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The Online Business Beginners Primer For Nigeria

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By Aweriale Eromosele

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This e-Book is one of the Lessons in the Masters in Online Business E-Tutor EBook Package from NG44
This free e-book is just one of the Lessons from our new Masters in Online Business e-Tutor home study e-book Collection. The Masters in Online Business e-Tutor is an international internet-based home study course that can teach anybody how to start making N225,000 ($1,500) every month by doing online business part time on the Internet. It is comprised of more than 20 e-books in one massive package. The e-books cover the A to Z of doing Online Business from Nigeria. It is the only package you need to learn Online Business so please buy the e-Tutor package at Your download of this free e-book qualifies you to pay only one third of the current price of the package so rush over to to claim your slot now (limited spaces available).

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This mini-course was written to help as many Nigerians as possible.

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A Quick Advice for You

Did you know?
One day we shall all die and all the things we have in this world right now will no longer be of any use to us. Whether you are rich or poor it wont make any difference. The only thing that will matter after you die is how you lived your life. Will the Lord find you worthy enough to live the rest of eternity with him? Will your name be found in the Book of Life?

Do you believe in God? Do you Go To Church? Do you Read the Holy Bible?
If you do not then you should. No matter what the situation in your life looks like right now, please do not let it distract you from the things that truly matter in the long run. The Lord knows everything and He will make all things perfect in His time. If He saved my partner and I and rescued us from unemployment then He can and will do the same for you.

Please pray this short prayer now:

Lord God Almighty, thank you for giving me this opportunity to make things right with you. I am very sorry for all my sins and promise to change for the better from today. I believe that you are my Creator and that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I believe that by His death He washed away my sins and saved me. Lord Jesus Christ today I open the door of my heart and invite you to come in and be the Lord of my life. I hand over all my worries and burdens to you. Thank you for saving me. May your Holy name be praised forever. Amen If you just prayed the above prayer then please look for a good Bible believing Church and start attending daily or weekly services if you were not attending before. Also read the Holy Bible regularly and get baptized (if you arent already). All praise and glory be to Jehovah Yahweh God Almighty for the knowledge and inspiration HE gave us to write this guide. He is The Beginning and the End of All things, the Almighty KING and the Creator of Heaven and Earth and His NAME is above any other name on Earth and in Heaven. All Praise and Glory to His Son Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World (Mai Cheton duniya). May God bless you as you read this guide.

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This guide is being distributed free of charge as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) drive at NG44.

Please read it and share it with others who you feel might benefit from it.

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Register for Our Free Online Business Introductory Course As part of our ongoing corporate social responsibility drive, we also offer a free 7-day email course on Introduction to Online Business so if youve not already taken this course before, kindly rush now to register, its free and you will learn a lot of new secrets. Visit

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Why Did We Write this e-Book?

In 2010, we revealed for the very first time that we were making N225,000 every month from our internet businesses. Ever since that revelation, we have been inundated with questions and pleas from our more than 200,000 subscribers regarding how we were doing it. The most common questions we were being asked was how to start making money online in Nigeria and how to build a website. After starting our new company NG44 Consulting in May 2011, we started a corporate social responsibility drive that led us to create some free packages to address these two questions. One of these packages is this e-book which you are now reading while another package is our free 7 Day e-mail course on introduction to online business. (If you have not yet taken that free e-course, kindly visit right now to claim your free spot before the training ends)

Why Are We Giving it Away?

Running a job website has shown to us the dire state and desperation facing millions of Nigerian families, youths and graduates today due to the horrible unemployment crisis in the nation. Because we have been through the same suffering and pain, we know what it feels like and we are trying our best to see how we can help out by contributing our own little quota. Just as we have been able to build a regular income stream and gain financial independence from doing online business, it is our desire that as much people as possible learn this skill so that they too can be empowered to free themselves from the bondage of financial lack by becoming self reliant. We are therefore giving away this guide because we want as much people as possible to have this knowledge and we encourage them to make use of it how best they can. We wish you success in all your endeavours. Enjoy

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Hi, Will You Like me to Teach you How to do Online Business?

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Beginners Questions about Online Business

While fielding questions from new students in the online business world, a handful of commonly asked questions always popup. In this section of Lesson 2, we shall answer some of the most frequently asked questions which we have been asked by online business newbies in Nigeria.

Q. Do I need a Laptop or Personal Computer to Start?

Having your personal laptop or desktop is not compulsory. At the onset you can do everything from a cybercaf. The only drawback is that it may take you a longer time to learn and setup everything. If you plan to do it from a cybercaf, it would also be helpful if you have a USB flash drive for storing things.

