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1-5. Give 5 non-auditing assurance services offered by accountants which the Assurance Services Executive Committee of the AICPA promotes 6-15. Give the 10 elements central to the study of AIS. Multiple Choice: 1. S1: section 404 of the SOX Act means changes for both auditors and the a. I, III, IV b. I, II, III, IV c. I, II, IV d. I, II, III 5. The information systems that process & provide a. S1 & S2 are true b. S1 is true while S2 is false c. S2 is true while S1 is false d. both statements are false a. systems develop operation 2. Which of the ff services identifies, develops, accountants? a. E-commerce b. information systems reliability c. Risk assessment d. all of the above 3. It is to recognize CPA's who can provide skilled advice on using IT to implement business strategy a. CTP vision project 6. Knowledge of these process is essential for success of an accountant, consultant, business process owner or its specializes except a. business operation b. database c. events processing d. communications and promotes non-audit assurance service that can be offered by b. Reporting c. accounting and auditing principles d. communications decision ___. information making for management be designed, must companies that they audit S2: Section 409 requires disclosure to the public on a "rapid & current basis of material changes in an financial condition organization's 4. What are the core services proposed in the project involve information technology? I. technology II. management consulting & performance measurement III. Risk assessment IV. technology services assurance & information

implemented, and effectively operated is

7. Structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the enterprise in order to achieve the enterprises goals by adding value

GROUP 2 Key Terms: System a set of interdependent elements that together accomplish specific objectives.

a.IT Governance b.Privacy Management c.Spyware Detection and Removal d.Wireless Technologies 8. .Detects and removes programs

Subsystem each part of a system. Central objectives have three types: natural, biological, and manmade. Information System is a manmade system that generally consists of an integrated set of computer based components and manual components established to collect, store, and manage data and to provide output information to users.

attempting to covertly gather and transmit confidential user information (refer to #7) 9. Connectivity and transfer of data




between devices via the airwaves that is w/out physical connectivity (refer to #7) 10. It provides the foundation on w/c AIS and business of operations technology rest, is and knowledge critically

specialized subsystem of the IS. Enterprise Systems a highly integrated information system.

Enumeration: What are the 4 elements that must be present in a system? What are the different systems under central objectives? What are the different functions of

important to your complete understanding of the AIS discipline a. control b. database c. technology d. communications ESSAY: Accountants are to be fully compliant with certain laws and regulations. One existing law is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. To comply with SOX, what does it require us to do?

Information System? An Information System incorporated a

separate Accounting Information System. What are the purposes of separation? Multiple choice:

It is a set of interdependent elements that together accomplish specific objectives. a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) Subsystem Organization Relationship System Subsystem System Integration None of the above

b) c) d)

Database system Information system Integration

It might be receipts of new shoes or sales o shoes. a) b) c) d) Outputs Inputs Throughput All of the above is

What do you call each part of a system?

Accounting Information System that A system must have the following, except: a) b) c) d) Organization Integration Interrelationships Subparts operational functions is called? a) b) c) d) Which of the following is not a type of systems central objectives? a) b) c) d) Biological Natural Physical Man-made Essay: IS enterprise IS subsystem AIS business processes AIS enterprise system

divided into components based on the

Define Information System. What is the essence business? of Information System in a

Information system is also known as: a) b) c) d) Management Information System Accounting Information System Both A and B Neither A nor B KEY TERMS Information system Subsystem It is a man-made system that generally consists of an integrated set of computedbased components and manual components established to collect, store, and manage data and to provide output information to users. a) Information ENUMERATION I. Three types of systems central objectives. II. AIS components 2 Accounting information system Enterprise system GROUP 3

6. It is a highly integrated information MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following is a component of AIS? A. AIS Business processes B. Enterprise system C. Both A & B D. None of the above 2. It facilitates operational functions and supports management decision making by providing that managers can use to plan and control the activities of the firm. A. Information system B. Subsystem C. Both A & B D. None of the above 3. The following are the central objectives of the AIS except: A. Biological B. Psychological C. Man-made D. Both A & B 4. What is another name for information system? A. Enterprise system B. AIS business processes C. Management information system D. subsystems 5. It is a set of independent elements that together accomplish specific objectives. A. subsystems B. systems C. enterprise D. None of the above 10. It is a man-made system that generally consists of an integrated set of computebased components and manual components established to collect, store and manage data and to provide output information to users. A. IS B. information technology C. system D. subsystem 9. A complete study of the AIS should consider all ________ elements. A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 8. Each part of a system is called: A. subpart B. subgroup C. subsystem D. none of the above system example that allows the distinctions among blurred. A. Hardware system B. Software system C. Enterprise system D. Manufacturing system 7. It is a specialized system of the IS. A. management information system B. Information system C. accounting information system D. both A & C separate systems to become

data and to provide output information to users. ESSAY Why must one know a business 1. II. Enumeration organizations objectives?

