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Journal of the British Sociological Association

Genetics: The Sociology of Identity

Special Issue Call for Papers
Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2012
This special issue, to be published in October 2013, addresses the many ways in which genetic knowledge and technologies intersect with the formations of personal, social, cultural, racial/ethnic and national identities in contemporary societies. It will bring together state-of-the-art sociological analysis of identity concepts and practices with reflections on the diverse roles played by genetic knowledge in the formation, consolidation and problematisation of contemporary identities. Possible themes may include but are not limited to the following: Genetics, normativity, and the dynamics of identity The role of genetics in creating and contesting racialised identities Genetics, colonialism, imperialism and power Genetics in social institutions: medicine, policing, immigration State surveillance, including forensic DNA technologies and immigration politics Genetic screening, and the remaking of health risk and at-risk populations Social movements, genetic identities and the dynamics of identity-based activism around health, disability and other issues New genetic identities Genetics and the contestation and remaking of parenting and kinship The geneticisation of sex/gender/sexuality Fairness and equality: how wealth, economic structures, patenting, and the regulation of markets and products influence access to genetic testing and the ability to articulate certain identity claims Editorial Team The special issue will be edited by the ESRC Genomics Network: Genomics and Identity Politics Workstream Lead editor: Christine Hauskeller (University of Exeter, Egenis) Co-editors: Gill Haddow (University of Edinburgh, Innogen), Steve Sturdy (University of Edinburgh, ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum), and Richard Tutton (University of Lancaster, Cesagen)

Sociology is a journal of the British Sociological Association published by its trading subsidiary BSA Publications Ltd. The British Sociological Association is a Registered Charity (no. 1080235) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (no. 3890729).

The editors welcome contributions on relevant topics in any field of social science engaging with sociological research, from early career and established academics, and from those outside academia.

Submission details:
Deadline for submissions: 31 July 2012 (full papers) Word limit: 8000 words Queries: Submit: Full submission instructions are available on this site on the Instructions and Forms page. Please read these in full well before submitting your manuscript. All manuscripts will be subject to the normal referee process, but potential authors are welcome to discuss their ideas in advance with the editors.

Sociology is a journal of the British Sociological Association published by its trading subsidiary BSA Publications Ltd. The British Sociological Association is a Registered Charity (no. 1080235) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (no. 3890729).

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