Q. How Much Time Does it Take?

The beautiful thing about online business is that you can do it at your own pace and most of the systems can be automated such that once you have properly set them up, you do not need to monitor them all the time. This leaves you with ample time for other activities. If you are a worker then online business can be an ideal source of extra income. You can do it part time in your spare time and still go to work on your regular job. Setting up an online business could takes anything from 30 hours to 100 hours in total. The most difficult part of the business is usually at the beginning while setting up the necessary systems. The more experienced and skilled you are, the less time it will take you to set up. Once set up, many online businesses will run virtually on their own and generate money automatically without need for constant input from you. If done properly, most of them will demand no more than 4 or 5 hours of your time weekly. If you are doing many different businesses, you may or may not require more time to monitor them depending on which strategies you are using and your skill level and experience.

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Many of the skills are easy to learn. The more experience you have with the tools and strategies, the less time you will require on an ongoing basis. If you are a newbie, then the first thing you should do is learn and practice. Try to become familiar with the concepts and techniques that we explain in this e-Tutor. This may take you a few weeks depending on how much you already know but once you can master the necessary skills, the sky is the limit.

Q. Can I do it With My Phone?

You cannot do everything on your phone. Most of the things you will need to do during the setup stage of your business cannot be done with a phone because phone browsers have limited functionality. However, once you have set up the whole system, you may be able to use your phone to monitor much of your progress.

Q. Do I Need to be a Computer Wizard and Do I Need to Know How to Design a Website?

You may have come across some adverts which claim that "anybody can do the business, even the most idiotic novice" or something similar and you are wondering if it is really true because you know very little about computers. A more correct statement to that effect would be that there are things to learn but they are not hard or too complicated and anybody who is willing to put in a little effort can easily learn these things provided that they have the right instructions and a good teacher. Imagine that you want to start a new business, maybe a catering business. Or maybe buying and selling of goods. What do you do first? You learn. You seek out people who have done the business before and you try to learn survival tips, strategies and secrets of the business from them. You try to find out things like where to get the goods or materials you need? Where to get the best prices? What are the best brands to use? How to store and manage your products and services? How will you find customers? How do you manage your customers? And so on. The truth is that online business is not different from any other business venture in existence today. Just as you need to have certain skills and information in order to go into any kind of business in the offline world (the real world), the same applies to online business.

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To become a guru in online business, you need to first learn the following basic concepts and skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How to Build a Website (free/paid) Content creation and copywriting Keyword research Search Engine Optimization Capturing leads and building lists Internet marketing and advertising Basic web programming and graphics

If you are seeing some of these words for the very first time or if they sound technical, don't worry, they are all very easy to learn and understand. If you buy our training e-tutor package, we explain everything to the last detail. By the time you study those Lessons, practice the exercises, do the assignments and read up on the resources, you will not only thoroughly understand the skills but you will have become a master in them as well. We are running a special promotion for the e-tutor package right now so if you are lucky you might still be able to get it at one-third the normal price which we sell it. To learn more about the e-tutor, visit Actually you will be able to get by without learning how to do some of these things but unless you learn and master them, you will continue to greatly reduce your potential to earn from online business. True you will make money, but nothing near as much as what you could have made if you mastered all of these skills. All the gurus whose testimonies you may have seen or heard about are all proficient in these 7 fields. Yes. Master them. Dont just learn them. Become so good at them that they become second nature to you. Your level of mastery of these seven basic skills determines to a great extent how far you will go and how much money you will make. That is why it is important that before you go into online business proper, you must take some time to first learn and practice these skills. Learning them does not mean that you have to be the one to do them forever. When you have started making some money, you may decide at some point to hire someone to do some of the tasks that require the application of these skills. Because you have to first show the employee what to do, deep knowledge and understanding will make it easy for you to explain the details to them and ensure that they are doing it properly.

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Another key to mastery and stupendous success is practice. The steps in online business are easy to learn and the more you practice them, the better you will become. In the process you will also come to have a deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts behind making money on the internet and you will be able to excel and grow your online business empire into a huge money spinning operation.

