Narrative Essay!

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University of El Salvador Faculty of Law and social Sciences School of Foreign Affairs

English VII Narrative Essay Teacher: Lic. Julio Ramrez

Students name: Trillos Melgar, Filloth Dayana Sanabria Romero, Hazell Brigitte Serrano Orellana, Antonio Yubran

Campus, March 28th/2012


This type of test is as a mode of expository writing, and offers writers a chance to think and write about themselves. This refers to the experiences of the writer are presented in their memories and are worthy of sharing with readers. When writing a narrative essay is like telling a story, given that a narrative is based on personal experiences. When the writer uses this technique he or she should be sure to include all elements of the narrative, such as plot, characters, setting, climax and end. It is usually full of details that have been carefully selected to explain, support or embellish the story, ie all the details related to the main point the writer is trying to do. In short, the narrative essay: a. Is counted from a particular viewpoint b. Ago and is compatible with a point c. Is full of precise details d. Uses vivid verbs and modifiers e. Uses conflict and sequence of how it does any story f. You can use dialogue Object and Appeal Sometimes simply writing fiction to entertain the reader, however, in formal academic writing, to a narrative paragraph is to inform or persuade. To add effects, the topic sentence should establish an argument that the author set out to prove in the paragraph. Thus, adding an attractive well. How do you decided on a topic? -He must focus on. A single incident or experience is often the most effective. We will describe the part of all. - Use external resources to generate ideas. Writers do not have to work in a vacuum! For example, books written instructions to start. Once you have been chosen event or experience, the writer must have three principles in mind: 1. Remember to involve readers in the story. 2. Find a generalization, that the story supports. This is the only way the writer's personal experience that make sense to readers.

3. Remember that although the main component of a story is the story, details must be carefully selected to support, explain and improve the story. When writing a narrative essay should be kept in mind the following: - Usually these are written in first person, ie using'' I''. But the third person (he / she or they) can also be used. - They are based on specific details, to convey their sensory point. These details should create a unified effect, strong, dominant impression. - Elements of the story as a plot, including setting and characters, a climax and end. Some examples of popular topics on narrative type test are: - My first day at college - The moment of success - A memorable trip - The biggest misunderstanding - The difficult decision - The trip of your dreams - The day you decide to change your life The theme is chosen, should be interesting and important for the writer to call the reader's attention. Write a narrative essay There's nothing like reading a great story. Both in the novel or the essay form, a narrative piece of writing readers transport in time and space represented by the writing world. There's also nothing like writing a great story. Through reflection on an event, and by recreating the experience of other readers, write a narrative essay can allow the development of new perspectives and subtle, and rewarding. Basic qualities of a narrative essay: -A narrative essay is a piece of writing that recreates an experience over time. -A narrative essay can be based on their own experiences, either past or present, or may be based on the experiences of another person.

-In addition to telling a story, a narrative essay also communicates a main idea or lesson learned. Started to write a narrative essay: -Identify the experience you want to write. -Think about why experience is important. -Enjoy a good amount of time writing their memories about the details of the experience. -Create an outline of the basic parts of his narrative. Writing about the experience: -Using your outline, describe each part of his narrative. -Instead of telling readers what happened, use vivid details and descriptions to recreate the experience of reality for their readers. -Think like your readers. Try to remember that the information they present is the only information that users have about the experiences. -Always keep in mind that all the little details seem unimportant to know that they are not necessarily known for their readers. Communicate the importance of experience: It is often effective to begin his story with a paragraph that introduces the experience and communicates meaning. This technique ensures that your readers understand the meaning of experience as progess through the narrative. Another effective technique is to start the test to jump directly to the narrative and the essay ends with a paragraph communicating the importance of experience. This approach allows readers to develop their own understanding of the experience through the body of the essay and then more deeply connected to the expression of the importance at the end. You might also consider the introduction of experience in the first paragraph, but delaying the expression of the importance of experience to the end of the trial. This approach increases the sensitivity of readers to the importance of storytelling. Reviewing your narrative essay: After spending time away from the draft of your narrative essay, read through trial and think

