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ECES 719: Wireless Communications

WINTER 2003 Prof. Caery

Project I
Due date: Wednesday, March 19, 2003, by 12:00pm in my oce. Late projects will NOT be accepted. DONT BE LATE!!!


This project explores the important aspect of accurate computer simulation of Rayleigh faded envelopes for at fading channels. In class, we discussed the original sum-of-sinusoids (SOS) model for 2D isotropic scattering around the mobile station (MS) as developed by Jakes [1]. Unfortunately, the statistics of the in-phase and quadrature components of the resultant channel, gI (t) and gQ (t), as well as the envelope, (t), do not agree well with theory. Several authors [3, 4, 5, 6] have analyzed the statistical properties of Jakes simulator in terms of rst and second order statistics and wide-sense stationarity and noted important deciencies. As a consequence, improved SOS simulators have been developed [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] for isotropic scattering around the MS. You will be investigating these simulators for your project. The scenario for simulating the received multipath-faded waveform at the base station (BS) has not been considered in our discussions so far. In general, the BS is located above its surroundings so that there are eectively no local scatterers around the BS. Thus, the scattering as seen by the BS is non-isotropic [1] and the desired characteristics of the faded envelope change with respect to those at the MS. Fortunately, some work has been carried out to modify Jakes simulator for generating the faded envelope at a BS [13]. You will be investigating one such approach in the second part of this project.

Project Details

You are to use the SystemView software to carry out the project which will entail two parts as described below: 1. Simulation/Analysis of Improved SOS Simulators You are to obtain, read, comprehend and simulate the improved SOS simulation methods discussed in following listed references. (a). Reference [11] presents two simple adjustments to the Jakes fading simulator that allows generation of multiple uncorrelated waveforms. The use of multiple independent faded waveforms is important for simulation of multiple user systems in which the users are faded independently and in wideband channels which are modeled as having multiple uncorrelated taps. The faded waveforms are obtained by using in-phase and quadrature sinusoidal signals with dierent Doppler frequencies and appropriate phase shifts. The statistical characteristics of the in -phase and quadrature channel components are better than classic Jakes and dierent faded waveforms are independent. (b). Reference [12] provides a wholly dierent model for the SOS simulator to satisfy the theoretical statistical properties of an isotropic scattering environment. The faded waveforms 1

are generated through the use of asymmetrical arrival angle arrangement and appropriately chosen incident plane waves. The model also allows for generation of multiple uncorrelated fading waveforms. In addition, a method for reducing the computational complexity is presented. (c). Reference [7, 8] produces a SOS model that matches the second-order statistics exactly by employing a random initial phase and a conditional random Doppler frequency for all sinusoids. A favorable property of this approach is that the desired statistical properties can be achieved even when the number of sinusoids that are used for the simulator is small. The simulator is based on the improvement suggested in [2] which was analyzed in [9]. 2. Jakes Modication for Fading at a BS: The fading simulators that were developed in class and those in item (1) above focus on the statistics of the received envelope at the MS in an isotropic scattering environment. Fading simulators which model the fading waveforms at a BS are also important. Reference [13] develops a SOS simulation model for the received signal at a BS that employs an antenna array for two scattering scenarios about the MS (since there are no local scatterers around the BS): a ring of scatterers model and a disk of scatterers model. In addition to the main references above, some key papers which evaluate the performance of the Jakes fading simulator, and SOS simulators, in general, can be found in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Also, other SOS improvements have been developed in the literature which you are not required to study and implement, such as [10] which is developed similar to [7] based on the analyses in [2].

Project Requirements

The project must be completed in groups of two or three. It is suggested that you break the project up amongst the individuals in your group in order to limit the amount of work each member must complete. The nal result of your project will be a type-written report (using your favorite word processor) that will be turned in to Prof. Caery no later than the due date listed above. Your nal report should include a title page, abstract of one page or less, table of contents, main body, conclusions/summary, references, and appendices. The appendices should include hard-copies of your SystemView simulation models. In addition, you are required to turn in electronic copies of all SystemView programs you used to generate your results (preferably on a oppy disk). The main body of your report should be complete in and of itself, i.e., the ideas should be fully described so that a technically competent reader could fully understand without extensive reference to your sources. A good report will describe Jakes simulator and its limitations in satisfying the statistical results from theory, a description of the simulators in the references of Section 2, and simulation results. The description of the improved simulators should describe how they vary from the original Jakes model and what purpose the modications serve. Simulation results should include plots which indicate the performance of the improved models versus the classic Jakes model and compared to each other. DO NOT INCLUDE AN EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF PLOTS! Plots should only be included to specically illustrate some performance improvement/advantage of the simulators compared to the Jakes simulator and to compare performance between the improved simulators. In addition, you should discuss each plot and its relevance to the material being discussed. Points will be deducted for excessive plots that are not labeled properly (gure number and caption) and that are not discussed or their relevance made clear. 2

Statistical properties that could be compared between the Jakes model and the improved models (and between the improved models themselves) include autocorrelation and cross-correlation of the in-phase and quadrature components, autocorrelation of the envelope and squared envelope, cross-correlation between multiple envelopes, etc. Discussions of wide-sense stationarity and ergodicity of the simulators would also be important concepts to address. The reports will be graded on technical presentation and discussion of the various simulators, clarity of the discussions, your creativity in assessing their performance, and overall thoroughness. Finally, the report should not exceed a total of 20 pages excluding references and appendices. Late projects will NOT be accepted.

[1] W.C. Jakes, Microwave Mobile Communications, Wiley, 1974, reprinted by IEEE Press, 1994. [2] M. Pop and N. Beaulieu, Limitations of sum-of-sinusoid fading channel simulators, IEEE Trans. on Comm., April 2001, pp. 699-708. [3] M. Pop and N. Beaulieu, Statistical investigation of sum-of-sinusoids fading channel simulators, Globecom 1999, pp. 419-216. [4] M. Patzold and F. Laue, Statistical properties of Jakes fading channel simulator, VTC 1998, pp. 712-18. [5] M. Patzold, U. Killat, F. Laue and Y. Li, On the statistical properties of deterministic simulation models for mobile fading channels, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech, Feb. 1998, pp. 254-269. [6] P. Dent, G. Bottomley and T. Croft, Jakes fading model revisited, Electronics Letters, 24 June 1993, pp. 1162-3. [7] Y. Zheng and C. Xiao, Improved models for the generation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms, IEEE Comm Lett., June 2002, pp. 256-8. [8] C. Xiao and Y. Zheng, A generalized simulation model for Rayleigh fading channels with accurate second-order statistics, VTC 2002 Spring, pp. 170-4. [9] C. Xiao, Y. Zheng and N. Beaulieu, Second-order statistical properties of the WSS Jakes fading channel simulator, IEEE Trans. Comm., June 2002, pp. 888-91. [10] M. Pop and N. Beaulieu, Design of wide-sense stationary sum-of-sinusoids fading channel simulators, ICC 2002, pp. 709-716. [11] Y. Li and Y. Guan, Modied Jakes model for simulating multiple uncorrelated fading waveforms, ICC 2000, pp. 46-9. [12] Y. Li and X. Huang, The simulation of independent Rayleigh faders, IEEE Trans. on Comm., Sept. 2002, pp. 1503-14. [13] T. Fulghum, K. Molnar and A. Duel-Hallen, The Jakes fading model for antenna arrays incorporating azimuth spread, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech., Sept. 2002, pp. 968-77.

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