Q. How Soon Will I Start Making Money?

You must first of all learn the ropes before you can expect to start making any good money on the internet. As hinted on the previous page, online business is not just about jumping in and trying different things at random hoping that one of them will fetch you money. You must do your due diligence and pay your dues. Paying your dues entails reading wide, experimenting, enduring and even failing a couple of times. With each trial and experiment you become better. Only when you have the requisite experience will you start making good money. In general, online businesses that do not require any capital usually take a longer time to yield results (9 to 18 months) while those that require startup capital (at least N25, 000) can start fetching you money within 6 to 9 months after you start.

Q. Who Pays Me the Money and How do I Receive It?

There are different types of online businesses that you can do and for each one there are different ways of receiving your money. Some online businesses are run by big foreign companies and they are the ones that pay you while some of the other businesses can be setup and run entirely by you without having to register with a foreign company before you can get paid. For those businesses where you have to register with foreign companies, what they do is to periodically send your payments to you in the form of a foreign cheque. This cheque will be sent to your address in Nigeria by post and when you receive it, you can take it to the bank and cash the money using a domiciliary account. Payments received via this method may take several months to finally hit your bank account.

Tip: A domiciliary account is a type of bank account offered by many banks in Nigeria. In later Lessons, we shall talk more on domiciliary accounts.

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A second method that you can use to get paid is through an online payment processor or what is commonly known as a merchant service. Not all such services work well in Nigeria but there is an indigenous Nigerian company that allows you to collect money from customers online through Interswitch Verve cards, Paypal and other credit cards and then deposit this money into an online account which you can easily withdraw to your real Nigerian bank account within days. For the other types of businesses that you can open and run on your own, payments are made by clients and customers directly into your bank account with any Nigerian bank. This can be a normal savings account, current account or company/corporate account. Payments received via this method get to you instantly because the people paying you will deposit the money directly into your account and you can withdraw immediately. It involves you advertising or marketing something to your website visitors and asking them to pay into your account to receive the service or product. You receive money anytime someone buys your stuff or pays you for some service. The most lucrative example of this sort of business is information marketing where you sell digital goods like e-books, reports, videos etc.

True Story: For those who booked down for The Online Business Bible prior to October 1st 2011, this is the same method that we used to collect payments for it.

Q. How Much is Needed to Start and How Much Will I Make?

At the very minimum, the only cost you will incur while starting out with Internet business is the cost of your internet access. This is the only mandatory requirement that costs money. If you already have an internet connection then you will be able to start some online businesses almost immediately without spending anything else. Our online business e-tutor training package focuses on three main online businesses. For each of these, below are the startup costs and estimated times-toprofit 1. Information marketing: Minimum startup capital: N25, 000. You start making N40,000 to N100,000 monthly profits within 3 to 6 months. The more money you put into the business, the more money you will make especially if you have good products.

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2. Affiliate marketing: Minimum startup: 0 naira. You start making N30,000 or more monthly profits 9 12 months after startup. The money you make increases monthly. 3. Pay per Click (Google AdSense): Minimum startup: 0 naira. You start making up to N30, 000 (or more) monthly profits 12 to 18 months after startup. What you make increases monthly. To obtain your copy of the e-tutor and start learning how to make money today, visit right now to get the package for one-third the price that we normally sell it. This is a bonanza that will soon end so take advantage of it by visiting right now.

Q: How Can I Get Cheap Internet?

Nowadays, getting connected to the internet is not as difficult and as expensive as it used to be. For someone who already has a desktop or laptop, all you need to get connected is a modem. Different GSM networks have their different modems and offer different browsing plans for different durations. The modem from one network will not work with another network unless it is unlocked. When a modem is unlocked, it can work with any network SIM card. There are also universal modems which can be used with any SIM card. If you already have a modem from any network, there are ways that you can get 24 hours fast internet access for as low as N5,000 or less through some services like Freedom and Indian Web Proxy. If you are interested in getting connected with cheap fast internet, we will recommend that you speak with a certain gentleman called Egbe. He is the one we deal with and hes very gifted with these things. He also does unlocking of modems in case you want to be able to use your modem with any GSM network. For cheap internet and related enquiries, you can call him between the hours of 9am to 6pm, Mondays to Saturdays on 0818 480 1792.

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Will You Like to Learn How to Make Money Online?

Methods Can Also be Applied in any Country!

