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FIT2020 Data communications Assignment 1 Semester 1, 2012

Submission Guidelines
Deadline: April 8, 2012 Submission format: PDF only. You can use any freely available pdf converter to make pdf file from editable one. Submission platform: upload via Moodle Files to submit: You need to submit one file: Assign1.pdf. (Note: If you attempt Q5(c), which is an optional question, you may capture OPNET screen shot in Assign1.pdf file) No late submissions ONLY via special consideration request

Plagiarism: It is an academic requirement that your submitted work be original. Zero marks will be awarded for the whole submission if there is any evidence of copying, collaboration, pasting from websites, or copying from textbooks. Plagiarism policy applies to all assessments


This assignment is worth 15% of the total unit marks. The assignment is marked out of 85 nominal marks.

Q1 a. Describe at least five key principles in the design of layered network architecture. b. A broadcast network is the one in which a transmission from any one attached stations is received by all other attached stations over a shared medium. Examples are a bus-topology local area network, such as Ethernet and wireless radio network. Discuss the need or lack of the need for a network layer (OSI layer 3) in broadcast network.



a. A single pulse could represent a digital 1 in a communication system, as an infinite number of high frequencies of decreasing magnitude are needed to represent the single pulse. What implications does this have for real digital transmission system? b. Study the works of Shannon and Nyquist on channel capacity. Each places an upper limit on the bit rate of a channel based on two different approaches. How are these two related? c. At a given noise level, the higher the data rate, the higher the bit error rate. Why?

(5+5+5=15marks) DataLinklayer
Q3. a. What is the major disadvantage of the asynchronous transmission? b. How is synchronization provided for synchronous transmission? c. Why would you expect a CRC to detect more errors than a parity bit?


Q4 Two neighbouring nodes (A and B) use a sliding-window flow control system with a 3-bit sequence number. As the ARQ mechanism, go-back-N is used with a window size of 4. Assuming A is transmitting and B is receiving, show the window positions at both ends for the following succession of events: a. Before A sends any frames. b. After A sends frames 0,1,2 and B acknowledges 0,1 and the ACKS are received by A. c. After A sends frames 3,4 and 5 and B acknowledges 4 and the ACK is received by A. hint: consult Figure 7.4 of the textbook.

(5+5+5=15marks) Q5
Explain with neat diagram of HDLC frame exchanges with relevant control field information in I, S, U frames, what will happen in the following scenario (independent) when: a. the last frame sent by the sender is lost. b. the positive acknowledgement sent by receiver is lost. c. the rejection message sent by the receiver is damaged.

(5+5+5=15marks) Communicationnetworks
a) In packet switching networks, a relationship exist between packet size and transmission time, describe this relationship. Would segmentation of packet to very small size lead to reduced transmission time or not, give reasons to support the answer. b) Australian Government is spending ~43 Billions dollars to build a National Broadband Network (NBN), which will provide faster Internet access to businesses, homes, schools, hospitals etc. Your job is to research information on National Broadband and you can start from this website: and write a two page essay using following headings: Introduction, Network Architecture, Network Component Specifications, Comparison with broadband networks from other countries, why Australian model should be different and your reflection in favour of the NBN or against.

c) Optional Question (extra 5 marks): You should simulate National Broadband Network of Australia using OPNET at core level (you should search Internet to three tier hierarchical internet model, one article is given ( only and show results in term of throughput and delay or any other measure, you find fit; you can select fast switches and links from any vendor between main capital cities (Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Darwin, Alice Spring, Perth, Adelaide and Hobart Note: you can use instructions from lab 4 from OPNET manual for modelling).

(Ifyouattemptpart4(c),youwillbegivengradedoutof5forthispart;andmarkswillbeaddedtothetotal, whichwillassistyoutoimproveyourmarks,however,maximummarkscanbe80forthisassignment)


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