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Friday, April 27, 2007 Carlos Castaneda and the Flyers I know it is normal for us here to have agendas;

to want things. And I also know that we are composed of two definable elements; organic and inor ganic. To be aware of the latter, one must see energy to perceive oneself in luminous f orum and the energetic fields that accompany that by virtue of being aware in th is way. I have also seen something on the other side that is of inorganic origin that ha s the ability to transport itself into this world through human awareness, and t he desires, dreams, motivations of these people that I ve seen, do seem normal, ru n of the mill, but behind this seemingly normal behavior is a continuity that I ve seen network itself within human consciousness. In many cases this subtlety is as such, a subtlety. It is very difficult for peo ple to see, in many cases, that this is occurring because the normal obsessions of the daily world obscure these entities from being identified, and I believe t hat these have been described by Carlos Castaneda as flyers, or the flyers mind, a term that I don t like to use. It somehow minimizes what s really happening. I very rarely talk about this subject because it can be dealt with indirectly. B ut I feel sometimes it is important to talk about it directly. For about 20 years I was involved in the healing industry in oriental therapies. In a lot of cases in my work I saw that many illnesses that had manifested prim arily had to do with the client possessing a particular emotional attitude that manifested as a psychological anomaly. To source the original emotion that created the anomaly I had to deal with the f acade that governed the illness. This can be seen quite easily in the features of the face, or the language of th at person s body behaviorally in movement. But at the times when I reached the focal point that was the illness, it stemmed from an internal emotion that s reality was opposed to the carrier, and the reaso n I come to this conclusion is that when the illness had been dealt with the par ameters of that person s personality would change dramatically. Now this is just talking from a therapist s point of view, but as a shaman I was a ware of another phenomenon in the room while dealing with my clientele. It would manifest as a fleeting shadow and I had one client that I treated for a ten year period that I would say was the most disenfranchised human being I had ever met. They had no idea of who they were; they were governed by something else. Don t get me wrong; they functioned in society perfectly. But the results of their action s always undermined, even if they seemed to be genuine. In a lot of cases working with this person I would be jumped not only by one sha dow being but by dozens. When I would walk into my practice room I would experie nce the room going light and dark as if someone were turning a light on and off.

The client would also see this. And there would be such a pressure on the back o f my eyes it felt like a physical sensation that the darkness had imposed on my retina when it was jumping me while I was working to release this person from no t only one entity but to close what was opened up within them as a doorway to th is world unknown to them. I ve seen this particular entity jump behind people s eyes just for a moment, as if to warn me that they are aware that I am aware of them, and to try to stop me re vealing the fact that I know something that I should not. Their awareness can also be felt as a pressure around the heart region or a knoc k on the liver. And I believe humanity as a vehicle can be used by these being to help them mani fest themselves in organic form, and I believe they are not supposed to be here and we should not be living the way we are living because of their influence. Posted by Lujan Matus at 2:26 PM Labels: Carlos Castaneda, Dreaming, Shamanism 0 comments: Post a Comment Links to this post Create a Link Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Blog Archive ? 2008 (2) ? July (2) Energetic Assassination Journey to the Heart of the World ? 2007 (23) ? September (2) Special Offer: The Lazy Warrior Program Stalking the Inconceivable ? July (3) A Path With Heart Magic The Power Within Spirit ? June (1) Eye of the Predator ? May (4) Dragon's Tears Workshop - The Shaman's Breath Dreaming Technique The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception Compromises ? April (13) Carlos Castaneda and the Flyers Release from Inorganic Beings in the Dream Realm Journeys to Other Worlds Tattoos as Talismans Tales of Power Chinese Masters Energetic Theft The Labyrinth of Carlos Castaneda Dreaming Our Reality Eternity Dream Teachers The Luminous Flame

Faced with my inevitable end ? 2006 (3) ? February (3) Haunted Awareness Fear not, Be Free The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception Labels Carlos Castaneda (4) Dreaming (9) Shamanic Books (3) Shamanism (21) Links Pure Reflection Parallel Perception Website Parallel Perception Forum Nourishing Perspectives About Me Lujan Matus I am the dreamer who dreamt my child, who was taught by the Dream Maker, the old nagual Lujan. He taught my child and my child returned to me, the dreamer, who became the awakened man that transmits the inner child through the stories of th ese dreams. The Dream Maker is my benefactor. He found me in the dream of an adu lt. My last name is Matus. I have inherited this name from Juan Matus who I have known directly as the man known as Zakai in my book The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception . The details of this awesome inheritance have been elucidated in my b ook. View my complete profile Recent Readers You! Join Our Community Eric Blue Randall S Mizpah marrael jerry Michelle_T jackpenny13 View Reader Community Join this Community (provided by MyBlogLog) Parallel Perceivers Around the World

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