Business Ethics Sachin-2

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Q.Advertising should be banned because it diminishes consumers freedom of choice.

Discuss this claim

ADVERTISING CREATES AWARENESS AND INCREASES CHOICES. THE MAJOR OBJECTIVES -Goals that an organization seeks to achieve through its promotional program in terms of communication effects such as - creating awareness of the product/brand, -knowledge of the product/ brand [features/ benefits of the product usage] -images of the product/brand, -attitudes of the users of the product, -help people to show their preferences for the product, -help people to make the purchase intentions. -increasing response rates - contributing to ROI business goals. Build a brand image- Test customer awareness of brand recognition and perceived values Increase Sales- Levels of repeat purchase Build customer loyalty and relationship- Levels of customer retention Change customer attitudes- Measure demographic profile of purchases - Measure type of goods ordered by new purchasers - Compare with previous data. Stimulate an increase in sales- Number of enquiries from advert, - Number of enquiries converted into sales Remind customers of the existence of a product- Test customer awareness both before and after the advertising campaign, - Number of enquiries Inform customers- Test customer awareness, - Number of requests for further information OBJECTIVES COULD INCLUDE -creates product awareness -makes known product availability -creates product perception -helps to develop product memory -helps to develop a brand image -creates a desire -develops a want -stirs up the brand -harnesses the desire -helps in making the buying decision -helps to influence the choice -helps in buying -------------------------------------------------------------Several broad objectives including: building product awareness, creating interest, providing information,

stimulating demand and reinforcing the brand. To achieve one or more of these objectives, advertising is used to send a message containing information about some element of the marketers offerings. For example: Message About Product Details about the product play a prominent role in advertising for new and existing products. In fact, a very large percentage of product-oriented advertising includes some mention of features and benefits offered by the marketers product. Advertising can be used to inform customers of changes that take place in existing products.For instance, if a beverage company has purchased the brands of another company resulting in a brand name change, an advertising message may stress New Name but Same Great Taste. =============================================================== Message About Price Companies that regularly engage in price adjustments, such as running short term sales (i.e., price markdown), can use advertising to let the market know of price reductions. Alternatively, advertising can be used to encourage customers to purchase now before a scheduled price increase takes place. ====================================================== Message About Other Promotions Advertising often works hand-in-hand with other promotional mix items. For instance, special sales promotions, such as contests, may be announced within an advertisement. Also, advertising can help salespeople gain access to new accounts if the advertising precedes the salespersons attempt to gain an appointment with a prospective buyer. This may be especially effective for a company entering a new market where advertising may help reduce the uncertainty a buyer has about a new company. ===================================================== Message About Distribution Within distribution channels, advertising can help expand channel options for a marketer by making distributors aware of the marketers offerings. Also, advertising can be used to let customers know locations where a product can be purchased. =============================================================== = ADVERTISING/ PUBLICITY Communication OBJECTIVES involve ... Awareness Comprehension Brand insistence or loyalty Feelings Attitudes toward the product General Advertising/ PUBLICITY Objectives could be To prompt direct action To encourage information search To relate product to needs To encourage recall of past satisfactions. To modify attitudes To reinforce attitudes To highlight product differences To reveal product attributes or benefits To push price/quality To target product users To exhibit product usage or application To fight Against a particular competitor To fight Against an entire product category To show association To show a solution to a problem situation