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Testimonies of Our Students Students:

"What I like most about your ebooks is the simple and detailed explanations. Your What gift of teaching is highly commendable. Before paying for your materials I was afraid that I may not be able to understand as I was a computer novice but by merely following your simple steps, it was all so simple for me to do and is working just as you said. Una 2 much - Nneka Obioha, Fashion Designer, Lagos much"

"After 7 months of following your teachings, I'm happy to say that so far I've made more than N100,000 profit from Information marketing and $531 from affiliate and adsense. My goal for 2012 is to hit the 500 thousand naira mark. Kudos to you guys for pulling me out of poverty" ing - Fejiro Oghenero, Undergraduate, Warri

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How to Succeed in Online Business

It is a sad fact that 95% of the people who venture into online business in Nigeria f fail at their first few attempts at online business and subsequently give up within a short time. If you do not want to be among this group of failures, here are some things . that you must do:

Improve your Background Knowledge

The platform for online business is the Internet so for you to become a success in the business, you must know and understand the platform very well. Even though you can start online business with little or no knowledge about computers and the internet, the truth is that your ability to succeed can be limited by too little ruth knowledge about the technology. This may hamper the ease at which you grasp new concepts and can cause you not to achieve your full potential. If you do not know much about computers or the Internet, do research and learn about them. Go to Google and search for things like how to use the internet or internet tutorials. Visit and go through the 23 slides. To move to the next slide, click on NEXT and to go back click on PREV he

You should also visit and read through the websites Learn More segment. Make sure you read everything and do even further research. Also visit for a very good beginners guide to the Internet. You may also read this article on the concept of Web 2.0:

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The more you know the more you will earn and the better you will become. Just like in any business where your knowledge and experience in that field determines your success, same also goes for online business. Online business may look a little bit technical but it is really very easy.

Read, Research and Learn Continuously

One of the main keys to online business success is learning. Keep learning, keep searching for information, keep digging, keep reading wide and keep experimenting. Make it a habit to search on Google. A lot of the questions that you have can be answered by searching on Google. There is a lot of free information available out there and all you need to do is just search the question on Google. While on your journey you will come across a lot of new stuff. Make it a point of duty to learn at least 10 new things about the Internet and online business every week. If you come across a term which you are seeing or hearing for the first time, take note of it and search for it. Let your mind be alive to your environment. We have succeeded today because we have never ceased to learn. We seek out information actively. We download every free e-book we find, register for every free course and just keep on searching and learning. When we visit websites, we study the links, study the designs and try to learn a thing or two.

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When we encounter a new word or term, we search for it on Google. Most times we may learn just one new thing or get one new idea or even nothing at all, yet we still keep on learning because it broadens our understanding and makes us better.

Practice, Practice and Practice

Whenever we learn of a new strategy or tactic or idea, we do not just read it and let it go. We make it a point of duty to try it out to see if it works. We dont just read but we act. In the process we have made several mistakes and blunders but we have gained priceless knowledge and insight which no e-book could have taught us and which will only come to you from experience. The effect of this is that this year, we now know much more than we did last year and best of all, we now make twice more than we made last year just by trying out all the new ideas we learnt and putting the best ones into action. Many people who have struggled for years to make money online continue to struggle because when they come across some new information, they dont put it into practice. Practice is an important part of your online business journey. The more experience you have, the more money you will make. Its that simple. You may fail a couple of times; some of these failures will even lead to very painful losses of time or finances. You may fail after putting in a lot of time and scarce funds and it may hurt seriously when you do. But with each failure, you learn many new things and you also move closer to success more than ever before.

Some reasons why people dont Practice are:

Information Overload: Every day you are bombarded by too much information from different sources and it is difficult to sort through them and decide which one is worth pursuing and which should you try first. To avoid information overload, stick to a single training material or mentor whom you are sure knows what they are doing. For example, if you buy our online business training e-books, you dont need to look for information elsewhere because we already know what things you need to know to succeed and we cover everything in detail in the material. So for as long as you have our training e-book, you will no

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longer suffer from information overload. To see the current training materials that we have, please visit Laziness, Impatience and lack of perseverance: Even when they come across information that is guaranteed to work but requires hard work or does not promise overnight riches, some people try half heartedly for a short while and then they give up half way. This mainly has to do with people who learnt about this business for free. When things are not moving as fast as they wish, they easily give up because they have nothing to lose. They got the info for free, got a website for free, tried it for a couple of weeks, saw no results, got discouraged and gradually lost their commitment because they had nothing to lose by giving up. But as one great online business guru once pointed out: if getting the website had cost them $10,000 dollars these people would have taken the business much more seriously and shown far more commitment. In fact this is the exact reason why we chose to sell this book and not give it out for free, even though we claim to be trying to help the youths of Nigeria. Charging for our full online business e-books and materials is to ensure that anybody who buys it must view the business very seriously and show the needed level of commitment. Seriousness, commitment and dedication are some of the major ingredients that got us to where we are today so it is a must that anyone who is attempting this online business must view it with the utmost seriousness for them to succeed. If someone knows that he has put in money to obtain this information then he will always consider the cost of failure and be motivated to put in his/her very best. Only when you are damn serious about it can you succeed in this business of ours.

