Silverwood Partners - NAB 2012 - Strategic Industry Analysis

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Investment Bankers

April 2012
Jonathan Hodson-Walker 508.651.2194 Joshua Stinehour 508.651.8134

Strategic Industry Analysis Nick McCoy 508.651.2441 Brian Zapf 508.651.8135

32 Pleasant Street Sherborn, MA 01770

Member FINRA and SIPC

Invitaon: Sunday Strategy Session

Click here for full agenda on NAB website

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 1

Leading Media Technology Investment Bank

Selected Media Technology Engagements

Firm is highly active in media technology transaction flow Firm has worked with many leading media technology companies advising or
selling companies to some of the premier companies in the industry

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 2

NAB 2012: Expected Talk of the Show

the board of directors determined that a more structured process should be put in place in order to enable the Corporaon to review further expressions of interest and to hold discussions with potenal - March 21, 2012 strategic partners. Miranda Press Release

Miranda Provides Update Regarding Board Acons

Harris Corporaon Reviewing Porolio

developing a strategy for this business [Broadcast division] that maximizes shareholder value. - January 31, 2012
(Sourced: Seeking Alpha)

.Our team is now laser-focused on

KIT Digital Implements Management and Board Changes

William Brown CEO, Earnings Call

The strategic transacon process, which is underway at the direcon of the board's Special Transacon Commiee, is at a pace that requires my [Chairman, Kaleil Tuzman] dedicated focus - March 23, 2012 KIT Press Release - Mar. 15, 2012 - Feb. 17, 2012

Cloud SaaS Mul-Plaorm MAM SociallTV Second Screen Channel-in-A-Box Market is Hot, Crowded
- Oct 13, 2011


$5 Billion 5x Revenue 18x EBITDA


Raised $55 Million Currently trades at 10x Revenue

we have implemented the Ongoing Corporate Turnarounds restructuring we announced in October and expect to This divesture [Broadcast business] is an see addional benet from these acons in 2012. We important part of our strategy to transform SeaChange into a pure play soware company, signicantly reduce connue to idenfy and implement our overall cost structure, and strengthen our ability to changes across the Company to help improve compete our operaonal performance - SeaChange CEO Raghu Rau Avid CEO Gary Greeneld

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 3

NAB 2012: Key Strategic Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implicaons of End of Four-Year Purchase Cycle? Valuaon is a Funcon of Growth and Protability Where is the Growth? Impact of Accelerang Technology Change? Consolidaon Connues Summary
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 4

2011: Strong Operang Results

Selected Vendor Performance: taken from most recent reporng period Last 12 months revenue growth (percentage)

Industry Index
5 0 9 0 31 14 6 34 0
Source: Thomson One, Company filings

3 2 21 3 64 59 2
(2H2011 vs. 2H2010)

69 9 4 47 30 24 51 102 27

41 16 12 19
Page 5

Relevant Business Unit Performance most recent operational period available

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

2010 2012: Growth Slowing

Most recent LTM performance available pre-NAB Relevant Business Unit Performance

NAB 10 NAB 11 NAB 12

Industry Index
18 20 26 25 8 22 14 13 4 31 21 5 8 8 32 30 24 84 9 45 5 9 0 14 6 34 0 69 9 4

12 24 120 1 16 8 0 13 15 40

Source: CapitalIQ, Thomson One, Company filings

(1) Integrated Network Solutions (includes Broadcast)

33 14 110 9 9 13 7 23 15 28

30 24 102 27 21 3 2 19 12

NAB 10 NAB 11 NAB 12

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

16 NAB 10 NAB 11 NAB 12

Page 6

2012 Acve Calendar of Events

London Summer Olympics, European Soccer Championship 40 Elecons = 40 incumbent governments spending money + 40 polical adversing campaigns
US Polical Adversing alone forecasted at $9.8 billion in 2012 Broadcast TV to get 57 cents of every $1 spent.
Source: Borrell Associates

Source: IEFE

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 7

Timing Consideraons: Industry Cycle

Characte riscs of Each Phase
Peak Recovery In advance of quadrennial

We are here

During quadrennial events Nearing compleon of

technology cycle

Signs of distress in

Well-before compleon of
technology cycle

adversing market and broader economy alternaves proliferang

Downturn No near-term events Technology cycle mature Slowing general economy

adversely aecng adversing market alternaves in use models

Disrupve technology

Stable to growing underlying

economies (adversing market) alternaves

Few disrupve technology

Mulple technology Confusion on business

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 8

Four Year Broadcast Purchase Cycle

Source: US BEA







Significantly increased confidence Downward pressure on prices Confidence high Better than expected order volumes

