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Business Plan For Event Management and catering By:

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I. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. X. XI. XII. Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................. 2 Executive Summary .............................................................................................. 2 General Company Description .............................................................................. 4 Products and Services .......................................................................................... 7 Marketing Plan ...................................................................................................... 7 Operational Plan ................................................................................................. 13 Management and Organization ........................................................................... 15 Financial Plan ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendices ......................................................................................................... 17 Refining the Plan .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

This is the business plan for Startup Company that intended to enter into the business of organization parties for marriages, birthday parties and other special occasion for individuals and corporate house. Business in this sector is encouraging and competition is perfectly defined with high scope of profit margin and high return on investments. We need to develop the fleet of trained professional deliver high standards of quality service to satisfy and exceed the customer expectation. As this business needs high percentage of care, quality maintenance and delivery high standards of service to the customers for continuations of business against ever increasing competition.

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Ideal location, convenient atmosphere, good and hygienic food are main factors for success in this business

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II. General Company Description

What business will you be in? What will you do? The Business concept is to start the organizing parties for occasion like weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries and also corporate parties.

Vision Statement: Becoming the leading Event and Parties organizer for all occasions.

Mission Statement: To organize the good quality, hygienic, authenticated parties for all occasions. By providing the environment and setup that match with occasions and reference to customers choices and present day fashions trends. Company Goals and Objectives: Goals are destinationsbecoming the leading event and parties organizers in Middle East.

Objectives: Provide and deliver the customers the life remembering event for their happy time that matches with the occasion of marriage, birthday parties or lunches or dinners for corporate even like seminars, exhibition. Our target to become the healthy, successful company that is a leader in customer service and that has a loyal customer following.

Business Philosophy: To create the party atmosphere for the customer with respect of their choice and taste that matches to the event within their budget. Winning customer heart and satisfaction is our mission, objective and goal.

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Target Customers As we are proving the customers the party halls for ladies and genets separately with all functionalities of the party that includes Creating the party environment that matches with occasion Good, hygienic and quality traditional food Customized the stages for bride and groom according to their taste and preferences. Target customers are middle and upper middle class section of people with the affordable budget. Industry Analysis: The catering industry is on growth stage as in Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries spend millions lavishly in the parties. As the population in Middle East growing at 5.5% rate which have the scope of high business growth within this segment. Our company had short term growth to established our presence in eastern province and expand to western and central province of the Saudi Arabia. And in long term we are aiming to expand our business in Kuwait, Bharain and UAE.As this industry comes under competitive economics where only the player with high customer satiscation, customer recall rate will survive in this business for long time. As the industry dynamics are changing with respect to time and taste, and in the future prospects for this business are quite encouraging where target customers like to have the parties for select group of exclusive or elite personnel or mass parties for all age group. As we are poised to cater the needs for all types of clients requirements whether it is small party or big parties ranging from 100 invitees or 5000 invitees.

Business Strategy: SWOT Analysis Strength: Our Strength is our commitment for providing the right ambience to customer according to their occasion and customer satisfaction is our objective. As we are in the business for providing the quality food, creating the happy environment, stage designs for bride and groom that is life time moments for the marriage couple and their families. We are having complete fleet of professional Catering services: We are having able personnel who are the experts in their areas for providing the catering services by delivery the foods in most hygienic manner and setting up the stages for outside parties on customer locations. Kitchen services; All staff in kitchen are well trained to keep the neat, healthy and hygienic conditions of food items while preserving and processing of delicious dishes.

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Stage decorations: We are having the specialist creative designers for setting up the stages for bride and grooms in accordance to customer budget and style.

Marriage hall or party hall decorations; We also provide the professional people who are expert in their field to present the marriage hall or party hall the looks and atmosphere where customer will remember in their life time. Weakness: Sometime our over enthusiasm to satisfy customer needs. Opportunities: As this industry have a lot of potential to make money and becoming the part of happy moments of the customers. Threat: We recognize the potential threat from our competitors, bad word of mouth publiticity and we are fully ready to meet these type of challenges by adopting the competitive strategy in terms of price, prompt delivery of catering orders and keeping and exceeding the customer needs. The Competitors Are: 1) Kingdom Catering Services Khobar 2) Al Andalus Hall and Catering services Dammam. 3) Al Haya Hall and Catering Services.

Business Owners: Our organization is Partnership firm.

