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About this Manual

Welcome to the wacky world of After Dark. This online manual supplements the Quick Reference Guide which is included with your copy of After Dark. This manual provides additional information concerning specific features and operations of After Dark. You can view this manual any time just by double-clicking on the "After Dark Online Manual" or for added convenience just print out a hard copy. (See Printing instructions below.)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: About this Manual..........................................1 Chapter 2: Welcome to After Dark.................................. 2 Chapter 3: What Features are in After Dark.................. 3 Chapter 4: Installing After Dark........................................4 Chapter 5: Using After Dark...............................................8 Chapter 6: After Dark Built In Modules........................ 17 Chapter 7: Troubleshooting & Maintenance............... 20 Chapter 8: Contact Information & Before You Call.... 30

Navigating to other Chapters

To navigate to the other chapters in the After Dark Online Manual, go to the Contents menu and select the chapter you wish to view. You can also jump directly to a chapter by pressing the Command key and the chapter number, for example press Command-3 to jump to Chapter 3: What's new in After Dark.

If you would like to print out a hard copy of this manual, simply choose Print from the File menu and click OK. This will take you to a dialog asking which chapters you would like to print. You can choose an individual chapter or click the Select All button to print the entire manual. Once you have chosen the chapters you wish to print click OK, then Print.

After Dark Online Manual

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Tue, Jul 25, 1995

Welcome to After Dark

Thank you for purchasing an After Dark screen saver collection from Berkeley Systems. A screen saver is a fun way to protect your monitor from phosphor damage. Phosphor damage occurs when a motionless image sits on your screen too long and affects the color balance of your monitor. You can see this problem on some older monitors. After Dark prevents phosphor damage. It senses when your computer has been inactive for a set period of time and presents an animated screen-saving display.

Common Terms
Names that we use: m o d u l e s - The individual screen saving displays. After Dark control panel - The program that gives you ultimate control of After Dark, its configuration, its modules, and its sleeping time. (In System 6, After Dark is an application, not a control panel.) After Dark Files- Where you will find all modules and support files. module folder- Any folder inside the After Dark Files folder that contains at least one module. idle- Idle time is when no input is received from either the keyboard or mouse and there hasnt been any other activity on your computer. sleep- After Dark senses when your Macintosh has been inactive for a pre-set amount of time a presents a screen-saving module. Screen Poster- This replaces the background pattern on your desktop. Think of it as wall coverings for your computer.

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What Features are in After Dark

Randomizer & MultiModule Randomizer and MultiModule allow you to customize how After Dark displays modules. Their improved interfaces make them even easier to use than before. For example, now you can demo your creations as youre building them or change module settings from within Randomizer and MultiModule. NOTE: Not all Berkeley Systems screen saver packages support MultiModule. EcoLogic This powerful new feature shows you ways to save money and protect the environment. EcoLogic is an easy-to-use interface for powering off your Energy Star compliant monitor and computer when theyre not in use.* Module Folders Instead of choosing modules from one long list, After Dark now groups modules into folders based on the packages theyre from. You can even create folders to suit your own whims. Password at startup This much requested feature now gives you the option to require a password each time you turn on or restart your system. WallZapper This new feature allows you to take screen shots of After Dark modules and use them as a picture on your desktop. You can also select any PICT file on your hard drive and display it as your desktop Screen Poster. Hot Key Sleep You can now put your screen to sleep instantly with a Hot Key that you choose. PowerPC Compatible After Dark 3.0 is fully compatible with Apple's new Power Macintosh computers. Even though After Dark is not a "native" application, system performance is not compromised. *EcoLogic monitor shut down is only supported on the following machines: LC III, Quadra, Centris, Power Macintosh, and all Performa equivalents.

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Installing After Dark

After Dark replaces older versions of itself upon installation. If you own other Berkeley Systems screen saver packages, modules from those packages are put in folders inside the After Dark Files folder. If you have third party modules, modules from other publishers or bulletin boards, they will be placed inside a Third Party Modules folder. Easy Install places all the necessary files in their proper locations and updates any other Berkeley Systems screen savers you own. We strongly recommend you choose Easy Install for proper installation, especially if you are using an older version of After Dark. Custom Install lets you decide whether or not to install the full product, just the modules, or only the manual. The most common reason for using Custom Install is to reinstall only a portion of the product. Prior to installing, turn off all anti-virus programs and quit all applications. Avoid conflicts by removing screen savers not made by Berkeley Systems from your System Folder. System 7 users can just restart with the Shift key held down until Extensions Off is displayed.

Easy Install
1.Insert Disk 1. 2.Double-click on the Double-Click Me to Install icon. A screen appears with information about this screen saver collection. 3.Select OK. The Install screen appears. 4.Select Install. 5.To install After Dark on a different hard disk than the one shown, select the Switch Disk button, and select which hard disk to install to. 6. Select Install. 7.Select OK. Follow the on-screen directions and insert the remaining diskettes when prompted. Fill out your registration card while you wait for the installation to complete. When installation is complete, the installer asks that you restart your system.
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Custom Install
1.Insert Disk 1. 2.Double-click on the Double-Click Me to Install icon.A screen appears with information about this screen saver collection. 3.Select OK. 4.Select Custom. The Custom Install screen appears. 5.Select the item to install.You MUST install the After Dark control panel for After Dark to run. 6.To install After Dark on a different hard disk than the one shown, select the Switch Disk button, and select which hard disk to install to. 7.Select Install. 8.Select OK. Follow the on-screen directions and insert the remaining diskettes when prompted. Fill out your registration card while you wait for the installation to complete. When installation is complete, the installer will ask that you restart your system.

