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Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

Family Pack H (Release 11.5.8)

Author: Owner: Creation Date:

Shipping Execution, Product Management Timothy Conroy 24- March-2003

Copyright (C) 2001 Oracle Corporation All Rights Reserved

Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

Table of Contents

Business Application................................................................................................... 3 Overview.............................................................................................................. 3 Background Information...................................................................................... 4 Changes to Form .................................................................................................. 4 Upgrade Considerations....................................................................................... 6

ii Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

Business Application
The Shipping Execution application includes the Inter-Locations Transit Times form that allows you to enter estimated transit time information for planning purposes. This form was modified in Family Pack H in the following ways: The column From Location Type was added. The LOV associated with this column contains the selection: Internal, External. The selections within the Destination Type LOV were changed o o From: Locations, Region, Zone To: Internal Location, External Location, Region, Zone

A new find window was introduced to help search for previously entered transit time information. This new window is the Find Transit Times window.

This document briefly describes the basis for the change and the upgrade implications.

3 Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

Background Information
The Inter-Location Transit Times form is used to specify the transit time, load weight and volume capacity for a specified ship method between two locations (e.g. origin and destination). Shipping Execution modified this form as part of a phased in approach to improve the search performance when finding locations. By identifying locations as internal and external, the search feature will perform more efficient when fully functional. Prerequisites Before you can use this form, you must perform the following: You must setup the relationship in Inventory, setup the ship method(s), and setup other associated parameters for the inter-location movement of goods. Process steps 1. 2. 3. User finds the location records for the desired from location (origin) and to location (destination) and respective types. In the Ship Methods area, you select the ship method from the list of values and other values, as appropriate. Save your work.

Changes to Form
Column From Location Type added The column From Location Type was added to this form in Family Pack H. The LOV associated with this column contains the selection: Internal, External. Internal (location) The locations that belong to the ship from locations. The locations specified in the table HR_LOCATIONS. External For future use.

List of values expended for Destination Type Prior to Family Pack H, the list of values (LOV) for the field Destination Type included: Locations, Region, Zone. In Family Pack H, the LOV was expanded to include: Internal Locations, External Locations, Region, Zone. Select Internal Locations to designate all individual ship-to locations (destinations); excludes ship-to locations designated as Regions or Zones.

4 Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

External Locations is for future use.

New window added: Find Transit Times window A new Find window was introduced to help search for previously created locations, or location combination pairs (ship-from location and ship-to location). This new window, as shown below, is referred to as the Find Transit Times window. You would use this window to search for locations so that you can view and or edit previously entered transit time information, or enter new transit time information for location combination pairs (origin and destination).

If you select Internal from the From Location Type list of values, and then open the list of values in the From Location field, only internal locations are displayed for your selection.
5 Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

Similarly, if you select Internal from the Destination Type list of values, and then open the list of values in the Destination field, only internal locations are displayed for your selection. If you select Region or Zone as the Destination Type, and then open the Destination field, a query window opens to allow you to find your desired region or zone.

Upgrade Considerations
When you upgrade to Family Pack H, any individual ship-to location that was previously entered as a Location within the Interlocation Transit Time form will be assigned as an Internal Location. Ship-to location assigned as a Region or a Zone will continue to shown as such.

6 Changes to Inter-Location Transit Times form

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