indian Railways
What is the menu of food in Rajdhani Express?
Click on this link to get menu of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner in Rajdhani Express
Is medical assistance available on trains?
Guards/Train Superintendents or Pantry Car Managers are equipped with First Aid Boxes. They are also trained
to provide first aid to passengers. In case of emergencies, you can approach the Traveling Ticket Examiner/Train
Superintendent, who will pass on a message to the next station where a doctor will attend to the emergency.
Medical treatment will be provided by the doctor on payment of reasonable charges. In case hospitalization is
required, the passenger may have to discontinue his journey. Details of medical practitioners and hospitals along
with their addresses are displayed at major stations. On alighting from the train, passengers in need of medical
assistance may contact them.
If I am breaking my journey or waiting for a connecting train can I keep my luggage in the
Cloak Room?
Yes, you can. Cloak Rooms and Safety Lockers are available at major stations where your luggage can be kept
in safe custody. But do remember; only luggage that has been locked will be accepted in the Cloak Rooms.
Your luggage, duly locked, can be kept in the Cloak Room for a maximum period of one month, on payment of
prescribed charges.
Do I need to pay to use the Waiting Room at a station?
Waiting Rooms are available at major stations for use by genuine passengers. These can be used free of cost on
production of your journey tickets for a few hours till the connecting train
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Is there any transit accommodation available at stations?
Yes, there is. You can stay at the AC and Non AC Retiring Rooms and Dormitories, available at important
stations. This transit accommodation can be availed by passengers holding valid
tickets, on payment of prescribed charges. You can approach the Station Manager or Matron to find out about
the availability of accommodation and the prescribed charges.
Is there any other accommodation available besides Retiring Rooms and Dormitories?
There is the Rail Yatri Niwas, where passengers can book independent rooms or dormitories, on production of
tickets. This accommodation is available at a reasonable cost. The Rail Yatri
Niwas also has a self-service restaurant. Currently, this facility is available only at New Delhi and Howrah
Railway Stations.
Do the Railways have hotels at important tourist spots?
Currently, Railway Hotel at Puri in Orissa. This hotel combines old-world charm with modern amenities. This
hotel is renowned heritage properties offering luxurious accommodation, excellent cuisine and warm,
personalized service.
How do I book accommodation at these Hotels?
In Puri, you could contact the Manager, IRCTC, at Tel.No:06752-222063, 223606 Fax: 223005. For
accommodation at the Railway Hotel.
What are the accommodation charges for the Railway Hotel at Puri?
Accommodation charges for Railway Hotels, Puri
Single Room Rs. 600/- (on AP), Rs.400/-
Double room (Non-A/C) Rs.1200/- (on AP) Rs.750/-
Double room (Non A/C Ground Floor) Rs.1000/- (on AP), Rs.650/-
Double room (A/C) Rs.1500/- (on AP), Rs.900/-
Triple bed room (Non A/C) Rs.1700/- (on AP), Rs.850/-
What are the other amenities available to passengers?
150 A Class stations have been identified for providing booths having a prominent pictorial sign that assistance
is available to physically challenged persons. There are self-help trolleys
at all major stations for the convenience of passengers carrying heavy luggage. There are stretchers and wheel
chairs for the use of sick and aged passengers at select stations. You
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can contact the Station Managers or RPF Assistance Posts to make use of these facilities. The other facilities
available at important stations include: Medical Shops, Book Shops, Tourist Information centres, Post &
Telegraph Offices etc. Because Indian Railways cares.As a customer-oriented organization, Indian Railways
values your feedback. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome. All complaints will be looked into
promptly and addressed at the earliest.
Whom do I contact if I have any complaints?
Indian Railways has a well-organized Public Grievance Redressal Machinery that will take prompt action on any
complaints you may have. You can record your grievances in the Complaints Book kept for this purpose at: Out
Agencies, Town Booking Offices, Major Goods Sheds, Parcel Offices, Reservations Offices, Refreshment
Rooms, Pantry Cars, etc. Alternatively, you could also approach the Public Grievance Redressal Booths at
major stations for on-the-spot action. At the Divisional level, Additional Divisional Railway Managers can be
approached for redressal of grievances in respect of their divisions. You can also approach the Additional
General Manager of each Zonal Railway, who has been designated as Director of Public Grievances. At the
Ministry level, you may contact Executive Director (Public Grievances) at Tel. No. 011-23184955.
If I have any suggestions or complaints about the catering facilities or other passenger
amenities, whom do I get in touch with?
Indian Railways has Special Cells functioning at the Ministry and Zonal level to deal with complaints regarding
passenger amenities, punctuality catering facilities. The details of these Special Cells can be ascertained from the
respective Zonal Railways. Now complaint Monitoring Cells have also been established at Corporate Office,
Zonal/Regional Offices of IRCTC for Catering Services.
What is the up gradation scheme? What are its salient features?
With a view to optimize the utilization of available accommodation in train, a scheme to upgrade full fare paying
passengers to the next higher class against the available vacant accommodation has been introduced in all
Mail/Express trains having sleeping accommodation w.e.f. 24-02-2006. The salient features of the scheme are
given below:-
(i) The scheme is applicable to only full fare paying passengers, free of charge.
(ii) It is applicable only in those trains having sleeping accommodation,
(iii) The passengers for up gradation will be selected on random basis by the System at the time of preparation of
reservation charts,
(iv) Up gradation of passengers will be done as under:-
Sleeper to 3 AC or First Class
3 AC to 2 AC
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2 AC to 1 AC
(v) Upgradation will not be done for block booking transactions,
(vi) If there is no waiting list, no up gradation will take place,
(vii) If a passenger, who has been upgraded, cancels his ticket, cancellation charges of the original class only will
be payable.
Can I book my tickets on a Credit Card?
Yes. For your convenience, Indian Railways have exclusive counters where you can reserve your tickets through
credit cards. This facility is presently available only at important Computerized Reservation Centers. An
additional service charge of Rs.30/- is levied when your reserve your tickets on a Credit Card.
Can I book my tickets through Mobile Phone?
Yes. You can book reserved tickets through mobile phones. The procedures for booking are similar to that of
booking tickets through Internet. For details, please visit
Can I book my tickets through Travel Agents?
Yes, you can approach authorized Rail Travelers Service Agents and Railway Tourist Agents who will book
your tickets on payment of prescribed charges. No separate reservation quotas have been assigned to these
agents and their staff has to take their turn in the queue at the Reservation Office for purchasing tickets like any
other passenger. Addresses and phone numbers of these Travel Agents can be obtained from the Station
Managers. Please do not buy tickets from unauthorized Travel Agents.
How to locate authorized Rail Travelers Service Agents (RTSA) in my place?
Click on this link and type your town pin code to get the list of authorized Rail Travelers Service Agents in your
What Facilities available for International tourist?
To get full detail click on this link
Are there any special facilities provided by Indian Railway for foreign tourists?
Yes. Foreign tourists, who wish to experience India by train, can enjoy the special facilities earmarked for them.
These are explained below in greater detail.
Special Quota: Several important trains have a special quota for foreign tourists. This can be availed on payment
of US Dollars or Pound Sterling. Tourists without foreign currency, will be
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allotted the special quota on production of the exchange certificates issued by any nationalized bank. At the time
of reservation, the passport number and the country of origin should be mentioned.
