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Lego Heroica Advanced Rules

The Die The heroes turn is split into 2 phases: Movement and Combat Movement Move up to the number of spaces on the die On a shield, move 4 spaces OR regain 1 mana (skip the rest of your turn) Combat On Shield, deal your power plus 1 to the enemy On Sword, deal your power to the enemy On Skull, take damage equal to the enemys power and move back 1 space On Sword/Skull, deal 1 damage to the enemy, take 1 damage, and move back 1 space The DMs turn is split into 2 phases: Movement and Abilities (we use a modified DM lego die, which is the same as the original, except there is one less skull side, and one more half sword/half skull side. Movement Move as many enemies up to the number shown on the die If a monster enters a space adjacent to a hero, it enters combat with that hero On Shield, deal monsters power plus 1 to the hero On Sword, deal monsters power to the hero On Skull, take 1 damage and move back 1 space On Sword/Skull, deal 1 damage to the hero, take 1 damage, and move back 1 space Abilities Roll a D6, on a 5 or 6 the DM gets to take one of his special actions: Place a 1 power, 1 toughness monster anywhere on the board (at least 3 spaces away from a player) Fire a turret

Activate a monster-specific ability Characters The Barbarian Max Health 6 Max Mana - 3 Static Abilities: shield The Barbarian does not regenerate mana when he rolls a Instead, whenever he takes damage, he may gain mana equal to the amount of damage he has taken Spells: Whirlwind Attack 2 mana Use in place of combat roll - The Barbarian deals 2 damage to all adjacent enemies Boozin 1 mana Use at any time before a combat roll Until the end of the turn, if you deal damage to an enemy, you deal +1 damage, but if you take damage, you take +1 damage The Mage Max Health 4 Max Mana 5 Spells: Fireball 2 mana Use in place of combat roll The Mage deals 2 damage to an enemy up to 4 spaces away, including around corners. This attack can go through other players. Transmute 1 mana Use at any time The Mage converts 1 gold to 1 health for himself or his minion Summon Minion 2 mana - Use to replace your turn Create a minion with 2 health and 1 attack power. You control this as another player. You may split your movement roll between your minion and your mage.

Teleport 1 mana Use in place of your movement Move to any open space adjacent to a teammate The Druid Max Health 4 Max Mana 5 Spells: Heal 1 mana Use at any time - The Druid heals himself for 2 health


Healing Rain 2 mana Use at any time Heal your entire party for 1 health Tame Beast 2 mana Use in place of combat roll The Druid tames a level one beast he is adjacent to. This beast has an attack power of 1 and health of 1. Control it as you would another player. The Paladin Max Health 6 Max Mana 3 Spells: Charge 2 mana Use to replace your combat roll The Paladin moves forward up to 2 spaces and deals 2 damage to an adjacent monster Rejuvenate 1 mana Use at any time - The Paladin heals himself 1 health Exorcism 1 mana Use at any time The Paladin can lose 1 life to have another player gain 1 life. The Rogue Max Health 5 Max Mana 4 Static Abilities: Rogues are more adept at using throwing knives. Throwing a knife normally replace your combat step, but The Rogue can throw knives at any point during the game.

Spells: Sneaky 1 mana Use at any time on your turn Until your next turn, monsters wont attack you (they can move through you and you can move through them) You and also sneak past traps and attacking traps will not hurt you. Treasure Hunter 2 mana Use before rolling to open a treasure chest You choose what you get from the chest Pickpocket 2 mana Use in place of a combat roll Take 1 gold from an adjacent HUMANOID monster (or 2 gold from a stronger monster) then move up to 3 spaces away. The Ranger Max Health 4 Max Mana 5 Spells: Bow and Arrow 1 mana Use in place of combat roll Dealt 1 damage to an enemy any number of spaces away in a straight line. This move may not shoot through teammates Agility 1 mana Use on your turn Move one space Dodge 2 mana Use when about to take damage Take 1 less damage The Prince Max Health 5 Max Mana 4 Spells: Summon Magic Carpet 1 mana Use at any time on your turn Summon and ride a magic carpet that gives you +1 to your movement rolls. This ends when you take damage. Dancing Scimitars 1 mana Summon a floating sword. Control this as you would another player. If it moves onto an enemy, remove it from the board and that enemy takes 1 damage. If an enemy moves onto it, remove it from the board and the enemy takes no damage.