if the writing effectively recreates the experience of its readers. Ask other people to read through trial and offer their impressions. Identify where more details and descriptions are needed. Identify and consider removing any information that seems to distract from the narrative and the focus of the trial. Think about whether you have submitted the information in the most efficient order. Potential narrative essay asks: If you are having trouble choosing a time to write, take a quick look through these messages. It might help to remember or identify a particularly interesting or significant experience to focus. An event for children. Think of an experience when you learned something for the first time, or when he realized how important it was someone for you. The achievement of a goal. Think of a particularly significant achievement in your life. This could be something as seemingly insignificant as achieving a good grade on a difficult task, or it could be something more long-term effects, like getting the job you want or get into the best school that applies. A failure. Think of a time do not perform as well as you wanted. Focusing on an experience like this can lead to reflections on the emerging positive reward for the denial. A good or bad act. Think of a time that did or did not stand up for yourself or someone else on the face of adversity or challenge. A change in your life. Think of a time when something important has changed in your life. This could be anything from a move by the city for a major change in a relationship with the birth or death of a loved one. One embodiment. Consider a time when he experienced an embodiment. This could be anything from understanding a complicated mathematical equation to obtain a deeper understanding of a philosophical issue or life situation. Some tips Divide your essay into paragraphs according to your word limit: an introduction, paragraph two of the body and a conclusion. Its introduction may be a surprise one, or just describe the setting, the finding may reveal a thriller in the end, with a touch of maintaining the

culmination of the last question to be answered by readers. - Use the second person or third-person narration (you, she) may be of interest rather than first person (I, I). - Remember to always have a powerful storytelling and a crashing climax mind (this is what drains the color from the face of the readers). - Write only when you have a perfect story to tell. When a reader finishes reading the story, he \ she must feel all these emotions. - Do not worry if you can not grasp at first, stay focused and practice you wet your hands on it. Importantly, the most important aspects of successful narrative essays: There are a lot of variation in style, length, and even the organization of narrative essays. However, there are some traits that successful trials shared narrative: The narrative essay tells a story The narrative essay is a starting point The narrative essay is organized The selective narrative essay uses details to convey their views The narrative essay uses language effectively Use descriptive writing techniques to give your narrative essay some pizzazz. Because it is a story, we want to be attractive. Useful descriptive techniques of narrative writing: - Appeal to the 5 senses through the use of the images. -Choose specific details so that the reader can imagine the events you describe. -Using powerful verbs and precise language. -Use figurative language. Two important things should not be forgotten ever, and work to develop a narrative essay: The first important thing to remember about a narrative essay is that it tells a story. The author can write about: an experience or event from his past

A recent or ongoing experience or event something that happened to someone else, such as a parent or grandparent The second important thing about a narrative essay is that the story should have a point. In the last paragraph, the author must come to an important conclusion about the experience you just described. Examples of Narratives Essays:

One of My Worst Days Last weekend I had one, well not only one, two of my worse days in my life. I got sick and I felt very bad and sad. I was in bed all weekend with fever and flu. In the beginning my friends were in my apartment with me but Saturday night they went to dance in Taboo and I was completely alone in my apartment. I felt so sad, I had a fever and a headache, and I was alone! Oh, It was terrible. I was thinking about my family and I was remembering my home and when I got sick in El Salvador my mother and my father, well all my family were with me, they never left me alone, but here was complete different I was alone and missing my family very much, and their love. I really felt very sad, so I decide to pray to feel better, and then I watched a movie until I was sleep. Well this was one of my worse days in my life, but I could understand how important your family and their love are.


Every marriage has its own unique story. Like others, through my experience, I have learned how God works for his children on the earth. In fact, He changed my life as giving me the chance to make possible it possible which was impossible. After I met my wife at a church meeting, we became close and decided to get married. Instead, there was a big problem for us. We had the same family name. In Korea, having the same last name means that historically we came from the same family. Because of that, we couldnt legally get married. That also meant we couldnt get married in the temple. We fell down with sorrow. We chastised ourselves for getting so upset. We didnt give up on the idea of marriage. To solve the problem, both of us tried everything we could. We asked the temple president in Korea to write a letter to the Prophet to make a special exception. I not only prayed fervently, but I also served in the church as much as I could. Above all, I believed that God would help me if my wife was the right person for me. Through this whole experience, I was calm and waited for the answer.

One day I received a phone call from my wife telling me that the Korean government had decided to allow marriage between people of the same last name. We, a couple with the same family name, have claimed to change the law which had existed for fifty years. When I heard the news from my wife, there were tears in my eyes. I know that my prayers were answered. I know God lives, and he loves all of his children. He always leads us in the right ways. by Syoung Kyoung Yoon

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