Assistance Cells: Major Reservation Centers have special Cells to help foreign tourists plan their itinerary,
reserve their tickets and render any assistance required. The International Tourist Bureau situated on the first
floor of New Delhi Railway Station provides personalized service and assistance to foreign tourists and NRIs
regarding reservations, itinerary planning and other enquiries. This Bureau is manned by trained staff and tourist
guides, fluent in foreign languages. For any assistance, please contact: The Manager, International Tourist
Bureau, I Floor, New Delhi Railway Station, New Delhi 110 001. Tel: 011-23405156, 23346804. Fax: 011-
Indrail Pass: This travel-as-you-please ticket has been created especially for foreign tourists and Indian nationals
residing abroad. This ticket is available during specified time period from
day to 90 days. Indrail Passes should be used within one year of issue. Validity period starts from the date of
the first train journey and ends on the midnight of the last journey.
During the period of validity, foreign tourists can travel from anywhere on the Indian Railways network without
route or train restrictions and without payment of any additional charges.
What is the cost of the Indrail Pass?
The cost of the Indrail Pass varies with the class of travel and the validity period. For your convenience, these
details are given below:
Where are Indrail Passes available?
In India, Indrail Passes are available for sale in Railway Reservation Offices at: Ahmedabad, Aurangabad,
Bangalore, Howrah, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Secunderabad,
Thiruvunanthapuram Central, Vadodara, Varanasi and Vasco-da- Gama. Certain recognized Travel Agents are
also authorized to sell these passes in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Indrail Passes are also sold through
General Sales Agents in Bahrain, Bangladesh, Finland, Germany, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nepal, Oman, South Africa,
Sri Lanka, Thailand, the UAE and the UK.
Can I prepone or postpone my reservation?
The date of journey on Confirmed/RAC/Waitlisted tickets can be preponed or postponed in the same/higher
class or for a longer distance on payment of nominal charges. This facility can be
availed only once, irrespective of whether the accommodation available is reserved or RAC or wait-listed. If you
want to prepone the date of your journey, you should surrender your ticket during working hours and up to six
hours before the schedule departure of the train in which fresh reservation is required. For postponement, the
ticket must be surrendered at least 24 hours
before the schedule departure of the train in which reservation is presently held. Such changes can be made only
Can I change the boarding station?
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Yes, you can. All you have to do is submit a written request to the Station Manager of the Original boarding
station or contact any Computerised Reservation Centre, at least 24 hours
before the department of the train. However, no refund is permissible for the unused portion of the journey. Such
changes can be made only once.
Can I break my journey at any intermediate station?
If you hold a journey ticket for more than 500 kms, you can break your journey once for two days at any station
enroute. This facility can be availed only after traveling 500 kms from the
starting station. If your ticket is for more than 1000 kms, you will be allowed to break your journey twice. The
day of departure and arrival must be excluded while calculating the number of eligible days for break of journey.
And remember to get your ticket endorsed by the Station Manager/Ticket Collector at the station where you
intend to break your journey. Note:
For through passenger, any halt at intermediate station for less than 24 hours to catch a connecting train will not
be treated as break of journey.
This facility is not available to passengers traveling by Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Jan Shatabdi Express trains.
This facility is not permitted short of the station up to which reservation has been done.
Intention to break journey is to be advised at the time of original booking and not after obtaining reservation.
What are the rules of Break Journey in Indian Railways?
Click on this link to get the full details
Can I extend my journey beyond the original destination?
Yes, Indian Railways allow extension of journey. This can be done by approaching the ticket checking staff
either before reaching your destination or after completion of booked journey. The fare for the extended portion
of the journey will be collected without the benefit of telescopic rates.
Can I upgrade my ticket to a higher class, enroute?
Your reserved ticket for a lower class can be upgraded to a higher class for the same train and date, subject to
availability of accommodation. The upgrading of accommodation can be done
only once on collection of fresh reservation charges and the fare difference. This can also be done during the
journey by approaching the Travelling Ticket Examiner.
Can my confirmed ticket be transferred to somebody else?
If you are holding a confirmed ticket and are unable to travel, your ticket can be transferred to your family
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members viz., father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband or wife. To
transfer your ticket, you must submit your request atleast 24 hours in advance of the scheduled departure of the
train.Tickets can also be transferred.
To another Government Servant traveling on duty, atleast 24 hours in advance of the scheduled departure of
the train.
To other students of recognized Educational Institution when the Principal/Head makes a request at least 48
hours in advance of the scheduled departure of the train.
To other members of the marriage party, if the head of such a party makes a request at least 48 hours in
advance of the scheduled departure of the train.
To other cadets of NCC, if the head of the group makes a request atleast 24 hours in advance of the scheduled
departure of the train. Such changes can be made only once. If the request does not exceed 10% of the total
number of group members.
What are the Rules of carrying Luggage in Indian Railways?
Click on this link to get full details
What are Circular Journey Tickets?
If you wish to go on a pilgrimage or sightseeing trip to many destinations, Indian Railways provide the facility of
booking Circular Journey Tickets. These tickets offer you unique travel flexibility, as they are issued for all
journeys (other than regular routes) which begin and end at the same station. Circular Journey Tickets can be
purchased for all classes of travel. A maximum of eight break of journeys will be admissible on these tickets.
Endorsements for break journeys are not needed. Standard Circular Journey Tickets are also offered by Zonal
Railways. These cover popular destinations for the convenience of tourists. The detail of route, fare etc., for
these tickets can be obtained from nominated stations in each Zonal Railway. You can purchase these tickets if
any one of the standard routes suit your convenience. Otherwise you can inform the Zonal Railways about your
itinerary and Circular Journey Tickets can be drawn up to suit your requirements.
What are the advantages of booking a Circular Journey Ticket?
Circular Journey Tickets give you the benefit of telescopic rates, which are considerably lower than regular
point-to-point fare. These rates are calculated on Mail/Express Fares. With these tickets, you not only save time
but also the inconvenience of booking tickets for each leg of the journey.
What is the booking procedure for Circular Journey Tickets?
Once your itinerary is finalized, you can approach the Divisional Commercial Managers of the Division or Station
Managers of certain major stations to which the journey commencing station belongs. The Divisional Commercial
Manager or the station authorities will then calculate the cost of the tickets based on your itinerary. He will also
inform the Station Manager concerned of the same, in the prescribed format. You can purchase Circular Journey
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
Tickets by presenting this Iorm at the Booking OIIice oI the station Irom where you propose to start your
journey. AIter purchasing the Circular Journey Ticket, you must approach the Reservation OIIice to reserve your
accommodation Ior various laps oI your journey. You will then be issued reserved tickets Ior the journey.
What type oI concession available in Indian Railways?
To get the detail oI all type oI concession click on this link
Where I can get various concession Iorm?
You can download all type oI concession Iorm Irom this link
Where I can get Reservation/cancelation request Iorm?
You can take a print out oI the reservation/cancelation request Iorm Irom this link
How many types oI quotas are in Indian Railways?
To get the Iull list oI all type oI quota available in Indian Railways click on this link
Where Can I get the Iull list oI Mail & Express Trains running in Indian Railways?
To get the Iull list oI Mail & Express trains click on this link
Where Can I get the Iull list oI Rajdhani Express Trains running in Indian Railways?
To get the Iull list oI Rajdhani Express Trains click on this link
Where Can I get the Iull list oI Shatabadi Trains running in Indian Railways?
To get the Iull list oI Shatabadi Trains click on this link
Where Can I get the Iull list oI Special Trains running in Indian Railways?
To get the Iull list oI Special Trains click on this link
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
Where Can I get the details oI Luxury Trains running in Indian Railways?
To get the detail oI Luxury Trains click on this link
Where Can I get the details oI Hills Trains running in Indian Railways?
To get the detail oI Hills Trains click on this link
Where can I get the detail oI Trains which have Pantry cars?