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III. Products and Services

We specialize in Catering & Receptions ocean front weddings All Inclusive" Wedding packages are designed to simplify the planning and budgeting of your upcoming wedding. We will cater to your every desire. Our cuisine is delicious, our full-service staff is friendly and extremely service oriented. We provide you the Service, Catering and Receptions welcomes the opportunity to be of service to you on one of the most days of your life. Services: We are in the business of service so this is our objective to provide all the customer the quality service in time on all the occasions with affordable prices under neat and clean hygienic environment. As food is the main item in any party we are keeping the special care in either serving in party hall and outside catering even taking extreme care for maintain the quality and taste of the food that we serve.

We not only supply food, we deliver taste.

Marketing Plan
Market research:

The big plus point with catering to the corporate/business client is that there is always the possibility for getting repeat business, if you pull-off a good job. A company may decide to use you as their sole caterers for all of their business catering requirements. Generally, corporate clients like to do business this way, having just one reputable caterer providing quality, reliable service at a reasonable price. No matter how good your product and your service, the venture cannot succeed without effective marketing. And this begins with careful, systematic research. It is very dangerous to assume that you already know about your intended market. You need to do market research to make sure youre on track. Use the business planning process as your opportunity to uncover data and to question your marketing efforts. Your time will be well spent. You will need excellent organisational skills to cater to the corporate client as often these events are put together with very little notice. Your ability to organise, adapt to your client's needs, and serve on time will likely be of more importance than your culinary skills.

Page 8 of 20 If the corporate catering sector is not for you, consider the private catering instead. As an outside caterer focused on the private market, you will be catering for family events and parties such as weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. Your culinary skills are likely to be centre point here and your menu will need to be quite diverse. Quite different from when dealing with corporate clients that generally are more interested in simple foods that can be
turned around quickly and reliably.

Once youve determined which sector you are going to cater for, its time to do your market research, so that you know your customers requirements. This is extremely important in the catering business due to the high amount of competition. In addition to knowing your customer you should also try to offer something that no other caterers offer, giving your company the edge over any competition. Perhaps you could offer to provide services that most other local caterers do not, such as serving staff, equipment and maybe try to offer something non-catering related such as a flower services for setup in stages. These non-catering related services are common requirements to most events/functions, and clients often prefer to deal with one supplier than having to go through many.


Income Level Group: Our target customers are these middle class, higher class and premiums class customers who are having budgets for their occasions. For business customers, the demographic factors might be: Eastern province corporate houses, ministry and other government houses.

Geographic Locations:

Initially we target to the eastern province customer and later on we will expand toother parts of Saudi Arabia. Our approach to reach to the customer by following ways. Email marketing Direct marketing

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Use the Competitive Analysis table below to compare your company with your two most important competitors. In the first column are key competitive factors. Since these vary from one industry to another, you may want to customize the list of factors. In the column labeled Me, state how you honestly think you will stack up in customers' minds. Then check whether you think this factor will be strength or a weakness for you. Sometimes it is hard to analyze our own weaknesses. Try to be very honest here. Better yet, get some disinterested strangers to assess you. This can be a real eye-opener. And remember that you cannot be all things to all people. In fact, trying to be causes many business failures because efforts become scattered and diluted. You want an honest assessment of your firm's strong and weak points. Now analyze each major competitor. In a few words, state how you think they compare.

In the final column, estimate the importance of each competitive factor to the customer. 1 = critical; 5 = not very important. Word of mouth publicity Electronic media advertisement in local TV listing, outside banners .

List your major competitors: 1) Kingdom Catering Services Khobar 2) Al Andalus Hall and Catering services Dammam. 3) Al Haya Hall and catering services Dammam The above competitors are having the same wave length in terms of business and opportunities and we are in direct competition with these firms in Eastern province of Saudi Arabia.

How will your products or services compare with the competition?

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Table 1: Competitive Analysis Factor Me Strength Weakness Strength Competitor A Kingdom Catering Competitor B Al Haya Catering Importance to Customer 1

Products Price Quality Selection Service Reliability Stability Expertise Company Reputation Location Appearance Sales Method Credit Policies Advertising Image

Diversified Reasonable High Quality Available High Quality

Strength Strength Strength Strength

_ _ -

High price Good Fair Good Very Good Very Stable High High

Low price good OK OK good Stable Low Medium

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3

Most Reliable Strength Most Strength

High Expertise Strength High Strength

Ideal Very Best Different

Strength Strenght Strength

_ _ _

Convenient Good Different

Convenient Ok Direct

3 2 3




Cash Basis


Runnig Campaing Big

Moderate Moderate Strength Little bit

Good Good

Good Low

2 3

We are fully placed as an ideal organization to organized all kind of parties by providing value for money to all the customers with respect to their budgets and getting ahead in

Page 11 of 20 many areas against our nearest competitors but still they are some areas where we need to improve and they are some areas we need to maintained the good work in future also.

