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Monday April 16, 2012 day, 6

Be Responsible . . . Be Respectful . . . Be Safe!

"Believe you can and you are half way there." Teddy Roosevelt

Seahawk Scoop


FCAT testing for Grades 3 through 10 and SAT-10 for 2nd Grade begins TODAY, April 16. Testing continues through April 27 for various grade levels. Follow the FCS Weekly Calendar of Events below for grade levels & days of testing.

Parents, please be sure your children get a good nights sleep and arrive to school on time each day of testing.
FCS CHEER TRYOUTS: Girls in 5th 11th Grades- if you are interested in trying out for cheerleading, the necessary
forms are in the front office. Also, you must have a sports physical before try outs! Varsity Tryouts- April 21 (Sponsor- Sarah Brown) Deadline to sign up is Wed, April 18. Middle School Tryouts- May 5 (Sponsor- Leigh Smith) Deadline to sign up is May 2.

PARENT INFORMATIONAL (VARSITY) MEETING: Tues, April 17 in Ms. Browns room @ 6:00pm **Tuxedo Rentals for Prom: Tues, April 17, Black Tie Formal Wear will be on the stage in the cafeteria during H/S
lunch & after school to offer tuxedo rentals/fittings. Bus riders will have priority during lunch! $25 deposit required at fitting. Prices range from $55.95 to $135.00.

**Take Stock In Children Scholarship Applications: 9th Grade students only- the deadline for the scholarship
applications has been extended to Tues, April 17. See Mr. Robinson for applications ASAP.

**Free Boys Sports Physicals: Boys who will participate in Franklin County sports for next school year, Weems East
Medical Clinic in Carrabelle will be doing free sports physicals on Saturday, May 5, from 9:00am-1:00pm. Students must have the physical forms, with the parent info filled out/signed by their parent, before the physical can be done.

**FOOTBALL CONDITIONING: Required football conditioning every Wednesday in April. **Juniors Begin Prom Decorations: Juniors will start preparing prom decorations after school on Tuesdays through
Fridays in Ms. Gavigans art room, #809. Prom is April 28.

**ITEMS NEEDED for PROM: The Junior Class is in need of the following items for the upcoming Prom:
Strands of Christmas style white lights (how ever many you can donate, if only 1 or 2 strands) 5 gallon buckets with lids Canned drinks & Bottled water Thanks in advance for anything you can help out with! -Stephanie Howze, Junior Class Co-Sponsor

**SENIORS/ SCHOLARSHIPS: NEW- Forgotten Coast Builders Association Scholarship- $1000 (due 5/4/12) Still available: Fairpoint Communications (due 4/20/12) Centennial Bank Franklin County School Nutrition Scholarships Friends of the Reserve Willie B. Speed Donny Wilson Athletic Scholarship
Applications may be picked up from Mrs. Lee or Ms. Joyner.

**SCHOLARSHIP: 2011-2012 McKay Scholarship letters for students with disabilities can be viewed at
www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm. In order for a student to be eligible for the program, intent to participate in the McKay Scholarship Program must be filed on the School Choice Website at www.floirdaschoolchoice.org prior to withdrawing from public school. The deadline to apply for the first payment period of the 2012-2013 school year is July 3, 2012. LUNCH FOR MONDAY- 4/16/12 **K-5 Grade: Choice of One- Soft Tacos, Chef Salad, Yogurt Lite Meal, or PBJ Sandwich Choice of Two- Fresh Plum, Peaches, Side Salad; May Select- Cherry Cookies

**6th-12th Grade: Choice of above or Pepperoni Pizza or Chicken Strips w/ Roll


**Mon, Apr 16: **Mon, 16:

-FCAT Grades 3-10

-SAT-10 for 2nd Grade

Seniors will not have to attend school. school. Juniors who passed the FCAT Reading will not have to attend school. school.

& 11th Grade Reading Retakes

-Vars Softball District Tournament at Blountstown: FCS vs Bozeman @ 5:00 EST (winner of this game will play 4/17/12 @ 6:30 EST) **Tue, Apr 17: **Tue, 17:

-FCAT Grades 3-10

-SAT-10 for 2nd Grade

@ 6:00pm

Seniors will not have to attend school. school. Juniors who passed the FCAT Reading will not have to attend school. school.

& 11th Grade Reading Retakes

-Away Vars Baseball vs Aucilla @ 4:00pm -Varsity Cheerleading Parent Informational meeting in Ms. Browns room, # 602,

-Zumba Class in the elementary gym @ 6:00pm -SAC meeting in the library @ 6:00pm

**Wed, Apr 18: **Wed, 18:

breakfast **Thur, Apr 19: **Thur, 19: 1:00pm

-FCAT Grades 3-8 -SAT-10 for 2nd Grade -H/S Beta Club meeting/ Guest Speaker Carol Barfield, in room 1217 during -H/S SGA meeting in the gym wrestling room during lunch -3rd-10th Grade FCAT Make-ups -SAT-10 for 2nd Grade

-Field Trip: 1st Grade- Childress & Hams classes to the Eastpoint Estuary, 8:00am-

-Freshmans Class Officers meetings in Ms. Mount-Simmons room during breakfast -Zumba Class in elementary gym @ 6:00pm -Away Vars Baseball game vs Arnold @ 7:00pm

**Fri, Apr 20: **Fri, 20: 1:00pm **Sat, Apr 21: **Sat, 21:

-3rd-10th Grade FCAT Make-ups

-Field Trip: 1st Grade- Smiths & Vauses classes to the Eastpoint Estuary, 8:00am-

-4/5th Grade Special Art Session in room 626, 12:45-1:45pm -Varsity Cheerleader Try-outs in the gym, 9:00am-3:00pm

Mark Your Calendars

**SAT-10 TESTING: April 16 25 **FCAT TESTING: April 16 27

TEACHER/STAFF Info **TEACHERS: help teachers with re-certification, additions, & in-service. **Panhandler Players Last Play of the Season will be Fri. & Sat., April 20 & 21 at 7:30pm, and Sun., April 22, at 3:00pm at the Dixie Theatre in Apalachicola. Come see your colleagues, Laura Baney & Melonie Inzetta, in a hysterical American farce. Tickets are only $12.00 & will be available at the door. .
**Culinary Class Cafe: No Caf this week due to FCAT testing. Next Caf is Fri, April 27 **Faculty Meetings with Deans: Wed, April 18, time & locations TBA

On April 27, Jeanette Malone will be in the library from 1:00- 4:00pm to


Faculty Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm School Leadership Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm RTI Meetings: Every Tuesday by Appointment

FCS STAFF BIRTHDAYS 4/16-4/22 Lydia Countryman (4/18) Richard Metcalf (4/19) Brenda Vause (4/18) Lora Hadsock (4/21)

The Franklin County Adult Education Courses are offering GED classes on Mondays & Tuesdays from 4:00-8:00pm at the Franklin County School. Register with Ms. Linda Bradley during class hours in the 1100 Building, Room 1111. The next GED Test will be given April 23 & 24, 2012 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test, contact Linda Bradley during class times or Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status.

**The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a
fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Sandi Hengle, Homeless Liaison, at the Franklin County School District Office in Eastpoint, 670-2810 or cell number 323-0982.

**PARENTS: The Franklin County School 2011-12 Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, & the Local
Education Agency Letter to the Parents can all be viewed and/or printed from the school district website: www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm

**PARENTS register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency

school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.

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