Ide of Visual Basic 6

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Name Kashif Ullah Khan Semester BEIT-IV (A) Assignment Database Presented To MR. Altaf Hussain Date of submission 13-march-2009


An integrated development environment (IDE) also known as integrated design environment or integrated debugging environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. The Visual Basic IDE is a collection of menus, toolbars, and windows that make up our programming workbench. Each part of the IDE has features that affect different aspects of our programming activity. The menu bar lets us direct the overall activity and management of our programming. The toolbar enables us to access much of the menu bar's functionality through various toolbar buttons. Forms--the basic building blocks of Visual Basic programs--are presented in a Form window. We use the Tool Box to add controls to the forms of your project. The Project Explorer displays the projects on which we are working, as well as the different parts of each of those projects. We browse and set a control, form, and module's properties within the Properties window. Finally, we position and view a form or forms onscreen within the Form Layout window. An IDE normally consists of a: 1) Menu bar 2) Edit Toolbar 3) Forms 4) Controls and Tool Box 5) Properties window 6) Form Layout window 7) Project Explorer window 8) Code window 9) Source code editor 10) Compiler or interpreter 11) Build automation tools 12) Debugger

Menu bar usually contains Visual Basic commands that are used to create, compile and execute our application.

The features of the Edit toolbar are similar to those of the Edit menu. You can Cut and Paste text. You can manipulate the layout of your code and do text selection, searches, and replacement. Also, you can use automatic coding features such as Quick Info. An interesting VB IDE feature that the Edit toolbar uses is the Complete Word feature. This feature automatically completes a keyword for you. The Complete Word feature is very useful for avoiding syntax errors due to misspelling. Also this helps you save time when you have to code long event-driven programs. Remember, only the intrinsic VB statements get auto-completed, not all.

Forms are the most important object in Visual Basic. It is the main object of our application. Form is the base for creating a user interface. All Controls are placed on the form. Each form is a window in our application. Our application may have more than one form.


Controls are the building blocks with which you assemble your Visual Basic program. The Tool Box is a palette of controls, and you build your user interface by selecting controls from the Tool Box and placing them on your forms. Some controls are built into Visual Basic and can't be removed from the ToolBox; these controls reside within Visual Basic itself. These controls are known as intrinsic controls. Others live outside Visual Basic and reside in files that end with the extension . Ocx. These controls can be added and removed from the ToolBox. Ocx controls provide the much talked-about flexibility to the VB language. User can write his own Ocx controls and provide more functionality. Ocx can be considered as the #include files in the C/C++.


Properties are the attributes of an object such as its size,color etc. The properties windows is used to set the initial property values of different objects. The dropdown box at the top of the window lists all objects in the current form. Two views are available i) ii) ALPHABETIC VIEW CATEGORIZED VIEW


It shows the position of our form on our monitor, s screen when the program will be executed. The position of the form can be changed by simply dragging the form with mouse to the desired location. If this window is not present , we can display it by clicking form layout window from view menu.


It usually displays a list of all forms and modules used in our application. We can also view the Form or Code windows from the project window.

It contains the statements of Visual Basic , which are executed when some event occurs. It may contain many pieces of code. Each piece of code is related to particular event of a particular object for e.g, a piece of code runs when user clicks a button and another piece runs when user resizes the form etc.


A source code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs by programmers. It may be a standalone application or it may be built into an integrated development environment (IDE). Source code editors have features specifically designed to simplify and speed up input of source code, such as syntax highlighting, autocomplete and bracket

matching functionality. These editors also provide a convenient way to run a compiler, interpreter, debugger, or other program relevant for software development process. So, while many text editors can be used to edit source code, if they don't enhance, automate or ease the editing of code, they are not "source code editors," but simply "text editors that can also be used to edit source code.

A compiler is a computer program (or set of programs) that transforms source code written in a computer language (the source language) into another computer language (the target language, often having a binary form known as object code). The most common reason for wanting to transform source code is to create an executable program. The name "compiler" is primarily used for programs that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a lower level language (e.g., assembly language or machine language). A program that translates from a low level language to a higher level one is a decompiler. A program that translates between high-level languages is usually called a language translator, source to source translator, or language converter. A language rewriter is usually a program that translates the form of expressions without a change of language. A compiler is likely to perform many or all of the following operations: lexical analysis, preprocessing, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, and code optimization.

Build automation is the act of scripting or automating a wide variety of tasks that a software developer will do in their day-to-day activities including things like:

compiling computer source code into binary code packaging binary code running tests deployment to production systems creating documentation and or release notes

This automated build is in contrast to a manual build process where a person has to perform multiple, often tedious and error prone tasks. The goal of this automation is to create a one-step process for turning source code into a working system. This is done to save time and to reduce errors.


Commanded automation such as a user running a script on the command line Scheduled automation such as a continuous integration server running a nightly build Triggered automation such as a continuous integration server running a build on every commit to a version control system.

A debugger is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs. The code to be examined might alternatively be running on an instruction set simulator (ISS), a technique that allows great power in its ability to halt when specific conditions are encountered but which will typically be much slower than executing the code directly on the appropriate processor. When the program crashes, the debugger shows the position in the original code if it is a source-level debugger or symbolic debugger, commonly seen in integrated development environments. If it is a low-level debugger or a machine-language debugger it shows the line in the disassembly. (A "crash" happens when the program cannot continue because of a programming bug. For example, perhaps the program tried to use an instruction not available on the current version of the CPU or attempted access to unavailable or protected memory.) Typically, debuggers also offer more sophisticated functions such as running a program step by step (single-stepping), stopping (breaking) (pausing the program to examine the current state) at some kind of event by means of breakpoint, and tracking the values of some variables. Some debuggers have the ability to modify the state of the program while it is running, rather than merely to observe it.


Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim U, D, F As Integer D = Text1.Text F = Text2.Text U=D+F

MsgBox (" YOUR REQUIRED VALUE IS :") & U, vbExclamation, "ADDITION" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim R As Integer R = Text1.Text - Text2.Text MsgBox (" YOUR REQUIRED VALUE IS :") & R, vbExclamation, "SUBSTRACTION" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim W As Integer W = Text1.Text * Text2.Text MsgBox (" YOUR REQUIRED VALUE IS :") & W, vbInformation, "MULTIPLICATION" End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim T As Integer T = Text1.Text / Text2.Text MsgBox (" YOUR REQUIRED VALUE IS :") & T, vbInformation, "DIVISION" End Sub


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