Follow the instructions below to completely uninstall After Dark. 1.Locate the After Dark Files folder. Drag the entire folder into the Trash. (Note: this would trash all Berkeley Systems screen saver packages you may own; to only trash a specific package, open the After Dark Files folder and trash the folders related to that package. 2.Locate theAfter Dark 3.0control panel and drag it into the Trash. Note: If you uninstall the After Dark control panel, your screen saver modules will not operate. System 6 users must drag both the After Dark 3.0 application and After Dark 3.0 INIT into the Trash 3. Locate the Screen Poster extension and drag it into the Trash. 4. Locate the After Dark Preferences folder. Drag the entire folder into the Trash. 5.Choose Empty Trash from the Special menu and restart your system.
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Note: Please see the section below for the locations of these files.

Location of Files
After Dark files must be in their correct locations for After Dark to function properly. After Dark 3.0 The After Dark control panel must be in one of the following locations: System 6 In System 6, After Dark 3.0 is an application that the installer places it in your System Folder. This means that After Dark 3.0is not a control panel (like After Dark 2.0), and it will not appear in your control paneldesk accessory. However, as an application you may move the After Dark 3.0 file (only) wherever you wish, and double-click on it anytime to open After Dark. System 7 Control Panels folder (preferred location and placed here at installation) Extensions folder Top level of the System Folder Note: The installer will create an alias of the After Dark control panel and place it inside the Apple Menu Items folder. This alias to After Dark allows quick and easy access to the After Dark control panel. After Dark 3.0 INIT (System 6 only) Do NOT rename this item. System 6 (only)) In System 6 only, the Installer also places a file called After Dark 3.0 INIT in your System Folder. This INIT must remain in the System Folder and it must not be renamed, or After Dark will not work at all. After Dark Files folder Do NOT rename this folder. It must be in one of the following locations: System 6 System Folder System 7 Control Panels folder (preferred and placed here at installation) Extensions folder
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Preferences folder Desktop Top level of the System Folder Screen Posters The Screen Posters extension must be in one of the following locations: System 6 System Folder System 7 Extensions folder (preferred and placed here at installation) Top level of the System Folder After Dark Preferences The After Dark Preferences folder must be in one of the following locations: System 6 System Folder System 7 Preferences folder (preferred and placed here at installation) Top level of the System Folder

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Using After Dark

This section will explain how to use the After Dark program.

The After Dark control panel

System 6 users: After Dark 3.0 is actually an application in System 6, ( not an actual control panel like After Dark 2.0 was). Open your System Folder, then double-click the After Dark 3.0 application icon. System 7 Select After Dark 3.0 (an alias the Installer made for your convenience) from the Apple menu to open the After Dark control panel, or select Control Panels from the Apple menu and then open After Dark. In either case, after you open the After Dark window, you can select a module to use or click on Demo to see the module in action. Click Stop to end the demo. You can change the settings of any After Dark module from this control panel. When selecting modules, After Dark provides many choices: Click on a modules name to select it, or Type the first letters of the module name and After Dark finds it, or Use arrow keys to scroll up and down the After Dark Modules list. The module that is selected when you close the After Dark control panel will be displayed when After Dark sleeps.

Module Folders
Each Berkeley Systems screen saver package that you own is shown in the Module Folders pop-up menu, located just above the module list. Select different screen saver packages by selecting folders from the pop-up menu. You can also hold down the Command key and use the up and down arrows to select folders. If you wish, you can create your own folders inside the After Dark Files folder and organize your After Dark modules according to your whims. NOTE: If you do reorganize the modules in your After Dark Files folder, there are certain folders you must not move, rename, or reorganize. The following folders must remainunalteredat the top level of the After Dark Files folder:
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EcoLogic Files, any folder with the word Resources in its name. If you suspect youve messed things up, run the Installer again to put the files where they belong.

Setup Controls
Select the Setup button in the After Dark control panel to configure After Dark.