All the Rajdhani, shatabadi, Jan shatabadi, Garib rath trains have panty cars.
Click the below link Ior the list oI superIast trains which have pantry cars
Click the below link Ior the Mail & Express Train which have pantry cars
Feae of Inene Ticke
SlnoQuestions I Tickets E Tickets
Can these tickets booked
online ?
Yes Yes
Max No oI passengers
booked per ticket
6. 6.
Can Wait listed tickets
booked ?
Yes Yes
4. Can RAC tickets booked ? Yes Yes
Can ConIirmed tickets
booked ?
Yes Yes
Max time limit upto which
tickets can be booked ?
beIore 2/3 clear days upto chart preparation
Is name change permissible
Yes - as per Name change
rules oI Railways
Is Journey Alterations
permissible ?
Yes - as per Journey
Alteration rules oI Railways
Is Change oI boarding point
Yes - as per Railway Rules
No - it is possible only at
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
permissible ? the time oI booking
Can cancellation be done
across counters ?
Yes - as per Normal
Railway Procedure
Cancellation Online -
BeIore Charting
No Yes - Only Online
Cancellation Online - AIter
No - Obtain TDR Irom Any
Station and apply ReIunds
No - Email to be sent to
Can both Credit card and
debit card be used Ior
booking ?
Yes Yes
Can Partial Cancellation be
done beIore charting ?
Yes - across counter as per
normal Railway Rules
Is ID ProoI Required Ior
Booking ?
No at the time oI booking
but required during train
joureny - valid Id as listed
in Website
Service Charges Ior
booking per tickets (max 6
Rs.40/- Ior SL,2S and
Rs.60 Ior all other Upper
IRCTC levies a service
charge oI Rs.10/- (Second
/ Sleeper) and Rs.20/-
(Higher Class) Ior the Iirst
passenger and an
additional Rs.5/- Ior every
subsiquent passenger upto
a maximum oI Rs.25/-
(Second / Sleeper) and
Rs.40/- (Higher Class)
17. email address (For
cancellation oI e-tickets)
18. Authority to Travel
Original tickets issued by
Electronic Reservation Slip
- printed in standard
stationery along with the
original ID oI one oI the
passanger traveling in a
19. Booking Hours 5.00 am to 11.30 pm 5.00 am to 11.30 pm
Max no oI Bookings per
10 10
Can more than single leg
journey be booked ?
No No
Can Concessions be
No - Only Senior Citizen
No - Only Senior Citizen
23. Can Tatkal be booked Yes Yes
What are the Quotas that GN - General, LD - Ladies, GN - General, LD -
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
24. can be booked ? CK - Tatkal Quota Ladies, CK - Tatkal Quota
Does payment made
conIirms booking oI tickets
No - Only tickets available
in Booked Tickets link
conIirms booking
No - Only tickets available
in Booked Tickets link
conIirms booking
26. How to Locate the tickets ? go to Track Your Ticket go to Reprint your Ticket
27. What iI I Lost my ticket ?
Duplicate ticket issued at
Railway Reservation
Counter as per normal
II Print out oI ticket is lost
during journey Rs.50/-
shall be collected as
penalty provided original
ID is produced - in the
absence oI ID you will be
treated Ticket less traveler
How to register at irctc?
Click on this link to get step by step guide to see how to register at irctc
What are the various classes oI travel and their codes?
First class Air-Conditioned & Executive class in Shatabdi trains- IA
AC 2-tier sleeper- 2A
First class - FC
AC 3 Tier - 3A
AC chair Car- CC
Sleeper Class -SL
Second Sitting - 2S
How do I Iind out STATION CODE Ior a given station?
The user can Iind the station codes by using the Station Code Finders provided on "Plan My Travel", "Fare
Enquiry", "Trains From/To", and "Get Availability" pages. The user can enter the Iirst three letters oI the station
name and click search to get the list oI matching stations and the station codes.
How can I use the internet reservation Iacility to plan my journey?
Get yourselI registered online by submitting the Registration Form available in with your
personal details. Further details are available at the IRCTC website.
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
Ho mch ea hold I pa fo m icke?
IRCTC chage a eice chage of R.40/- pe icke in cae of Second Cla and Sleepe Cla icke and
R.60/- pe icke in cae of icke of ohe clae.(Thee chage ae no pe paenge) Apa fom hi
eice chage of IRCTC, anacion chage a noified ill be leied b he bank fo each anacion.
I i afe o gie he cedi cad nmbe a hi ie?
Thi i a VeiSign ceified ie (Click on he VeiSign logo o ee he ceificae). All he monea anacion
made on hi ie ae ece. The cedi cad deail ae eceied on he ie and anmied o he Pamen
Gaea hogh ece SSL mode nde 128-bi boe independen encpion. Thi ie doe no oe o
ecod he cedi cad deail. All he anacion ae handled diecl b Pamen Gaea onl.
Ho ece i m Paod?
The Paod eneed b o i anmied in one a encped fom o o daabae and oed a ch. The
Paod ill no be knon een o IRCTC. Th o ae olel eponible fo he afe cod of o
Ho do I check he oe of a ain?
Yo hae o login and click on he Time Table link fom he naigaion men on he lef. The page ak fo Tain
No. (Ue he "Tain Finde" fo help, eneing he fi hee lee of he ain name) and he eice Da of he
ain. Afe bmiion, he page dipla he oe of he ain ih he aial and depae iming a all he
aion and he diance of each aion fom he oiginaing aion.
Ho can I check he Fae fo m jone?
Yo hae o login and click on he "Fae" link on he naigaion men. The page ak fo he Tain No. (Ue
"Tain Finde" fo aiance eneing he fi hee lee of he ain name), Oigin & Deinaion Saion (Ue
"Saion Finde" fo aiance eneing he fi hee lee of he aion name), Dae of Jone, he dae being
an eice da of he ain, Cla (Selec fom he dopdon li bo), Age and Conceion deied o ge he
Fae fo a ingle paenge.
I an o ael fom (A) o (B). Ho can I find he ain aailable beeen he aion?
Afe logging in, click on he "Tain Fom/To" link fom he lef ide naigaion men. The link ake o o a
page hee o ae pomped o elec he Soce Saion & Deinaion Saion (Ue ''he Saion Finde'' fo
help eneing he fi hee lee of he aion name), Dae, he dae being an eice da of he ain; and
Cla (Selec one fom he dopdon bo). The page dipla he li of all he ain nning on he dae
pecified and ih he deied cla beeen he aboe pai of aion, ih hei eice da. The ceen alo
dipla hee bon "Ge Fae", "Sho Roe" and "Sho aailabili" o ge he Fae deail, Tain oe and
Aailabili Sa deail epeciel.
Wha ae he diffeen pe of conceion aailable fo Paenge?
A peen hi ie offe Conceion icke onl o Senio Ciien. Thi conceion i alo offeed onl on
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
specific request made b the User b clicking the relevant button on the online reservation form. Other
concession tickets can be availed at the PRS counters at an Railwa Reservation Office.(Children below 12
ears need pa onl 50% fare, as for normal tickets)
What are the rules for cancellation of I-ticket?
Click on the link to get full detail
Is cancellation possible on Internet? How will I get m ticket cancelled that I have booked
at this site?
At present, cancellation is not possible on the Internet. Cancellation of an ticket can be made at PRS counters
at an Railwa Reservation Office. No cash refunds will be made at the counter. The refund (after deducting the
cancellation charges applicable as per Railwa cancellation rules) will be credited back directl to our credit
card / bank account electronicall.
How do I cancel m ticket if the train has alread departed?