Order volumes increasing, values improved Price competition increased markedly

exceeding expectations Selling prices resilient

Confidence falling Customer deferrals significant Pressure on prices




Source: IABM




Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

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IABM Market Sizing

Confidence at an all-time high Excerpts from IABM Industry Survey Better than expected order volumes Confidence high globally Industry is bristling with activity Confidence continues to grow Increase in orders

Modest confidence level Order levels as expected and stable Selling prices remain resilient

Transacon Acvity; Expect Announcements

Selected Transacons
Jun 10 Dec 10 Dec 10 Dec 08 Aug 09 Mar 11 Broadcast Service Mar12 Dec 11

XOR Media
Mar 12


Dec 08

Mar 09

Mar 10

Sep 10

Feb 11

Jan 12

(Silverwood Industry Observaon)

Transacon Acvity Level





Page 10

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

IABM Market Sizing

May 10

What Happens in 2013?

Predicon is Dicult
We do not expect signicant spillovers from the subprime market to the rest of the economy or to the nancial system.
- Ben Bernanke May 2007

Over the immediate years [2009, 2010] ahead the [broadcast technology] market is forecast to grow at 11% compound per annum.
- IABM Industry Source Book, 2008

Highlighted Areas
Adjacent Use Cases of Technology Future Growth, Events in Emerging Countries

Percentage of Sales in Broadcast

Vendors with More than 50% Vendors with less than 50%

(Source: Silverwood)

Non-broadcast revenue to increase

2012 Forecasted GDP Growth by Country Source: IMF Page 11

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

What Happens in 2013 M&A Market?

Apr 07 Condence Level Economic Acvity Credit Market Equity Markets Apr 08 Apr 09 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13

M&A Market Indicators Followed by Silverwood
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Media Tech Industry Factors

Page 12

Aer 2013? Evolving Value Chain

Content Producon Content Packaging Content Distribuon
Is the Set-Top Duopoly on Its Deathbed?

Tablets Helping Improve News Consumpon

NFL accounts for 9 of TWC's Stern: TV Will Evolve 10 highest rated telecasts in 2011 (US) To 'Pandora-Like' Mode
Source: Nielsen

The New York Times Adopts Online Video, Changing from Within

Plans for TV Everywhere Bog Down

Staons 12 Online Rev To Soar

Walmart to Bridge Online Gap With Disc- to-Digital ABC, Nielsen Team To Measure iPad Video Consumpon March Madness Digital Viewing Generates $60 Million in Ad Sales

New Nielsen Rangs to Measure TV and Online Ads Together Connected Devices Become Key to Content Consumpon NBA League Pass: The Future of Online Sports Video

Apple TV set to be coming in 2013 Intel TV Plan Faces Long Odds Against Success Highlights fragmentaon: 19 million watched => 380 million didn't watch
Source: Nielsen

Superbowl Online A Proposal For Hollywood: Streaming Was To Survive TV Disrupon, it a Success? Go Completely Live

iPhones Are Staons Hoest Tool

Google Aims to Oer Kansas City TV

Sample of Stories and Announcements

How to meet Changing Customer Preferences?

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 13

NAB 2012: Key Strategic Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implicaons of End of Four-Year Purchase Cycle? Valuaon is a Funcon of Growth and Protability Where is the Growth? Impact of Accelerang Technology Change? Consolidaon Connues Summary
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 14

Growth + Protability = Valuaon Escalaon

The Importance of Growth and Profitability Key Tenets
n n n n

Growth at the expense of profitability can be tolerated if there is a reasonable expectation of profitability or potential for value enablement or maintenance Profitability and cash flow generation are the ultimate fundamental prerequisites for any enterprise losses can be financed with the expectation of profitability Growth + Profitability = Valuation Escalation: The sweet spot for value creation Profit can be internally generated through operational success; however, profitability has equivalent relationship with cost avoidance in M&A: n Buy vs. Build: Avoid costs of enterprise replication n Tactical Strike: Avoid fallout and loss of profit from commercial attrition Partially explains why high valuations can be achieved for businesses in M&A

M&A Framework Growth

Generated or Facilitated

Generated or Facilitated

Valuaon Escalaon
Generated or Crystalized

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 15

Risk Migaon = Valuaon Escalaon

Mitigation of Risks to Growth and Profitability Valuation Impact
n n

Business risk takes many forms; each risk has an impact on valuation in isolation and in an M&A transaction context Quantifying, projecting, shaping and controlling perceptions of risk avoidance or mitigation is an essential aspect of M&A preparation and execution
Representave Risks
How easy is it to execute a given plan of acon? Do we have the right people running the business; are they performing opmally as individuals and as a team? As sponsoring execuve, does this M&A deal help or hurt my career within [xyz] large company; do I know and trust the target and people? Are we making products that our current customers or new customers want to buy? Will customers buy the product we have developed for them? How successful will the enterprise be in entering new vercals (industries) or geographies? Are we meeng our customers needs or are we at risk of losing an account or installaon? Do we have the capital resources to execute on our plan with a reasonable likelihood of success? Can the capital we raise be deployed to create value sucient to oset the diluon associated with the nancing?