Select General to see the features that you can change: Sleep Time Sleep Corners Sleep Hot Key modifier boxes Startup Icon Please Wake Up messages Mute Sound check box SystemIQ Activity Monitor checkbox. Wake on mouse movement Choose your settings by selecting any of the checkboxes in General with your cursor. Setting Sleep Time After Darks default sleep time is five (5) minutes, which means After Dark takes over your screen when your system is idle after five minutes. Hit a key, or move the mouse and your screen wakes up. "Sleep Now and "Never Sleep Corners After Dark uses the + and - symbols to show where the Sleep Now + or Never Sleep - corners are. Putting the cursor in the Sleep Now corner tells After Dark to put your screen to sleep. Putting the cursor in the Never Sleep corner tells After Dark to prevent your screen from sleeping, and the cursor changes into the - symbol to show that it is in the Never Sleep Corner. Your screen stays awake until you move the cursor out of this corner. Change the positions of the Sleep Now and Never Sleep corners with your cursor by dragging either the + or the - symbol to a different corner of the
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representative monitor. They snap to the nearest corner. Sleep Now and Sleep Never cannot be the same corner. To use the Sleep Now or Never Sleep corners, move the mouse as far into the appropriate corner of your monitor as it can go. Sleep Hot Key The Sleep Hot Key combination tells After Dark to put your screen to sleep. The default combination is Command-Control-S. Choose your own Hot Key combination: 1.Select the Sleep Hot Key edit box. 2.Press the combination of keys you want to use as your Hot Key. 3. After Dark displays the new combination in the edit box. Note: Make sure you select a unique Hot Key combination that is not already used by another program. Show icon at startup Check this box to allow After Dark to display its icon on your screen when your system starts up. Uncheck this box if you want to use a custom startup screen and dont want the icon to appear during startup. Show Please Wake Up If After Dark is asleep when programs such as Alarm Clock or QuickMail want your attention, your screen will wake up. If theres no other activity, After Dark will go back to sleep and leave a scrolling Please wake up! message across the top of your screen. You can turn off the scrolling message by unchecking this checkbox. Mute sound Check this box to make After Dark silent. After Dark removes the speaker icon from the control panel to let you know that it is mute. You can instantly mute sound and music while After Dark is asleep by pressing the Control key. The Control key works on password protected machines too. SystemIQ Checking the SystemIQ monitor sensitizes After Dark to your systems activity. When checked, After Dark will not engage if there is activity on the printer or modem port. It will also monitor disk access and CPU load, and will not sleep if activity is above a certain level. If After Dark is already running when system activity exceeds the preset limit, After Dark will stay asleep but throttle back its activity so it does not compete with other system tasks. This is
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particularly useful for long jobs like file transfers, backups or mathematical processing. When throttled back, After Darks animation will appear slow. Wake on mouse movement With this box checked, moving the mouse will wake up After Dark. Uncheck this box if you want to prevent the screen from waking up accidentally as a result of mouse movements.

Password Protection
After Dark can protect your system with a password you choose. When After Dark sleeps with password protection on, you can access your system only if the correct password is entered. After Dark offers three choices for password protection: Always require password When your screen is asleep, After Dark prevents access to your system unless the correct password is entered. Require password at startup When starting your Macintosh, After Dark will request the password for system access. Temporary password use Put your mouse in the Sleep Now corner +, while pressing Option-Command. Use this feature when you want to restrict access to your system only occasionally. When using this feature, make sure you dont release the Option & Command keys until the screen blanks and the module begins to appear. To wake up your screen while password protection is on, move your cursor or hit any key. After Dark shows a box asking for the password. Type in the password, and press Return. If it is the correct password, After Dark gives you access. If you forgot your password, relax, read below for the solution. If After Dark asks for a password you dont know when you try to wake up the screen saver, or when you restart your Macintosh, here are the steps you need to follow. System 7: restart your Macintosh while holding down the Shift key, and keep it pressed until you see Welcome to Macintosh, Extensions Off. This will bypass most programs in your System Folder, including After Dark and its
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password. System 6: Restart your Macintosh off a startup floppy disk, such as System Startup or System Tools. In either case, the next step is to open the System Folder on your hard disk. Under System 7, open the Preferences folder, open the After Dark Preferences folder, and drag the file called Preferences to the Trash can. For System 6 users, open the After Dark Preferences folder and drag the file called Preferences to the Trash. Then restart your Mac normally (without the Shift key or the floppy disk). After Dark will create a new Preferences file for itself, one with no password defined. NOTE: After Darks Preferences file also keeps your settings for your hot key, SystemIQ, EcoLogic, and other settings from the Setup dialog. If you have changed these settings from their default values, you will need to open the Setup dialog to reset them. To reinstate password protection you will need to assign a new password. To Define or Change a Password 1.Select the Password icon in Setup. 2.Select the Set Password button. 3.Type your the password in the edit box. Password length limit is 16 characters, letters, or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. You cannot use the Option, or Control modifier keys in your password. 4.Select OK. 5.After Dark asks you to retype the password for confirmation. When entering your password, bullets appear rather than letters to prevent anyone from learning the password by watching you change it. 6.Select OK. After Dark is a good guard, and is effective under most circumstances. However, if a higher level of security is very important to you, we suggest you invest in security software for your system.