GROUP 4 I. Key Terms

1. Operating process typically includes: 2. What are the three most prominent management activities? 3. What are the three logical components of a business process? III. Multiple Choice

1. Business process A collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. 2. Logical components Information, operations and management process compose the logical components of a business process; forms a diagram of relationships to complete the whole business transaction 3. Operations process processes that constitute the core business or accomplish the work of the organization; Typical operational processes are Purchasing, Manufacturing, Advertising and Marketing, and Sales. 4. Management process processes that govern the operation of a system; ; consists of people, authority, organizations, policies and procedures 5. Information System (IS) Manmade system that generally consists of an integrated set of computerbased components and manual components established to collect, store and manage

1. Which is correct? The operations process is a man-made system consisting of the _________ whose objective is to accomplish the work of the organization. a. people and organizations b. policies and procedures c. Both a and b d. None of the above 2. Which statement is incorrect regarding the managements function? a. Management hires personnel then leaves them alone to figure out what to do. b. Management establishes the means for accomplishing the work of an organization. c. Management creates broad marketing objectives. d. Management designs procedures for facilitating operations. 3. Normal procedures begin when a. IS acknowledges the purchase order

b. IS sends a request to the warehouse to send goods to the customer c. IS prepares an invoice d. IS receives a customers order to purchase goods 4. Which statement is incorrect? a. The second procedure is when the IS acknowledges order. b. The second procedure is when the IS receives an order to purchase goods. c. The third procedure is when the IS sends a request to the warehouse to send goods to the customer. d. The third procedure identifies the goods and their location to the warehouse. 5. Which is correct? I. Operation processes do not typically include production, personnel, and finance. II. Management assigns specific sales quotas by which progress towards the longrun objectives can be measured. a. I only b. II only c. Both I and II d. Neither 6. Which of the following is not one of the most prominent management activities? 1. planning 2. decision making 3. controlling 4. organizing the customers purchase

7. What business process has the objective to plan and control the operations of the organization? 1. operations process 2. management process 3. information process 4. all of the above

8. Which of the following is the objective of the operations process? 1. to accomplish the work of the organization 2. to process information related to financial aspects of business events for the organization 3. to plan and control the operations of the organization 4. none of the above

9. Which of the following is the objective of the management process? 1. to accomplish the work of the organization 2. to process information related to financial aspects of business events for the organization 3. to plan and control the operations of the organization 4. none of the above

10. Operations processes include all of the following except:

1. planning 2. accounting 3. marketing and sales 4. personnel

1. The




management activities are planning, controlling and ______. 1. producing 2. accounting 3. financing

IV. Essay How does the relationship among the logical components ease the business process in achieving the organization's objectives? Group 5 Key terms Operations Process- is a man-made system consisting of the people, equipment, organization, policies and procedures whose objective is to accomplish the work of the organization. Management Process- is a manmade system consisting of the people, equipment, organization, policies and procedures whose objective is to plan and control the operations of the organization.

4. decision making

1. ______




consisting of the people, equipment, organization, policies and procedures whose objective is to accomplish the work of the organization. 1. management process 2. operations process 3. information process 4. accounting process

1. ______




consisting of the people, equipment, organization, policies and procedures whose objective is to plan and control the operations of the organization. 1. management process 2. information process 3. accounting process 4. operations process 1. Which of the following is not

Enumeration What are the three logical

components of a business process? Multiple Choices

included in the operations process? 1. Personal 2. Accounting 3. Decision making 4. Finance

1. ______ and



include finance,

2. Customer order 3. Goods 4. Shipping notice 1. This is a document which is attached to the goods that identifies that identifies the customer 1. packing slip 2. shipping request 3. shipping invoice 4. none of the above

production, sales,

personnel, accounting,


warehousing and distribution. 1. Management 2. Accounting 3. Operations 4. Information 1. S1: Operations Process is a manmade people, policies system and consisting procedures of the equipment, organization, whose 1. The ______ reports to the IS the goods that the goods have been shipped. 1. Packaging department 2. Shipping department 3. Accounting department 4. BA department

objective is to plan and control the operations of the organization. S2: Management Process is a man-made system consisting whose of the people, is to equipment, organization, policies and procedures objective accomplish the work of the organization. 1. 1. S1 and S2 are true 2. S1 is true while S2 is False 3. S1 is false while S2 is true 4. Both statements are false 1. The information process(IS) sends the following to the customers except: 1. Customer order 2. Order acknowledgment 3. Invoice 4. Packing slip 1. The operations process ships ______ to the customers. 1. Sales reports

Essay: In what ways these logical

components of a business process help you being an accountant? Why?