Operaonal How easy is it to run a business repeatable processes, available sta?

Product Market Customer Financial

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 16

What Interests Public Market Investors?

Small Cap $300 Million - $1.5 Billion (S&P) Investment community demands high growth from small cap companies Requires substanal investment in sales and markeng Requires cash to nance growth; investor tolerance for reduced protability Low trading volume for micro-cap; no natural buyers Mid/Large Cap $1.5 Billion+ (S&P) Few large companies with substanal growth strong investor and analyst following Premium valuaon at aracve mulples Substanal liquidity in acvely traded stocks

High Growth



Large pool of potenal investments many large cap, low-growth stocks Investors focused on dividend and earnings stream Trade in ecient range, based on market-level mulples

Depressed share price can be more reecve of structural stock market Low/No circumstances than intrinsic value of business Growth Interesng to agitators and in context of a transacon

Market Capitalizaon
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 17


Miranda Case Study: Instrucve Lesson

CAGR 2006 2011 11.1%

Growth substanally in excess of Industry

Consistent, Strong Protability ~20% EBITDA Margins
Dec 31, 2005 Dec 12, 2011


Dec 2005 Dec 13, 2005 Mar 26, 2011
Dec. 13, 2011, JEC and JMB iniate public agitaon for sale process Mar. 21, 2012, Miranda announces structured sale process


Page 18

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Miranda: Growth Story

Referenced Growth Drivers
IPO Prospectus
December 2005

Investor Presentaon
March 2012

Expansion by Service Providers HD Transions Channel Proliferaon Emerging Markets IPTV Digital Transion

Complexity at Service Providers HD Transion Channel Proliferaon Emerging Markets OTT / VOD

Underappreciated by Public Market Investors

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 19

What is Market Rewarding?

TEV/Rev (LTM) Representave Public Companies Strategic Technology Sustainable Posion/Strong Growth Strong Operang Performance 3.0x Good Technology, Possibly Strategic Near-Term Growth Sustainable? Mixed Operang Performance 1.0x

Technology Mature or Underappreciated Uncertain or Evolving Growth Story Mixed Operang Performance
Page 20

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Private Company Strategic Posioning

Small Appealing target for venture capital rms Need expectaon of connued growth Requires idenable exit Medium/Large Receiving inbound calls from growth equity/private equity investors Opportunity to go public when market condions are favorable

High Growth

Low/No Consider combinaon with other Growth business to benet from addional scale and resources

If stable, desirable lifestyle business Should growth escalate, addional capital required to fund operaons (VC)

Challenging to generate meaningful organic growth Consider divesng underperforming or non-core assets Purchase businesses to accelerate growth, improve posioning

Revenue Level
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

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Opportunity to selecvely augment growth with acquisions

Growth: Increasingly Dicult with Size

Typical Vendor Growth Rates At Various Revenue Levels

Leverage industry relaonships Sasfy unmet market need Provide a level of customer aenon uneconomical for larger vendors

Growth begins to slow as other vendors react, oering compeng soluons and discounts Challenge avoiding custom service oering for each client

All natural customers won Taking business from incumbent providers dicult to do on protable basis Increasingly dicult to innovate

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 22

Organic Growth is Expensive

Common Size Income Statement (% of Revenue)
Item Revenue Gross Prot S&M R&D G&A Total OpEx Operang Income (% of Revenue) 100% 50-70% 30 40% 10 20% 10% 50 70% (20) 20%

Key Takeaways n Average industry participant generates 50-70% gross margin n Majority of operating budget spent on S&M (75% of marketing spent on NAB/IBC) n R&D budget varies across business models; typically 10 20% of revenue n G&A smallest component of operating budget n Total OpEx range requires 50 70% gross margin to break even

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 23

Brightcove Case Study

Capital Intensive, Time Intensive to Build a SaaS Business

Despite positioning and growing market opportunity, substantial ongoing investments required in R&D, sales & marketing to generate growth

We have a history of losses, we expect to connue to incur losses and we may not achieve or sustain protability in the futureour operang losses will connue or even increase at least through 2012

Source: Brightcove IPO Prospectus


($ mil) Revenue Growth % Gross Margin

2009 $36.2 48% 71% 35% 51% 26% ($3.1)

2010 $43.7 21% 65% 81% 84% 34%

2011 $63.6 46% 67% 35% 73% 29%

2012E1 $77.4 22%

2013E1 $98.3 27%


Operang Expenses % of Gross Prot: R&D S&M G&A

Capital Raised Annual (Post IPO) Sales

Op. Income

($17.4) ($16.1)

