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.:;OM : PIJPCIJt 1 CO 5 I h
April4, 2012
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' eB 0 FRX 110. :5317164
Rpr. 10 2012 09:46RM P1
PGEA-TUCP Compound
Elliptical Road, Diman, Quezon City
Tel. 926-1573 Telefa: 6<!>8<>541
National President, PGE
Humn Resoure Ofcer/ Administntive Ofcer
Housing Fair for Gverment Employet:s

The Philippine Government Employees Asociaton togetel:' wit the Pag-IBIG FUND
(Home Development Mutual Fund) wll hold a "Housing Fail" with the theme: '"Disente
at Abot -Kayang Pabahay para sa mga Kawani ng Gobymo" on April192o,
2012 to be held at the Bulwagan Rome F. Edu, Land Transportation Ofce, Est Avenue,
Quezon Cit, to be graced by His Excellenc Vice- President Jejoma: C. Biay+
This activity aims to provide a venue for government employee1; to acquire decent and
afordable housing units and provide updates on PAG-IBIG be:tlefi :s, rules and procedures.
At the same time_ it aims to assist government agencies to develop< nd implement their own
agency \ousing program.
The Housing Fair wl showcase and extend to public worker!: ani their families who are
members of Pag-IBIG Fund aces to acquired assets/propert:ies at discounted rates and
medium rise buildings/housing units at afordable/reasonable pri : located wthin and tn
the out;kirts of Metro Manila. Te event will also provide liveliho(< orientaton, rafle and
oter aetivities. This initiative is a joint efor between PAG-IBIG Fund and PGE through a
Memor.mdum of Understanding. This is to serve the housing neods of public workers as
camored during the December 7, 2011 Natonal Convention of Govlrnment Employees held
at Manila Hotel.
In this regard may we invite your Ofce to allow your employees to attend on te Housing
Fair 01 rotaton basis. May we also request for your coopera:ion to disseminate the
attached invitation 1 Announcement by posting in bulletin boarl, ofice outook/ advisories
and duling the flag ceremony to give everybody the chance to attmd and avail decent and
aforda'Jle housing units accessible to their work plac This Hl help sve time and
transp<:ration cost on the part of government employees.
Please confrm your employees participation at telefax numbers (02) 63-3541
(Tess/Net/Saira) ( 02-926l573 (Jun/Carol) or at Mobile No. 09153022848 or email us at

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