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This cool feature lets you capture a screen shot of any favorite module, or select any PICT file you have, and use it as a backdrop or screen poster on your screen. When you see a module display that you like, press the Command-Control-Z keys and After Dark takes a full-size snapshot of the screen. To use WallZapper, After Dark must be running with your screen asleep. WallZapper does not work in demo mode. The time this takes depends on the speed and screen resolution of your machine (WallZapper supports all bit-depths and resolutions). When you wake your screen, After Dark shows the image you zapped as your desktop. After Dark saves the Screen Poster as a PICT file inside the Zapped Walls folder in the After Dark Preferences folder. Since these files can be quite large (depending upon their resolution) After Dark can only capture and display one Screen Poster file at a time. You can also use your own pictures as your desktop. Select the Set Picture button, select any PICT file on your hard drive, and it becomes your new desktop. The Remove Picture button tells After Dark to remove the picture from your screen and restore the previous desktop. This doesnt delete your PICT file, but removes it from your screen. Using WallZapper with Password Protection If you set Password Protection to "Require a password on wake-up", the "WallZap on wake-up" check box appears in the Password dialog each time you wake up After Dark. To capture the screen, simply click "WallZap on wake-up" check box, type in your password, and After Dark displays the zapped image as your desktop screen poster. To remove the image, just click on the Remove Picture button in the WallZapper setup screen. Using WallZapper with Multiple Monitors After Dark allows you to capture and display a different picture on each monitor. When you press the WallZapper Hot Key (Command-Control-z), After Dark shows a dialog box of your monitors and asks you to select the display(s) that you want to capture. You may also install a different PICT on each monitor manually. In the Setup
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dialog, click WallZapper, select the monitor you want, and then click the Set Picture button to select a PICT file for that monitor. Note that many modules run on only one monitor at a time (the other is black); so to achieve a separate image on each monitor, you can do your zaps separately for each monitor, use the Set Picture button, or use MultiModule to display a different screen saver module on each monitor (see Chapter 6 for instructions on MultiModule).

After Dark delivers the answer for power savings with EcoLogic. This is a special feature that reduces power consumption in three stages: running a regular After Dark module; powering off your Energy Star-compliant monitor; shutting off your computer. After a module runs for the time period that you chose, After Dark displays a countdown animation to let you know that EcoLogic is about to turn off your monitor. At the end of the countdown, EcoLogic blanks your screen and shuts down your Energy Star-compliant monitor (non-Energy Star monitors simply go black). You can also set EcoLogic to shut down your Macintosh to increase the power savings. Note: EcoLogic's monitor shut down is only supported on the following machines: LC III, Quadra, Centris, PowerMacintosh, and all Performa equivalents. Energy Star is a federal government standard that requires monitors and computer systems to meet energy saving requirements. Select the EcoLogic icon in Setup, and After Dark will show your choices. If EcoLogic is off, the power saving features are off. After Dark will only put your screen to sleep, and cannot shut down your monitor or your computer. EcoLogic Hot Key When After Dark is running, you can instantly activate EcoLogic power saving by the pressing the Option and Shift keys simultaneously. Estimated annual savings This shows you how much money you'll save using EcoLogic based upon your
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system and the current EcoLogic settings. On only after [time set] This feature enables you to determine when EcoLogic will be active. EcoLogic will only begin power savings (based on its current settings) after the time you select. For example, if you do not want to have any power savings during your typical work day, you can set EcoLogic to turn on only after 5:00 PM. This prevents EcoLogic from activating until after 5:00 PM. EcoLogic will only be active for 12 hours after the time you set. For example, if you set the time to 5:00 PM, EcoLogic will only try to shut down your monitor and/or computer from 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM. Play screen saver after You can set how much idle time passes before After Dark displays your selected module. Note that the Sleep in Minutes box in Setup is connected to this featureif you change one setting, the other also changes. Shutdown monitor after If you want EcoLogic to turn off your monitor some time after running the screen saver module, turn this checkbox on (make sure EcoLogic itself is turned on). Remember, monitors that are not Energy Star compliant merely go black, with no significant savings. Drag the time slider to set how much idle time passes overall before EcoLogic turns your monitor off. Note that if EcoLogic has turned your monitor off, when you move the mouse or hit any key to wake up After Dark, your monitor may take a few moments to warm up again, depending upon how long its been off. Shutdown computer after If you want EcoLogic to turn off your Macintosh itself for even greater savings, turn this checkbox on (make sure EcoLogic itself is turned on). Drag the time slider to set how much idle time passes overall before EcoLogic tells the system software to shut down your computer. There are two conditions where EcoLogic (working with the system software) may be unable to shut down your Macintosh: you have documents open with unsaved work, or something else about your open application(s) will not permit the attempt to Quit; in this case, EcoLogic will repeat the screen saver and monitor shutdown steps, but will give up trying to shut down your Mac this time. some Macintosh models, such as the Macintosh LC and Quadra 610, cannot be
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shut down by any software, but only by flipping the power switch on the back of your computer. In this case, After Dark shows the usual You may now switch off your Macintosh safely dialog on your screen. If you dont turn the power off, After Dark will display the Starry Night module after the specified screen saver idle time, to prevent the Shut Down dialog itself from burning into your screen. Note that because the hard disk is shut down, After Dark cannot access your selected module, so only the built-in module Starry Night can be displayed. If you want After Dark to provide password protection of your system at the next startup, be sure to turn on the Require password on startup checkbox in the Password setup dialog. Info button Select this button to see additional information about EcoLogic's money saving features. Config button Want to see how much money you might save during a year's time with EcoLogic? Select Custom and type in the electricity cost in your area, the power consumption for your equipment (see the system specifications in the manual that came with your system). Estimate the figures if you can't get them exactly.

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Built In Modules
Starry Night Module
This is the default module, and is built into the After Dark control panel. If there is a problem running a module, After Dark runs Starry Night instead.

Blank Screen Only

Another screen saver option that is built into the After Dark control panel is Blank Screen Only. This is useful for situations where you might not want distracting animations or sounds. Regardless of your selected module, you can temporarily invoke Blank Screen Only by holding down the Shift key as you move the mouse to the Sleep Now corner. (Sorry, this keyboard trick does not work with the sleep hot key.)