Source: Brightcove SEC Filings; (1) Thomson Financial

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 24

NAB 2012: Key Strategic Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implicaons of End of Four-Year Purchase Cycle? Valuaon is a Funcon of Growth and Protability Where is the Growth? Impact of Accelerang Technology Change? Impact of Vendor Consolidaon Summary
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 25

Media Technology: Industry Growth

2008 2012
Signicant Findings
(Source: Screen Digest)

2012 2015

Expectaons Industry growth in-line with world economic growth (Source: IABM)

HD and le-based workows key market drivers Ongoing HD Transion sll less than half complete IP infrastructure is having a major impact Emerging markets will connue to experience double digit growth Purchase decisions are beginning to be based on operaonal funconality rather than technology Services have become an increasingly important poron of the market New technology purchasers are entering the market from other industries New vendors are taking advantage of IT trends and the movement towards cheaper (and oen more open) soware plaorms
2008 2009 2010 2011

Emerging markets connue to have strong economic growth addional acvity around Olympics, World Cup in Brazil IP transion accelerang as aging formats are replaced Services become even more signicant poron of total industry revenues

Zero Sum Game One vendors gain is another vendors loss








No Growth
(~0% Growth)

(~5% Annual Growth)

Modest Growth

Negligible Growth (~2% Annual Growth)

Page 26

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

IABM Market Sizing

Connued shi to soware- focused, IT-based products

What is the True Addressable Market?

Market Segmentaon (Source: IABM 2008 Industry Guide Book)









Absolute Number of Potenal Sales


Potenal Revenue Accessible Geographical

to extend our offerings into these new markets requires obviously a different marketing approach, different networks to sometimes different channel partners, different price points, different value propositions et cetera. So its a challenge for a small company - Michael Wellesley-Wesley, CEO Chyron, Q4 Earnings Call

Target Customer

Sales Dynamic
Low-Touch Vs. High-Touch

Sales Reach
Direct vs. Indirect Number of Sales Reps Markeng Budget Training Partner Relaonships

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

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Changing Customer Focus

Expectation of Revenue Shift Among Customers n IABM End-User survey confirms expectation among end-users of shift of revenue dollars from traditional broadcast to new mediums

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

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Changing Customer Focus in Context

Disproportionate Focus on Online, Emerging Mediums

Revenues from emerging mediums remain insignificant in context of traditional business models; however substantial attention from end-users of technology

US Online Video Adversing Spending

June 2011 Forecast June 2007 Forecast

Online video spend will be 3.6% of TV in 2011 Youtube may account for greater than 60% of market(1) Even with growth, marketers in 2015 will spend $100 on television ads for every $10 for online video

Source: eMarketer, (1) Ci Investment Research

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 29

Online Video Predicons 2012

The massive amount of money we have been seeing poured into video ad-networks this year (2011) will allow a more aggressive fight for market share and significant margin cuts [ ] Ran Harnevo, SVP Video, AOL Revenue sourced directly and indirectly from linear TV advertising will be pursued to create scale, to sustain overall revenue growth, and to defray the growing cost of securing quality, premium and super premium video content. As a result, more aggressive monetization will drive the acute and existential need for analytical. Bill Lederer, CEO, Kantar Video Companies like Ericsson, Cisco, Motorola Mobility, Technicolor and others will finally sell or spin off their set-top divisions. The groups are generally less strategic, not growing in meaningful size (and sometimes shrinking), and IP video needs a new wave of development that current set top groups are better at starting with a clean slate. Ben Weinberger, CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths Mobile video is continuing to grow at a phenomenal rate. Mobile web searches have grown five times over the past two years. YouTube alone gets more than 400M mobile views a day, representing 13% of our daily views. This means that more ad views will now come from smartphones and tablets. Suzie Reider, Head of Ad Sales, YouTube and Google Display

Predicon #1: Online Video Adversing Matures

Predicon #2: Connected and Mobile Devices Dominate

Predicon #3: Content Evolves

Everyone at the negotiations table is more savvy, and there will be a big push to extract as much value as possible for content and content distribution. Ian Blaine, CEO and Co-Founder, thePlatform During 2012 most online distributors will have the same content available, so now the race can begin on who can present differentiated content first. Jan Steenkamp, VP, Business Development, Irdeto

Source: VideoNuze

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 30

Silverwood Industry Revenue Equaon

Industry Revenue

Content Produced

Content Distributed

Content Consumed

Technology Disrupon

Transion to soware cannibalizing former high- margin dedicated hardware

More than Ever More than Ever More than Ever

New content produced at fracon of price 5 10 years earlier IP distribuon shiing billions of dollars of technology budgets