Study what others are doing

These could be your competition i.e websites and people targeting the same market as you. These could also be people who have been in the game and have become successes. They could either be people in your country or those outside of it. If you are into any similar business with them, study their tactics. Learn from them, scrutinize their websites, sign up to their newsletters and study their language and the tools that they use.

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Find Your Motivator: The Importance of Faith and Belief

We have come to understand that a vital aspect of mans success and prosperity lies greatly in how much he/she believes in and is motivated by a noble cause or a higher intelligence. Having a motivating force is vital for online business success. Because we are Christians, we attribute the entirety of our success to the Christian God, the Almighty Yahweh the Merciful and Supreme God. He is our motivator. We believe in Him and try our best to do the things He asks of us. We do not mean to say that you must be a Christian to succeed in online business. What we mean is that you must believe in a higher power other than yourself. This power you must look up to for help, motivation and inspiration. Psychologists have confirmed that a strong belief in something, usually a higher intelligence or entity, can bring about strong changes and trigger the process that cause a persons strongest desires to happen. You must also learn to give to others in cash and kind according to your beliefs. Also give a percentage of your profits in support of your religion and its custodians and give to the needy. Give give give. It is in giving that we receive. The more you give the more you will get. This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe and it is a principle that we have tested and proven to work over and over again so you better believe it! If you are a member of any religion, whether muslim, christian or otherwise, you must go the extra mile to do the things required of you by the teachings of your religion to ensure the success of your activities in life and business. For a christian, accepting, believing and confessing the Lord Jesus as your Saviour is paramount. Repentance from sins, tithing, offering, first fruits, praise, worship, and thanksgiving are also very important. All these things we try to do and we can testify that this is the REAL secret of our success. No matter what religion you are, learn to pray to your God with faith and believe that your answer will be granted.

Believe in yourself
Did you know that you are constantly having a conversation with yourself in your head all the time, either consciously or unconsciously, especially when faced with conflicts or life challenges or even simple day-to-day concerns. This aspect of

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yourself has a running commentary about everything you do. It never lets anything go by without some comment, remark or evaluation. Think about it. When you are faced with a difficult situation or a challenge, or when you are faced with hard times or failure, what happens inside your head? You get busy thinking about your situation and saying different things to yourself. Think back over to any time that your own ideas or thoughts about what you could or could not accomplish got in the way of something you really wanted. This internal conversation is known as self talk. Self talk is a continuous process and our world is coloured by the things we say to ourselves. This dialogue is also responsible for the way we view ourselves. It is what we think that determines our mood and drives us to action. If we tell ourselves through self talk that we cannot do something or succeed at something, then our mind will begin to believe that maybe we truly cannot do it which further reinforces the general feeling over and over in our head. Patterns of negative or positive self-talk often start in childhood. Usually, the self-talk habit is one that influences our thinking for the greater part of our life, and can affect us in many ways, negatively or positively influencing the experience of stress and challenges in our lives and how we handle them. The good news is that we can take control of our self talk and turn it into a very powerful tool for influencing our destiny and leading us to success in our endeavours. Following are some ways that you can stop yourself from using negative self-talk and use your mind to boost your productivity and self-esteem leading you to online business riches.

Control Your Mind

Notice your patterns: Becoming aware of your self talk is the first step to taking charge of this part of your life which can create a lot of unnecessary stress and limit your potential. The automatic reactions you have to this constant bombardment of negative thoughts, judgments and evaluations can keep you feeling stressed and less able to meet lifes challenges. You probably dont realize how often you say negative things in your head, or how much it affects your experience. The following two strategies can help you take control of your internal dialogue and modify its content to push you towards success in life and business:

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Change Negative to Neutral or Positive: As you find yourself mentally complaining about something, rethink your assumptions. Are you assuming something is a negative even when it is not? The next time you find yourself stressing about something or deciding youre not up to a challenge, stop and rethink, and see if you can come up with a neutral or positive replacement. Change Self-Limiting Statements to Questions: Self-limiting statements like I cant learn this!, Im not smart enough to do this! or This is impossible! are particularly damaging because they increase your stress in a given situation and they stop you from searching for solutions. The next time you find yourself thinking about something that limits the possibilities of a given situation, try turning it into a question like How can I learn this?, How can I do this? or How is this possible? . You can see that these questions sound more hopeful and open up your imagination to new possibilities compared to the selflimiting statements.