============================================ Advertising has an important effect on a countrys economy, society, culture, and political system. ECONOMIC IMPACT Most economists believe that advertising has a positive impact on the economy because it stimulates demand for products and services, strengthening the economy by promoting the sale of goods and services. Manufacturers know that advertising can help sell a new product quickly, enabling them to recoup the costs of developing new products. By stimulating the development of new products, advertising helps increase competition. Many economists believe that increased competition leads to lower prices, thereby benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole. These economists also argue that by interesting consumers in purchasing goods, advertising enables manufacturers and others to sell their products in larger quantities. The increased volume of sales enables companies to produce individual units at lower costs and therefore, sell them at a lower price. Advertising thus benefits consumers by helping lower prices. Other economists, however, believe that advertising is wasteful. They argue that the cost of advertising adds to the cost of goods and that most advertising simply encourages consumers to buy one brand rather than another. According to this view, advertising simply moves sales from one company to another, rather than increasing sales overall and thereby benefiting the economy as a whole. Advertising causes an economic chain reaction. -The advertising expenditures made throughout the economy by businesses in all industries and all geographic areas set off a chain reaction that **(1) generates a net gain in direct sales and jobs due to the promotion of the industries' products and services, **(2) generates indirect sales and jobs among the first level suppliers to the industries that incur the advertising expenditures, and **(3) generates indirect sales and jobs among all other levels of economic activity as the sales ripple throughout the economy. -FUNDS THE DYNAMICS OF MEDIA ACTIVITIES, WHICH EMPLOYS MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. -HELPS THE FUNDING OF DYNAMICS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES, WHICH GIVES EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. -STIMULATES BUYING / CONSUMPTIONS, WHICH HELPS THE ECINOMY GROWTH. -STIMULATES THE COMPETITION, WHICH STIMULATES COMPETITION -INCREASES THE BUYING/ CONSUMPTIONS -STIMULATES INNOVATIONS, WHICH IS GOOD FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH. ETC ETC ================================================= SOCIAL IMPACT Advertising can have wide-ranging repercussions on a society. Some critics suggest that advertising promotes a materialistic way of life by leading people to believe that happiness is achieved by purchasing products. They argue that advertising creates a consumer culture in which buying exciting new products becomes the foundation of the society's values, pleasures, and goals. Other critics express concern over the way advertising has affected women and racial minority groups. Ads in the 1950s depicted women primarily as decoration or sex objects. Although millions of women worked outside the home in the 1960s, ads continued to focus on their role as homemakers. Whether

owing to the feminist movement or to women's increasing economic power, after the 1960s it became more common to see women depicted in professional roles. However, many ads today still emphasize a womans sexuality. The way advertising has depicted racial minorities has also been harmful. Prior to 1960, African Americans were usually shown in a subordinate position. Due to the influence of the civil rights movement, however, advertisers by the 1980s had begun to depict African Americans as students, professionals, or business people. However, many African American organizations and community activists continue to object to the way that alcohol and tobacco companies have seemingly targeted low-income minority communities with a heavy preponderance of outdoor advertising for their products. As ads have begun to more fully reflect the lives of women and African Americans in the United States, increasing attention has been paid to the way in which advertising shows other ethnic groups, including Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and Eastern Europeans. There is still considerable debate over how advertising influences public perception of gender and of particular ethnic groups. Advertising has a major social impact by helping sustain mass communications media and making them relatively inexpensive, if not free, to the public. Newspapers, magazines, radio, and broadcast television all receive their primary income from advertising. Without advertising, many of these forms of mass communication might not exist to the extent that they do today, or they might be considerably more expensive, offer less variety, or even be subject to government control through subsidies. In-depth news programs, a diversity of magazines, and free entertainment might no longer be widely available. At the same time, however, some critics warn that because advertising plays such a major economic role, it may exercise undue influence on the news media and thereby curtail the free flow of information in a free society. Reporters and editors, for example, may be hesitant to develop a news story that criticizes a major advertiser. As a result, society might not be alerted to harmful or potentially harmful conduct by the advertiser. Most members of the news media deny that pressure from an advertiser prevents them from pursuing news stories involving that advertiser, but some members of the media acknowledge that they might not be inclined to investigate an issue aggressively if it threatened to offend a major advertiser. Advertisers may affect media programming in other ways, too, critics charge. For example, companies that sponsor TV programs prefer relatively wholesome, noncontroversial programming to avoid offending a mass audience. This preference causes TV networks to emphasize this type of programming. The result is that society may be denied the benefits of being able to view challenging or highly original entertainment programs or news programs on controversial issues. Because advertisers are especially interested in attracting the 18 to 34 year olds who account for most consumer spending, television shows are often developed with this audience in mind. If the ratings show that a program is not attracting large audiences, particularly among 18 to 34 year olds, advertisers often withdraw support, which causes a program to be canceled. As a result, shows that are more likely to interest and to be of value to older audiences are not produced. The impact of television on young children has received much attention. Research suggests that children see television advertising as just another form of programming and react uncritically to its messages, which makes them especially vulnerable to advertising. There is also concern about the way in which adolescent girls respond to advertising that features beautiful, thin models. Research indicates that many adolescent girls are unduly influenced by this standard of beauty, become dissatisfied with their own bodies, and may develop eating disorders in pursuit of a thin figure. New research suggests that adolescent boys are also being influenced by advertising images of bulked-up, buffed bodies. As a result, many become dissatisfied with their own body image, devote large amounts of time to weightlifting, and may even take drugs that have harmful side effects in order to develop more muscle. Those over the age of 60 are thought to be less influenced by advertising, but

