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Project Closure Report


1. Welcome Page (Home Screen)

Brief Description:
This page is the welcome page for SSMS. It shows all the features of the application and also describes about the application. Also this is the screen which has accessibility to all the components of SSMS. The SSMS application has only two type of users, Administrator Customer

Table Description:

Administrator Customer SSMS Tools About

Describes operations accessible by Administrator Describes operations accessible by Administrator Some Shortcuts to most imp. tool of SSMS Describes SSMS

Screen Shot of Welcome Page:

2. Administrator
Brief Description:

It displays all the authorities given to the Administrator user which are Shipment Management Dispatch Withdraw Services (Goods that goes in) (Goods that goes out) (To delete customer)

Table Description:

Shipment Management Making transaction for incoming goods Dispatch Withdraw Services Making transaction for outgoing goods To Delete a customer

Screen Shot of Administrator Page:

2.1 Shipment Management

Brief Description:

This Page is meant for making the transaction for the goods coming from the customer. Administrator asks for the shipment id and shipment units according to the space available to customer, the goods are stored.

Table Description:

Customer ID Customer Name Shipment ID Shipment Units Space Available Space Required

Ask for the customer id (Select Box) Ask for Customer Name (Auto generate Text Box1) Ask for shipment id from customer (Text Box2) Ask for the shipment units (Text Box3) Ask for space avail. to customer ( Auto generate Text Box4) Space required according to shipment units (= Text Box3)

Screen Shot of Shipment Management Page:

2.2 Dispatch
Brief Description:

This Page is meant for making the transaction for the goods that is being dispatched. Administrator asks for the shipment id which is to be dispatched and is available with the ABC Comp.

Table Description:

Customer ID Customer Name Shipment ID Shipment Units Space Available Total Space

Ask for the customer id (Select Box) Ask for Customer Name (Auto generate Text Box1) Ask for customer shipment id available (Text Box2) Shipment units according to shipment id (Text Box3) Free space available to customer ( Autogenerate Text Box4) Total space allocated to customer ( Autogenerate Text Box5)

Screen Shot of Dispatch Page:

2.3 Withdraw Services

Brief Description:

This Page is meant for deleting the customer account form application. Administrator asks for the customer id according to which the respective customer is deleted after removing all shipment ids of that customer.

Table Description:

Customer ID Customer Name Space Available Free Space

Ask for the customer id (Select Box) Ask for Customer Name (Autogenerate Text Box1) Total space allocated to customer ( Autogenerate Text Box2) Free space available to customer ( Autogenerate Text Box3)

Screen Shot of Withdraw Services Page:

2.4 Login Page

Brief Description:

This page verifies the Administrator authenticity after which the above three operations are allowed.

Table Description:

User Name Password

Login name (TextBox 1) Login name (TextBox 1)

Screen Shot of Login Page:

3. Customer
Brief Description:

It displays all the facilities given to the Customer user which are Join Us View Present Space Status (Creating new customer) (View Space Status Available to customer)

Table Description:

Join Us View Present Space Status

Creating new customer View Space Status Available to customer

Screen Shot of Customer Page:

3.1 Join Us

Brief Description:

It is meant for creating members, by asking the amount of space required Space required should b less than 100.

Table Description:

Customer Name E-Mail Space Available Space Required

Name of new customer (Text Box1) E-mail of customer (Text Box2) Space available with company (Text Box3 disabled) Space required by customer (Text Box4)

Screen Shot of Join Us Page:

3.1 Join Us (View Customer ID)

Brief Description:
This page is meant for viewing the New Customer ID generated along with the Total Space Allocated to customer

Screen Shot of Join Us (view cust. id) Page:

3.2 View Present Space Status

Brief Description:

This component is meant for viewing only the detains of customer (all the textboxes are disabled)

Table Description:

Customer ID Customer Name Total Space Free Avail. Space

Select a customer id (Select Box) Name of new customer ( Autogen.Text Box1 disabled) Total space allocated by company (Text Box2) Display free space available (Text Box 3)

Screen Shot of View Space Page:

4. About

Brief Description:

It describes about the SSMS application and its basic functions

Screen Shot of About Page:

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