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For information regarding REAC: Who is REAC for:

Students from all disciplines All grades (freshmen to grad level) Anyone interested in rail transportation

Stephen Chartier Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, MI 49931 For information regarding Michigan Techs Rail Transportation Program: Pasi Lautala, PhD, PE Rail Transportation Program Director Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton , MI 49931

As REAC presses forward and expands the limits of the student-industry involvement and education, we are looking into the greater future and will continue to assist our current classmates as well as the youth that will one day take our places. It is this drive that has increase our membership numbers. Similar to the rail industry and the Rail Transportation Program (RTP), REAC is continually expanding its knowledge and resources in order to understand how to best educate students and our general community.

REAC Membership
80 60 40 20

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

To organize and participate in events that increases the visibility of the railroad industry on campus and among the general public.
REACs Objectives:

Industry Support is Crucial:

REAC is an organization that depends on cooperation with industry organizations and representatives.

Things We Do:
Monthly general meetings with industry speakers Field visits and tours Railroad History Night Networking with rail representatives Internships & Co-ops American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Conferences Rail Info Night and Railroad Night Student & Public Education Volunteering at the Quincy Mine and Lake Linden Railroad Museum

Raise awareness and interest in railroad Engineering and transportation Educate the campus and community about the opportunities and benefits that the railroad offers. To assist students in developing the skills necessary to enter the railroad industry Developing professional networks between students and industry personal

Support is essential for giving students the opportunity to develop skills with hands on applications. Networking opportunities are also prevalent for students to connect with companies and recruiters on a personal basis. Current industry participation includes:

Guest speakers and class presentations Hosting Field visits and Tours Sponsoring scholarships and endowments Providing internships & Co-ops Sponsoring REAC activities

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