GROUP 6 Accounting Information System Model Management Uses of Information

Key terms 1. Information System

2. Operations system 3. Managerial activities 4. Decision making 5. Ship 6. Measure attainment of goals 7. Achieve satisfactory results 8. Timely manner 9. Organizations environment 10. Critical support Enumeration 1. What are the 2 important functions of IS within an organization? 2. The IS mirrors and monitors actions in the operations system by? 3. How do the managers use the making information? 5. The managers use the information by Multiple Choice 1. An IS serves _____ important functions within an organization. a. one b. two c. three d. four 2. The IS mirrors and monitors actions in the operations system by? a. classifying, summarizing, and reporting business events. b. recording, classifying, and posting to the general ledger. c. recording, processing, and encoding business events. d. processing, recording, and reporting business events. 7. The managers use the IS to _________ and ___________ in a timely manner to trends in the organizations environment. managers d. stakeholders customers b. employees c. 6. The information helps them achieve satisfactory results for all their _________. a. future d. annual past b. current c. monitoring _______ operations. a. management organizations environment c. management decision d. information account d. assist 4. The second major function includes? a. time b. support b. manage c. 3. The second major function of the IS is to __________ managerial activities. a.

a. act b. plan, manage c. adapt recognize, implement


8. ISs provide _____________ to such management activities. a. support accurate information c. assistance records 9. In IS, we must understand these activities including ___________________. a. management organizations environment c. making products 10. We need to understand the required design features of good a. organization b. information systems c. management d. company Essay: What do you think is the importance of an IS in dealing with information? _______________________. decision d. new time b. technical d. critical b. 1. Designer - a role of an accountant with regards in AIS. 2. IS (Information System) - is a man-made system that generally set and of consists computermanual of an integrated components based I. KEY TERMS:


established to collect, store and manage data and to provide output information to users. 3. AIS - Accounting Information System is a specialized subsystem of the IS. Its purpose is to collect, process and report information related to the financial aspects of business events. 4. Auditors - are interested in the reliability of the accounting data and of the reports produced by the system. 5. User - the accountant who participates in the AIS design process. 6. System resources any and organized procedures assembly united of and

regulated by interaction or interdependence to accomplish a set of specific functions. 7. Design - a basic scheme or pattern that affects and controls function or development. II. ENUMERATIONS:

1. Give the three roles to be assumed by an accountant regarding the AIS.2. Give the 2 factors that affect an accountants effectiveness regarding AIS. 3. Enumerate the different functions that accountants organizations. 4. What are the different ways a user can be effective in the design process? III. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. Which is not one of the knowledge given by an accountant as a designer of AIS? a) b) c) d) 2. a) knowledge of auditing principles IS techniques knowledge of systems development costing principles Which is not true in the given can perform within

4. Who often participates in designing and implementing the AIS? a) b) c) d) clerks treasurer manager accountant

5. What role is called on to participate in the AIS design process? a) b) c) d) auditor user designer controller

6. What should a user have to make sure that a new system contain? a) b) d) labels features technology


c) packaging statements? As a designer, an accountant brings and system development 7. Which is not the role of an accountant? a) b) c) d) user designer auditor programmer knowledge of accounting principles, IS techniques method. b) c) d) The three roles of an accountant are An accountant always participates in bookkeepers, clerks, and computers designer, user and auditor. 8. All of the following operates the AIS system, except? a) bookkeepers b) clerks c) computers 3. Which of the following doesnt operate the AIS? a) b) c) d) financial analyst bookkeepers clerks computers 9. Auditors are interested in ______ & ______. a) accounting principles and computers b) hardware and software d) administrator designing and implementing the AIS. operate the AIS

c) reliability of accounting data and reports produced by the system d) how to be a budgeting specialist and to be a cost accountant 10. The following are the knowledge that an accountant must possess about AIS in order to do their job well, which is not included? a) b) c) AIS d) how to be a budgeting specialist systems development techniques, of the technology used in the IS the design and the operation of the controls

Information process Management

Enumeration 3 users of information process 4 provisions by the management to establish operation and information process Multiple choice





operations by_____. IV. ESSAY QUESTION: a) data b) c) providing man power Gives clues to solve complicated maintaining inventory and customer

It is said that accountant always brings knowledge of accounting principles and auditing principles. In one way or another, how will the accountant design the accounting information system? With the technology (ERPs) given, what are the benefits that the accountant can get by using those specialized software in this high-tech environment?


What does the management monitor that is through the means of information process? a) b) c) Accounting process Marketing process Operations process processes and

GROUP 8 1. Key terms


accounting-related processes are_____. a) b) c) Separated Integrated Interdependent

Electromagnetic signal Operation-related processes Accounting-related processes

Management designs the operations and information processes and establishes these by providing_____. Choose the incorrect one a) b) c) People Land Equipment process users does not


include_________ a) b) c) Operating personnel Management Accounting personnel

4. Essay

What is the importance of these concepts to the logical components of business process? ***

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