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 31

NAB 2012: Key Strategic Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implicaons of End of Four-Year Purchase Cycle? Valuaon is a Funcon of Growth and Protability Where is the Growth? Impact of Accelerang Technology Change? Consolidaon Connues Summary
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 32

Impact of External A Kodak Moment

Sustained success in technology requires constant evolution Share Price 2001-2011
From robust digital revenue growth, to our ability to manage effectively the decline in our traditional film business, to fulfillment of our digital acquisitions plan, our results are evidence we are building [. . .] [a] stronger Kodak for the future. Simply stated: our strategy is on course. - Antonio M. Perez, COO, 2004 Annual Report Kodak is now a thriving digital company, - Antonio M. Perez, CEO, Q4 2005 Earnings Announcement We recognized already the need to lower our cost structure and more tightly focus our portfolio to align We continue to be highly with the new economic realities. - Antonio M. Perez, CEO, Q4 2008 focused in completing our transformation to a digital, Earnings Call profitable and sustainable Company. - Antonio M. Perez, CEO, Q3 2011 Earnings Call
1/19/2012: Kodak files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

11/1/2001: Kodak share price at $21.40

Apr 2004: Despite ongoing restructuring efforts, Kodak is removed from DJIA after 74 years

FY 2005FY 2010: Kodak reports loss from continuing operations

2010: Kodak sues Apple and RIM for patent infringement

2011: Kodak announces sale of image sensor business and 1,100 patents

11/1/2011: Kodak share price at $1.16












Additional Examples:

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 33

Eect of Soware, Service Transion

Implicaons of Transion for Exisng Revenues
Products likely to Transion to Soware and Services

Lost Revenue

Silverwood Esmates

Products unlikely to Transion to Soware and Services

Where are you?

Taken from Q4 2011 Avid Earnings Conference Call

Revenue growth sll eludes you and it is going to be fairly modest next year and yet theres a lot of posive drivers for the media creaon industry. Can you help us understand why it is that top-line growth is sll proving so dicult to achieve? - Paul Koster, JP Morgan As we transion our model to focus more on the media enterprise to focus more on soware and to focus more on recurring revenue you are going to see a dampening eectI hear everyone on the need for growth. We are taking a focus on how we can improve our protability with no growth - Gary Greeneld, CEO Avid

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 34

A Dierent Sale Going Forward

Which category of customer is the most important?
(Big Broadcast Survey of Vendors)

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Next 2-3 Years

60% 50% 40% 30% 20%





Engineering Operaon, Don't Know Finance, IT, Other

10% 0%

Engineering Operaon, Finance, IT, Other Don't Know

No Longer a Predominantly Engineering Driven Purchase Decision

Engineering inuence in purchase decision marginalized

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 35

Transion Revenue, Business Model

Margin Impact: Transition to Software and Services
n Margin

dollars from hardware sales to disappear unable to compete with large IT vendors n Transition to software model requires fundamental shift in business model: engineering, sales (direct vs. channel), marketing, G&A

Illustrave Example

Purpose-Built Soluon

Integrated Soluon
Revenue Loss 50% Soware Hardware
Eciency Gain Sales: $40,000 Gross Margin: $39,000 Sales: $10,000 Gross Margin: $2,000

Soware Sales: $100,000 Gross Margin: $55,000

Firmware Hardware

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 36

Do you have a Hidden Soware Business?

Professional Services, Hardware
Low valuaon low margins, low growth, requires signicant scale
Revenue Mulples

Soware, Support
Principal focus of large buyers strong margins, intellectual property, recurring revenue 2.0x 5.0x+ 1.5x 2.0x+

0.2x 0.3x

0.5x 1.0x

Professional Services
Installaon Hardware Resale Integraon

Product Porolio Soware Hardware

Specialized General-Purpose Customized

Recurring Standard Maintenance Cost and commitment to provide

SaaS Perpetual License Shrink-Wrap

Does Professional Services, Hardware drive enough addional Soware, Support sales to jusfy its existence?

Can Hardware and Soware elements be separated?

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 37

The Value of Acon

Value Creation in Highlighting Software Component
n Software

business should be profitable for maximum effect in separation provides valuation floor for business n Moderate or no profitability has minimal impact on valuation of hardware component of business
Without Separaon of Soware Operaons
1.0x 1.5x $125.0 $187.5
Illustrave Example

With Separaon of Soware Operaons $30 50% $45

3.0x 5.0x $135.0 $225.0

Soware Revenue Prot Contribuon Hardware Revenue

10% $110

14% $125

$20 50%


0% $80

0% $80
1.0x 1.2x $80.0 $96.0

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3 $215.0 $321.0

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

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NAB 2012: Key Strategic Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implicaons of End of Four-Year Purchase Cycle? Valuaon is a Funcon of Growth and Protability Where is the Growth? Impact of Accelerang Technology Change? Consolidaon Connues Summary
Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 39