Exercises in Self Talk and Self Concept

Here is a short exercise that you must make a habit of doing regularly: Before starting the routine, ask yourself the following questions and write down the answers: How rich do I really want to be? How much money do I want to be worth in life? How much money will I have in my bank accounts before I will consider myself rich enough not to bother about money anymore? How much will I be getting from my businesses every month before I will consider myself truly wealthy and satisfied? If there was a magic stone that can generate any amount of money that I want just by thinking it, how much money would I ask for?

Next, imagine that you have now attained all the money that you want and achieved all that you want to be in life, then picture: How much will you have in the bank? How many companies will you own? How many houses will you have? How many cars will you have? What kind of clothes will you be wearing?

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What kind of shoes and wristwatches will you be wearing? What countries will you travel to? What kind of people will you be talking to? What kind of parties and events will you be attending? How will you be talking? How will you be walking?

Now do this every day: Stand in front of a mirror and imagine that you now have all these houses and cars and money. You are now rich and you no longer have to bother about money. Picture yourself in these clothes and these shoes and imagine that you know all these people and go to all these places, then for 2 minutes, stand in front of a mirror and act as if you are there. Dont just picture it in your mind, act it out (make sure you are alone). Walk and talk as if you are rich. Imagine that you were asked to act the part in a home video, how would you act it? Talk to imaginary people the way you would talk. Dont be ashamed. Do this for 2 to 5 minutes. Let yourself be carried away. It may feel embarrassing the first few times but dont worry, nobody will see you. The purpose of this exercise is to give your mind a clear vision of where you want to be. Next, look your image in the eye and repeat the following words to your image over and over again 10 to 20 times. Say it with vigour and energy as if it is already true and you are excited about it: I am rich, I am wealthy, I understand online business and it is bringing in lots of profits for me every day. More money find me now. More money locate me now. More money come to me now. As you say the first line, picture yourself in those clothes living in your dream house and having all the money that you desire. Close your eyes and picture yourself sitting in front of the computer and money flowing from your computer to your bank account or into your pocket just as if you were watching it in a cartoon. As you say the second part, picture money flowing to you from all around and from all corners of the Earth. Theres no need to be ashamed of doing this simple yet powerful exercise since you are alone. And dont be afraid because its not magic or spiritual. Its just a simple way to harness the power of the mind over the universe and tap into the ability to recreate our world through positive self talk and visualization.

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Doing this exercise every day has enough power on its own to make you rich and to make your online business successful. When you get used to it, it will only take about ten minutes or less of your time. This is another one of our biggest secrets of success. Weve been doing it every day for the past two years. Try it for one year and youll be baffled by the results. Youve got nothing to lose. It will also work for anything else that you desire in life, not only money.

How to Start Online Business

If you are just trying out online business for the very first time or if you are starting all over from scratch after a failed attempt, there are two ways that you can go about it depending on whether you have money to invest or not. (Remember it is assumed that you have already budgeted for your browsing) As explained earlier, the complete version of our e-book the Online Business e-Tutor focuses on three main online businesses. For each of these, below are the startup costs and estimated times-to-profit 1. Information marketing: Minimum startup capital: N25, 000. You start making N40,000 to N100,000 monthly profits within 6 to 9 months. The more money you put into information marketing business, the more money you will make especially if you have good products. In our new e-book the Online Business e-Tutor, we explain how you can easily obtain good products. Affiliate marketing: Minimum startup: 0 naira. You start making N30, 000 (or more) monthly profits 9 12 months after startup. Once you start receiving cheque payments, what you will make will increase monthly. Pay per Click (Google AdSense): Minimum startup: 0 naira. You start making up to N30, 000 (or more) monthly profits 12 to 18 months after startup. What you make increases monthly.



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Two Strategies That You Can Use to Start

Strategy A: Zero capital way: If you do not have any money to start with, start with 2 and 3 because you can begin those without spending any money. The down side is that it could take up to 9 months or more before you start receiving money in your bank account. When you have gotten some money, you can then move to number 1 for bigger and faster profits. When starting out this way, the only expenses you will incur are browsing expenses because everything else can be done for free. Strategy B: N25,000 capital or more: If you have a minimum of N25,000 as initial capital, then start with Information Marketing then move on to Affiliate marketing and Pay Per Click. This way you will start seeing profits within three months and before one year you may have made up to a million or more if you do your due diligence and settle down to learn the techniques and study the resources given in this book.

