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IndonesiaFranchising Application Form

Please make sure to fill in the following basic information Email Reply:

Herbal collections will ensure all your information in confidential and security. :

/ Application Date

() : Location (: Reason ? popular region? Yse / No : City : country )

Start business investment team(investment company) basic information Start business location

Possibility of cooperating headquarter to run a business at the Captial Start business timing
SGD 100,000~150,000 SGD 150,000~200,000 SGD 200,000 ~300,000 SGD 300,000 above



Way of start business



time management by self

investment management


Start business investor /

Family Status / members
( , ) Unmarried Married(How

many children____, Youngest age____)

Highest degree

Highest degree
Subject Employed Unemployed : Company name : : Department : Salary: : employed period : employed period

Work Experience

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department :

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department :

Salary: : employed period

How many employees managed by you:


Start business experience Address Telephone number


Family Status / members

Unmarried Married(How Employed Unemployed : Company name : : Department : Salary: : employed period : employed period

many children____, Youngest age____)

Work Experience

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department :

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department :

Salary: : employed period

How many employees managed by you:


: Company name :

: Department :

: employed period

How many employees managed by you:


Start business experience Address Telephone number

Team member /
Family Status / members
Unmarried Married(How Employed Unemployed : Company name :

sex ( ,

Birthday )


many children____, Youngest age____)

Work Experience

: Department :

: employed period

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department :

Salary: : employed period

How many employees managed by you:


: Company name :

: Department :

: employed period

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department :

Salary: : employed period

How many employees managed by you:


Start business experience Address Telephone number

Team member /
Family Status / members
Unmarried Married(How Employed Unemployed : Company name :

sex ( ,

Birthday )


many children____, Youngest age____)

Work Experience

: Department :

: employed period

How many employees managed by you:


: Company name :

: Department :

: employed period

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department : : employed period

How many employees managed by you: : Company name : : Department : : employed period

How many employees managed by you:

Start business experience Address Telephone number


Please think of your starting business operations of the region's business district (street / city / country) profile and enter the following ideas for your business planning.

Business Survey of Economic Activity area overview



business district

_______(numbers) Department store / mall_________(numbers) Special business district________(numbers)


Average rental store____________NT


Average store sizes____________________m2 1-3.. :

Average width of the store___________M


Local statutory minimum wage________NT


Business district population (500 m radius)

2-1.(3) :

Competition brand (fill in the top 3) Address

2-2. (10):

The retail price of drinks (the top 10 best-selling):


Estimated daily consumption amount of visitors_____________(numbers)


Regional main beverage products (list local and foreign top 5 products):

Main beverage consumption periods:

: ~ : ~ : ~

Morning _____~______ Afternoon_____~______ Evening_____~_______ 3-3( .)

Internationally renowned shopping district stores (such as McDonald's, KFC, supermarket, Watson)


Number of stores in radius of 200 meters________(numbers)

3-5.: (!!)

Please list the


Local political and business relations / management team Overview / financial transactions and planning


Outlets and to show the idea of planning (manpower, time, location, financial)

The first store

Second store:

Third store


In order to maintain brand quality of Herbal Collection, give the idea and planning for employees training and promotion activities.


Why join the Herbal Collection group? Please list the impressions of the advantages of

Herbaceous Collection

(6). Any other Additional remarks

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