The Amazing MultiModule

MultiModule allows you to combine several modules into one display, side-by-side or overlapping, in any size or position you like. Once you create a MultiModule, you can save it and After Dark shows it in the list within the MultiModule folder. To create a MultiModule, select MultiModule from the module folder pop-up menu, then click the New button. You can also select New MultiModule from the File menu or press Command-M. Follow the steps below to create your first MultiModule: 1.Select a package from the folder pop-up menu. 2.Select a module from the module list. Youll see a small rectangle with the module's name init. This represents the size, shape and position of the module on your real screen. Next select a second module from the module list. You'll see a rectangle with the second module's name in it. 3.You can move either rectangle around the sample screen by clicking the name and dragging it around. You can resize the module by dragging on one of the corner points. Try dragging one of the module's corner points to enlarge the rectangle.
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4.You can change the shape of the selected module by clicking one of the shapes:rectangle; triangle; diamond; and circle. Try changing the first module's region to a circle. 5.The pop-up menu on the right lists the modules you have selected for this MultiModule setting. 6. You can adjust the controls for the module in the right column. Changing the controls here will not affect the modules settings in the main control panel. 7. Click on the middle of the first module's circle to bring it to the frontor send it to the back. Try clicking on the Transparent checkbox which enables you to see other modulesunderneath the first module. 8. Click demo to preview your MultiModule creation. The speaker controls the maximum sound volume for all the selected modules in this MultiModule. 9. Type in a unique name for your MultiModule creation. It will show up in the module list whenever you select MultiModule from the module folder pop-up menu. 10. Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to exit without saving.

Can't decide which module to use? Don't worry, with Randomizer you can use all your favorite modules. Just select your favorites and Randomizer will display them in order or randomly. You can also decide how long each module is displayed. To create your first Randomizer setting, select Randomizer from the module folder pop-up menu, select the Randomizer module, and then click the New button. You can also select Randomizer from the File menu or press Command-R to bring up the New dialog. 1.Select a screen saver package from the module folder pop-up menu. Use this menu to selectmodules from other packages as well. 2. Double-click the modules you want in your Randomizer or click once and then click "Add->." You can select the same module more than once to make it appear more frequently thanothers.

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3.You can click the Select All button to select all the modules in a folder. Click the "Add->" button to add them all. 4.The list in the middle shows you the order in which the modules will be displayed if you choose InOrder from the Randomizer module controls. 5.Click Remove to remove a highlighted module from the list. The Up and Down buttons will move a module up or down the list. Use them to order the modules however you wish. 6.You can adjust the controls for the currently selected module from the right column. This does not affect the modules settings outside of this Randomizer. 7.Click Demo to preview the currently selected module. The speaker controls sound for the currently selected module. However, the speaker icon on the Randomizer module controls determines the maximum volume for all modules. 8.The Duration slider on the right controls how long each module is displayed. If Default is selected, the module will be displayed for the default duration chosen in the Randomizer module controls. 9.Type in an unique name for your Randomizer creation. It will show up in the module list whenever you select Randomizer from the module folder pop-up menu. 10.Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to exit without saving.

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Troubleshooting & Maintenance

This section addresses specific questions or symptoms (scan the bold headers for yours), and ends with the short list of known software or hardware incompatibilities. If you have questions or need help with After Dark beyond what is covered here, consult the next chapter for information on how to contact our Technical Support Services. If your problem is not answered here or anywhere in this manual, see the next chapter about contacting Berkeley Systems, but please read the Before You Call section first.

The only module that runs is Starry Night.

This usually happens because the After Dark Files folder that contains the rest of your modules is in the wrong place or has been renamed. If After Dark cannot find that folder, it will create a new folder with that name, but it will be basically empty. If you find the right After Dark Files folder elsewhere on your hard disk, make sure that the exact name is After Dark Files and move it to the correct location. In System 7, it can be in the Control Panels folder (preferred), the Extensions or Preferences folders, the top level of the System Folder, or on the Desktop. In System 6, it must be in the System Folder. If all else fails, run the After Dark Installer again to put everything where it belongs. Starry Night will also appear when your selected module cannot run for some reason (e.g. not enough available memory, no modules selected in Randomizer). A scrolling message will appear at the top of your screen at that time, letting you know what the problem is.

I get a not installed message when I open the After Dark control panel, even after I restart.
Make sure that the After Dark control panel is in the proper location: for System 7, it must be in the Control Panels folder (preferred), the Extensions folder, or the top level of the System Folder. For System 6, it must be inside the System Folder. If you use an extension or INIT manager, make sure that the After Dark control panel is enabled. If After Dark still will not open, the After Dark control panel may be damaged.
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Reinstall After Dark from your backup diskettes, which will replace the damaged control panel with a new one.

(System 6) I can't find the After Dark 3.0 program.

In System 6, After Dark is not a control panel, so you will not find it in the Control Panel desk accessory. Rather, After Dark is an application that you double-click on to open. The Installer puts the After Dark 3.0 file in your hard disk System Folder. As an application, you can move the After Dark program to any convenient location you wish, such as your hard disk or desktop. Do not move (or rename) the After Dark 3.0 INIT file or the After Dark Files folder, though.

