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Undercarriage Retraction System Design Report

Aerospace Design, Test and Certification

Shayma Azzouz

In this assignment we were required to design an undercarriage retraction system for a small aircraft in CATIA. The Nose wheel had to be connected to a hydraulic jack, which would manipulate the system into extending and retracting from the fuselage. In this report I will be looking at the following aspects in order to show that I understand the process of designing this system:Jack loads Efficiency Bore size Pump displacement Emergency hand pump

Our aim was to design a front undercarriage to meet the requirements set, such as: allowances for waste build up, fuselage intrusion etc. We had to decide on whether we would be using a hydraulic jack on its own or coupled with drag struts to retract the nose wheel. The jack could only extend a maximum of 60% of the total closed length. We had to design a jack with an efficiency of 50 75%+. We also have to calculate the efficiency of the jack, the jack bore size at 138 bar pressure, maximum displacement and emergency hand pump stroke required.

For every 10 that the nose wheel was raised, jack loads were calculated by taking moments about the pivotal point of the undercarriage and the drag strut. The following table was created in Excel. Weight (N) 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5 490.5

Actual Angle 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70

Angle 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Gravity 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.81

Mass (Kg) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

A (mm) 50 55.606 71.788 96.939 128.793 164.766 202.201 238.316 270.182 294.272 304.919 281.584

B (mm) 91.178 83.7 78.45 75.576 74.958 76.4 79.76 85 92.211 101.595 113.246 123.874

Force (N) 268.9793591 325.8631183 448.8465774 629.1491942 842.7781758 1057.823599 1243.475307 1375.223506 1437.185054 1420.743304 1320.689203 1114.97935

C 0 46.017 90.635 132.5 170.339 203.002 229.497 249.019 260.974 265 260.974 249.019

D 132.5 132.161 131.236 129.829 127.982 125.663 122.754 119.013 113.984 106.738 94.961 68.215

Jack Force (N) 0 113.4619374 309.9851378 642.0928162 1121.70455 1708.858664 2324.762147 2877.47374 3290.53141 3527.300265 3629.548384 4070.234446

Extn. (mm) 131.912 122.568 114.112 106.402 99.219 92.315 85.433 78.295 70.566 61.768 51.402 35.617

Actual Extn. (mm) 0 9.344 17.8 25.51 32.693 39.597 46.479 53.617 61.346 70.144 80.51 96.295

An example of the calculation used to determine the jack force at 90:A B C D Ext. m g = = = = = = = 294.272 mm 101.595 mm 265 mm 106.738 mm 61.768 mm 50 kg 9.81

The efficiency was calculated by computing a graph of jack force against actual extension with the above results. The area under the curve was calculated using integration. The area was then divided by the total area and multiplied by 100 to get the efficiency. = area under curve

Jack Force
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 17.8 32.693 46.479 61.346 80.51 Actual Extension (mm)

Jack Force (N)

jack force

The piston may only extend a maximum of 60% of the actual size of the jack. The total length of the jack may be defined as:

The maximum working pressure of the hydraulic system is at 138 bar. Using this we are required to calculate the bore size of the jack. The bore size calculated for the hydraulic system was 24.5mm, so using the data for jack bore sizes, 25mm sized bore was the closest to standard industrial size. Due to the fact that the undercarriage is being pulled up by the jack 25% of the diameter is lost, therefore the equation is: Rearranging the equation P Max force = = 138bar = 4070.234mm 13,800,000 N/m2

( (

) )

Using the result of the area we then work out the diameter of the bore size: Rearranging the equation
( )



The hydraulic pumps are driven by two engines at 0.238 the engine speed. We are required to measure the maximum displacement of a pump under the conditions of normal flight, such as: take-off, approach and landing. Diameter (cm) 2.8 8 2.5 3.5 2 2 Volume (cm^3) 229.9218566 5026.548246 368.1553891 1154.5353 47.1238898 3.141592654 Pump Displacement 1.3638469 29.81640086 0.698821895 6.673257538 38.5523272 2.070124759 45.25703703 11.04908131 24.30972389 82.68596698 0.565712963 11.04908131 51.97487846 63.58967273

Jacks Nose Wheel Undercarriage Main Undercarriage Undercarriage Doors Thrust Reversers Nose Wheel Steering Wheel Brakes Take Off Nose Wheel Undercarriage Main Undercarriage Nose Wheel Steering Flaps Approach Nose Wheel Undercarriage Main Undercarriage Doors Flaps Landing Braking Doors Reverse Thrust Time (secs) 5 5 2 2 Volume (cm^3) 229.9218566 5026.548246 47.1238898 1 2 3 4 1 2

Stroke (cm) 37.34 50 25 30 15 0.5

RPM 8500 8500 8500 8500

Flow Rate (cm^3/s) 45.98437132 1005.309649 23.5619449 225

10 10 3 5

229.9218566 5026.548246 368.1553891

2800 2800 2800 2800

22.99218566 502.6548246 122.718463 270

0.5 3 2

3.141592654 368.1553891 1154.5353

2800 2800 2800

6.283185307 122.718463 577.2676501

The maximum displacement is at approach, which means that we have to take 80% of the displacement required. This is what we call the worst case scenario for each pump. Maximum displacement 80% = = 82.69 cm3 66.15 cm3


The emergency hand pump is used if both engines happen to fail. The pumps provide pressure to displace the undercarriage and open doors. We are asked to calculate the amount of strokes it takes to lower the undercarriage manually. Displacement of pump = Nose Wheel = Main undercarriage = Doors Total Strokes = = = 25 cm3 229.9 cm3 5026.5 cm3 368.2 cm3 5624.6 225

On the first attempt of design I tried to use the hydraulic jack directly on the undercarriage. This did not fall into the efficiency category we needed to meet. However by using drag struts the efficiency increased to 53%. In order to support the undercarriage during steering and cross wind landings, the lower drag strut was designed to meet the requirement.

These are the results calculated: Efficiency Bore size 80% max. displacement of pump Emergency hand pump strokes = = = = 53% 25 mm 66.15 cm3 225

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