Rape Shield Wikileaks GWOW Honor Killings and Feminist Conspiracy Theory As Malpractice

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rape shield, wikileaks, #GWOW, honor killings, and feminist conspiracy theory as malpractice

dear brita sundberg-weitman, my interest in any possible malpractice you noticed from FSI was in the larger interest of helping protect assange in the fee dispute. he was slapped with a 500, 000 british pounds fee lawsuit on the way into supreme court from mark stephens. if you noticed mark did anything unethical it might help assange. there is a chance they may have settled it. but in february sweden versus assange was eager to get swedish witnesses from the 2011 leg of the journey, towards the protection of assange and the liberation of his 500 k fee sitting in escrow from the canongate auto-bio which mark is trying to get. i do not mean that you should retract your position or say anything that is not true, but that if you have very specific inside knowledge of mark stephens business practices which you might find disreputable that information should be sent to his current legal team dealing with that. that i assume it is safe to communicate with sweden versus assange: is itself unproven: they admit to not agreeing with all of rixstep and marcello: but claim to want to host a variety of voices. i assume assange is answering or very aware of his proxy. they did as of yesterday remove the neo-nazi. i appreciate that. you are so much more eloquent and well thought out than many of the people who attack me on twitter. i thank you for that. our notion of rape shield law in america would protect the victims of rape from media slander. it is unwise in my opinion for the team to link to blogs which attack the accusers. the attacks on sweden from the first law team reflected a UK perspective where rape shield law has not been advanced and the violence to women is very grievous. that assange's legal counsel is shaping their defense based on radical state-masculinist legal systems where marital rape and very low representation, pay discrimination, etc poisons their understanding of sweden. marcello and rixstep remind me of the worst kind of americans: fundamentalist anti-feminist. rixstep is vulgar and mean. i don't know if his harsh language translates: but his kind of way of talking is very vulgar and offensive. marcello tries to sound more academic. his praise for the nuclear family and disdain for "modern" families i believe is a reference to lesbians and gay marriage and such. homophobia to defend assange seems both irrelevant, and needlessly hateful and discriminatory. israel shamir also takes shots at the "gays" in sweden. the way rixstep and shamir and noli attack the rape victims would be considered prejudicial to the media,

contrary to justice, and in violation of their privacy. that assange's current counsel endorse or tacitly approve his media strategy now i find damaging and preventable. if you feel that you can effectively communicate this to anyone involved, feel free to forward my email or ideas to anyone who you think can help. swedish women have many more civic protections than american women. lucky for you. when the word feminist is used in america it means ususally equal pay (which we dont have) equal representation (which we don't have) and reproductive rights (which we are losing due to radical republican fundamentalists) and health care (which we don't have) so the way that assange is going for a "feminist" angle or a "feminist gynecology" angle also does service to eco-feminism: a movement in india regarding ecology. most everything is an issue of translation: cultural and linguistic. could you send me some actually academic articles that will "prove" this idea of state-feminism? obviously, marcello and rixstep have not convinced me and their rudeness and particular harassment of other wikileaks supporters i find sad and disturbing. do you know that rixstep threatened to sue al burke for re-translating the error-filled police report. http://www.scribd.com/doc/82022372/Rixstep i find this dispicible and it made al burke feel bad. similarly: marcello calling me a troll is extremely dehumanizing and rude, if not sexist. sweden versus assange's utilization of petty rude mean and attacking defamation may come back to haunt them. the failure of the team to look at shariah law or the feminization of poverty as they attack swedish women's rights activists: fails to keep a global perspective about women. if you have the time i would recommend downloading some of these long papers by michelle j anderson. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=285700 for the women killed each year in partner violence, what advice do you have? your opinion is very interesting and i appreciate your sharing it with me. did you think marcello's article on honor killing to help assange was on mark???? i have felt very saddened by his insensitivity. for one thing i found it very insensitive to shariah legal systems which are operable internally to some communities, and for another---i think his failure to look at women living under shariah in sweden with their precarious role with lack of full citizenship in sweden, linguistic challenges, etc. fears of immigration violation and deportation, caused quite a bungle. i studied islamic norms towards women very heavily in 2010. going from insulting the women accusers to insulting the women of sweden then to insulting women killed by partner violence (i have heard figures from 16 per year to 20-40 per year) or women in islam in sweden is just looking quite desperate.

i don't think there is a reason to be unfair to women, or the dead, to help assange. mark stephens gave private emails to rixstep for attack article on goran rudling. he also provided goran with a pre-written opinion goran refused to sign: it was inauthentic. this kind of rush-job mentality as well as statements in court looked very hurtful towards assange seeing justice. this state-feminism theory i find fundamentalist. women and men should be involved in the world and that gender-based violence and gender-based criticisms undermine this. also, do you have an opinion on accuser 1's work for wikileaks as "press secretary" as i know job harassment is illegal in sweden? the implication of sexual pressure on the job, or a reward system of contingency can be really tricky. i am not against falling in love, etc. with a co-worker, but it is dangerous territory for public figures. a heightened duty of care might involve respect for economic coercion, or implied coercion, especially in male-dominated business models. thank you for thinking so seriously about such things. maybe the swedish model can help the homeless women of america or the human trafficking victims. so if honor killing has nothing to do with assange: why does marcello use it to power his feminist theory? tangential or interconnected webs of violence and disregard for victims of violence i find interesting. so many women are suffering in europe and beyond: if we disempower the women striving to help the domestic slave class of europe: who will help them? will the swedish upperclasses stay oblivious to their plight? when i see feminism so roundly attacked by the assange and wikileaks camp: i feel worried that they like attacking women more than helping those in suffering.

much honor to you, mary eng ps did you read marcello's honor killing piece around 22 march 2012. i do not support racism in sweden, even as assange and jennifer robinson defend racist speech in australia, but protecting honor violence in respect of male religious culture is very scary to me. is marcello worried about his own safety and so trying to justify violence to women? he is also against rape survivors describing their suffering on the internet and disparages their confession. i think this is unfair too. its endless---actually---i'm going to study something else now! my concern that if wikileaks becomes imaged as a radical anti-feminist group they will reduce interest from a very educated class of women. the german newspaper FAZ reflected disdain in this regard. in marketing alienating desirable demographics is a capitalist tragedy. so honored to receive mail from you! thank you for helping the case! thanks for making me think so hard!

mary rose lenore eng 13 april 2012 @braingarbage

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