some elderly people no longer process messages as easily as younger people, making them more susceptible to questionable advertising claims. Advertising provides useful information to consumers. -advertising stimulates additional purchases by providing important and useful information to a broad range of purchasers in households and businesses a critical function in a market economy. - Advertising fulfills the critical role of informing and educating consumers about the many choices available to them in the marketplace and often compares features, benefits, and prices of competing products and services. With more complete information, consumers in homes and businesses choose to purchase additional products and services for their use. -PROVIDES THE CONSUMERS INFORMATION -MORE CONSUMPTION MEAN MORE JOBS -MORE INFORMATION ON LIFESTYLES. -PROVIDES INFORMATION ON PRODUCT FEATURES/BENEFITS -PROVIDES INFORMATION ON WELLNESS FOR THE PEOPLE. -PROVIDES INFORMATION ON EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT ETC ETC. =============================================================== == POLITICAL IMPACT Advertising is now a major component of political campaigns and therefore has a big influence on the democratic process itself. In 1998 more than $467 million was spent on election campaigns in the United States. That amount of spending placed political advertising in the ranks of the countrys 30 leading advertisers that year. Political advertising is a relatively new development in U.S. history. Advertising professionals did not become involved in electoral campaigns until the 1950s. But since then, political advertising has grown in sophistication and complexity. Political advertising enables candidates to convey their positions on important issues and to acquaint voters with their accomplishments and personalities. Television advertising is especially effective for candidates running for national or statewide office because it can reach so many people at once. Candidates can also use advertising to respond effectively to the charges of their opponents. Various campaign finance reform proposals, however, have tried to address the impact of television advertising on political campaigning. Because of the high cost of television ads, the costs of political campaigns have skyrocketed, making it necessary for candidates to raise money continually, even after they have been elected to office. Critics say this factor jeopardizes the democratic process by making elected officials beholden to wealthy contributors and by making it more likely that only the wealthy will run for office. Some reform proposals have called for free airtime, but television and radio networks have resisted this idea. Critics of political advertising also charge that the 30-second television spot has become more important to a political campaign than a thorough discussion of the issues. As a result, voters are bombarded with image advertising rather than being acquainted with the candidates positions. They contend that this practice is harmful to good government. Issues are simplified, and candidates are packaged and sold much like a consumer product, thereby distorting the political process. -A VITAL TOOL FOR THE POLITICAL PARTIES. -INFORMS THE PEOPLE OF THE POLICIES. -GOVERNMENT USES THE TOOL FOR INFORMING PUBLIC. -IT IS ALSO A FEEDBACK TOOL FOR THE PUBLIC.

-IT IS A TOOL FOR THE PUBLIC TO VENT THEIR FEELINGS. -IT HELPS TO EDUCATE THE PEOPLE OF DEMOCRACY. -IT IS A DEBATING PLATFORM FOR THE PUBLIC. ETC ETC =========================================== CULTURAL IMPACT Advertising can affect cultural values. Some advertising messages, for example, encourage aggressive individualism, which may clash with the traditional cultural values of a country where the collective or group is emphasized over the individual or humility or modesty is preferred to aggressiveness. With the globalization of the world economy, multinational corporations often use the same advertising to sell to consumers around the world. Some critics argue that advertising messages are thus helping to break down distinct cultural differences and traditional values, causing the world to become increasingly homogeneous. Many advertising campaigns, however, have universal appeal, overriding cultural differences, or they contribute to culture in a positive way. Humor in advertising has made many ad campaigns widely popular, in some cases achieving the status of folklore or taking on new life in another arena. For example, a popular ad campaign for a fast-food chain with the slogan Wheres the beef? became part of the 1980 Democratic presidential primary campaign between Gary Hart and Walter Mondale. The ad ridiculed a competitor by depicting a small hamburger patty dwarfed by a huge bun. During a primary debate one of the candidates used the ad slogan to suggest that his opponents campaign lacked substance. -IT CAN HELP TO DEVELOP CULTURES. -IT CAN HELP TO CHANGE CULTURE. -IT CAN HELP TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC. -IT CAN HELP TO MANAGE DIVERSITY. ETC ETC ========================================================== HENCE ADVERTISING SHOULD NOT BE BANNED. NOR DOES IT DIMINISHES THE CHOICE. ############################################################### #####

