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MSW-001 MSW-002 MSW-003 MSW-004 MSW-005 MSW-006


Assignment: 2010-2011
Course Titles MSW-001 MSW-002 MSW-003 MSW-004 MSW-005 MSW-006 : Origin And Development Of Social Work : Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives : Basic Social Science Concepts : Social Work And Social Development : Social Work Practicum and Supervision : Social Work Research

School of Social Work Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110 068

Dear Learner, Welcome to the MSW program of IGNOU. You have purposefully chosen to become a post graduate in Social Work to contribute your mite for improving the social conditions of our humanity. To successfully complete your MSW program, kindly follow to following tips: Read the programme guide before your begin your studies. It will clarify most of your doubts regarding how to go about doing the MSW studies from IGNOU. Submit your assignments to the study centre on time. Be in touch with your study Centre and Regional Centre. Fill up the examination form on time. Do your practicals only under the guidance of a professional qualified social worker having MSW/M.A (Social Work) provided to you from your study centre.

For MSW first year/PGDSW, you have to do one each Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) for MSW-001, MSW-002, MSW-003, MSW-004, MSW-005 and MSW-006. The TMAs must be submitted to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to you, latest by April 30, 2011 for those admitted to July 2010 Session and September 30, 2011 for those admitted to January 2011 Session. All the MSW students are expected to pass for Field Work (Social Work Practicum) separately with 50% marks each by: (i) (ii) Field Work Supervisor, and External Examiner

Your chances of passing in Social Work Practicum will depend on the supervisor who shall be guiding you. Remember that only a qualified supervisor with MSW/M.A (Social Work) is eligible to guide you for your field work. If you have any difficulty in this regard, please discuss the same with your coordinator at the study centre. You may also contact me on 011- 29534394 or email me on Your Field Work Journal is to be submitted to the Field Work Supervisor (FWS). The FWS will assign the marks and submit the same to the Coordinator at the Study Centre for forwarding the same to Registrar, SED, IGNOU, New Delhi 110068. You are allowed to register for MSW 2nd year after the completion of 1st Year. You can also appear for 2nd year theory papers. However, you can pursue MSWL 002 i.e. Field Work for 2nd year only after submitting 1st year Field Work Journal completed in all respect. Since social work is a professional programme of study, social work students are encouraged to take student membership in the National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI). For details, you may log on to You may also like to participate in seminars, conferences and workshop on social work and related topics. NAPSWI e-journal will provide such information on a regular basis along with lots of other information useful to social workers and para professionals. For details regarding seminar, conferences and meetings of social work professionals and students being organized by the school of social work, kindly log on to, click on to schools and then the school of social work.

(Dr. Saumya) Programme Coordinator

MSW-001 Origin and Development of Social Work Assignment 1

Course Code: MSW-001 Total marks: 100 Note: i) Answer all the five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. Discuss the emergence and growth of social work discipline in Asia. Or Describe in detail the historical development of social group work. Define social work research. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research. Or Explain briefly the values, principles and ethics of professional social work. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each: i) Briefly trace the development of social work practice in Africa. ii) Differentiate between voluntary and professional action. iii) Discuss the concept and assumptions of case work. iv) Explain the value base of social group work. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each: i) Briefly discuss the history of social work education in the US. ii) Explain the relevance of social group work in India. iii) Define community organization. iv) Enumerate the essential components of social action. v) List out the assumptions involved in social welfare administration. vi) Discuss the relevance of generalist practice in India. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each: i) Distance education in social work. ii) Social movement iii) Social network iv) Importance of community work. v) Meaning of social action. vi) General Systems theory vii) Variety of roles played by a social worker viii) Professional association of social workers in Asia. 3 20 20


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MSW-002 Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives Assignment 2

Course Code: MSW-002 Total marks: 100 Note: i) Answer all the five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. Discuss the initiatives by Central and State governments after independence in the area of social welfare in India. Or What are the values in Islam which are common to social work discipline? Discuss. Explain the relation between value base of Gandhis ideal society and social work intervention. Or Trace the historical development of social work education in India. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each: i) Briefly discuss the reform movements among the Hindus. ii) Describe the characteristic features of Satyagrah. iii) Discuss the social concern in Hinduism. iv) Explain the concepts, values and practices common to Buddhism and Social Work. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each: i) Discuss the role of Baba Amte in addressing social evils. ii) Explain the social work ideals which are inherent in Sikhism. iii) What are the trends and gaps in social work literature developed in India ? Discuss. iv) Discuss about the professional organizations in social work in India. v) List out the Gandhis charter of social reconstruction. vi) Discuss the backward classes movement.