After the departure of the train up to the time / distance limit prescribed b Railwa Commercial Rules the ticket
can be cancelled normall at an of the Railwa Reservation Counters where a "Cancellation Slip" will be given
to ou & the due refund amount will be credited back to our Credit card / Bank account. If these time limits
also have lapsed ou will be required to deposit the ticket with the reservation counter / station master & ou will
be issued a Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR). This TDR should be sent in original to the following address
General Manager (Operations)
Indian Railwa Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd.,
2nd Floor, STC Building,
1, Tolsto Marg,
New Delhi -110001
IRCTC will process the case with the Refunds office of the concerned Railwa where the train had originated &
request for the refunds as due. After verification of the charts from the concerned railwa, the refunds office
sanctions a refund which is sent to IRCTC. IRCTC on receipt of the same credits it to our credit card / bank
account. This process ma take anthing from 3 - 6 months or more depending on the processing speeds, chart
verification etc. at the concerned Railwa Stations.
How do I get compensated if I was forced to travel in a lower class than what I had
booked, or AC was not working etc?
In such cases the Guard Certificate (GC) issued b the train superintendent, TTE, Guard etc must be obtained
and sent along with ticket in original to the following address immediatel:
Indian Railwa Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd.,
2nd Floor, STC Building,
1, Tolsto Marg,
New Delhi -110001
IRCTC will process the case with the Refunds office of the concerned Railwa where the train had originated &
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
request Ior the reIunds as due. AIter veriIication oI the records Irom the concerned railway, the reIunds oIIice
sanctions a reIund which is sent to IRCTC. IRCTC on receipt oI the same credits it to your credit card / bank
account. This process may take anything Irom 3 - 6 months or more depending on the processing speeds, record
veriIication etc. at the concerned Railway Stations.
How can I modiIy the details oI my ticket?
Postponement / Advancement oI journey, Change oI passenger details, Change oI boarding point etc, can be
done across any Reservation counters subject to existing Railway rules. Payment, iI any, has to be paid in Cash.
How will I get my tickets delivered?
To get the tickets delivered at his desired address by the courier, the booking should be done two / three clear
calendar days (Please see the areas covered link on the home page Ior details) in advance oI the date oI travel.
How much time beIore my date oI journey should I give to ensure Home Delivery?
Please click here to view the time required to deliver the ticket to various cities.
Can I book tickets Irom outside India?
Customers can book tickets Irom anywhere in the World, but, ticket can be delivered only in the cities
mentioned click here. Customer can also get the ticket delivered to a Hotel, address oI a Iriend / relative iI it is in
the area oI delivery. In such cases, Customers are requested to inIorm the hotel authorities and IRCTC well in
advance. Also at the time oI delivery the person receiving the ticket on your behalI should produce an authority
letter Irom the Registered User permitting her to receive the ticket, along with the PNR number oI the ticket and
her personal identiIication.
While booking, the amount was debited but ticket not booked. What should I do?
II Ior some reason, you could not see the ticket conIirmation page, please check your "Booked Tickets" list,
wherein the details oI all the successIully booked tickets would be available. II you do not see the desired
transaction on this list, it means that the ticket has not been booked. The amount debited would be credited back
to you in Iull without levying any charges. You may retry the transaction Ior booking your ticket. II you Iace this
problem very oIten please let us know immediately.
How do I know the status oI the delivery oI my ticket?
You can track the status oI delivery oI your ticket by entering the PNR No. in the 'Track Your Ticket' page
provided on the site, Irom the next day oI booking the ticket. You may also contact the local courier oIIice at the
address / phone numbers provided on the same page. II you Iace any diIIiculty, please let us know immediately.
What details should I provide to the Courier Ior delivery oI my ticket?
You will be required to produce the prooI oI your identity along with the transaction ID and PNR No. oI your
ticket Ior veriIication. II you are authorizing some one to collect your ticket on your behalI, that person should
have in addition to above, an authority letter, which should clearly contain the PNR No, Irom you Ior eIIecting
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
delivery as well as proof of his/her identity.
What should I do if I don't see the confirmation of my booking on my screen?
On pressing the "Buy" button on the ticket reservation page, the payment is processed and the booking is done
and the confirmation of your booking is displayed on your screen. If for any reason, the reservation output details
are not displayed in your monitor, please check the details in menu "BOOKED TICKETS" under "Booking
History" in Home Page. You may also check your e-mail for the details of your booking. You are also advised to
contact IRCTC before trying to book the ticket again with the same particulars of journey.
Why do I get the details of some irrelevant trains if I try some enquiries?
Your browser page may be displaying some old pages and may need refreshing. Press F5 or Refresh button on
the browser. You may also need to set the "REFRESH" to be done automatically for every visit to the page in
the Internet settings of your browser.
I had selected a particular berth preference, but have been allotted a different berth. Why is
it so?
The allotment of berths is done by the Centralised Reservation System of Indian Railways, which is based on a
pre-defined logic. As per this logic, lower berths are allotted to Senior Citizens even without preference, and the
berths are allotted as per preference on a first come first serve basis. Compact accommodation (for families /
groups) is also attempted while allotting the berths. If the preferred berths are not available, then other available
berths in General Quota as per the allotment logic would be allotted. IRCTC has no role in the allotment of
What is Tatkal Booking ?
Click Here. To Know about Tatkal Booking through
Is refund permissible against lost/misplaced I-tickets?
No refund is permissible against lost/misplaced tickets. Loss of tickets be reported to railways immediately to
prevent fraudulent use of lost tickets. However, duplicate ticket can be issued only in case of lost/torn/mutilated ,
confirmed or RAC Internet (I) tickets and the passenger can travel on the accommodation reserved for him as
per extant Railway rules.
How can I get in touch with IRCTC?
You can reach us at contact us at 24*7 Hrs. Customer Support at 011-23340000, MON
- SAT(10 AM - 6 PM) 011 - 23345500/ 4787/ 4773/ 5800/ 8539/ 8543, Chennai Customer Care 044
What is Verified by Visa?
Verified by Visa is a unique service that uses personal passwords or identity information to help protect Visa
card numbers against unauthorized use. Once activated your Visa card number cannot be used for online
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
purchases without your personal password. VeriIied by Visa is available Ior most Visa cards Irom participating
Iinancial institutions.
How does it help me?
VeriIied by Visa provides an extra level oI protection Ior online shopping. Visa always protects its cardholders
against unauthorized use, but VeriIied by Visa helps to prevent unauthorized use online beIore it can happen.
How it works?
VeriIied by Visa protects your existing Visa card with a password you create, giving you assurance that only you
can use your Visa card online. Simply activate your card and create your personal password. You'll get the
added conIidence that your Visa card is saIe when you shop at participating online stores.
Please click here Ior Iurther details on VeriIied by Visa program.
What all cards is it available?
All Visa Cards.
How do I know my bank is having VbV Iacility?
You may ask Irom the help desk/ Call Center oI the card issuing bank.
What is MasterCard SecureCode?
MasterCard SecureCode is unique service that uses private code to help protect your card against unauthorized
use when you shop at participating online merchants.
How does MasterCard SecureCode work?
Once you've registered and created your own private SecureCode, you will be automatically prompted by your
Iinancial institution at checkout to provide your SecureCode each time you make a purchase with a participating
online merchant. Your SecureCode is quickly conIirmed by your Iinancial institution and then your purchase is
completed. Your SecureCode will never be shared with the merchant. It's just like entering your PIN at an
ATM. Please click here Ior Iurther details on MasterCard Secure Code program.
What is the mode oI Payment?