Help! I forgot my password!

If After Dark asks for a password you dont know when you try to wake up the screen saver, or when you restart your Macintosh, here are the steps you need to follow. System 7: restart your Macintosh while holding down the Shift key, and keep it pressed until you see Welcome to Macintosh, Extensions Off. This will bypass most programs in your System Folder, including After Dark and its password. System 6: Restart your Macintosh off a startup floppy disk, such as System Startup or System Tools. In either case, the next step is to open the System Folder on your hard disk, open the Preferences folder, open the After Dark Preferences folder, and drag the file called Preferences to the Trash can. Then restart your Mac normally (without the Shift key or the floppy disk). After Dark will create a new Preferences file for itself, one with no password defined. NOTE: After Darks Preferences file also keeps your settings for your hot key, SystemIQ, EcoLogic, and other settings from the Setup dialog. If you have changed these settings from their default values, you will need to open the Setup dialog to reset them. To reinstate password protection you will need to assign a new password. Please see the Setup Controls section for information on defining passwords.

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If you see the message Out of Memory above the Starry Night when running a module, here are some things you can try: quit unused applications you may have open to free up memory. use the modules sliders and controls to reduce its complexity (and memory needs). turn on Virtual Memory in the Memory control panel (if your Mac supports this option); be aware, though, that virtual memory is a much slower form of memory, and can result in slow or choppy animation or music. reduce the number of colors that your monitor is set to display, using the Monitors control panel, as many modules need less memory with fewer colors select a different module, at least temporarily; the modules have a wide range of memory needs, and you may have one of the bigger modules selected. A modules ability to run depends not merely on how much memory you have installed in your Macintosh, but how much memory is available at any given time. Applications you have open, and Extensions, Control Panels, and other things in your System Folder take up memory. To get information about your current memory usage, from the Finder, pull down the Apple menu and select About this Macintosh (System 7) or About the Finder (System 6).

After Dark crashes, or conflicts with another program.

There are several possible causes for a crash or conflict. Try to pinpoint the problem by reproducing the situation that first caused the trouble. In some cases, simply restarting your Macintosh will resolve the problem. If the trouble persists, try reinstalling the screen saver from your backup diskettes.

My PowerBook has problems running After Dark.

PowerBooks have a few battery conservation options that can interfere with After Dark, even if your PowerBook is plugged in. These software options, if not turned off, can turn the PowerBook entirely black after a short while, make the After Dark animation slow or choppy, or even prevent After Dark from activating when the idle time passes. This mostly applies to when your PowerBook is plugged in; when operating on battery power, you probably want to let all of the battery conservation options do their jobs. To read the solution to the screen dimming (going black) problem, please see the next entry on that topic. To solve the problems where After Dark is slow, choppy or not activating on its
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own, the PowerBook option you need to turn off is called Processor Cycling. This feature constantly changes the processor speed, which tricks After Dark into thinking your Mac is busy, possibly doing some heavy number-crunching task. The procedure for turning off Processor Cycling depends on your particular PowerBook model and software. The control panel that turns Processor Cycling on or off should be called either PowerBook or Portable. In most versions of this control panel, however, the on/off switch for that feature is hidden, requiring a keyboard/mouse trick to access. If you have a control panel called PowerBook, there are different versions, each with its own scheme. If your PowerBook control panel has a big button called Options, hold down the Option key on your keyboard as you click on that Options button with the mouse pointer. If you do this trick properly, you will see the option to turn off processor cycling, which you should do. The newer version of the PowerBook control panel is slightly different; instead of an Options button, it has a switch in the upper right corner that can be set to Easy or Custom. As with the others, hold down the Option key on your keyboard as you move the switch from Easy to Custom. Then turn off the Processor Cycling option. If you have the much older Portable control panel, you need to hold down the Option key on your keyboard as you click somewhere on the line of text that says Minutes Until Automatic Sleep. A new dialog will appear with the option of rest (the former name for Processor Cycling) or dont rest; select dont rest.. For more information about the PowerBooks battery conservation features, please consult your PowerBook manual, or call Apple Technical Support at (800) SOS-APPLE. Finally, if you have an external monitor attached to your PowerBook, see also the notes below on multiple monitors.

The screen saver runs a bit, then turns black.

Many Macintosh models, including PowerBooks and PowerMacs, offer an option (usually on by default) to dim or turn off the monitor after a period of inactivity to save power. If you want to see After Dark indefinitely, you need to turn this option off. Depending on which Mac you have, look in your Control Panels folder for a file called PowerBook, PowerBook Display, Screen, Energy Saver, or CPU Energy Saver.
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My game conflicts with After Dark.

Some games are not fully compatible with screen savers in general, including After Dark, creating problems that do not occur in any other type of program. Examples of problems that can arise are memory conflicts, getting sound to work properly, screen redrawing problems, or crashes. We do not have a list of incompatible games. If a particular game seems incompatible, you should prevent After Dark from activating while that game is running by turning After Dark off with the On/Off switch in the control panel, or by setting a very long sleep time and disabling After Darks sleep corners in the Setup dialog box. Dont forget to reset those After Dark options after you quit that game!

Music doesn't play or is choppy.

