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Development and Applications of Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography Techniques. 2. The Problem/Need to Be Addressed: Among the various non-destructive testing and evaluation methods conventionally employed in Industry, Industrial Radiography has played a vital role. Its technical, economical and environmental benefits have been well demonstrated and recognised by industrial and environmental sectors. The most commonly used radiographic techniques have been transferred to many member states through technical co-operation projects of IAEA. The last decade has however, seen phenomenal developments in new and modern radiation detecting and recording systems and associated equipment. Digital Radiography (DR) including online and real-time systems, Computed Tomography (CT) and their associated protocols for industrial applications, trained man-power development and in particular, the sustained endeavour for their acceptance in industry are some of the emerging challenges. The specific areas which require special attention are (i) Demonstration and familiarisation of Gamma and X-ray based Digital Radiography and Tomography Systems for NDT applications especially for complex castings and assemblies and unknown packages; (ii) Promoting the DR/CT Technology among the member states and establishing trained groups of people for popularising DR/CT methods among the actual users in the respective member countries; (iii) Collaborative R&D Programmes, exchange of experts and short-term training programmes and (iv) Preparation of Technical documents, Training Manuals and Quality Control Standards (DR/CT Systems and Practices) in consonance with ASTM and ISO guidelines on DR and CT methods. The interest in RCA MSs for applying new and advanced radiation based NDT technology for intensification of industrial productivity and improving environment through technical cooperation projects is continuing. Some of the RCA MSs including India have already developed such new NDT methods and further advanced R&D works are already in progress. There is the need to transfer novel developments and emerging new applications as well as to upgrade the capability of industrial NDT groups in RCA MSs to promote routine services of mature techniques. In this connection, project activities will focus on the followings. Initiation of Radioisotopes, X-rays and LINAC based Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography for Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation of Industrial Systems Popularisation and familiarisation of advanced DR&CT methods, Hardware and Software Systems and their applications Development and demonstration of portable tomography systems Development of on-line and real-time imaging systems for inspection of unknown packages Harmonisation of NDT certification schemes as per ISO 17024 Applications of NDT for life extension based inspection in Oil and petrochemical industries Research and Development Collaboration in Gamma, X-rays and LINAC based imaging systems for DR and CT

3. Specific objectives of the project: (A) To transfer novel developments and emerging new applications in the RCA MSs include: Non-film based Radiography / Tomography using electronic detectors of industrial specimen (assemblies, castings and packages) Adaptation of high-end software systems for DR and CT applications to suit requirements of individual application groups in MSs Training and familiarization of advanced NDT methods in DR and CT to RCA MSs Preparation of Technical Documents on DR and CT Methods, Practices and Quality Control in line with ISO and ASTM Guidelines Development of Portable Tomography Systems for in-situ applications in Process and Petrochemical industries. To upgrade the capability of Radioisotope and Radiation based NDT groups in RCA MSs to promote routine services of mature techniques: To develop further modified NDT Processes for industrial use Assisting national events (training courses, seminars, meetings) Certification and accreditation of advanced NDT techniques


4. The linkage of the project objectives to Millennium Development Goals: There is the linkage to the following Millennium Development Goals: Ensure environmental sustainability, and Develop a global partnership for development. Alleviate poverty 5. Performance indicators and their means of verification: The following performance indicators and their means of verification should be applied: Performance Indicators Improved industrial productivity and environment Technology transfer Increased application cases Number of trained scientists and engineers Number of decision-makers and executives informed at REMS Cost/benefit analysis of implementation technology Upgraded capability of radioisotope groups Means of Verification Evaluation of reports in the field of applications Reports of RTC and RTW Reports from RCA Member States Reports of RTC, RTW, fellowship, scientific visit and from national events Reports of REMS Case studies from RCA MSs Number of trained personnel, equipment procurement, national events assisted

6. The expected impact of the project: 2

Technology advancement in RCA MSs Improvement of productivity in key industries such as production, assemblies of complex systems, castings, packaging and petrochemicals and oil/mineral sectors. Cost effective production and less operational risk Enhanced life and safety of industrial systems. Enhancement of industrial environment preservation A contribution to TCDC 7. Steps to be taken to make the benefits of the project sustainable: Outcome of project will be directly used in further research and routine service activities of the national project teams. Further actions on TCDC. 8. Indication whether the proposal is for a new project or an extension of an ongoing project: New project 9. Not Applicable 10. The advantage of addressing the problem through a regional project: Common needs and priorities in many RCA MSs 11. The nuclear techniques to be used and its advantages over conventional methods: Gamma, Constant Potential and LINAC based X-rays are used in the project as radiation sources. The advanced radiographic and tomographic methods and underlying techniques for defect localisation and analysis are accurate, quantitative, highly sensitive and non-invasive. The reproducibility and reliability of these methods and systems are high. 12. List of the potential participating Member States: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. 13. Proposed duration of the project: 3 years. 14. Budgetary requirements and possible sources of funds: (A) Six (6) Regional training and Workshop events on: Advanced Digital Radiography and Tomography for Industrial Applications New NDT Techniques using High Intensity Machine based X-rays Guidelines for technology standardization and accreditation Technology upgradation and familiarisation on Hardware and Software for Digital Radiography and Tomography systems Industrial Standards, Protocols and Quality Control in Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography Harmonisation of NDT training schemes as per ISO 17024.

15 participants each and 5 working days each USD 40,000 x 6 = 240,000 USD (B) Meetings 3

Project Formulation meeting - 4,000 Project Evaluation Meeting - 4,000 15 participants for 1 week duration

(C) Expert mission (D) Equipment Total =

- NIL - NIL 2,48,000 USD

15. Proposed Lead and Assistant Country Countries: Proposed Lead Country: to be decided Proposed Assistant Countries: to be decided Proposed Lead Country Coordinator: to be decided Proposed Assistant Lead Country Coordinators: to be decided

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