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Final Project

I. Instructional Unit/Overview Title of Unit: The Fifty States Theme: Geography of the United States of America Grade Level/Student Population Type: 5th Grade/ 3 classes of 28 students Number of Sessions: 4 days Overview of the Unit: Give a short summary of what the students will do in this unit: The students will learn the geography of the United States by researching information on each of the states. They will create a postcard showcasing the information. Each postcard will become a slide in a presentation of all the states researched. The students will present the postcard they created and explain the information they learned to their classmates. Students will also distribute an important information worksheet about their state. A) What is the theme of your project? The students will learn the geography of the United States by researching information on each of the states. They will be presenting this work in an oral/visual presentation. Students will have created a postcard with illustrations and text about their particular state they researched. Students will learn about physical characteristics of the state, cultural aspects, important places, foods that are specific to the area, etc. B) State the standards to which your theme is aligned (refer to actual sections of real documents) Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects 2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

The Arts: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Visual Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter,
topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

C) Describe the Learning Product your students will create and through the creation of which they will learn the content and skills youve identified as a goal. The students will be creating a postcard in order to help them learn about the states. This will be created using Microsoft Word. Students will use the postcard to display important information they gather. A presentation will be created to showcase the postcards. Students will present the postcards and explain what they learned about the state. The students will also distribute an information sheet explaining the important information about the state. D) What Social Studies content and/or skills will they learn from your project? From the Core Curriculum the students will learn about places and regions and understand: Maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies such as aerial and other photographs, satellite-produced images, and computer models can be used to gather, process, and report information about the United States today. Students will learn about the nations and regions of the Western Hemisphere and how they can be analyzed in terms of spatial organization, places, regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, and environment and society Students will learn information about each state such as the capital, geography of the state, physical characteristics, large cities, important places, tourist attractions, economy, business industries and other information they deem important. Students will learn to display the information in an organized manor. Students will learn about creating a digital collage as they design their postcard. E) What Arts content and/or skills will they learn from your project? Students will learn to creatively display the information they have gathered. They will include pictures they have found to represent information about each state. The postcard will need to be visually pleasing to keep the audiences interest and clearly

convey the information. Students will be able to add additional artistic components if they feel it will add to their presentation. F) How might you determine if the students learn what youve intended them to? The students will be presenting their research to their peers. They will answer questions from the audience when the presentation is complete. I will create a rubric that will score the students on what information they have presented. The students will receive a copy of this in order to make sure their presentation encompasses all that it should. The students will also receive the information on each of the other states from their peers. They will then receive a quiz about the states/presentations. The students will be able to use the information sheet they now have. The students will have learned from the project they did as well as the ones their classmates did. G) How will technology be used? Will it be used by the teacher; the individual students or students work groups, the entire class? (Describe as practical) While researching, the students will be in the computer lab but I will also provide them with library books that may be of help. The students may do all the research on the computer if they choose. The students will use Microsoft Word when creating the postcards. When presenting the students will also be using technology. A SmartBoard will be used to project the postcard.

II. Flow Chart In this unit the students will learn the geography of the United States by researching information on each of the states. The students will identify a state to research. They will create their own postcards showcasing information and artwork. All the postcards will be displayed as individual slides in a presentation. Each pair of students will explain the information they learned about their state and what is represented on their postcard. Each individual class will present to their peers. The postcards will be printed out in color and posted as wall art in a large map of the United States. Students will learn from each other through the presentations. Students will gain a better understanding of different states. Standards: Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects 2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

The Arts: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Visual Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter,
topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

THEME: The Fifty States PRODUCT: Illustrated postcard about the state (this will become the slide presented to the class) Information sheet OBJECTIVES: Students will: Be able to illustrate a postcard that communicates important characteristics of that state Present the postcard to the class through a presentation and explain important information about the state they chose

Identify the state to research and report on.

How to research the fifty states

Students will research using the internet. How to choose the illustration for the postcard Identify important characteristics about the state (geographic representation, culture, important places, food, etc.)

How to choose the important information to share with the class

Create the postcard which will become the individual slide to present to the class.