Because of the complexity of these songs, the modules that play music require about 1 Mb of RAM in addition to the memory requirements of the modules graphics. If there is not enough memory available at the moment for the music to play, the module will run silently. If music runs but sounds choppy, your computer may be relying on Virtual Memory because all of the physical RAM is taken up. This means that your Mac must get the pieces of each song from your hard drive as theyre needed, slowing down both music and animation. Please see the item above called MEMORY for information about how to check your memory usage and how to make more memory available.

After Dark won't activate when the idle time passes.

There are a few situations where After Dark might not sleep on its own after the idle time you set. First, double-check the After Dark control panel: make sure it opens, indicating it is installed correctly; see that the On/Off switch is set to On; and open the Setup dialog to confirm that the sleep time is not set longer than you wish. If your Macintosh is busysuch as a long print job, modem activity, colleagues using File Sharing to access your hard diskAfter Dark's System IQ Activity Monitor feature is designed to prevent After Dark from sleeping until that activity is finished. (See Chapter 5 for more information on System IQ.)
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Utilities that perform in the background, such as disk compression programs, might also prevent After Dark from activating. Contact the publisher of that software, or our Macintosh Technical Support department. Some of After Darks own dialogs, such as the Setup and Randomizers New/Edit dialog, prevent After Dark from activating due to unavoidable reasons; when you OK or Cancel the dialog, After Dark will be able to sleep. See also the entry below on Known Software or Hardware Incompatibilities.

Some modules don't work in all color levels.

If your monitor is set to display more than 256 or fewer than 16 colors, some modules will not run. Open the control panel called Monitors and switch your monitor to 256 colors. If a module was not designed to work at the number of colors your monitor is currently set to, it will revert to Starry Night with a scrolling message indicating its color requirements.

Some of my modules dont move!

A few of After Dark modules appear to have sections that are motionless. However, these modules are periodically redrawn in a different place on the screen, to prevent burn-in. Other modules have a "Clear Screen First" option; turn this checkbox on if you wish.

None of my modules run, claiming resources are missing or they're out of memory.
After Dark modules share certain resources between them to keep file sizes down. If those resources are moved or renamed, the modules will not run, but will revert to Starry Night with a message that the resources could not be found (or possibly a false out of memory message). If you have reorganized the locations of files or folders inside the After Dark Files folder, there are certain folders you must not move, rename, or reorganize. The following folders must remainunalteredat the top level of the After Dark Files folder: EcoLogic Files, and any other folder with the word Resources in its name. If you cant restore the folders and modules to working order, run the Installer to put all the files where they belong.

How do I remove the desktop picture (WallZapper) that After

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Dark installed?
In the After Dark Control Panel, click on the Setup button. In the resulting dialog, click on the "WallZapper" icon. The Remove Picture button tells After Dark to remove the picture from your screen and restore the previous desktop. This doesnt delete your PICT file, but removes it from your screen.

The WallZapper icon in my Setup dialog is grayed out, or when I try to zap the screen, I get a dialog saying WallZapper was not installed.
This will happen if the Screen Posters file is not properly installed in your Extensions folder (System 7) or System Folder (System 6), if the Screen Posters file is damaged, or if it did not load successfully for some other reason. Restart your Macintosh, and see if it now works. If you have an extension/INIT management utility, make sure Screen Posters is enabled. If the problem persists, run the After Dark installer again.

What is Sound Manager 3.0, and why is it listed as recommended in the system requirements?
Sound Manager 3.0 is a system extension from Apple Computer that improves the operation and smoothness of high quality sound hardware & software. You can get Sound Manager 3.0 for free from Apple Computer (call (800) SOS-APPLE), or possibly from your local dealer or user group. It is also available from several online services, including AppleLink, America Online, CompuServe, and eWorld.

What is 32-bit QuickDraw, and why is it listed as required in the system requirements?
This requirement only applies to users running System 6.07 or 6.08 on a Mac II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, or SE/30. On all other Macintohs models, 32-bit QuickDraw is either built into the hardware or into System 7. 32-bit QuickDraw helps ensure the proper display of colors and graphics. If the 32-bit QuickDraw file is not in your System Folder, install it from your System 6 disks; run the system software installer, and do a Custom install for 32-bit QuickDraw.

Miscellaneous multiple monitor musings

If you have more than one monitor, you will find that most of the modules are designed to work on only one monitor at a time; other monitors are simply
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turned black. The choice of monitor is based on factors including the number of colors each monitor is set to, the monitor size, and which one has the menu bar. Generally speaking, the biggest monitor that is set to 256 colors wins (even over thousands or millions of colors). If the module isnt working on the one monitor youd prefer, you can do one of two things: (1) use the Monitors control panel to adjust the number of colors each monitor is set to so the module picks the desired monitor; (2) use MultiModule to make a module work on the desired monitor. You can even set a different module to work on each monitor. (Note that you cant force a module like Satori to work on a black and white monitor, or a one-monitor only module work on all monitors, and that some screen saver packages do not support MultiModule.) If you have an external monitor attached to your PowerBook, the mirroring option may not draw some After Dark modules graphics correctly on both monitors. Also, attaching or removing an external monitor while the PowerBook is in Sleep mode may confuse After Dark until you restart your PowerBook. If you use Apple Computer's new Display Manager software to change which monitor has the menu bar without restarting, the WallZapper feature may get confused. See also the Chapter 5 section on WallZapper for a note on multiple monitors.

