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Malden High School English 10 CP Ms. Y.


Homework Agenda (4-1)

Homework #3: Due Monday, April 23, 2012 Poetry Quote o Bring in what you consider to be the best quote about poetry you could find. DO NOT select the first one you see. o Type the quote on a sheet of paperit should be centered and anywhere from 20-26 point font, depending on the length of the quote (should be easily read from a few steps back). Homework #4: Due Thursday, April 26, 2012 Find a Poem!Your task is to find a poem, preferably one that you have never read before. Transcribe or type the poem, and go through the same steps that you did with the poems we discussed in class. o Read the poem at least three times, write down your impressions of the poems narrator, write down any thoughts, feelings, or associations that the poem calls forth, and write down any questions you may still have about the poem. o I recommend you select a poem that: intrigues you puzzles you at first reading, at least in some way speaks to you somehowthat is, its for you in some fashion; it resonates with something in you. (This doesnt meant that it has to be about something youve experienced, though it could be.) Complete the class activity for the e. e. cummings poem, which is on the back side of the class handout. Homework#5: Due Friday, April 27, 2012 Read Dickinsons poem #254 and Joules Graves Sorrow o For each poem, Name That Tone!how would you characterize the tones of the poems? What particular words or phrases convey the attitudes you perceive? Be as explicit as possible. Find a Poem!that stirs something in you emotionally (nothing that has been used previously in class). It doesnt have to be a poem you thoroughly understand, just one that moves you to feel something, even if youre not 100% sure what it is you feel. o Transcribe or type the poem. Read it to yourself, patiently. o Find one word, phrase, or line in the poem that is particularly powerful for you. Write down that word, phrase, or line separately and list some of its connotations o Then, in a paragraph or two, describe your overall feeling about the poem and how some of the connotations you listed contribute to or reflect that overall feeling. o In listing the connotations, did you find that your overall feeling changed at all? Homework #6: Due Tuesday, May 1, 2012 Write a Poem!(Quiz grade) Write a short poem (at least 8 lines) concerning an emotion. Think of a strong feeling you have or have had. Then, you are to write a poem that makes the emotion tangible (something you can See, literally feel, etc) o Use the notes you began in class to help with your decisions. Homework #7: Due Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Write a Poem!(Quiz grade) Youre actually going to write TWO poems (at least 8 lines each) that focus on creating an image for the reader. o For the first poem, observe the world around you. See what it is that catches your eye in your observationsjot down what you actually see (and perhaps, hear!). Then, structure a poem that creates this image. (Think of William Carlos Williams The Red Wheelbarrow for this poem). Label this poem Concrete Imagery Poem. o The second poem will create an image for the reader, as well; however, this time the image is supposed to intentionally evoke a certain feeling through the image. You may (or may not) base this poem off of an

actual observation, depending on the emotion youre attempting to illustrate. Label this poem Abstract Imagery Poem. Homework #8: Due Thursday, May 3, 2012 Read Early in the Morning by Li-Young Lee o Mark-up-the-text appropriately after you have read it through at least 1x o Be sure to answer the following questions pertaining to the poem as represented on the poem handout itself: Speaker? Occasion? Emotion? Tone? Imagery? Underlying ideas? Other? Color code and highlight lines from the poem that serve as evidence to your answers. Homework #9: Due Monday, May 7, 2012 Read Ishmael Reeds Beware: Do Not Read this Poem o Make a list of questions regarding the poems strange conventions. Read the poem again while carefully paying attention to things like spelling, punctuation, etc. **You should have a pretty lengthy list! Read Leslie Marmon Silkos Where Mountain Lion Lay Down with Deer o Now, read the poem at least a second time in order to answer the following questions: How would you describe the effect of the unorthodox indentations as you read? What, if anything, do they emphasize or illustrate? Homework #10: Due Tuesday, May 8, 2012 Read Robert Brownings My Last Duchess o Take notes on the poems 2-column chart o Complete a TPCASTT for the Browning poem Homework #11: Due Thursday, May 10, 2012 Read Tennysons In Memoriam A. H. H #7 o After reading it through at least 1x, read it over again and take notes in the I Say column. o Insightfully answer the 3 questions on the bottom of the handout regarding story, speaker and tone. Be sure to include evidence to support your thinking. Homework #10: Due Friday, May 11, 2012 Read Robert Francis The Hound o After reading it through at least 1x, read it over again and take notes in the I Say column. o On the back of the page, write at least one DEVELOPED paragraph explaining the figurative language that is use throughout this poem and how it contributes to the poem. Bring in TWO complete song lyrics (copy and paste into a Word Document) that incorporate some form(s) of figurative language. o Be sure the lyrics are SCHOOL APPROPRIATE! o Highlight the figurative language within each poem o Be sure to label the kind of figurative language you believe is being used in each section youve highlighted.

EXTRA CREDIT: ___________________________________________________ Write a Poem!You must write a 15-line extended metaphor poem. **See rubric for details** o Remember that first, you must know what you want to discuss/describe. Have a topic!! o Second , you must think of something to which that idea can be compared. o Be sure to carry the metaphor throughout the entire poem by constantly providing comparable descriptions between the two things compared.


** All Write a Poem! assignments listed above in the HW section will be counted as a quiz grade! May 18: POETRY PROJECT DUE!!! **See project sheet for details**

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