Backup Restore Gradebook Groups Reports AssignTA

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Moodle Training Sessions

Backup, Restore, Gradebook, Groups, Reports, Assign TA's

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Create a Course Backup Restore a Course Backup Grades Groups View a Student Activity Log Assign Teacher Assistant to a Course

1. Create a Course Backup

1. Click Backup in the Course administration block. 2. Page 1: Select your backup options 1. Choose the activities and resources you want to include, the default is everything. Include All/None links at the top will check or uncheck all the boxes in a column. Use the individual boxes to select or unselect specific parts of the course for the backup. 3. Select course options desired at the 4. Click the Continue button to start the backup process. 5. Page 2: On the next page 1. You can edit the default backup filename at the top of this page (uses format: 2. You will see the backup details, a list of files and user data that Moodle will include in the backup 6. Click the Continue button at the bottom. Or if this does not look right, use cancel to exit the backup process or use your back browser arrow to return to the initial course backup page. 7. Page 3: On the next page, the progress of the backup is displayed. 1. You should see the message "Backup completed successfully" at the bottom of the page. 8. Click the Continue button. 9. You will then be taken to the backupdata directory 1. You may click on a filename to download any backup file to your computer. 2. Later this area can be reached by the Course administration block by using the Restore link or looking for what is usually called the backupdata folder under the Files link.

2. Restore a Course Backup

1. Either upload a backup zip file to your course files area or click Restore in the Course administration block to access the backupdata folder. 2. Click the Restore link opposite the file you want to restore. 3. On the next page, click Yes to the question "Do you want to continue?" to start the restore process. 4. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the next page, listing details of the backup. 5. On the next page, select whether you want to restore to the existing course, adding data to it or deleting it first. If you have permission to restore to a new course, the restore page will contain additional options for setting the new course category, short name, full name, and start date. 6. Choose which activities you want to restore. 7. Click the Continue button. 8. On the next page, click the "Restore this course now!" button. 9. On the next page, the progress of the restore is displayed with a report if it was successful. Click the Continue button.

3. Grades
Grades are scores attributed to participants in a Moodle course Gradebook is a repository of these grades: Activities push their grades to it, but the Gradebook doesn't push anything back to the modules o To access the Gradebook: Go to the Administration block Click Grades

The three building blocks of the Gradebook:

1. The grade category: A grade category groups grade items together, and has

settings for affecting these grade items 2. The grade item: A grade item stores a grade for each course participant, and has settings for affecting these grades 3. The grade -Student scores in a course: A grade has settings for affecting how it is displayed to the users, as well as locking and hiding functions.

Grades can be calculated, aggregated and displayed in a variety of ways. Many activities in Moodle, such as assignments, forums and quizzes may be given grades. o Importing grades to the Gradebook: 1. Go to the Administration block 2. Click Grades 3. Go to the Import tab 4. Decide on an import format - CSV or XML file

5. Edit the export file as appropriate and save it. 6. Tip: If you opened your exported file in Excel, don't add columns there because Moodle will reject the import if there are new columns that didn't exist in the exported file. If you need to add columns, do that in Moodle BEFORE you export your gradebook. 7. Select your chosen import format from the gradebook dropdown menu. 8. Browse and upload your previously saved file. 9. Set options as required. 10. Click the "Upload grades" button. 11. CSV import only: Preview the grade import and choose the column mapping Map from: user ID and Map to: Username Importing grades to the Gradebook: 1. Go to the Administration block 2. Click Grades 3. Go to the Export tab 4. Select the formal you want for the export by click on its link under the tabs bar(Most common is the excel sheet) 5. Set options as required. 6. If the course uses groups, select whether to export grades for all participants or for a particular group. 7. Select the grade items to be included. 8. Click the submit button. 9. After previewing the data on the following page, click the download button. Adjusting percentages of letter grades: 1. Go to the Administration block 2. Click Grades 3. Go to the Letters tab 4. Review the existing percentages 5. To change it click the Edit link on top of the table 6. Set the grade letter and letter grade boundary 7. When you are done, press Save changes

4. Groups
The group mode can be defined at two levels:

Course level - the group mode defined at the course level is the default mode for all activities defined within that course. This is determined in the course settings Activity level - each activity that supports groups can also have its own group mode defined. If the course setting "Force group mode" is set to "Yes" then the option to define the group mode for individual activities is not available.

Assign Students to Groups

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter the course Go to the Administration block Click on Groups (You will be redirected to Groups page) Click on Create Group button(You will be redirected to Create group page) Go to the Group name field, and give the group a name Describe the group in the Group description field From the Enrollment key block, set an enrollment key for the group if you want the students to enroll themselves in the group (You can assign students explained in step 10) From the New picture field, upload a picture to the group from your computer Click on Save (You will be redirected to Groups page) Assign students : a. Click on Add/Remove users b. A list of all the course members will appear to you in the rectangle to the right c. Select the student and click on Add button(The student will move to the rect5angle to the left) d. To remove a student, c lick on him/her from the rectangle to the left and click on Remove button Click on Back to group Return back to the course

8. 9. 10.

11. 12.

5. View a Student Activity Log

1. 2. 3. 4. Enter the course Go to the Recent activity block Click on Full report of recent activity On the Filter block, check the button on the right, if its Show advanced click on it (This area will expand and the button will turn into Hide advanced) 5. Go to Participants field, and select the student you want to view his/her full activities (You can select a certain activity from the Activities field) 6. Click on Show report

6. Assign Teacher Assistant to a Course

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter the course Go to the Administration block Click on Assign roles (You will be redirected to Roles page) Click on the link Teacher Assistant(TA)

Two lists appear: a list of users who currently have that role (If no one has the role, you will find it empty), and a list of users who don't. You select from the second list, and use the left-facing arrow button to add to the list of TAs.

Multiple users may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the users' names.

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