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Vol No. 48 No. 98 JAMMU, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 12 Pages


REGD.NO.JK-71/12-14 RNI No. 28547/1992

` 2.50

'Bring perpetrators of 26/11 to justice'

Pak action against Saeed, others linked to normalisation of ties: PM

NEW DELHI, Apr 8: Linking the progress in bilateral ties to Pakistan taking action against Hafiz Saeed and others responsible for Mumbai terror attacks, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today plainly told President Asif Ali Zardari that this was important for normalisation of relations between the two neighbours. Zardari, who made a stopover in the Capital for little over two hours on his way to pilgrimage to Ajmer, heard from Singh a reiteration of India's commitment to engage with Pakistan but was left in no doubt that action on terrorism was an essential step towards that. Singh brought up the issue of terrorism "upfront" and activities of LeT founder Hafiz Saeed, mastermind of 26/11 terror strikes in Mumbai, on whom the US announced a USD 10 million bounty although Pakistani leader had said in Lahore yesterday that he did not expect Singh "will make me sit (and discuss only) this issue." "Taking up the issue of terrorism, the Prime Minister told Zardari that it was imperative that perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack be brought to justice and prevent activities aimed against India from Pakistani soil. He also discussed the activities of Hafiz Saeed," Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai told reporters here. "The problem of terrorism which is a major issue by which the Indian people will judge progress in bilateral relationship," Mathai quoted Singh as having told Zardari. The 40-minute one-on-one meeting between the two leaders covered a wide gamut of bilateral, regional and global issues and in brief comments to the media, Singh and Zardari termed their talks as "constructive" and "fruitful" where they agreed to continue with step-by-step approach in addressing issues like Kashmir, Siachin and Sir remarks on Saeed, Mathai said the Pakistan President felt that further discussion was required and since the Home Secretaries of the two countries will be meeting shortly, the issue will be taken up that time. According to diplomatic sources, the issue of terrorism was discussed "upfront" by the Prime Minister, who mentioned that he wanted normal relations between

Govt expands SIT, asks it to quiz all Fai associates

By Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Apr 8: The Government today expanded the Special Investigating Team (SIT), constituted yesterday to investigate links, hawala transactions, terror funding and other activities of Kashmiri separatist Sayyid Ghulam Nabi alias Fai, by adding two more senior members to it including one from the Intelligence wing of State police and another from prosecution. Junaid Mehmood, SP CID (Counter Intelligence), Kashmir and Chief Prosecuting Officer (SPO) Srinagar have been added to the SIT headed by Uttam Chand, an IPS officer, presently posted as SSP Badgam, official sources said. They added that the Intelligence officer would share information gathered by Intelligence agencies of other States and the Central agencies about Fais network in Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country while the prosecution officer would assess extent of involvement of the accused and evidence against them. The State Government has asked the SIT to begin its task immediately and try to submit their findings and recommendations as early as possible. Besides going into the network of Fai and collecting enough evidence against them for prosecution, the SIT was likely to quiz all the persons, who had attended proPakistan and anti-India conferences and seminars organized by Fai in United States over a period of time. The SIT would interrogate all those persons, whose names have figured during questioning of Fai in the United States and all those, who had been in frequent touch with him in the United States, sources said. They added that the SIT has been asked to gather details from all Intelligence agencies of the country mainly the Intelligence Bureau pertaining to links of Fai. So far, the names of persons, as per the information gathered by the Intelligence agencies, who had attended conferences of Fai or supported him one way or the other, included Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, chairman of moderate Hurriyat Conference, Attiya Inayatullah, Gautam Navlakha, Rajmohan Gandhi, Ved Bhasin, Karen Parker, Zaffar Shah, Zahid G Muhammad, Hamida Bano and Jatinder Bakhshi etc, sources said. According to sources, Fai had routed hawala money to various separatist leaders, militant commanders, individuals, journalists, intellectuals, newspapers, NGOs and other organisations to support Pakistans view point on Kashmir and allege that security forces were committing large scale human rights violations in Kashmir in a bid to defame them. As reported, in connection with participants from India to the 11th annual conference of KAC, a national newspaper quoting from the footnotes of Attorneys report had said, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq was supported and controlled by the ISI. Fai invited Attiya Inayatullah to KAC conferences at the ISIs direction. Gautam Navlakha was introduced to an ISI General for recruitment by Fai at the ISIs behest. Navlakha is a civil rights activist in India. Prominent among those who wrote a letter in support of Fai to the US District Judge seeking leniency were Rajmohan Gandhi, Ved Bhasin, Karen Parker, Zaffer A Shah, Zahid G Muhammad and Hamida Bano. According to an overview of the KAC conference sent to the media after the 2009 event by Fai, Ved Bhasin was quoted as advocating for Kashmir as an independent state in South Asia. The only solution is an independent state in South Asia. The status quo is not a solution, the division of the State is not a solution, reported Kashmir Images of 22 July, 2011 quoting Ved Bhasin. Prof. Hamida Bano was among Fais beneficiaries but inclusion of Jatinder Bakhshi, rather a nondescript Kashmir Pandit migrant entity remained a mystery. The Telegraph of 21 July reported that several Indian journalists and activists had also accepted the invitation from the group to take part in seminars in the US, which involved business class travel and some luxury. Sources said journalists such as Kuldip Nayar, Dileep Padgaonkar, Harinder Baweja, Ved Bhasin, Rajmohan Gandhi and activists Rita Manchanda and Gautam Navlakha and politician Subramanian Swamy had attended some of these seminars. Bharat Bhushan, who writes on IndiaPakistan relations and is a former journalist with The Telegraph, declined to deny or confirm if he participated in any event organized by the group. Siddharth Varadarajan, National Bureau Chief of The Hindu, said Fai invited him to attend a seminar in 2009. But I declined, Varadarajan said. What aroused Varadarajans suspicion (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