Payment Options
Payment by credit cards:
1.Gateway No. 1 (Operated by ICICI Bank):
Payments through any Master / Visa credit cards (Not International credit cards) issued by any bank / HDFC,
ICICI, AXIS, SBI, KVB(Karur Vysya Bank) Visa debit cards(only)
Transaction charges oI 1.8on the total transaction value will be levied by the card issuing bank.
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
2.ICICI Bank 3 monhl inalmen Scheme :
Pa back in 3 EMI ih ICICI Bank Cedi Cad.R.343 pe R.1000. Tanacion chage 4.65% pe
3.Gaea No. 2 (Opeaed b Ciibank):
Pamen hogh an Mae / Via / Dine Clb cedi cad ied b an bank / HDFC, AXIS, SBI,
KVB(Ka Va Bank) Via debi cad(onl)
Tanacion chage of 1.8% on he oal anacion ale ill be leied b he cad iing bank.
4.Ciibank 3 monhl inalmen Scheme:
Pamen hogh Ciibank Cedi Cad & Dine Clb Cedi Cad
Tanacion chage of 2.8%on he oal anacion ale ill be leied b he Ciibank. EMI ill be
aomaicall chaged o o monhl Cedi Cad aemen.
5.Ameican Epe Bank Pamen Gaea :
Tanacion Chage of 1.8% on he oal anacion ale ill be leied fo Cad ied b Ameican Epe
Bank. Tanacion chage fo Ameican Epe Cad ied b an ohe bank (eg. ICICI Bank) ill be a
applied b he iing bank.
Pamen hogh an Mae / Via cedi cad (No Inenaional cedi cad) ied b an bank / HDFC,
AXIS, SBI, KVB(Ka Va Bank) Via debi cad(onl)
Tanacion chage of 1.8% pe anacion
Fo all Mae / Via cedi cad ied b an bank.Tanacion chage of 1.65% on he oal anacion
ale ill be leied b he cad iing bank
Pamen hogh Diec Debi facili of Inene Banking opion of:
ICICI Bank - Tanacion chage of R. 10/-+eice a a applicable pe anacion.
HDFC Bank - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
IDBI Bank - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
Ciibank Debi - Tanacion chage i R. 10/- pe anacion.
Bank Of Pnjab Diec Debi - Tanacion chage Nil.
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
OBC Diec Debi - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion, A elec banche of OBC.
AXIS Bank - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- + Tae.
Sae Bank Of India Diec Debi - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
Cenion Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage leied.
Pnjab Naional Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage leied.
ABN-AMRO Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage leied.
Copoaion Bank Diec Debi - Tanacion chage of R. 10/ pe anacion.
Fedeal Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage leied.
Sndicae Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage leied.
ITZ Cah Diec Debi "Tanacion chage of 1.5%".
Union Bank of India Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage i leied b Union Bank Of India.
IndInd Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage i leied b IndInd Bank.
Andha Bank Debi - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
Icah Cad Debi - Tanacion chage of RS. 2.50/- pe anacion on he oal anacion ale ill be leied.
Kanaaka Bank Diec Debi - No Tanacion chage leied.
Done Cad - Tanacion chage of R. 5/- pe anacion.
Sae Bank Of India Debi Cad - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
HDFC VISA DEBIT CARD - Tanacion chage 1.8% of he Toal Tanacion ale
Bank Of Rajahan - Tanacion chage of R. 15/- pe anacion.
Bank Of India - No Tanacion chage i leied b Bank Of India.
Sbi Aociae - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
Indian bank - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
Canaa Bank - Tanacion chage of R. 10/- pe anacion.
Bank of Baoda - No Tanacion chage leied.
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
How to register at irctc?
Click on this link to get step b step guide to see how to register at irctc
What Document/I-Card required to book e-Ticket?
The user is not required to give an input of the photo identit card details of an of the passengers while
booking the ticket. However he shall have to carr and show one of following identit card of an of the
passengers in original while travelling.
The following photo identit cards are considered valid.
Voter Identit Card
PAN card
Driving License
Photo identit cards issued b Central/State Government for their emploees.
How can I make pament to book e-ticket?
ICICI Pament Gatewa (For VISA and MASTER credit cards), direct debit option (Internet Banking) of
major Banks and a cash card option (ITZ cash) are available to book e-tickets.
How can I cancel e-ticket and how will I get refund?
E-Tickets (Reservations) can be cancelled onl through Internet till Chart preparation of the train and it is not
allowed at face to face Railwa Counters. If the user wishes to cancel his e-Ticket, he can do so till the time of
chart preparation for the train (which is normall 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train from the
train starting station) through the Internet. He can log on to and go to Booked Tickets link and
select the ticket to be cancelled and can initiate the cancellation b selecting the passengers to be cancelled.
Cancellation would b e confirmed online and the refund would be credited back to the account used for booking
as for normal Internet tickets. If there is an partial cancellation of ticket please ensure that the modified ticket
(Electronic Reservation Slip) is printed separatel as for the original ticket. To get more detail about how to
cancel e-ticket click on this link
How can I cancel e-ticket after preparation of chart?
After chart preparation, Refunds for Confirmed/RAC/Partiall Confirmed Eticket will be processed through
TDR process. Customer can file TDR online and refund sanctioned b Railwas would be credited back to
user/agents account. Refund claims under above clause ma require at least 90 das or more for processing.
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
Only those PNRs whose Date of journey is less than 30 days will be listed and shall be eligible for applying
Customers are requested to select PNR which are eligible for TDR filing. Please refer to File TDR Procedure
What happens if after preparation of chart my e-ticket remains in RAC and I don't want to
If the user wishes to cancel his e-Ticket, he can do so till the time of chart preparation for the train (which is
normally 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train from the train starting station) through the Internet.
No cancellation of e-ticket is permitted on-line after the chart preparation. After chart preparation, Refunds for
Confirmed/RAC/Partially Confirmed Eticket will be processed through TDR process. Customer can file TDR
online and refund sanctioned by Railways would be credited back to user/agents account. Refund claims under
above clause may require at least 90 days or more for processing. Only those PNRs whose Date of journey is
less than 30 days will be listed and shall be eligible for applying TDR.
Customers are requested to select PNR which are eligible for TDR filing. Please refer to File TDR Procedure
What if I forget to carry Photo Identity card?
One of the passenger booked on an E-ticket in a PNR is required to present any of the five identity cards noted
below in original during the train journey and same will be accepted as a proof of identity failing which the
passenger will be treated as travelling without ticket and shall be dealt as per extant Railway Rules. Valid Ids:-
Voter Identity Card, / Passport / PAN Card / Driving License / Photo ID card issued by Central / State Govt.
How to postpone/prepone journey in e-ticket?
This can be done on line by cancelling the original ticket and booking a fresh ticket.
How to change name of passenger in e-ticket?
To know the procedure of changing the name of passenger click here
Can partial cancellation be done in e-ticket?
Yes. Partial Cancellation can be done. He can log on to and go to Booked Tickets link and
select the ticket to be cancelled and can initiate cancellation by selecting the passengers to be cancelled.
Can I book break -journey ticket in e-ticket?
Presently this facility is not available for internet tickets
What is Tatkal Ticket?
Click Here To Know About Tatkal Booking on
How much extra should I pay for my e-ticket?
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
IRCTC levies a service charge oI Rs.10/- (Second/Sleeper) and RS.20/- (Higher Class) Ior the Iirst passenger
and an additional RS.5/- Ior every subsequent passenger upto a maximum oI Rs.25/- (Second/Sleeper) and
RS.40/- (Higher Class).
Takal Booking
What are the various classes oI travel available in Tatkal?