Vendor Breakdown: Consolidaon Inevitable

Market Study
1600+ Exhibitors 1500 suppliers 900 vendors 300 Members

Vendor Breakdown by Employee Counts

80% 60% 40% 20%

20% of Vendors Responsible for 80% of the Industrys Revenue

1,200 Vendors (Less than $5 Billion)

76% IABM Devoncro 20% 27% 55%

18% 4%

300 Vendors (Over $20 Billion) 1 - 100

Source: IABM


Over 1,000+

101 - 1000

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 40

Selected M&A Transacons

Date Acquirer Target 3/22/2012 NEC Convergys BSS 3/21/2012 XOR Media Seachange Broadcast 3/15/2012 Avaya Radvision 3/15/2012 Cisco NDS 3/13/2012 Ericsson Technicolor Broadcast 2/7/2012 Corel Roxio 2/7/2012 Ross Video FX-Motion Camera 1/27/12 Intel Real Networks Assets 1/6/2012 KIT digital Sezmi 12/22/2011 Motorola Mobility Setjam 12/22/2011 Akamai Contendo 12/21/2011 Thoma Bravo Telestream 12/14/2011 Court Square Encompass 12/13/2011 ASG Software Atempo 12/1/2011 Blackmagic Teranex 10/31/2011 Adobe Auditude 10/20/2011 Cisco BNI Video 10/10/2011 Arris BigBand 10/10/2011 Rimage Qumu 9/8/2011 Adobe Iridas 8/30/2011 DG Fastchannel EyeWonder 8/18/2011 HP Autonomy 8/15/2011 Google Motorola Mobility 7/20/2011 Orad IBIS 6/16/2011 DG Fastchannel MediaMind 5/2/2011 Limelight Clickability 4/11/2011 Level 3 Global Crossing 4/11/2011 KIT Digital ioko365 4/7/2011 Blinkx plc Burst Media 3/21/2011 Polycom, Inc. Accordent 3/16/2011 KIT Digital Polymedia 3/15/2011 Carlyle Group The Foundry Enterprise Value $449.0 NM $175.0 $4,942.4 $24.9 NM NM $120.0 $27.0 NM $268.0 NM $500.0 NM NM $120.0 $99.0 $53.0 $51.8 $9.5 $66.0 $10,462.7 $8,984.2 $2.1 $422.7 $10.0 $2,904.0 $79.4 $30.1 $50.0 $38.6 $120.0 EV/Revenue 1.4x NM 2.2x 5.0x 0.2x NM NM NM 1.4x NM 8.9x NM NM NM NM NM NM 0.6x 5.0x NM 1.8x 11.2x 0.7x NM 5.0x 1.8x 1.1x 1.5x 0.8x 6.4x 1.7x 5.0x

Current M&A Environment

Substantial volume of

deals over past year consistent transaction flow

Wide range of revenue Strong valuations for

strategic technologies

multiples for transactions

EV/Revenue Mean Median High Low 3.2x 1.8x 11.2x 0.2x

Source: Capital IQ, Thomson One, Press Releases, Industry Sources

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 41

M&A Perspecves Large Vendors

Quotes adapted from IBC session: Dening the Media Supply Industry
Great set of opportunies in this business for strategic consolidaonsnot enough pure size and he in any of our markets for the economics of just scale alone to make many of them make sense...they [acquisions] got to be strategic as well and got to take you into faster grow rates, or beer margins, or beer spaces and help accelerate growth Harris Morris, GM Broadcast Division Clearly this is an industry for consolidaon...if you look at the relave size of the largest players and the tail of the remaining players...this is just the beginning Alain Andreoli, CEO "From our perspecve it is all about strategic development, it's about addressing opportuniesunderstanding where the business is going and where there are strategic gaps or opportunies to cover Patrick Harshman, CEO [Omnibus was an opportunity] to accelerate development to address a fast growing market sector Strath Goodship, CEO

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 42

M&A is a Natural Progression

Joining forces with Adobe provides us with an amazing opportunity to get our technology into more peoples hands Lin Kaiser CEO and Founder, IRIDAS
(Source: Adobe Press Release)

"This acquision by Grass Valley is great for PubliTronic's customers as the enre team in Apeldoorn can now enjoy the resources of a true mul-naonal company, complete with deep knowledge in video and server technologiesNow, together, our technologies can bring real cost and operaonal benets to the industry on a large scale. - Harold Vermeulen, Founder and Managing Director of PubliTronic.
(Source: Grass Valley Press Release)

This is an excing milestone for our companyWe are extremely happy to be part of the Blackmagic Design team. Blackmagic Designs global reach, leading edge technologies, widely recognized brand name, strong systems and networking experse and worldwide customer relaonships make it an ideal partner for Teranex. - Mike Poirier, General Manager of Teranex
(Source: Blackmagic Design Press Release)

Its a terric outcome for our customers, our employees, Cisco and our investorsWe built a great company, but we were at a pping point where our customers were telling us it was me to scale. - Conrad Clemson, Co-Founder and CEO BNI Video
(Source: CED Magazine, 10/20/2011)

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 43

Who are the Consolidators?

