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Whom do African-Americans vote for, Democrats or Republicans? Whom do women vote for? Democrats or Republicans? Why?

What was Barack Obamas campaign slogan? Did he present himself as the black candidate or not? How did he answer the 2010 census? Did he check the boxes black and white, or just black? Why? Why did single moms vote for him? Why did the children of Latino or Asian immigrants vote for him? What percentage of African-Americans voted for him? When was slavery abolished? Through which amendment? When did black men get the right to vote? When did women of any color? Since when have black people really been able to vote? When was segregation legalized? When was it made illegal? What was the Civil Rights Movement? What major law came out of it? What is affirmative action? Does it still exist? Has affirmative action been abolished in California? What was busing? Does it still exist? Is segregation really over in schools? In housing? Which two features made an American most likely to get a subprime loan? What is the glass ceiling? What is the unemployment of black people compared to the national average? The poverty rate? The child poverty rate? The child mortality rate? In jailing and sentencing, in particular to the death penalty? In medical treatment? Are African-Americans immigrants? Are Latinos immigrants? What is the birth rate for American-born girls of Latino origin? Are Latinos segregated, in school? What does Americans from ethnic minorities mean? Are Americans from ethnic minorities immigrants? Who is Jeremy Lin? What do Americans say about single moms today? Are single moms a tiny percentage of the population? Where do you find Latinos? To which state do most immigrant Latinos and Asians go today? What is the poverty rate for Latinos? When did women obtain the right to contraception? To abortion? Is this right theoretical or real? Why does the US have the highest teenage pregnancy rate of the industrialized world except for Bulgaria? What is abstinence-only sex education? What has Rick Santorum said about womens right to contraception and abortion during this 2012 campaign?

Does Mitt Romney defend womens right to choose? Who is Rush Limbaugh and what did he have to say about health care paying for womens contraception? What is the glass ceiling? Whom does it affect? Is it legal for a state to prohibit same-sex sexuality? Is it legal for a state to prohibit same-sex marriage? Is it legal for a state to make same-sex marriage legal? Is it legal to fire someone because they are gay everywhere in the USA? Anywhere in the USA? Would Americans elect a gay man or a lesbian woman? An unmarried candidate? An atheist? In the South, do white people vote for black candidates? What is Medicaid? Does everyone have medical insurance in the USA? How many dont, right now? Do you lose your health insurance when you lose your job? What percentage of Americans are food insecure? Have two billion dollars been spent on war each month since 2003? True or false, were 2.9 million Americans in foreclosure (banks taking away their homes), because of the economic crisis and the subprime crisis in 2010 alone? Are the majority of people who got subprime loans white? How is poverty defined? What percentage of a mans salary does a woman make when she works fulltime, all year long? When she works part-time? What corporation is the biggest private employer in the USA? What did Jesse Jackson nickname this corporation, to point to its racist and sexist exploitation of its workers? What percentage of American families can afford 4 years of university for a child, without having to take a loan and without a scholarship? What is the average number of days of vacation Americans take per year? Do small businesses have to give sick leave to their employees when they are sick? Is there paid maternity leave in the USA? Is there welfare for adults who have no children and who are poor? How much of US housing is public (like the HLM in France)? What does we are the 99% mean? Who created this slogan? Who benefited from the tax cuts under George W Bush? The poor, the working class, the middle class or the very wealthy? Is it true that Mitt Romney, who is among the 0.006% richest Americans, pays a lower tax rate than his secretary or a medium-level executive? Without counting his wealth, Romney earns from his investments (pick one) 180 times or 1800 times what the average Joe does a year. PAGE 2

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