Q. Describe the word Ethics. Explain the nature of Ethics.

What morality requires from us is often seen as the core question that ethics has to answer. However, there are other questions of similar importance, such as: Why be moral? How moral can we be in a non-ideal world? Are we moral by nature? Are moral judgments true? Such questions cannot be avoided when we confront the problems of life particularly in a non-moral world. But the questions themselves are relevant in our contemporary life style. This unit makes an attempt to analyse Ethics its definition, nature and scope.
Definition of Ethics:

The word ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos (character), and from the Latin word mores (customs). Derived from the Greek word ethos, which means way of living, ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with human conduct. It consists in a code of conduct of human beings living in a society. Ethics examines the rational justification for our moral judgments; it studies what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust. Together, they combine to define how individuals choose to interact with one another. In philosophy, ethics defines what is good for the individual and for society and establishes the nature of duties that people owe to themselves and to one another. It aims at individual good as well as social good, the good of mankind as a whole. Ethics is am attempt to guide human conduct and it is also an attempt to help man in leading good life by applying moral principles. Ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethics is related to issues of propriety, rightness and wrongness. What is right is ethical and what is wrong is unethical. The words proper, fare and just are also used in place of right and ethical. If it is ethical, it is right, proper, fair and just. Ethics is a matter of practical concern. It tries to determine the good and right thing to do; choices regarding right and wrong, good and evil; questions of obligation and value. Ethics is to consider the practice of doing right actions or what we may call the art of living the good life. It is also defined as the science of the highest good. Mackenzie defines ethics as the study of what is right or good in human conduct or the science of the ideal involved in human life. So, it is clear that ethics is the study which determines rightness or wrongness of actions. Applied ethics is the practice of ethics that aims to guide the moral judgment governing the decisions we make in all areas of our lives .Issues of right and wrong are related to ones values. In the context of ethics, values are our standards of right and wrong.

Nature of Ethics:

Ethics aims at systematic knowledge. So, ethics is a science. Every science is concerned with a particular sphere of nature. As a science ethics has its own particular sphere; it deals with certain judgments that we make about human conduct. It deals with systematic explanation of rightness or wrongness in the light of the highest Good of man. Ethics is a normative science. It is concerned with what ought to be done rather than what is the case. It differs from positive science. A positive science, natural science or descriptive science is concerned with what is. It deals with facts and explains them by their causes. In positive science there is no question of judging its objects in any way. But ethics does not deal with fact. Rather it deals with value. Therefore, it is clear that ethics is concerned with judgments of value, while positive science deals with judgments of facts. That is why ethics is not a positive science but a normative science. Normative ethics deals with standards or norms by which we can judge human actions to be right or wrong. For example, logic, aesthetics are also considered as normative sciences, because logic and aesthetics are concerned with truth and beauty. So, truth, beauty and value are the three ideals of logic, aesthetics and ethics respectively. Ethics is not a practical science. Practical science deals with means for the realization of an end or ideal. It teaches us to know how to do. As for instance, medical science is a practical science. It concerns with the means in order to remove the causes of ailments or diseases. But ethics is not concerned with means in order to achieve moral ideal that is rightness or goodness. It does not teach us how to live a moral life. So, ethics can not be regarded as a practical science. Ethics is not an art. Ethics does not teach us an art as to how to lead a moral life. Rather it helps us to justify rightness or goodness which can lead to the supreme goal of human life that is to realize the summum bonum of human life. So, ethics is not a means to the highest ideal of human life. But, like the practical science, art is also a means for obtaining a goal. So, ethics is neither a practical science nor an art. Again the question is, is there any art of conduct? The reply is, in case of morality this is not true. Art especially deals with acquisition of skill to produce objects, while morality deals with motive, intention, purpose and choice which are considered right or wrong in the light of goodness. Therefore, morality consists of goodness, which is really an intrinsic end. A norm or ideal in the ethical sense is defined as any regulatory principle that controls or lays guidelines to thought and mode of acting. Ethics is a science of values as it discovers the forms of conduct or behaviour, which have the character of oughtness. Ethics deals with moral phenomena and it observes and classifies them and explains them by the moral ideal. It distinguishes moral judgments from logical judgments and aesthetic judgments and reduced them to a system. So, we may define the nature of ethics as scientific. However, from another perspective all sciences also lead to philosophical questions if we take philosophy to be quest for knowledge. That is way ethics is a branch of philosophy.