How to Get a Zenith Bank Websurfer Card

If you are going to use the second method (Strategy B), you will need to obtain a credit or debit card to make online payments. This card is what you spend most of your startup capital on. There are lots of different types of cards issued by different banks in Nigeria but not all of them are accepted by foreign websites. The one we use and which we recommend is Websurfer card issued by Zenith Bank. The websurfer card is a reloadable debit card which you can use to make payments online and is accepted by many popular websites. The amount you need to get the card is a minimum of $120. $20 is the banks fee and $100 is for the initial loading. To get the card you do not need to have an account with Zenith bank. You get the card instantly but it becomes active after 48 hours. The requirements are similar to those of account opening viz: 1. 2 passport photographs 2. A valid identity card (Drivers license, international passport or national ID) 3. Utility bill (NEPA, Water, LAWMA etc) showing your present address Before you go to the bank, you must first fill a form online. In this form, you will need to specify the branch where you want to open the websurfer card account. Not

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all branches of Zenith bank process websurfer card so it is advisable to first visit the branch that you have in mind and confirm that they process websurfer, before you go online to fill the form. To fill the form, go to Click on Websurfer and then Click on Apply and Submit request online

Do this and you will be presented with the Websurfer Request form:

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How to fill the form:

You must fill every question that has a red asterisk ( ). You can ignore any other (*). questions. The format of filling the dates is dd/mm/yyyy which means two digits for day, two digits for month and 4 digits for year. For example, to enter 1st October 2011 in this format, write 01/10/2011 also 25th December 2012 should be written as 25/12/2012 Make sure that your email address is working and that there is no mistake because this is where the card details will be sent to when the account becomes active. This email is usually sent under 48 hours so if after 72 hours (three days) you have not yet received yours then you should contact the bank When filling the lower section of the form, if you do not have a Zenith bank account, e select No for the question Are you a Zenith Bank Account Holder? If you select Holder? No then no need to select anything under Account Type and Account Number. But if you already have a Zenith bank account, then enter the account type and account number of your account.

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Those that have Zenith bank accounts should note that the Branch you are being asked to enter in this segment of the form should not be confused with the branch where you opened your bank account. The branch referred to in this form is the branch where you want to open the Websurfer card account. Moving forward, select your form of identification and enter the identity number of your chosen identity together with the date of iss issue and expiry.

Print out this next screen or take down the reference number and take it to the branch you selected together with $120 and the other items. When you get there, tell them that you want to open a websurfer account and you will be guided on what to do.

A new websurfer card becomes active after 48 hours. Once activated, you will be sent an email with the card information. This is the information that you will be using

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whenever you want to make a payment online. This email will also contain your user name, password and instructions on how to view your online account.

How to View your Account Statement

The first thing you need to do when you receive the welcome email is to login to your accounts online control panel with the account number and password sent to you and then change your password. WARNING: The password that will be in the welcome email will likely be your name. Write it exactly as it is in the email. If there are capital letters, use capital letters. Also there might be a space between your first name and last name. Include that e space too if there is. If you enter the wrong password 5 times, your account will be blocked so we suggest that if yo try it three times and you keep getting errors, you dont keep on trying. Use a different computer or wait until after 24 hours before you different try again. If you still are unable to login then complain to the bank.

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To login to your accounts online control panel go to and click s panel, on Internet banking in the top menu. et

Next, click on Zenith Cards Online and from the dropdown select Websurfer Login.

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A new screen will popup. This is the main login for your card.

Enter your account number and password as given in the welcome email. Note that this account number is the account number that you will also use whenever you want to reload your card. This is the account number associated with your card. Select Zenith Bank Websurfer for Bank/Institution (note that there is also Zenith Bank in the list so make sure its Zenith Bank Websurfer that you select). Enter the validation image correctly and click Submit.

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The first thing that you should do after you log in is to change your password. The change upper section of the screen shows a summary of your account while the lower section he gives a breakdown per transaction. Entries in red are expenses that you have incurred but which have not yet been deducted from your card. The green entries are the transactions that have been deducted from your card. Your current balance is the total of all expenses whether deducted or not. Available to spend is the actual amount that you can spend. The pending authorizations show the total of the red entries i.e what has been spent but has not yet been deducted. These do not count towards your available balance. The available balance is what you should be most interested in because whatever figure indicated interested here is what you have left in your card to s spend. Everytime you reload your card, the bank charges you $5 which is automatically deducted immediately after load loading.