Zardaris visit reflects maturity: CM

SRINAGAR, Apr 8: Voicing hope that President Asif Ali Zardaris visit would mark the start of a sustained process to resolve all issues between India and Pakistan, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said it would be a forward movement if the Pakistani leader comes to J&K. Omar said the fact Pakistan has not harped on Kashmir first reflected the maturity in our relations. J&K issue has long threatened our relation. The fact that it hasnt been talked about that much does not mean it is not an important issue. But it hasnt hijacked the dialogue, he told reporters. Omar said though he had not expected too much from the visit, there is now a possibility that we can have a sustained engagement process with the ultimate aim of resolving all issues. On Zardari visiting Kashmir, the J-K Chief Minister said, I think it is long overdue. I would like to be able to visit Mirpur and Muzaffarabad and I think for President Zardari to be able to come to J&K would also be forward movement. Omar also recalled that Zardari had said, when they last met in (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

Mufti hails Singh-Zardari meet

Excelsior Correspondent RS PURA, Apr 8: Terming today's meeting between Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari as a good beginning, patron of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Mohammad Sayeed hoped that this positive development would help in finding pragmatic solutions to a number of issues that affected relationship between the two neighbouring countries. Addressing public meetings at Langotian and Chak Ahmad Yar villages in border belt of R S Pura, Mr Sayeed said that cordial relations between India and Pakistan were in the interest of the common people of both the countries. He observed that in the prevailing circumstances it was good opportunity to take some bold initiatives to solve all the contentious issues. (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari meeting with Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on Sunday.(UNI) Creek among other matters. Singh played host to Zardari and his son Bilawal along with few other members of 40-strong entourage at his Race Course Road residence. External Affairs Minister S M Krishna, Home Minister P Chidambaram, Rahul Gandhi, BJP leaders L K Advani and Sushma Swaraj and Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik were among the 20 guests at the lunch. Asked about Zardari's response to the Prime Minister's India and Pakistan and to be able to move in that direction, action regarding terrorism, specifically bringing the perpetrators of Mumbai attacks to justice, is one of the expectation. "This can be kept in mind... To make progress in relationship," sources quoted Singh as having told Zardari. Improving trade relations between India and Pakistan was touched upon, Mathai said, adding the Commerce Ministers (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

Coordination Committee meets today

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 8: The Coordination Committee meeting of both the Coalition partners - Congress and National Conference, in the State Government is going to be held here tomorrow. Official sources said that meeting is likely to take place at State Guest House, Canal Road here at around 5 pm on Monday. Besides Coordination Committee chairman, Prof Saifuddin Soz (PCC chief), Dy Chief Minister Tara Chand and senior vice president of PCC Pt Mangat Ram Sharma (Ex-DyCM) would attend the meeting from Congress side. Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather, Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ali Mohammed Sagar and former minister and senior NC leader Ch Mohd Ramzan are likely to participate from the National Conference side. Both the coalition partners are likely to discuss certain (Contd on page 4 Col 3)