There is no clear-cut boundary between science and philosophy, between descriptive science and normative science and between ethics and philosophy. A norm is more than a description. While philosophies have become more scientific and sciences have become more philosophical, the distinction between science and philosophy and between value-science like ethics and general philosophy is a matter of degree. That way ethics is both scientific and philosophical, both descriptive and normative science and both pure and applied, pure ethics and meta ethics. Ethics is an art as it sets guidelines for practical conduct and also for understanding the meaning of what it is to act in an ethical manner. Ethics is concerned with Goodness as an ultimate value while some other normative sciences like Aesthetics and Logic are oriented to the ideals of Beauty and Truth respectively. If we enter into a discussion regarding what is the nature of Ethics it would be a metaethical question. Although the distinction between morality and ethics is not clear cut, it is not morality as such since its task is not to lay down rules or guidelines of dos and Donts. Ethics is a branch of philosophical discussion pertaining to morality or a philosophical critique of morality, which is far from laying down guidelines for behavior. A distinction must be made between ethics and morals or morality. Whereas ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with moral values, the ethics or morals of an individual or a group are the values according to which they act. Every people, even the most uncivilized and uncultured, has its own morality or sum of prescriptions which govern its moral conduct. Nature had so provided that each man establishes for himself a code of moral concepts and principles, which are applicable to the details of practical life, without the necessity of awaiting the conclusions of science. Ethics is the scientific or philosophical treatment of morality. The subject-matter of ethics proper is the deliberate, free actions of man; for these alone are in our power, and concerning these alone can rules be prescribed, not concerning those actions which are performed without deliberation, or through ignorance or coercion.

Q. Explain the difference between Ethics and Business Ethics.

Belief that the behavior is not really illegal or immoral Belief that the behavior is in the individuals or corporations best interest Belief that the activity is safe because it will never be found out or publicized Belief that since the activity helps the company, the company will condone it and protect the person who engages in it In law, a man is guilty when he violates the rights of another. In ethics, he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Q. Personal Values makes the man, Discuss

Personal values are those standards that you set for yourself to live by. Since these values vary by individual, they are "personal" and can include many things. Religion, morals, and ethics play a part in personal values. As an example, most people include "do not murder" as part of their personal values. It is simply not in their ethics set to kill someone else. Many people consider this value to be an axiom of ethics, but it is not. If man were ethically inclined, this would be an axiom. However, this principle must be carefully taught to each generation simply because man is a savage creature and killing another man is advantageous in many instances for personal gain. All personal values are tools to make the individual feel good about his conduct. There is a fine line between ethics and values. The bully uses a different set of values to live his life. In this person's lexicon, anything that makes himself feel better than another person is the value to use. It does not matter that it is detrimental to another person, this person uses tactics of harassment and intimidation to feel good about himself. These are personal values for this person, even though they are not promoting the general welfare. At various times in history, personal values have been part of the general societal norm. Unacceptable attitudes such as racism, slavery, or dominance have all had their place in personal values as part of a societal norm. A value that is wrong...such as racism...can be viewed as "right" thinking by a particular segment of society. In these cases, the individual does not feel remorse by espousing these views because he has been taught that this value is proper for his society. Most core values are taught as religious cores. The Ten Commandments of the Judeo-Christian Bible are common personal values. Today society accepts these values as proper values. The injunction to not

