I Iiiiliil"iii': Main Concept of Construction Project Construction ?L!:JL'S:!"' "R II : : '""

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Unit t

f " What is main concept of construction

project (or Define construction

?l!:jl'S:!"' planning is a fundamental and c!altenging activity in the management and execution of construction proiects' lt involves the choice 9f tgchriotigy, tie detinition of work turxl,'inZ Jrti*Z,iiJ, the required resources and durations for individuat tasii,'iri in" identification oi uni ii;;;:;;;:;;'"" "r among the different work tasks. Developing tne constructitn plan ii tn" management ui 'ritsuuLLtati' i-ottntrtg a ccsnstruclion ptan is a highly chattenging fask. Essential aspects of r:nnqtn tction olanninq include the generatton of required activities, analysis of the iynptications of these activities, and choice among the various alternative means of per-forming activities

i iiiiliil"iii'


2" what a.re the main fasks involved

in organizing the project

ls deslgred te cpflfirffi with pru,6ect,werk breakdowrr struciue
,4,ssigned ceriain respnnsibiliiies
Eachr group

Allocated resourses ts rneet

,taskr Biz* a1d structure nuy char:ige dfig,t0 alterstions ir requirements,
.Structure is kept fiat to reduce channel of cornrnunicatron with PM

Frolect organiration



Key siafi'is deriv6d frorn: respeefivE, p.arelxt depa.rt$lent

Ditride ttrre'ai.olk.
inf o component actitities


s e

Ettablish relationshi p'to *oordinatios


3. Define activity precedence with exampre (or what do p receden ce rel ati o ns h i p).

you mean by

4" Explain how rearning

Frecedence relations between activities signify that the activities must take place in a particular \!ttmorr>!ts natura! sequences exisi for construction activities aui to requirements for structural integrity, regulations, and other technicat requireients. For example, design drawings cannot i'it' t'iiici\a iteiote iitey are cirawrt. Diagramatically, precedence relationsnips ca,iie illustrated by a network or sraph in which the activitie;r;i as shown in .rhe arrows in Figure 1_ 3 are called branches or tinks in the activity network, wnirc iie circles marking the beginning or end of each arrow are called nodes or events. tn-this figure, tiiii-represent particular qwL'vt ."'-'-r'Yvv"'..qr"vq'at activities, white the nodes represent milestone events.


As a team becomes familiar with-an activity and the work habits of the team, their productivity willtypically improve. Figure below illustrates the type of productivity increase that might occur withexperience; this curve is called a learning cuie. rnb reiitt is that productivity is a function of theduration of an activity or proiect" A common construction exampte is that tn" ir""hiiv ,, abuilding might go faster at higher levels due a impivii piiuctivity even though thetranspoftation time up to the active construciion area is longer. Again, hiitoric;at records orsubjective adjustments might be made to represent rearning curve vZriatiohs in ,i"rig"productivity.

process wiil affect the rate of productivity


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