Transacon Acvity (# of deals) in Media Technology Since 2008
(Source: Silverwood Partners)






Private Equity Firms

Representave Technology Companies and Associated Acquision Acvity in Sector

Copyright Silverwood Partners 2012

Page 44

Consolidator Breakdown: Strategic

Broader Technology
Technologies with broad use cases, aligning with internal product development Crical mass of revenue, strong revenue growth

Large, Industry Parcipants

Technologies on the crical path demonstrable visibility in commercializaon

Other Acve, Industry Parcipants

Looking for addional product funconality

Deal Interests

Adjacent vendors, alignment on vision of growing business

Businesses with exisng commercial relaonship and adjacency to product porolio

Transacon Types

Substanally cash, clean deal All cash, clean deal

Perfect informaon: know who is selling and what valuaon expectaons are

Creave structures with a poron in cash, but majority of consideraon in form of equity and conngent future payments

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Perspecve: Video vs. Broadcast

Notable Acquisions ($ spent) in Video Technology
Acquirers will Connue to Buy Video Technologies with Wider Applicability Beyond Broadcast

$14+ Billion $10+ Billion

~$15 Billion

~$1 Billion

~$1.5 Billion

Representave Acquisions

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Selected Private Equity Plaorms

Jul. 2000 Apr. 2010 Apr. 2011

Jan. 2008

Apr. 2010 Sep. 2010

Apr. 2011 Mar. 2011 Aug. 2011

Jul. 2008

Oct. 2008 Jan. 2009

Oct. 2010

Dec. 2010 Jan. 2011

Dec. 2011 Mar. 2012

Mar. 2009

Mar. 2010

Feb. 2011

Apr. 2012

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Private Equity: Compeve, Aggressive

Private Equity Firms Advantaged by Market Conditions
n n

Private Equity firms able to leverage current market dynamics to outbid strategic acquirers for businesses with strong profitability Able to move rapidly: substantial deal experience, existing equity funds, longstanding lender relationships
Transacon Mulples EBITDA Revenue 11x
10x 9x 2x 8x 7x 6x 5x 4x 1x 3x 2x 1x

Illustrave Example: Majority Transacon

Amount Retained Equity Cash Equity 2.0x 3.0x 3.0x 4.0x 3.0x 4.0x

Post-Closing Ownership 25% - 40% 60% - 75%

Target Annual Return

20% - 30% Prevailing Rates

EBITDA: 20% 30%


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NAB 2012: Key Strategic Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implicaons of End of Four-Year Purchase Cycle? Valuaon is a Funcon of Growth and Protability Where is the Growth? Impact of Accelerang Technology Change? Consolidaon Connues Summary
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Business Transformaons
Predominantly Hardware

Why Transform?
Valuaon Increase (ulmately) Operaonal Streamlining Strategic Clarity Respond to customer demand immediacy of funconality

How to Transform?
Decisive acon required Challenging to alter instuonal mindset Oen takes signicant investment and me Many mes requires divestures and acquisions

Predominantly Soware

Soware-as-a-Service (SaaS)
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Being Public can be an Advantage

Brightcove's CEO: This Is What's Great, And Terrible About Doing An IPO March 20, 2012 (Source: Business Insider) Business Insider: What's it like being a public company?

The market will nd you as long as you are either large, have demonstrable growth, or a story aligning with market interest

Jeremy Allaire: We often got asked, "Why are you going public now?" There are a whole bunch of reasons. One is, I've always said we're trying to build a global independent company and at some point that means becoming a public company. I think the other big thing is that a large amount of our business is with other public companies, and public companies doing business with other public companies matters, there's a credibility and a transparency that's there that is very real. I think having currency, both capital and equity currencies, is valuable for investments or acquisitions. So those are a bunch of reasons and I think they're all quite valid.

Opportunity for immediate value recognion Currency for growth investments and acquisions Provides customers greater comfort in nancial capacity Access to large instuonal investors dearth of available video-focused investments

Evertz hopes TSX gives it a profile for growth - June 29, 2006 (Source:
Evertz could afford to fund its growth plans with the cash it was generatingBut credibility had become a recurring issue for Evertz as it tried to win new clients, such as the major U.S. telecom companies that plan to load TV signals on their phone lines...