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5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each: i) Jyotiba Phule ii) SOS Childrens Villages of India. iii) Buddhism and social work iv) Christian contribution to social work profession in India. v) Gramdan and community organization. vi) Social policy vii) Monitoring and evaluation viii) Social work as a career 4

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MSW-003 Social Science Concepts for Social Workers Assignment 3

Course Code: MSW-003 Total marks : 100 Note: i) Answer all the five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. Explain the relation between social work and other disciplines. Or Discuss the theories of personality development. What are the stages of human growth and development? Discuss. Or Describe the emerging forms, changing functions and dynamics of family. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each: i) What is socialization? Explain briefly the agencies of socialization. ii) Explain the concept of social learning. iii) Describe the relevance of motivation in social work practice. iv) Discuss the theories of social change? Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each: i) Discuss briefly the characteristics of culture. ii) Explain briefly the concept of leadership in groups. iii) Enumerate the theories of motivation. iv) Briefly discuss the psychological and emotional differences between a man and a woman. v) What are the prominent psychosocial problems of adolescents? vi) Discuss the various dimensions of economic stress on family life of an individual. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each: i) Culture ii) Radical social work iii) Functions of social institutions iv) Development of groups v) Concept of defense mechanisms vi) Freuds theory of personality development. vii) Family therapy viii) Drug and alcohol abuse 20 20 20 20



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MSW-004 Social Work and Social Development Assignment 4

Course Code: MSW-004 Total marks: 100 Note: i) Answer all the five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. What is industrialization? Explain the role of industrialization in bringing about social change. Or What are the economic and social dimensions of development and progress? Discuss. Our fundamental rights, which are a corollary of our preamble, form the strong roots of our democracy and are its core and distinguishing feature. In the light of above, discuss the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of India. Or Critically examine the salient features of Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each: i) Discuss the theories of migration. ii) Explain the various dimensions of globalization. iii) What is the relationship between growth and development? iv) Describe the legal provision for children. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each: i) Discuss urbanization as a process. ii) Explain the concept of liberalization. iii) Describe the concept and meaning of sustainable development. iv) What is politics of population? Discuss. v) Establish the basic linkages between social work and human rights. vi) List out the objectives of legal aid. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each: i) Consequences of migration. ii) Gandhis critique of industrialization. iii) Human development iv) Impact of development on women. v) Define human rights. vi) Empowerment as a process. vii) Rights of the elderly. viii) The Right to Information Act, 2005. 6







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MSW-005 Social Work Practicum Assignment 5

Course Code : MSW-005 Total marks : 100 Note: i) Answer all the five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. Locate and discuss the central themes in social work practicum. Or What are the roles and expectations from the student in the social work practicum? Discuss the various aspects of supervision in the ODL mode. Or Explain fieldwork in NGO setting. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each: i) Trace the emergence of social work as a profession in the US. ii) Discuss the IGNOU model (Distance mode) of field practicum in social work. iii) Describe the models of supervision in social work. iv) Explain the implications and possibilities of school social work. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each: i) Discuss the global standards for field education and training. ii) Enlist the student learning expectations and responsibilities while doing internship. iii) Define supervision and enumerate its functions. iv) What is the impact of stress on professional functioning? v) Explain the concept of correctional social work. vi) Differentiate between social survey and social research. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each: i) Social work as a profession. ii) Active listening. iii) Process recording iv) Roles of the supervisor. v) Corporate social responsibility in India. vi) Probation vii) Social workers role in mother and child health care setting. viii) Concept of intervention 7 20 20 20 20



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MSW-006 Social Work Research Assignment 6

Course Code: MSW-006 Total marks: 100 Note: i) Answer all the five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each. 1. Discuss the research process with focus on formulation of research problem. Or Describe experimental research design. In social work research, discuss the methods of sampling in detail. Or How is research report written? Describe in detail. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each: i) Discuss the process of preparing research proposal. ii) Explain the evaluation research design. iii) Write in detail on qualitative research. iv) What are the tools of data collection? Discuss. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each: i) What is the scope of research in social work? ii) Discuss the concept and nature of action research. iii) Enumerate the three characteristics of experimental research. iv) Enlist the characteristics of case study method. v) List out the steps in testing hypothesis. vi) Explain quartile deviation or semi-inter quartile range. 20 20 20 20



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Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each: i) Social work research ii) Hypothesis iii) Research design. iv) Diagnostic research studies. v) Quasi experimental design. vi) Participatory research vii) Types of observation viii) Coding of data. 8

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