Summon Genie 2 mana Use at any time during your turn - Roll a die to have your wish granted

1 Gain 1 health or 1 mana 2 Gain 1 gold

4 Gain 2 health OR 2 mana 5 Switch the places of any two non-boss monsters on the board 6 Deal 1 damage to any non-boss monster on the map

3 Gain 2 gold Items Potions (use at any time) Healing Potion red - Gain 2 health

Full Heal Potion gold base red top - Restore yourself to max health Mana Potion blue - Gain 2 mana Full Mana Potion gold base blue top - Restore yourself to max mana Luck Potion orange - Reroll any die Speed Potion yellow - Move up to 4 spaces Rejuvination Potion purple Gain 2 mana or 2 health Random Potion white base yellow top Roll for a random effect 1 Take 1 damage 2 Gain 1 gold 3 Gain 1 health or 1 mana 4 Gain 2 health or 2 mana 5 Enemies will ignore you until your next turn 6 You have +1 Power until your next turn

Weapons (purchase from the shop) (players can only equip 1 weapon at a time, and can only trade weapons at the beginning of their turns) Sword 7 gold static whenever you kill an enemy you may gain 1 health

Axe 7 gold static - +1 to your power Staff 5 gold activated, anytime spend 1 mana to heal 1 damage Wand 4 gold static when you roll the shield, you may regain an extra mana (if you are the barbarian, you regain 1 mana on shield-if holding the wand) Bow 3 gold activated, replaces combat roll spend 1 mana to deal 1 damage to an enemy any number of spaces away in a straight line (if the ranger is holding this weapon, he does 2 damage) Throwing Knife 1 gold activated, one time use throw at an enemy up to 5 spaces away, deals 1 damage (use this to replace your combat step, rogues can throw knives at any point in the game)

Misc Items Rope Use to replace your movement roll, move anywhere that the rope can reach to while attached to your character. This exhausts the rope

Helmet of Protection The heros maximum health is increased by 1 Star Wands Discard to summon one of the Shopkeeper to your current tile Chests Roll a d6 to determine what you open. Contents to be decided by the DM, but default options are: 1 Take 1 damage 2 - Nothing 3 Gain 1 gold 4 Gain 1 gold 5 Gain 2 gold 6 Gain 1 health or 1 mana

Misc Spells (spells given to the player through quests/items) Levitation 2 mana Used anytime The hero floats, allowing him to walk on traps and over barriers such as rocks and magic doors. Monsters will be unable to attack him, and he can fly past monsters

Bounty of War 1 mana Use after defeating any enemy You find 1 extra gold on their corpse Lycanthropy 3 mana Used at any time on your turn Replace the hero with a werewolf character. (See werewolf stats below) The hero returns to his human form when they have ran out of health, they return with 0 mana. Werewolf Max Health 4 Max Mana 0 Abilities: Claws of the beast passive you have power 2 Misc Objects Doors and keys Doors require keys to unlock them before characters can move through them. Doors marked with gold require golden keys to open them. Magic Doors Disappear when pressure is applied to blue pressure plates Collapsible Bridges As soon as hero moves off of a space designated as collapsible, it will be destroyed. Enemies cannot cross these spaces. Storytelling Due to the modular nature of the game DMs are encouraged to tell a story for their dungeon crawlers. Why are they in this dungeon? What have they come here to do? What are their motives and back stories? Are there any alternate goals / win conditions? These role-playing elements make the game far more enjoyable for both players and DMs alike!

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