Agenda NPC 16th April 12

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You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of NEWPORT PARISH COUNCIL to be held on MONDAY, 16 APRIL 12 at 6.45pm the VICTORIA RECREATION CLUBHOUSE, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.

Clerk to the Parish Council Email: Tel 201115/559119

10 April 12



Prior to the council meeting commencing there will be an opportunity of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to make comments and to ask questions of the Parish Council

1. To receive apologies for absence 2. 3. Declarations of Interest Minutes of the last meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 12 (Paper A) Matters arising (for information only) Sylvan Drive the work was completed on 26th March Hookes Way planting has already begun in the area Safer Neighbourhoods Team To receive an update from the Newport Safer Neighbourhoods Team Finance I. Financial Statement (Paper B) To receive and consider a financial statement for the end of the financial year 2011/12 and a statement for the new financial year 2012/13 II. Accounts for Payment To consider and approve accounts for payment (Paper C) III. Economic Improvement Fund Cllrs Whiteman and Smart To consider submitting a late bid to the IWC EIF for external works to the Guildhall (Paper D)



IV. Donations To consider donations to the following: Carisbrooke Priory Cllr Smart The Priory wish to purchase a commercial style cooker to provide lunches for volunteers and users, mainly people with mental health problems. A representative will attend to give more details. Gunville Community Association (Paper E) A request for support with the Jubilee celebrations Royal British Legion Armed Forces Day Cllr Lumley Armed Forces Day will take place on 23rd June at Appley Park with a total cost of 7,000. Ryde TC is contributing 2,500, Wightlink 1,500 and Ministry of Defence 950. A donation of 250 is requested. V. Audit Review Cllr Whiteman and Lumley To consider the report from the Audit Review working party (Paper F ) To consider the recommendations for amending Financial Regulations 6. Proposed New Traffic Arrangements Cllr Lumley To consider the proposal for a link road to be constructed between Foxes Way and Crocker Street and the need to signalise the junction at Drill Hall Road / Carisbrooke Road. This will enable traffic to access Foxes Way from the High Street and, in reverse, gain access to Carisbrooke Road via Old Westminster Lane, Hearn Street, Caesers Road and Drill Hall Road. (Plan attached) Apprentice Cllr Smart To consider employing an apprentice to work alongside the Clerk (Paper G) Planning and Licensing Committee To receive and consider the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee held on 1st and 15th March 12 (Paper H) Consultation on the IW Festival to receive an update on the recent meeting with the promoters, IWC Licensing Department and the Police (Paper I) Working Parties: Transport and Tourism - to receive a report from the meeting held on 12th April and consider recommendations - Cllr Ward Jubilee Celebrations o To consider a donation to Clatterford Tuition Centre towards the cost of designing and producing flags to display in the town Cllr JonesEvans proposes 500 o To consider funding a stained glass window for Newport Minster to commemorate the event Cllr Whiteman Allotments to receive a report from the meeting held on 10th April and consider recommendations (Paper J to follow)




10. Annual Parish Meeting Cllr Whiteman To confirm the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th April, 7pm at the Parish Centre Town Lane. The guest speakers will be Tony Murphy from the Newport and Carisbrooke Food Bank and Pete Luther from Revive Newport. To receive and approve the Annual Report for 2011/12 (Paper K)

11. IWALC Cllr Lumley To receive a report (Paper L) 12. Reports from IW Councillors To receive reports from IW Councillors who are not members of the Parish Council 13. To receive items for next agenda 14. Date and location of next Parish Council meetings The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 25th April, 7pm at the Parish Centre, Town Lane. The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Monday 14th May 2012, 6.45pm at the Riverside Centre. This will be the Annual Meeting of the Council which will be followed by the normal monthly meeting

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