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Making Payments with Websurfer

Online Payments are very precise and any single error can cause your transaction to fail. To pay for something with your websurfer card, you will usually be asked to mething provide the following details at the website where you want to pay:

Card Type: Use Mastercard or M/C if they ask : Card Number: This is the 16 digit number that is printed in front of your phys physical websurfer card as circled in red below below:

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Cardholder Name: This is the name you used to open the websurfer account. This is the name that is associated with your card and must be written exactly as you used in the account opening form. CVV or Security Code: This is a 3 digit code that is used for card security. It is given to you in the websurfer welcome email. Expiry Date: The websurfer has a validity of 1 year after which you must renew it. The expiry date is the date that your card validity is set to expire and is given to you in the welcome email. Postal Code: You can use any six digit code like 234001 or 300001 Billing Address: This is the address that you used to open the websurfer account. :

Safety and Security in Online Transactions

You must be careful with the details of your card and keep it very carefully because ust once someone gets hold of them, all your funds in the card can easily be removed. Also do not enter your card details into just any website because some bad sites are t designed to steal peoples credit card details. This type of scam is known as phishing. Before trying your card on any website, make sure that it is an authentic website and that the transaction will be done using a secure channel. How to know if you are on a secure channel: When you get to the form where hen you are asked to enter your details, check the website link in your browser address bar and make sure that it starts with https:// and not http://. I.e. make sure that there is an s after the http, this signif signifies that the website is secure.

Finally, make sure that whenever you want to visit any of the websites mention mentioned, always use the links given in this book.

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About Dollars
The Websurfer card cannot be loaded with naira so every time you want to load the card with money, you must buy dollars. Although the dollar is very volatile and unstable and its exchange rate fluctuates wildly from day to day, the price generally remains within a fixed range. At the time of writing this book, the price of a dollar has been fluctuating between 150 naira and 170 naira for the past two years with only a handful of spikes and dips beyond these prices. To buy the dollar, you need to find a bureau de change area (or outdoor currency market a.k.a black market) in your city. You usually find hausa men doing this business a lot. If you live in Benin City you can find them at New Benin and Ring Road. Some banks also sell dollars but only when you are buying in large quantity. If you have never bought dollars before, we suggest that you find somebody who has the experience to show you how to go about it. Buying a $100 denomination at once is usually cheaper per unit than buying lower denominations like $10, $20 and $50 so it is very much advisable to always buy in multiples of $100 like $200, $300 etc because you will save more money that way. Thus even though we earlier mentioned that the minimum you need to start is $120, we strongly recommend that if you can afford to start with $200 instead of $120 then all the better. If you open the websurfer with $200, the bank takes their $20 and you will be left with $180 in the card to spend. With this amount you can comfortably start online business without any hitches and save yourself some pennies from the exchange rate.

How Do You Start Online Business Using this Course?

If you are still new to online business, the first thing that you need to do is to read, study, learn and practice all the Lessons in Part 1 of this course. Make sure you follow all the links and practice everything that is explained. The information in part one covers most of the foundation knowledge and skills that you require to be able to do any online business successfully. The more proficient you are with them, the more money you will make.

As you read the Lessons, you will occasionally come across boxes like this and also links that begin with Learn more. These boxes provide additional information and tips while the Learn More links lead to further sources of information contained in websites or Google searches.

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It is strongly recommended that you explore these links and visit these websites and links in the Google search results. This will provide you with a lot of background information and improve your understanding of the topic being discussed.

When you are through with Part 1, Read up on part 2 and Part 3, then go back to Part 2, pick any of the three business that you want to start with and follow the instructions to set it up.

How to Get Support

Everyone who buys the Online Business tutor within 72 hours of getting this free ebook book also gets access to join Our TOP SECRET Underground online forum where we shall answer any questions you have and provide you with 100% support and mentorship. To buy the Online Business e-Tutor and get free access to our mentoring forum, head over right now to to claim your bonanza slot. We will also send you occasional free tutorials and bonuses that will assist you in making more money. The goal of the forum is to give you the necessary training and support that you need as you embark on your journey to riches. If you run into problems with this book, head to the Support and Mentoring Forum to ask questions. We will be there to assist you with answers to your questions. Make sure that you use the search box to search the forum first to see if that same question has already been asked before by someone else.

So, Are You Ready to Make Money?

Lets dive in!

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