Known software or hardware incompatibilities

PegasusMail 2.0: If After Dark sleeps when Pegasus is in foreground, PegasusMail appears to freeze. Put After Dark to sleep again, and it will work properly. Do not use old versions of MultiModule and Randomizer, this may cause a crash. If you install any After Dark 2.0 screen saver package, you must install an After Dark 3.0 screen saver package afterwards. In low memory conditions, you may not get your WallZapper poster restored or it will fail to install without an alert. You may not get alert messages from these programs if After Dark is asleep:

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- InTouch, (its Remind Me! feature) - Mail Programs (may get After Dark wake up as well) - Alarm Clock (desk accessory) - Now-Up-to-Date - Claris Organizer The following applications may punch their notification dialogs through After Darks screen, but you should be able to dismiss them normally: - Norton Utilities 3.0s FileSaver - Stuffit SpaceSaver - Sassafras KeyServer - Symantecs SAM - Coral Researchs TimeLog Please make sure you have the latest versions of the following software: - Connectix Desktop Utilities (1.03 or later) - Connectix PowerBook Utilites (2.03 or later) - Insignia's Soft Windows (1.02a or later) Norton FastBacks scheduled backup may be blocked by After Dark. DiskLock 3.0: If you are experiencing crashes with DiskLock 3.0 and After Dark, call Symantec Technical Support for version 3.0.1, which fixes the problem. DOS Card While using After Dark in Demo mode, do NOT switch to DOS environment or After Dark may crash. Additionally, After Dark will not sleep over the Macintosh environment while the DOS environment is active. Therefore, the password feature is not activated across platforms. Randomizer It is not recommended that you use more than 150 modules within any one Randomizer setting. MultiModule Make sure that modules selected within a MultiModule that have been added to a Randomizer will work under the present conditions machine settings. FileSaver 3.1.3 If FileSaver completes a scan and displays a dialog while After Dark is asleep, the dialog may punch through After Dark. You may not be able to dismiss the
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dialog, though it will dismiss itself after a set time if it is set to do so. Contact Symantec Technical Support regarding a fix for this. KanjiTalk The FEP floating palette does not redraw properly after After Darks Demo mode is stopped. To fix the palette, put After Dark to sleep using hot key or sleep corner and wake up. Control Strip If you wake up After Dark while it is starting to sleep, but before the graphics actually draw, After Dark may crash. Wait for the module to appear before waking After Dark up. VersaTerm FTP Server If After Dark is asleep on a Mac that is acting as an ftp server when a connection to it is attempted, the connection is broken. We recomend only using the built in modules Starry Night or Blank Screen Only on any server. ClickChange The animated curser may punch through After Dark.

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Contact Information & Before You Call

Berkeley Systems wants to be able to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please read the following suggestions and take a moment to jot down the basic information well need before you contact us. Customer Service If you are calling about an upgrade, replacement disk, or other non-technical problem, please ask for Customer Service instead of Macintosh Technical Support. Technical Support When you call, please be in front of your computer. Its often impossible for us to accurately diagnose and solve a problem if youre not at your computer to describe what your computer is doing, or to try possible solutions we give you. Any time you contact us, please have as much of the following information as possible: Your version of After Dark; to see your version, open your Control Panels folder (System 7) or your System Folder (System 6), click once on the After Dark control panel icon to highlight it, then pull down the File menu and select Get Info. Your System software version Your Macintosh model Your video card(s), if any Amount of RAM (memory) in your Macintosh Please be able to describe the following, as well: The exact nature of the problem The steps that led to the problem Whether you have been able to reproduce the problem Applications in use (if any) at the time the problem occurred Other INITs, Extensions and Control Panels in your System Folder

Contact Information
Berkeley Systems friendly technical support team is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. Macintosh Tech Support can also be reached by fax, TTY/TDD, mail, or online bulletin board:
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Voice:(510) 549-2300Ask for Macintosh Technical Support FAX: (510) 849-9426Attn. Macintosh Technical Support TTY/TDD:(510) 540-0709Ask for Macintosh Technical Support Mail:Berkeley Systems, Inc. 2095 Rose Street Berkeley, CA 94709 Attn.: Macintosh Technical Support We have support forums on CompuServe, America Online, and eWorld where you can post messages to us and upload or download new modules and product updates: America Online: Berkeley Systems screen name is BrklySystm. Our product support forum is in Computing & Softwares Industry Connection. To access our forum, simply enter the keyword BerkSys CompuServe: Berkeley Systems address is 75300,1376. Our product support area is Section 5 of the Macintosh Vendor B forum. Just enter GO MACBVEN at any ! prompt. eWorld: Berkeley Systems screen name is BSI; to reach our support forum, use the keyword berkeley. Internet: E-mail reaches us at FTP: our FTP site is

Developing After Dark Modules

You can develop your own screen saver modules for After Dark. If you want to write an After Dark module, you can get our After Dark Software Developer's Kit (SDK) for Macintosh from the Berkeley System's forums on America Online and Compuserve. In the SDK, you will find sample modules for the Macintosh. You can use these samples as a basis for creating your own screen saver.

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