Tatkal bookings are allowed in all classes except First AC and Executive class.
Can I select ladies or general quota along with tatkal quota?
Ladies and general quota cannot be opted Ior along with Tatkal quota.
How can I use the internet reservation Iacility to book Tatkal quota?
You have to select the Tatkal check box in the 'Plan my travel' page along with other details Ior booking tatkal
ticket. For some tarins/class/locations Tatkal quota maynot be available .Please check the availability beIore
proceeding Iurther
What are the concesions available in Tatkal scheme?
No concession is allowed in Tatkal Booking.
How much extra should I pay Ior my tatkal ticket?
The premium on Tatkal Scheme on diIIerent classes is as under:
It has been divided in two group as peak time (1
April to 30
July and 1
September to 31
January) and
non peak time (1
August to 31
August and 1
Feb to 31
Peak time charges Ior higher class is 300 and non peak time 150 ruppes
Peak time charges Ior sleeper, A/C chair car is 150 and non peak time 75 ruppes.
Note:-Trains and classes with average utilization oI 80 and above Irom April to September shall be realized
uniIorm tatkal charges applicable Ior the peak period.
When I can book a tatkal I-ticket and e-ticket ?
Tatkal tickets can be booked upto Iive days in advance.
Tatkal i-Ticket can be booked only on the opening day Irom 8.00 am onwards.
For Tatkal booking, opening day means IiIth day Irom date oI journey.
e.g.- today is 1st May, 6th -May will be the opening day i.e booking can be done Ior the Ior 4th May,
5th May and 6th May (in case oI i-Tickets) and 1st May,2nd May ,3rd May,4th May ,
5th May and 6th (in case oI E-Tickets).
Time required Ior delivering Tatkal tickets remains same as normal tickets and users are advised to book their
tickets considering the two/three days time required Ior delivery Click Here to view the no.oI days required Ior
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
delivery of tickets to your city.
Can I book tatkal ticket from all locations?
Tatkal tickets can be booked only from source station to destination station and from remote station having
Tatkal quota to destination with boarding facility from intermediate station. For some trains/class/locations Tatkal
quota may not be available. Please check the availability before booking.
Can I book tatkal I-ticket to all places of delivery provided in irctc site?
Time required for delivering Tatkal tickets remains same as normal tickets and users are advised to book their
tickets considering the two/three days time required for delivery. click hereto view the no.of days required for
delivery of tickets to your city.
What are the rules for cancellation?
A flat refund of 25% of total fare charged on ticket,excluding Tatkal Charges is granted on cancellation of
confirmed Tatkal tickets, which are cancelled up to 24 hrs. before the schedule departure of train. No refund on
confirmed Tatkal tickets when cancelled within 24 hrs.of the schedule departure of train. For contingent
cancellation & waitlisted Tatkal ticket cancellations,charges will be deducted as per existing Railway rules.
How to use the option for waitlist passengers to book against Tatkal Quota for certain
To save the botheration of general waitlisted passenger to book again for tatkal booking on the opening day of
tatkal quota, Railways have decided to have an option from the passenger opting Yes, in case he desires to be
considered for allotment against 50% of Tatkal quota by certain trains.
In case the Yes option is opted by the passenger, the fare including Tatkal charges will be recovered.
An indication will be given against the name of such passenger that the Tatkal Charges have been collected.
On the opening day of Tatkal Booking for that particular date, such passenger will be allotted Tatkal
accommodation as per priority who has opted YES for this scheme.
No concession in fare will be allowed against such tickets.
In case such passenger gets confirmed in general quota, he will be eligible for seeking refund of Tatkal charges
by obtaining a Ticket Deposit Receipt within 30 days of departure of train. The case shall be processed with the
Railways for refund on behalf of the I-ticket passengers and refund amount on receipt from the Railways shall be
credited to customers account electronically,
In case the passenger wants to cancel the ticket before the Advance Reservation Period of Tatkal Scheme (5
days), normal refund rules will be applicable. In case the passenger is updated against Tatkal Quota, Tatkal
refund rules will be applicable to such passengers.
In such trains there will be no restriction of booking under Tatkal scheme and tickets can be booked as are
booked in general quota in the respective trains.
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How do I apply Ior student concession?
The Student Concession tickets are permitted only in Sleeper Class (SL) and 2nd Sitting (2S)I tickets. Only I-
tickets can be exchanged with student concession by presenting the I-ticket and the valid student concession
order to the nearest Railway Reservation OIIice By going to the reservation oIIice along with his journey cum
reservation ticket and a request Ior exchanging the same with the student concession. He will surrender his
original Iully paid ticket and a student concession ticket with the revised Iare (with same seat/berth number
status) shall be issued to him. The diIIerence oI Iare (paid and payable) less the clerk age charge oI Rs. 20/- shall
be reIunded and shall be credited to his account electronically on the next day by IRCTC on receipt oI reIund Iile
Irom the Railways.
Is student concession applicable Ior both E/I tickets?
The Student Concession tickets are permitted only in Sleeper Class (SL) and 2nd Sitting (2S). Presently it is not
permitted in e-tickets.
How will I be reIunded the diIIerence oI Iare paid extra with respect to student
The diIIerence oI Iare (paid and payable) less the clerk age charge oI Rs. 20/- shall be reIunded and shall be
credited to his account electronically on the next day by IRCTC on receipt oI reIund Iile Irom the Railways.
What is IRCTCmobile?
IRCTCmobile is a unique secure transaction solution residing on your mobile phone, which allows you to book
railway tickets Irom anywhere and anytime. The IRCTCmobile has an attractive and user-Iriendly interIace to
Iacilitate easy navigation and has capability to book tickets in real time and store tickets details, making it an ideal
ticketing solution.
How does the railway ticketing through IRCTCmobile work?
Once you enter your mobile number in the IRCTC web page, you will be automatically registered, post which
you can download and install IRCTCmobile on your java-enabled mobile phone. You can start booking railway
tickets through your IRCTCmobile and pay through the credit card/ cash card.
What are the pre-requisites Ior using the IRCTCmobile?
The pre-requisites Ior using the IRCTCmobile are:
You need to be a IRCTC user
Have a Java enabled mobile phone or a smart phone
Have GPRS service activated on your mobile phone
Have a credit card/cash card.
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Note: This service is not available for CDMA mobile users
How do I know if my mobile is Java enabled?
To check if your phone is Java enabled:
Refer to your phone book manual, or
Refer to the phone manufacturer's website.
Note: If you can download games through your mobile phone, it indicates that your mobile is java enabled.
Where do I check my phones model number?
The model number is generally printed inside the phone where the battery is placed. The same could also be
found in the user manual provided along with the phone. Some mobiles provide options to display the model
What is GPRS?
GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service. It is an enhancement to the GSM mobile communications
system, which allows internet browsing on a mobile phone as well as connecting to data services.
How do I get GPRS service?
Please call your mobile operator and subscribe to a GPRS connection.
What are the charges for GPRS service?
Please contact your mobile operator.
How quickly can I get my GPRS service activated?
Please contact your mobile operator.
Mobile operator offers multiple GPRS plans. Which one should I subscribe to use
Railway ticketing through IRCTCmobile will work on all the GPRS plans of various mobile operators.
What are the benefits of using the railway ticketing service through IRCTCmobile?
You can now book your tickets from anywhere and at anytime using your IRCTCmobile application residing on
your mobile phone. It gives you an increased convenience through a secure, real time ticketing services
What are the features related to railway ticketing available through the IRCTCmobile?