steal, not lie, not take another's property, and to live a "moral" code are part of society's fiber to live together in harmony. Other personal values condition the person to move comfortably in his society as an individual.
Power of Values to Shape Our Lives In the mid 1970s, I made a decision to move to California from New York City, where I was raised. Why I did so, and why I made other decisive turns in my life is the subject of this essay. My first thought on the subject is that I took these actions simply because I was motivated to do so. And yet, what really motivates us in life are the things we truly value. Then what were the values that compelled me to move to California -- in particular to the San Francisco Bay Area -- where I have resided for these last 30 years? Well, it is true that after five years attending college at frigid Syracuse University in upstate New York I was compelled to seek the warmer climes of California. But I could have moved south to Florida or to the Southwestern parts of the US. However, having been raised in the urban/suburban environment of New York City, I valued culture and a certain type of urban sophistication I might not find in those other locales. I also enjoyed being near the water, not only because of its shimmering beauty, but because cities at the edge of the great oceans tend to attract a diversity of people and a richness of culture from around the world. Though climate, beauty, diversity, and culture influenced my decision, there must have been something more specific that compelled me to move to this region. Looking at it in retrospect, I have concluded that I came to the area because of the existence of Marin County -- the progressive community that lies directly across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. Marin County at the time (and still is) was the prosperous land where many of the creative musicians, artists, and thinkers of the 1970s lived. From the articles and reports I had read while living on the East coast, the people who lived in that region were involved with matters that meant a great deal to me -- i.e. aspects of life that I truly valued. And because I deeply believed in those things, I wanted to be near them; to somehow participate in their way of life. And so I headed out to the SF Bay Area in 1975 in earnest -- and never looked back. But I have still not identified the specific values of the Marinites that compelled me to join them. Let me try to list them for you. For one, the residents were in the vanguard of the changes going in society at the time -- including an appreciation of Eastern culture and spirituality, a concern for the quality of the physical environment, a dissatisfaction with the mindless materialism of modern life, the rejection of conformity of the previous generation, and the development of new forms of music that expressed their new world view. These were the underlying values that drove me to the region. These were the ideals and beliefs that shaped my life at the time, compelling me to venture across country. Each of us is motivated to move our lives in certain directions. That motivation is determined by the values we subscribe to. Our values are thus the formations and ideations of thought, the distinct formulations of understanding that express what we perceive to be important truths about life. These ideals are then reinforced by our emotions and feelings, which turn those mental perception into a vital passion that we hope to realize in our lives. Whether we actually make the effort to implement them is another matter. Without values or beliefs, we would be mechanical-like beings, driven here and there by the vicissitudes of life. Without values, we would be creature-like, compelled to action solely by

our urges and passions. In this inhuman existence, there would be little consideration for truths we hold dear, let alone implement them to ennoble and enrich our lives. In this reality devoid of values, we would live unconscious lives, without meaning or purpose. On the other hand, when we take to values, we live a purposeful and dynamic existence -- i.e. we become truly human. This being the case, what are the truths of life, i.e. the personal values that you believe in? What are the cherished ideals and beliefs that have shaped your life; that are motivating and driving your life today? Why not take a little time and come up with a short list, and then consider how each has or currently is shaping your life. If we think about it, we will see that people relate to personal values in a number of ways. Thoughtful people are continually thinking about those things they cherish and believe in. Powerful people are also motivated and driven to implement them in their lives. In fact, the most successful people are constantly evaluating their values, and are continually driven to turn them into a living reality. For these individuals, values are an inexhaustible source of inner power that energizes them to no end; driving them to the heights of success, while bringing about deep fulfillment in their lives. Interestingly, not only do values energize us, but when we implement them, it energizes everything they come in contact with! If I apply the value of customer service and delight when I speak with the client, I energize the conversation, which leads to greater response from the person on the other end, who is now motivated to purchase the services I am offering. Also, if I am truly sincere in my belief in customer satisfaction, I create an added value that reinforces and builds on the first one. A combination of values applied to a situation dramatically energizes circumstances, which not only increases the likelihood of success, but turns the interaction into an enjoyable, even thrilling experience. Thus, implementing values have an innate capacity to create more energy, accomplishment, and joy in living. Values are actually a very special power in the universe. It is one our minds can grasp for the purpose of uplifting life. Values are actually spiritual skills -- a divine gift that comes to us from the infinite Source of things. The highest of principles -- such as Oneness, Love, Beauty, and others -- descend from the heavens, and are reinterpreted as values by our minds. For example, the spiritual principle of Oneness is recognized by our minds as values of cooperation, integration, teamwork, and others. Likewise, the universal principle of Love expresses through values of goodness, selflessness, self-givingness, openness, tolerance, respect for others, and a number of others. The last twenty-five years has seen an explosion in an interest in values. Tom Peters' book 'In Search of Excellence' started the ball rolling for values in the workplace. Religious leaders speak of family values, nations speak of moral values, spiritual teachers speak of the highest values of gratitude, benevolence, and self-givingness; even self-surrender to the Divine. Values drive us, motivate us, move life, move us forward -- enabling progress even evolution. Values are what enables life to take the Next Step -- whether they drive our own individual lives in a positive direction; improve the economic, social, and cultural conditions of a nation; or move society forward in its never-ending ascending path of progress. Tolerance, openness, respect for the individual, and teamwork are several great human values, while Oneness, Love, Beauty, and Truth are some of higher spiritual values that they derive from. At certain points, the human and spiritual values come together and blend