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Corporate Growth: Inecon Points

Principal way to accelerate through inecons is M&A
Expand markets for exisng products Expand product porolio for exisng customers Expand to other geographies Scale product, service oerings Time
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Market Dynamics are an Opportunity

Substanal interest from Private Equity community Broader technology companies will connue to buy media technology vendors Public markets are welcoming of opportunies to invest in video technology

Large beer align with market, and improve posioning for greater appeal to Vendors large instuonal investors. Smaller Opportunity to posion as a must-have strategic technology Vendors acquision for larger vendors. All Vendors
Opportunity to take advantage of ongoing technology disrupon and benet from changing market dynamics.

Opportunity to acquire technologies to accelerate product development,

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References: IABM

Addional informaon is available at:

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References: Devoncro Partners

Provider of market research and strategic consulting services to a wide range of digital media clients. The company publishes a variety of syndicated market research reports and has been retained for numerous custom engagements by leading players in the broadcast, cable/satellite/IPTV, digital media, Pro-AV, private equity, and finance industries. Devoncroft was formed by Joe Zaller, a twenty year veteran of the digital media industry. Mr. Zaller is a frequent speaker at industry trade shows and events, and publishes a widely-read blog on the broadcast technology industry (

The BBS is an annual demand-side study of the global broadcast industry, which enables readers to improve strategic decision making, customer engagement, marketing strategy, and sales execution. More than 10,000 broadcast professionals in 100+ countries participated in the 2012 BBS, making it the largest ever and most comprehensive market study of the broadcast industry. For information on receiving a copy of the big broadcast survey, please contact Joe Zaller (

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Important Informaon
The analysis and views expressed herein have been developed by Silverwood Partners LLC (Silverwood) or obtained from various third-parties. The material contained herein, while not guaranteed, is based on information that is believed to be reliable and accurate. This strategic industry analysis (Strategic Analysis) is prepared for general circulation and is circulated for general information only. It is not and is not intended to be a Research Report as defined by NASD Rule 2711 of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) effective as of the date hereof or as amended. Specifically, this Strategic Analysis does not provide information reasonably sufficient upon which to base an investment decision as it does not have regard to the particular investment objectives, financial situation and the needs of any person or entity who may receive this document. Silverwood does not assess for any particular investor the suitability of any particular investment or the potential value of any particular investment. None of the information contained herein constitutes a recommendation or a solicitation by Silverwood or a recommendation or solicitation that any particular investor should purchase or sell any particular security in any amount, or at all. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in the securities of any company mentioned in this Strategic Analysis and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. This Strategic Analysis is not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice. Neither the information nor any opinion expressed herein constitutes an offer, or an invitation to make an offer, to buy or sell any securities or any options, futures or other derivatives related to such securities. Silverwood, its partners, members, officers, employees, contractors, referral sources or members of their families may have a long or short position in any securities of the companies mentioned in this Strategic Analysis or in related investments. As an investment bank, Silverwood may be actively seeking to be retained by, may actually be retained by or may have in the past been retained by any of the companies mentioned in this Strategic Analysis. In addition, Silverwood personnel may have in the past provided services to certain companies mentioned in this report when employed by other firms. Furthermore, consultants to or referral sources for Silverwood, or former employees of Silverwood with continuing compensation arrangements with Silverwood, may have, or may have clients with, positions in securities referenced in this Strategic Analysis. For information on recent investment banking relationships between Silverwood and the companies mentioned in this Strategic Analysis, please contact: Chief Compliance Officer, Silverwood Partners LLC, Silverwood Farm Place, 32 Pleasant Street, Sherborn, MA 01770. Silverwood does not (i) guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or correct sequencing of the information contained herein, or (ii) warrant any results from the use of the information contained herein. This Strategic Analysis has been prepared as of the date indicated and may become unreliable because of subsequent market or economic circumstances. IN NO EVENT WILL SILVERWOOD, ITS PARTNERS, MEMBERS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, REFERRAL SOURCES AND RELATED PERSONS, OR OTHER PERSONS TRANSMITTING THIS STRATEGIC ANALYSIS BE LIABLE TO THE USER OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, TRADING LOSSES, INVESTMENT LOSSES AND DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THIS STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OR FOR OMISSIONS OR INACCURACIES IN THIS STRATEGIC ANALYSIS) EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT A RESEARCH REPORT AS DEFINED BY NASD RULE 2711 OF FINRA. EFFECTIVE AS OF THE DATE HEREOF OR AS AMENDED. AS A CONDITION TO USING THIS STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, THE USER EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY CLAIM THE USER MAY HAVE AGAINST SILVERWOOD, OR ANY OTHER PERSON WITH RESPECT TO THIS STRATEGIC ANALYSIS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTIBILITY, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, AND NO WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THIS STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN.

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