Presently, railway ticketing is the only service available through IRCTCmobile and the following features are
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
Register to IRCTC through mobile phone
Book ticket through our mobile phone
View booked ticket details
View train route
View fare
View availabilit
View train details
Manage passenger list on IRCTCmobile
Fast booking option.
Do I need to be registered to use the IRCTCmobile?
Yes. You need to register ourself with IRCTC for using the IRCTCmobile or from the web site
What are the steps for getting the IRCTCmobile service on mobile?
Register for the service
Download and install the IRCTCmobile on our mobile phone
Activate IRCTCmobile on our mobile phone
Your IRCTCmobile is now read for use
How do I register for the railwa ticketing service through IRCTCmobile?
Steps for registering for railwa ticketing IRCTCmobile service:
User enters the mobile number
User gets registered for IRCTC ticketing through IRCTCmobile
Post registration,user receives a service SMS (also called as WAP SMS) from IRCTC containing the link
How do I download IRCTCmobile?
post registration, user receives a service SMS (WAP SMS) containing a link
User accepts the WAP SMS b selecting it or b accepting it or b clicking the link in the WAP SMS
This will result in downloading of the IRCTCmobile application
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The application will prompt the user to install
User selects Yes to install the application on to the mobile phone
Once installed, IRCTCmobile icon will appear on the phone menu/games/application/my own folders.
How do I activate the IRCTCmobile?
Please follow the steps given below to activate IRCTCmobile on your mobile phone:
Select the IRCTCmobile icon on your mobile phone
Set a PIN for IRCTCmobile. This PIN will be used for your future logins
IRCTCmobile will connect to the IRCTCs back end server and initiate the activation process
IRCTCmobile will download the necessary information by synchronizing with the IRCTC's backend server.
The IRCTCmobile main menu is now activated on the phone screen
Can I change my IRCTCmobile PIN?
Yes. IRCTCmobile provides you an option to change your PIN.
How can I change my IRCTCmobile PIN?
The procedure for changing your IRCTCmobile PIN is:
Login to IRCTCmobile
Go to options and select Change PIN
Enter old PIN, followed by the new PIN and select OK to change PIN.
A message is displayed once the PIN is changed successfully
Select Back to return to the main screen
What if I forget my IRCTCmobile PIN?
In case you forget your PIN, on 3 consecutive incorrect PIN entries the application will get locked.
What if the IRCTCmobile gets locked?
IRCTCmobile gets locked on three successive incorrect PIN entries. 'Your IRCTCmobile is locked message
will be displayed. Follow the procedure mentioned below:
Call the IRCTC customer care and request for unlocking the IRCTCmobile
Provide the required information for verification of identity
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You would receive an unlocking code from the IRCTC customer care
Select Unlock on the IRCTCmobile
Enter Unlocking code and set new PIN for IRCTCmobile
IRCTCmobile connects to the server to unlock IRCTCmobile
IRCTCmobile is unlocked successfully. Press Ok to return to the main men.
How do I navigate through IRCTCmobile?
IRCTCmobile currently consists of 4 icons on the main screen:
Shubh Yatra: Presently this service is not available on the mobile.Visit for details
Tourism: Presently this service is not available on the mobile.Visit for details
Offers: Presently this service will is not available on the mobile.Visit for details
Booking: This menu contains all the features which have been mentioned above
The main screen has the Options menu, which consists of:
Change PIN
Move Icon
Select any item by pressing the ENTER key or Joystick on the phone, or by selecting menu.
Can I use debit cards or do a direct bank debit?
No, you cannot use your debit card or direct bank debit.
What are the payment options?
Currently, you can pay using any Visa/MasterCard or ITZ Cash Cards.
Will my credit card information in the IRCTCmobile be safe?
The credit card information in the IRCTCmobile is transmitted in an 128 bit encrypted format that cant be
retrieved by anyone.
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How much will I be charged per transaction done through IRCTCmobile?
The transaction charges for railway ticketing will be the same as in the case of IRCTC. However, the mobile
operator will additionally charge for the GPRS as per the subscribed GPRS plan.
Are transactions made through the IRCTCmobile secure?
Transactions made through the IRCTCmobile are completely secure. IRCTCmobile has built in features at every
level that make it nearly impossible for anyone to break through the security net. The transmitted data is
encrypted, and even the data stored on the mobile is in an encrypted format.
IRCTCmobile architecture addresses the following security requirements:
Privacy - Information sent from one party to the other is completely confidential
Integrity - Information sent from one party to the other cannot be altered without detection
Authentication - Verification of both partys identities
Non-repudiation - All messages between both parties are signed, ensuring an auditable record of the transaction.
What is IRCTC login and password?
You need to register with IRCTC to get a IRCTC login and password. You can register through IRCTCmobile
(This may not be available on all mobile handsets) or by visiting By default the mobile will have
Guest Login and password for IRCTC. With this login and password you will be able to do everything related to
IRCTC except ticket booking through your mobile. For booking, you need to register with IRCTC and login to
IRCTCmobile with your IRCTC login ID and password.
How can I add passengers to the passenger list stored on the mobile?
On high-end phones, you can add any number of passengers to the 'Passenger List'. On low-end phones due to
lack of sufficient memory you can add a limited number of passengers
The procedure for adding passenger details to the passenger list is:
Open IRCTCmobile with the appropriate PIN
Select Ticketing icon
Customer Select Passenger List icon
Select Add from Options
Enter the passenger details as requested in the screen and Select Add in 'Options'
Passenger name will appear in the list
How many passengers can be added to the list?
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
On high-end phones, you can add any number of passengers to the 'Passenger List'. On low-end phones due to
lack of sufficient memory you can add a limited number of passengers.
How do I view the passenger details?
To view passenger details:
Open IRCTCmobile with the appropriate PIN
Select 'Booking'
Select on Reservation icon
Customer Select Passenger List icon
Select View from Options
Passenger details are displayed on IRCTCmobile.
How do I edit the passenger details?
To edit your passenger details:
Open IRCTCmobile with the appropriate PIN
Select 'Booking'
Customer Select Passenger List icon
Select Edit from Options
Modify the passenger details as desired on the screen and select Update
Passenger details will be updated and stored in IRCTCmobile
How can I delete the passenger details?
The procedure for deleting the passenger details are:
Open IRCTCmobile with the appropriate PIN
Select 'Booking'
Customer Select Passenger List icon
Select Delete from Options
Confirm if you wish to delete the entry
Passenger details will be deleted from the list
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
Can I add a passenger while booking?
Yes, you can add passengers while booking your ticket. Follow the steps given below:
Open IRCTCmobile with the appropriate PIN
Select 'Booking'
Select Reservation icon
Select the Book Ticket icon in IRCTCmobile & select the train for travel.
Select Add New from Options
Enter the passenger details as requested in the screen and Select Add in Options
Passenger name will appear in the list
Can I edit the details of the passenger while booking?
Yes, the steps to edit the passenger while booking are as follows:
Select the Reservation icon in IRCTCmobile & select the train for travel.
Add the required passengers from the list
Select Edit from Options to edit any of the selected passengers
Enter the passenger details as requested in the screen and Select Add in Options
Passenger name will appear in the list
How do I book my ticket using the IRCTCmobile?
To book your ticket using IRCTCmobile:
Login to IRCTCmobile on your mobile phone and Select Booking a) Enter first three characters of city or city
code in the From and To field b) Select Next from the Option.