into one another, expressing through spiritualized human values such as selflessness, selfgivingness, and gratitude. Values are expressions of emotionalized truths that when implemented energize whatever they come in contact with, enabling the greatest positive results with the least effort in the shortest period of time -- whether it is for the individual, a collective, or society as a whole. Values are the nexus to our future progress. It is the call of the Divine to the minds of men to seek a better life -- to pursue ultimate delight and fulfillment in life.

What is Ethics? The term Ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos which refers to character. The term ethics refers to a code of conduct that guides an individual while dealing with others. It relates to social rules and cardinal values that motivate people to be honest in dealing with others. Ethics direct human behavior and also differentiates between good and bad, right and wrong fair and unfair human behavior or actions.

What is business Ethics? Business Ethics refers to the system of moral principal applied to business activities. It deals with morality in the business. There should be ethics behind every business activity. This means business activities should be conducted according to certain self recognized moral standards. Business ethics refers to a code of which businessmen are expected to follow while dealing with others. The coverage of business ethics is very wide as it deals norms relating with customers, shareholders, employees, dealers, Government and competitors. These are, in fact, different area of business ethics. Business ethics is a part of social responsibility which the businessmen have to honour in practice. According to Wheeler Business Ethics is an art or science of maintaining harmonious relationship with society, its various groups and institutions as well as reorganizing the moral responsibility for the rightness or wrongness of business conduct. According to Dr. C.B. Mamoria and Dr. Satish Mamoria, business ethics is defined as businessmans integrity so far as his conduct or behavior is concerned in all fields of business as well as towards the society and other business.

Factors of Business Ethics:1. Code of conduct;- it is the code of conduct which businessmen should follow while conducting their normal business activities. 2. Moral and social values:- it is based on well accepted moral and social values. It suggests moral principles/rules of conduct for businessmen. They

include self-control, service t society, fair treatment to social groups and not to harm/exploit others. 3. Protection of social groups:- business should give priority to social interest or social good. Such ethical approach creates good name and status to business and facilitates its expansion. 4. Provides basic framework:- it provides basic framework within which business should be conducted. It suggests legal, social, moral, economic and cultural limits within which business is to operate. It suggests what is god and what is bad in business. 5. Needs willing acceptance for enforcement :- it cannot be enforced by law or by any other force. It must be accepted as self discipline by businessmen. It should come from within 6. education and guidance required for introduction:- businessmen should be given proper education, guidance and training in order to motivate them to follow ethical business practices. 7. Not against profit making:- it is not against profit making. However, it is against profiteering by cheating and exploiting consumers, employees or investors. It supports expansion of business activities but by fair means and not through illegal activities or corrupt practices. 8. Act as summum bonum of human life:- it passes judgments of value upon human actions with reference to the moral values. Judgment of value are judgment of what ought to be. Such judgments may be different from the judgments of facts as they are judgment of what is.