The business growth is possible by target the right niche group for improving the profitabity of the firsm.


Our target niche market is upper middle class affluent people with some kind of budget for the occasions. As having years of experience in delivering the quality, unique and hygienic parties that covers all occasions. We are focusing on corporate house parties also for seminars, annual days functions and other exhibitions that have been regular yearly features in the company calendars.


There are several ways to market this business such as distributing flyers and press releases, advertising in media like radio, print ads and TV, and advertising online by creating our own website. But in due course, in choosing the right method that you will use you have to consider factors which include your budget.

Promotion Promotion is key to success of our business as we are having the list of fully satisfied happy customer that can be used for reference purposes to promote the business to new clients and highend customers. Advertising: Electronic media, print advertising are channel through that we try to reach our customers as this the best available medium through which customer will be attracted by getting the business attention..The frequency will be more before the marriage seasons. The low-cost methods to get the most out of your promotional budget are through mass emailing.

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For business growth we are using all possible approach to reach the target customer within the budget and free option is always available that can be such as trade shows, catalogs, dealer incentives, word of mouth publicity from our friends and satisfied customers. Image:

We need to develop the image as committed team of professional who deliver value to the occasions.

Promotional Budget : 1,000,000 SAR Before startup : (600,000 SAR) Ongoing (400,000SAR)


Our pricing is our strength, as we are having trained professional who are make smart moves to get the price according to customer budget. As we believe in sharing the happiness of customer by providing the quality party atmosphere within their budget. The pricing strategy is two sides one in which we start presenting to our customers and the other strategy is develop customize pricing for all the activities with smart planning prices that suit customer budgets. Our prices are reasonable and it will suit to the occasion , as this business does not have any fixed rates for the parties , it depends on size ,number of invitees, stage decoration and food menu will group together for optimal price. Around 60% of the customer are depend on price as a factor and balance people only need good quality party atmosphere with professional presentation of party menu which includes decoration of party hall, guest sitting arrangement and very important the food serving styles. Customer service is key for arranging the parties because before and during the party the trained professional is ready to make handle any eventualities during the course of the party.
Proposed Location

The location is Dammam-Khobar Highway which is conveniently located at middle region to both the cities Dammam ,Khobar, and Dhahran with 500 cars parking space ,two big party halls which can be easily converted to any design according to the occasion.

Page 13 of 20 The easy reach to the party place make us the unique benefits that customer prefer as it near to restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and hospitals too. Distribution Channels We choose the following distribution Channel to reach our customers, Retail trade Direct (mail order, Web, catalog) Direct Reach Out: Our own sales force

Bid on contracts

Operational Plan The below diagram illustrate the business operations plans for parties order execution process.

Customer Pruchse order Finance Department Purchasing Dept

Organising Department

Kitcher Department

Page 14 of 20 Production These are the following flow of party order execution method followed.

Party food items menu

Order issued

customer order inside/outside sorting

Purchase order issue for food items

kitchen floor food processing

Party hall Decoration stages

Warehouse recipts/issue of items

kitchen floor for food prepation cleaning and getting ready

Inside/Outside Order delivery Complete


Our business is located in the most prominent places in Dammam Khobar High way which is more affordable to reach easily from any part of Dammam and Khobar cities. Layout Structure: We have 2000 square feet for two halls to organize the parties. Very spacious two parties hall with parking facilities for 500 cars inside the premises. As this area had been recognized by government for establishing for parties for individuals or corporate houses Our Parties hall are fully centrally air conditioned with unique lighting set up that adjusted according to the timing of part from begin very high to dim while in dinner time and can even suit for dancing and recreation facilities.

Page 15 of 20 Access: Easy access to restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and hospitals.

Management and Organization The operation manager will be responsible for day-to-today operations as he is one person inch rage for hosting and organizing the event in most professional and correct way by not only satisfying the customer but also exceeding their expectations.

Managing Director

Opertions Manager Inside Sales

Operations Manager Outside Parties

Finance Depatment

Creative team

Support System

Kitchen Department

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IV. Sl.No Startup Expenses and Capitalization Particulars Amount

Opening Capital A/c Infrastructure Setup Promotion and Marketing Budget Operations budget Contingencies (Reserves) 3,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000




The above capital budget is from collecting the contribution from different partners to start this business by carefully study the market prices and almost 50% reserves for contingencies as before and during the business setup process they are so many unforeseen expenses occurred and this need to be properly meet to reduce any hiccup in the business process. We are allocating 10% of budget for marketing and promotion activities as this is most important part of business to reach out the target customers be mixing various marketing tools effectively to make a positive image for the company. Infrastructure setup is made in view of development of beautiful building that shows a pleasant views to invitees and customer both internally and externally.