Cabinet meeting today

Govt likely to modify rules governing package of incentives for tourism

By Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Apr 8: In a bid to boost tourism in the State, the Government has decided to modify the existing rules governing the package of incentives for this vital sector and a proposal in this regard is being placed before the State Cabinet, which is meeting under the chairmanship of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, tomorrow morning. Authoritative sources told EXCELSIOR that keeping in view various discussions held on the issue during the past quite sometime, the Tourism Department is placing a detailed proposal before the Cabinet for modification in the existing rules governing the package of incentives for tourism as industry. Disclosing that modifications are in supersession to Government orders and the regulations notified in 1995, they said that Finance Minister, Abdul Rahim Rather while presenting budget for the current financial year in the Legislative Assembly on March 5, had stated that Government has revisited the existing package of incentives for tourism units, which includes hotels, motels, houseboats, paying guest houses and cafeterias etc, to announce the new package of incentives. The list of areas and locations, where the tourism units will be eligible to get incentives as per new package, is being considerably liberalized and expanded, sources said, adding a new limit is being proposed for the capital outright investment subsidy. The limit on amount of capital subsidy has also been proposed to be increased in case of prestigious units. The proposal of the Tourism Department is also understood to have touched capital subsidy on substantial expansion by the existing units, reimbursement of cost of preparation of Detailed Project Reports, remission of stamp duty on mortgages and subsidy for replacement/ purchase of new tourist coaches etc, sources informed. Sources said that Cabinet will also consider the proposal of the Revenue Department regarding the enhancement of honorarium of Numberdars and Chowkidars. The Revenue Department has proposed enhancement of honorarium of Numberdars from existing rate of Rs 501 per month to Rs 1501 per month and that of Chowkidars from Rs 500 to Rs 1500 per month, sources said while informing that this issue was informally discussed during the last Cabinet meeting and the Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah had directed the Revenue Minister, Raman Bhalla to place a formal proposal in this regard before the Cabinet for consideration. Sources disclosed that Cabinet will also consider and take decision on the proposal of Information Technology Department regarding imple(Contd on page 4 Col 4)

Directors turn dictators in Health, do not mind court orders, harass petitioners
Excelsior Special Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 8: With the junior Deputy Medical Superintendents and Assistant Directors functioning as Heads in different departments in Health sector in the last three years, officials enjoying patronage of political high ups have shown regard neither for the people nor for the law. While as Director of Health Services Kashmir (DHK),Dr Saleem-urRehman, has shown the temerity of not relieving 24 doctors despite clear-cut orders from J&K High Court, Director of Health Services Jammu (DHJ) Dr Madhu Khullar has been audacious enough to suspend a petitioner doctor immediately after her attendance in a writ petition in Jammu wing of J&K High Court. Posted as an assistant surgeon at Sub District Hospital Nowshera, Dr Syed Majid Malik of Darhal was among scores of doctors who wanted to apply for the deputation tenure of Registrar at Government

Fake PRC racket busted, 2 held

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 8: Police today unearthed a major racket engaged in making fake Permanent Resident Certificates (PRCs) with the arrest of two accused including a retired Revenue official and an ex-serviceman while a serving Irrigation Department Patwari was absconding. Twenty nine fake PRC, seven files for making State Subjects, 16 blank forms and some other material has been recovered from the possession of accused. Police have reports many more fake PRCs had been made by the accused, which would be recovered during the ongoing investigations. Addressing a press conference at Bishnah police station, SP Headquarters Shailender Singh along with SDPO RS Pura SS Samyal and SHO Bishnah Jai Pal Sharma said Himmat Singh son of Lakshman Singh R/o village Ratnal, Bishnah, a retired Girdawar was arrested on a specific information that he along with other accused was engaged in (Contd on page 4 Col 4)