Role of Ethics is business:Good Ethics is good business, this quotation/slogan/observation suggests the importance of ethics in business. It provides protection, justice and fair treatment to all social groups. In addition, ethical business expansion and growth. Ethical business is equally profitable. Businessmen should therefore support the concept of business ethics. Business ethics is important to business community, consumers and the society at large. Businessmen have economic power which they can use for making the life of people happy or miserable. Businessmen should conduct business in a fair and ethical manner and make people happy. They may

earn quick profit through unethical business practices. Along with this they may also invite consumer displeasure, government control and non cooperation from the employees. These factors harm the future prospects of business.The slogan Good ethics is Good business has special significance/relevance in India. Ethical business is useful to businessmen and also to the society. Businessmen should act as a friend and well wishers of consumers. This is possible when they avoid the exploitation of different social groups but offer protection and support to them. It is rather unfortunate that in todays world, moral and ethical scruples fall prey to neglect and finally decay. It is always desirable to strike a balance between economic performance and social performance of a business unit. Business ethics facilitates such balance. Businessmen should decide what is socially good and what is socially undesirable and act beneficial to them and to the society at large. Business also gets public support when it is conducted in a fair manner. Business ethics is important as it has wider social significance. It is important as it offers advantages to businessmen, consumers and employees. It provides advantages to businessmen/management like it provides favourable social image, guidance to businessmen, social consciousness, fair business etc. and advantages to consumers like consumer protection, control of business practices, protection to environment etc. it also provides advantages to employees such as fair deal, fair wages, fair treatment, benefit of profit sharing etc.

Need of ethics in business:It is a fact that many undesirable and unethical practices entered in the business field along with its growth and development. Market competition, large scale production, lust for money and economic power are some major factors responsible for the down fall of the ethical values in business. Conduct of business activities on unethical principles is harmful to the society and also to the businessmen in the long run. Ethical principle and values should be introduced in the business. The following points justify the need of ethics in business. 1. Checking business mal practices:- it needed to make business activities fair to consumes. It checks business malpractices and offers protection to consumers.

2. Improving consumers confidence:- it is needed in order to improve the confidence of consumers as regards quality, price, reliability etc. of goods and services supplied. 3. Making businessmen conscious of social responsibilities:- it is needed in order to make businessmen conscious as regards their duties and responsibilities towards consumers and other social groups. The old fashioned slogan that the business of business is business is no more valid. Businessmen have to accept certain social responsibilities for their benefit and also for the welfare of the society. 4. Safeguarding consumer rights and social welfare:- it is needed for the protections of rights of consumers at the business level. It is also needed for raising social welfare. 5. Protecting other social groups:- it is needed in order to protect the interests of all those concerned with business the employees, shareholders, dealers and suppliers. It avoids their exploitation through unfair trade practices. 6. Developing cordial relations between business and society:- it is needed in order to develop cordial and friendly relations between business and society. It is also needed for social recognition and support to business. 7. Creating good image of business:-it is needed to create a good image of businessmen in the society and also for avoiding public criticism. Ethical business gets public support while unethical business is criticized by all.

Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer. Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line. It could be called capitalism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the manner in which some businesses conduct themselves that brings up the question of ethical behavior. Good business ethics should be a part of every business. There are many factors to consider. When a company does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical by association? Some people would say yes, the first business has a responsibility and it is now a link in the chain of unethical businesses. Many global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use, can be seen not to think too highly of good business ethics. Many major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical business laws. Money is the major deciding factor. If a company does not adhere to business ethics and breaks the laws, they usually end up being fined. Many companies have broken anti-trust, ethical and environmental laws and received fines worth millions. The problem is that the amount of money these companies are making outweighs the fines applied. Billion dollar profits blind the companies to their lack of business ethics, and the dollar sign wins. A business may be a multi-million seller, but does it use good business ethics and do people care? There are popular soft drinks and fast food restaurants that have been fined time and time again for unethical behavior. Business ethics should eliminate exploitation, from the sweat shop children who are making sneakers to the coffee serving staff who are being ripped off in wages. Business ethics can be applied to everything from the trees cut down to make the paper that a business sells to the ramifications of importing coffee from certain countries. In the end, it may be up to the public to make sure that a company adheres to correct business ethics. If the company is making large amounts of money, they may not wish to pay too close attention to their ethical behavior. There are many companies that pride themselves in their correct business ethics, but in this competitive world, they are becoming very few and far between.

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