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(First Unit Test)

[Time : 1.50 hrs.] [M. M.: 40]

Instructions:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Attempt all questions. Q. No. 1 to 4 carries ONE mark each, answer them in word or one sentence. Q. No. 5 to 12 carries TWO marks each, answer to them should not exceed 40 words. Q. No. 13 to 17 carries THREE marks each, answer to them should not exceed 80 words. Q. No. 18 carries FIVE marks, answer them in 150 words. Use log table if necessary. There is no overall choice however internal options, one for 2

marks, 3 marks and 5 marks questions each is provide. 1. Define atomic mass unit (a.m.u). 2. Arrange the basic forces in nature in ascending order of their strength. 3. Name any two physical quantities which have dimensional formula ML-1T-2. 4. Express 0.000003 m as a power of 10. 5. Write the steps of learning in science. 6. Round off to 3 significant figures: (a)20.96 m, and (b) 0,0003125 Kg 7. State the number of significant figures in the following:(a)0.0007 m2, (b) 2.64 x 1024 kg, (c) 6.320 J and (d) 0.2370 g cm-3.
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1-mark 1-mark 1-mark 1-mark 1-mark 2-marks


8 The fate of society depends upon Physics. How? Explain principle of homogeneity.



9. (i)Can a quantity have units but still be dimensionless? (ii) Can a quantity have dimensions but still have no units? justify your answer. 10. Why is SI of units preferred to others systems of unit? 11. List any four characteristics of a standard unit. 12. Write any four limitations of dimensional analysis. 13. Check the correctness of the relation by dimensional method Where, T is torque, I is moment of inertia and 14. Write the dimension of a/b in the relation Is a angular accelerator


2-marks 2-marks 2-marks 3-marks


Where F is force X is distance, and t is time 15. Explain the parallax method to measure distance of an astronomical object. 16. Convert 10, 1 and 1 into radian. 17. A body has uniform acceleration of 5 km h-2. Find its value in cgs system by dimensional method. OR A new unit of length is chosen, such that the speed of light in vacuum is unity. Find the distance between sun and earth in terms of new unit, if light takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds to cover the distance. 18. The time period T of an oscillating drop depend upon its radius r, density p and surface tension S. Establish a relation among them by dimensional method. Or 5-marks 3-marks 3-marks 3-marks

If the velocity of light C gravitational constant G and Planks constant h be chosen as fundamental units, find the dimension of : (i)mass, (ii) length, and (iii) time in new system

Material downloaded from and Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks

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