*DHJ suspends petitioner

Medical College (GMC) Jammu earlier this year. All the in-service candidates were supposed to submit their applications to Chairman of Selection Committee of Registrars and Demonstrators (Principal GMC) through proper channel. Much like in Kashmir, where Director Health has relieved only blue-eyed boys and has not permitted the selected candidates to join at SKIMS as Senior Residents and Registrars, DHJ has made it a point to prevent the assistant surgeons from going to GMC Jammu as Registrars and Demonstrators. As reported in detail in yesterday issue of this newspaper, DHK Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman has not relieved the selected candidates, 24 in number, despite clear-cut orders from the bench of Mr Justice Hasnain Masoodi. Across the Pir Panjal, his counterpart has stopped the candidates from going to GMC. Even as a number of the candidates have been harassed by different means and advised against applying for the posts, Dr Majid submitted his application through proper channel. After clearance at the levels of Superintendent/ Chief Medical Officer and necessary recommendations from DHJ, CommissionerSecretary Health and Medical Education would normally forward the aspirants' application to Principal GMC. As DHJ and her subordinate officials refused to forward Dr Malik's application, he filed a writ petition in J&K High Court, seeking orders in favour of his application's onward passage to Principal GMC. After hearing, Mr Justice JP Singh passed interim orders, asking DHJ to forward the petitioner's application to Chairman of Selection Committee at GMC. Under rules, Medical Education Department draws Registrars on deputation from Health Department. A tenure of deputation makes the incumbents eligible

for becoming Lecturers or Assistant Professors at GMC Jammu, GMC Srinagar, others medical colleges besides SKIMS Soura. Despite Mr Justice JP Singh's orders, DHJ communicated to the petitioner that she would not forward his applica(Contd on page 4 Col 3)

Rs 295 cr worth works executed without approval

CAG indicts R&B for blocking Rs 140 cr on roads

By Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Apr 8: The Roads and Buildings department has created a liability of Rs 110.82 crore for the Government due to execution of unapproved works and has resulted in blocking public money to the tune of over Rs 140.34 crore on 112 roads and 81 building projects due to works taken up on disputed sites. This information has been given in the report of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India for the year ended March 31, 2011, presented in the J&K Legislature recently. The CAG has put the State R&B authorities in the dock for several financial irregularities and violation of rules with impunity. Besides pointing out financial liability to the tune of Rs 110.82 crore, the CAG team involved in the audit also pointed out that due to non-procurement of sufficient construction material, eight executing divisions spent Rs 62.47 crore on the procurement of material from open market and incurred an extra expenditure of Rs 1.04 crore. The report clearly pointed out that due to works taken up on as many as 112 roads and 82 building projects, by the department officials at the helm of affairs have resulted in the blocking of public money to the tune of over Rs 140.34 crore. Not only this, the diversion of Rs 16.50 crore meant for roads to some other schemes has also been detected. It has defeated the actual purpose and impacted the schemes for which the funds were approved. The report accused the department of delay caused in release of funds in most of the schemes which affected the project implementation. It said the Financial rules provide that no work shall be taken up for execution unless sufficient funds are provided and no liability shall be created except under special orders of the Government. However, it has been noticed that huge unauthorized liability of Rs 110.82 crores in respect of 1328 works has been created only due to execution of works without seeking administrative approval. It revealed that unrealistic estimation has led to the cost over-run over the original estimates in 1803 road works. The cost over-run of Rs 27.52 crores was witnessed in 98 roads and 45 building works. Besides this, the time over-run of one to nine (9) years was seen in 167 roads and 220 building works. The CAG while taking serious note of these irregularities, has observed that internal control mechanism, effective monitoring and quality control of works were virtually non-existent. Referring to financial irregularities on the historic Mughal Road project, the CAG pointed out that for ensuring effective financial management, the funds are to be utilized in full during the year. It was noticed that the Chief Engineer, Mughal Road project, surrendered over Rs 248.45 crore from 2006 to 2011 by three Divisions under it. The surrendering of funds indicates poor financial management. The target date of completion (Contd on page 4 Col 3)

Internet Edition: E-Paper:

* Belated action PDP saboteurs of peace: Rana Sheikh Nazir welcomes Manmohan-Zardari talks Farmers to get credit upto Rs 1 lakh without mortgage: Rather Opposition hoodwinking people on frivolous issues: Slathia Rajasthan Royals cruise to 22-run win over KKR ...Page 6 ...Page 3

JAMMU Clear sky. TEMPERATURE Max: 35.8 Degree C Min: 17.8 Degree C RELATIVE HUMIDITY Highest: 44.0 per cent Lowest: 34.0 per cent Sunset on Monday: 06.56 p.m. Sunrise on Tuesday: 06.10 a.m. KASHMIR Partially cloudy. TEMPERATURE Max: 24.7 Degree C Min: 7.4 Degree C RELATIVE HUMIDITY Highest: 47.0 per cent Lowest: 27.0 per cent

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