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The Naga Kaantabay sa Kauswagan (Partners in Development) Program is a social amelioration program primarily designed to empower the urban

poor. It is a mass housing and poverty alleviation program that aims to reduce poverty, manage the effects of urbanization and uplift the quality of life in urban areas. By institutionalizing a functional mechanism for permanently settling land tenurial problems between landowners and land occupants; elevating living conditions of the urban poor through on-site area upgrading projects for blighted urban poor communities; establishing intra-city relocation sites for victims in extreme cases involving eviction and demolition; and providing them livelihood opportunities by introducing a livelihood component to the program, the Naga Kaantabay sa Kauswagan was able to shape new strategies in cushioning the negative impacts of urbanization. These strategies include accessing various modes of land acquisition like direct purchase, land swapping, land sharing, community mortgage and resettlement; and institutionalizing a separate window catering specifically to urban poor clients at the lending arm of the local government. They are augmented by support program components which include community organizing, done in partnership with non-government organizations (NGOs); and auxiliary services like land surveys, legal aid and relocation assistance utilizing government personnel and equipment. Beneficiaries The squatters and the slum dwellers are the main partner-beneficiaries of the program. They are those who "illegally" occupy private and government properties, and whose living conditions are characterized by congestion, squalor, filth and obvious lack of basic facilities and services. Objectives In the short term, the program aims to: To provide permanent solutions to all land tenurial problems involving the urban poor; To uplift the living condition of urban poor residents in the city; To eradicate arbitrary ejection and minimize the incidence of eviction/demolition; and To explore alternative modes of land acquisition. In the long term: To empower the urban poor sector in Naga City by providing homelots, basic infrastructure and services, as well as livelihood opportunities to all in need; To strengthen the urban poor sector and heighten their participation in local governance; and To integrate the urban poor in the mainstream of development and make then more productive members of society. Implementation and Partnerships The Kaantabay program is facilitated mainly by the Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO) of the Naga City Government, an office dedicated solely for urban poor concerns. The

program has adopted 2 approaches to facilitate land acquisition or homelot ownership. These are: On-Site Development. This is basically aimed at facilitating transfer of land ownership from government and private owners to those who are currently occupying the land. Off-Site Development. This focuses on the establishment of safety nets primarily for victims of eviction and demolition, and for those who want to own their homelot. The various modes are:

Innovative features Beyond sheer numbers, Kaantabay sa Kauswagan's single most important achievement to date is the institutionalization of a tri-partite mechanism that effectively addresses pressing problems of the urban poor sector. This mechanism brings together (1) government agencies, (2) urban poor associations and their allied NGOs, and (3) private landowners to solve standing tenurial problems with finality. Today, all land problems involving the urban poor in Naga go through this mechanism. Through its land acquisition component, the program makes possible the transfer of ownership of private properties to current occupants, contributing to a secure future for the urban poor. Landowners, on the other hand, are ensured with a mutually acceptable solution to long-standing tenurial problems involving their properties, and benefit from the city government's infrastructure improvement projects. Arising from these positive gains, Naga becomes a more livable, equitable and sustainable city for its people, including both urban poor and the landowning sectors.

Updates Bayadnihan Program For urban poor beneficiaries who are having difficulties settling their amortization payments, the city government recently launched the Bayadnihan Program. This is a workfor-pay scheme adopted by the City Council. It enables beneficiaries to settle their lot amortizations, whether current or past due, through participation in the implementation of the citys infrastructure projects, their maintenance, or by rendering frontline services. Allowable work that beneficiaries or their family members can get involved in are: Construction of city government infrastructure projects; Maintenance of existing government infrastructure such as buildings, drainage systems, water supply systems, electrical installations, city streets and sports facilities; Cleaning and beautification of public facilities such as city streets, parks, plazas, playgrounds and street islands; Garbage collection and disposal; and Other frontline services as may be determined by the City Mayor Source:

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