Confirm city by selecting From and To for the desired city and Selects Next
Select the Class from Option
Select the Date of Journey
IRCTCmobile will fetch and display the trains a) Select the desired train and Select Next b) Select Train
details from Options to view the details
After confirming the Itinerary review, Select Book
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
After reading the disclaimer, Select Next in Options
Select Passenger List to add passengers. Alternatively, Passenger details can be added by selecting New
Passenger from Options
Select the desired check boxes against passenger names and Select Add to Ticket
Select Next
Enter the mailing address where the ticket has to be delivered
Enter the credit card details or cash card account no. and select Continue from Options
Enter CVV or cash card PIN. and Select Next
Select Book Now
An I-ticket* with itinerary details is displayed and stored on the IRCTCmobile. I-ticket will be sent to the mailing
address * Only I tickets can be booked from the mobile phones. I ticket is delivered to the passenger through
courier at the postal address provided by the IRCTCmobile user. The user cannot take print out of I- ticket.
How far in advance can the ticket be booked?
Through IRCTCmobile, you can book a train up to 90 days in advance and 2-3 clear days in advance excluding
the date of journey.
Can I make a reservation for anyone?
Yes, you can book through IRCTCmobile for anyone.
Can I book for all destinations through IRCTCmobile?
You can book I-tickets on IRCTCmobile for all the destinations
What if I do not receive an I-ticket through the courier?
If you fail to receive I-ticket in 2-3 clear days, you can contact IRCTC call center and enquire about the status
giving relevant ticket details. You can also mail at Alternatively you can track you ticket by
entering the PNR number in the 'Track your ticket' page provided on the website, from the next day of
booking the ticket. You can contact your local Overnite Express courier office, produce proof of identity along
with transaction ID and PNR number and collect your ticket.
How many passengers in a ticket can I book using the IRCTCmobile?
You can book a maximum of 6 seats at a time (adults and children included) using the IRCTCmobile.
How many I-tickets can I store on my mobile?
The number of I-tickets that can be stored on the mobile depends on the phones memory.
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How do I view my stored I-tickets on the IRCTCmobile?
The procedure for viewing an I-ticket on IRCTCmobile is:
Open IRCTCmobile with the appropriate PIN
Select My Tickets icon
Select from 'last booked ticket' or 'Fetch all tickets'
You will be able to view all the ticket details like: PNR, Ticket no., passenger name, fare details, train details etc
What if I just want to obtain train schedules without making a reservation?
To obtain only the train schedules, simply follow this steps
Login to IRCTCmobile on your mobile phone and Select Booking a) Enter first three characters of city or city
code in the From and To field b) Select Next from the Option.
Confirm city by selecting From and To for the desired city and Selects Next
Select the Class from Option
Select the Date of Journey
IRCTCmobile will fetch and display the trains a) Select the desired train and Select Next b) Select Train
details from Options to view the details
Can I cancel or get the refund of the ticket booked through the IRCTCmobile?
The cancellation of the ticket cant be done from the IRCTCmobile. For cancellation you have to follow normal
procedure of cancellation over the counter. The refund money will be credited back electronically to the same
credit/cash card which has been used for booking tickets. The refund may take around 1-3 days from the date of
What if I lose my mobile?
If you loose your mobile:
Call the customer IRCTC care centre
Provide details for verification of identity
Request for blocking the IRCTCmobile
Perform a Change of Handset , once you avail your new phone
What if I change my mobile handset or change my SIM card of my mobile?
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
If you buy a new handset but use your old SIM (Old Mobile No.), follow the registration and download
procedure as mentioned in registration and download FAQ. Please ensure that you have deleted the
IRCTCmobile application in the old handset. If you change the SIM, please delete/remove your old
IRCTCmobile application form the phone and follow steps as mentioned in registration and download FAQ.
If I change my handset will my I-tickets stored on my old handset be available on my new
Yes, in case of any change in handset after following the Change Device procedure (for details refer F.A.Q
Above) all the details will be available in the IRCTCmobile on the new phone.
Can anyone else use my IRCTCmobile?
A PIN protects IRCTCmobile, which ensures that only an authorized user accesses IRCTCmobile. After 3
consecutive wrong inputs of the PIN, the IRCTCmobile gets locked. Please do not share your pin with anyone
for security reasons.
Why should I synchronize IRCTCmobile?
Synchronizing will keep your IRCTCmobile updated with the latest information. To synchronize your
IRCTCmobile, press Sync in Options on the main screen of your IRCTCmobile. A message will be displayed,
with summary of downloaded items.
How do I synchronize the IRCTCmobile?
The procedure for synchronizing the IRCTCmobile is:
Select the Sync option in the main screen of your IRCTCmobile
The synchronization process will be initiated
Summary of the uploaded or downloaded items will be displayed on the phone screen
Select OK to return to the main screen.
What if the GPRS connection breaks while booking the ticket?
If GPRS connection breaks while booking the I-ticket, IRCTCmobile will display the appropriate error message.
Please select the Retry option to try again.
What if the GPRS connection breaks after I have entered the card details?
If GPRS connection breaks at any point, please select the Retry option to try again. If you exit IRCTCmobile
without retrying in the following cases, the transaction will remain pending and can be completed the next time
you login to IRCTCmobile. In case any money gets deducted without the booking process getting completed,
the same will be refunded back.
What if my mobile goes off because of low battery while booking the ticket?
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If your mobile goes off because of low battery in the following cases the transaction will remain pending and can
be completed the next time you login to the IRCTCmobile.What if I receive a call or SMS while
booking the ticket?
If you receive, a call or SMS while booking the ticket IRCTCmobile will work in background and will not be
affected. But if the duration of call is long the IRCTCmobile will logout automatically after sometime to ensure
While downloading, I get a message saying "Un-trusted Application". What should I do?
Please select Yes for this option. This option is specific to the mobile device and would not affect the
application or mobile phone.
Does IRCTCmobile have a similar appearance on all phones?
The functionality of the IRCTCmobile remains same for all the phones. The appearance although might change
from phone to phone depending on the visual interface of the phone.
What is IRCTCmobile Lite version?
Since heap memory size and JAR size, which are important for running Java applications on mobile phones, vary
from phone to phone, C-SAM has developed a IRCTCmobile version which can run on mobile phones with
constraints of heap memory and JAR size. This is called IRCTCmobile Lite version.
What are the features available on IRCTCmobile Lite version?
IRCTCmobile Lite version has all the features except the following restrictions:
Application icon and all other images will not be displayed
Number of passengers that can be stored depends upon the memory of the device
Fast Booking icon will not be provided
Only 1 ticket will be stored IRCTCmobile
Will IRCTC mobile work on CDMA mobile connections like TTSL, TTML, Reliance,
No. Presently IRCTC mobile service is available only for GSM users with appropriate GPRS connection.
After entering mobile number on the IRCTC website, I did not receive the SMS?
On entering the mobile number, you shall receive a service SMS (also called as WAP Push Message). This is a
special SMS containing a URL link.
Please check your 'Message Inbox' or 'Service Message Inbox'. This message might be received in either of
these locations depending upon your handset model. In some cases, you may need to enable the message
1/3/12 FAQ Indian Railwas
settings to allow receipt of this service message. For enabling the message setting, please do the following
Go to Messaging>Options>Settings>Service Messages>OFF. Turn this to ON to receive the WAP Push
How do I recommend this application to m friends?
On the IRCTCmobile homescreen, please select 'Refer a friend' from options. Enter our friend's mobile
number, friend's name and our name and select send. Your friend will receive a WAP SMS. Please ensure that
our friend has GPRS. Your friend will not be charged anthing, whereas ou will incur onl data cost as per
our GPRS plan.
Diclaime, Tem & condiion:
This FAQ has information as provided b and websites. This
information is provided for the benefit of general public.

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