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V. Appendices Include details and studies used in your business plan; for example: Brochures and advertising materials: The advertising materials includes pamphlets ,brochures and other mass emailing are the part of our strategy to reach out the customers. Industry studies The Saudi catering industry had been growing 15% every year had potential to grow with leap and bounds that encourage us to enter into this market with potential to get full return of investment with in the span of 5 years. Blueprints and plans; Blueprints and plans have been develop to fully execute the plans to make the number one company in this region. Maps and photos of location: Photos are have attached to take the prototype to make the standards for the industry. Magazine or other articles For getting the information and analysis the trend of catering and parties organizing industry various trade magazines like Gulf Industry and other Trade journals helps us to fine tune our business plans and marketing strategy for our business. Detailed lists of equipment owned or to be purchased These are the following equipment and tools available in our premises 1) 100 sets of sofa set each for our two party halls. 2) 500 chairs each for each party halls 3) High quality kitchens items with cutlery sets, utensils sets etc. 4) High Quality decoration sets for stage development. 5) Musical sets, lighting equipments and mass quantities of food items in warehouse. Copies of leases and contracts: Professionally develop by the team of business lawyers to develop lease and party contracts to save guard our business interest in case of eventualities.

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Letters of support from future customers As part of customer services, a small survey had been completed for all those customers who had experienced our party to get their feed back which helps to improve any short comings. Any other materials needed to support the assumptions in this plan We prepared the list of questions to be checked with customers to value their decision and opinion expressed in the survey. Market research studies The studies and trends helps us to understand the market dynamics and align ourselves to the latest trends and market conditions. List of assets available as collateral for a loan

Sl.No 1 2 3 Building

Assets 2,500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00


Fleet of 10 cars and 2 pick up Cash

Service Businesses Service businesses sell intangible products. They are usually more flexible than other types of businesses, but they also have higher labor costs and generally very little in fixed assets. And the key competitive factors in the industry is goodwill,effecinecy and quality Prices: Our products and service prices are very reasonable and can be altered but quality cannot be compromised. They are various methods are used to come to a price that includes cost plus margin, skimming pricing, and value based pricing. Production management function is the part of making and processing the customers foods items order with respect to their taste that includes, Arabic,Lebanses,Chinese ,Intercontinental foods. All our process is standardized which is subject to surprise checks from Municipalities also that can adhere to international standards.

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The labor productivity is measure through delivering and executing the party order to customer locations and completing the order in house delivery to the guest and especially after the party finished works that make everything back to normal. Sometime due to huge customer orders we subcontracted our stage decoration work and laundry services are subcontracted to other parties. Credit, payment, and collections policies and procedures are strictly followed as we rarely provide credit facilities to only selected parties that are having long association with our business. We are giving only 30 days credit to the parties. We are having the Strategy for keeping client base in our CRM (Customer relationship management )system

High Technology Companies Economic outlook for the industry are very encouraging and it had enough long term scope for future development. Our company have fully develop ERP system(Sage) to manage rapidly changing prices, costs, and markets All our products are having cutting edge with your products and services provided compare to our competitors. We are having continuous improvement plans by applying the research and development work carried out in our organization for the following advantages o o Bring product/service to market Keep the company competitive

For keep running the company for long period of time , the following measure had been taken to protect the business for any eventualities o o o o Protect our intellectual property that can be copied by competitors. We are abreast to all technological advances by latest trends and techniques in the industry We are having large surplus of cash as reserve to support the company in case of recession or natural calamities. As business is run by team of professional and keeping and retaining the key personnel is the important task, and we are following by giving special incentives, performance related bonuses and rewarding handsomely for their continued support to the business.

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Retail Business Company image is key to continue in the business as we are in the service industry where brand name is key for long successful existence. Pricing: o o We are having cost plus margin pricing policies.. Prices should be profitable, competitive, and in accordance with company image.

Inventory: o Selection and price should be consistent with company image.

Customer service policies: Customer service is key for existence in the industry and we are fully trained professional to serve all the invitees in professional way. Location: Our location is ideal and it is within the city limits of Dammam-Khobar-Dhahran .and it is going with company image Promotion: Methods used, cost. Does it project a consistent company image? Credit: We are fully encouraged for credit type business but in rare cases we do extend the credit facilities for the customer for the maximum period of 30 days. And this facilities will not have any effect in our profits.

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