How to present the information to the class

III. Mock Student Work Sample Information Sheet on New York Capital: Albany Nickname: Empire State Population estimate: (as of 2011) 19,465,197, ranked 3rd in the U.S. U.S. Representatives: 29 Top 3 largest cities by population: New York City, Buffalo, Rochester Geography: Borders: North: Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and Canada South: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Atlantic Ocean East: Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut West: Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Canada and Pennsylvania Area: 54,475 sq. mi., ranked 27th in the U.S. Highest Point: Mount Marcy 5,344 feet above sea level Lowest Point: sea level, where New York meets the Atlantic Ocean Major Rivers: Hudson River, Mohawk River, and Genesee River Major Lakes: Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Finger Lakes Adirondack and Catskill Mountains Climate: Humid Large Industries: Manufacturing, foreign trade, commerce and banking, book and magazine publishing, and theatrical production Home of the New York Stock Exchange Farms produce: cattle, corn, poultry, vegetables, and fruit. Wine is also produced Points of interest: Statue of Liberty, Famous Skyline (Skyscrapers), United Nations, Niagara Falls, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Baseball Hall of Fame, Broadway National Historic Sites of former president: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt Popular Sports Teams: Baseball (Yankees and Mets), Football (Jets and Giants), Basketball (Knicks), Hockey (Rangers and Islanders)

Digital Collage Postcard: In separate file Rubric: Project Element Total Points Possible 5 Points Earned Total Grade: Comment

Research/Teamwork A perfect score will be given if the students worked as a team when researching the state and creating the postcard. Information Sheet 1. A perfect score will be given if the sheet is grammatically correct, no spelling errors, and organized 2. A perfect score will be given if the information is meaningful and includes: (geographic information, physical environment, culture, important places, industries, etc.) Postcard A perfect score will be given if the postcard is artistic, creative, gives a clear representation of the state, must provide meaningful images, use editing options such as rotating, borders, change colors, size, etc. Presentation A perfect score will be given if the students clearly explain the information, are able to answer questions, and show they have gained a more complete understanding of the state. Students will also be well-behaved audience members or they will lose points.




Describe the process of creating the Mock Student Work Sample: When creating the postcard the students must choose what important information about the state will translate well into a piece of artwork. This is where they have the most freedom to explore the different pictures they find on the internet and arrange them however they please. Students will work on a Microsoft Word document. They will find it very easy to edit the pictures they get off of the internet. Students will be able to add their own text to the postcard as well. Students will have the ability to rotate the images, add borders, and change the color scheme of the images. Students should take their time to see what layout they like the best adding and deleting items as they go. When I put my work sample together I had tried many different pictures and layouts to see what I felt would look the best. Once I found positions I liked I played around with the border colors and formatted the pictures by rotating them. The background of the postcard can also be changed from the plain white piece of paper to different colors that can include shading. As long as the students show their creativity and portray important information about the state they will be successful. Describe how you will organize things in order to accomplish this with your class: Students will be working in pairs to complete this project. They will be given a state to research at random. Students will have access to the computer room for 2.5 classes (also about 2.5 hours) to work on this project. There is no set-up time other then getting to the computer lab and signing on to the computers. There is also no clean-up time necessary. Students must just save their work to return to the next day. This is very beneficial so the students can work for the full amount of the class time.

IV. Defend your project as Project-Based Learning In my project the teacher will set the goal to learn information about a particular state. Students are informed that they must create an information sheet and artistic postcard based on the state they are given. The students will be given a rubric and also see a mock student work sample to better understand what is expected of them. The students will be given the opportunity to research in the computer room to decide what they should learn about the state, how to explain it on the information sheet, and if that fact should be represented on the postcard. Students will understand the product of the project and in order to create it they must research and learn about the state. Students will have their own computers to research on but will be working with a partner on the project. They must work together to agree on what information should be used and displayed on the postcard. Students will be given the vision of the end product at the beginning of this unit. They will be required to learn specific knowledge in order to create the postcard. Students will need to learn in order to create the end product. Students will create the postcard which will become a part of a presentation to the class. Students will also be developing an information sheet on the state to distribute to their classmates. These products are authentic because they are useful to their peers. The students will be learning about other states through the information being distributed and explained. The student must do a complete job on the project since they will be teaching their classmates about a state they may know nothing about. As the students are working they will have the opportunity to critique their partners. It is great to work with a partner because they can bounce ideas off of one another and gain another persons perspective. When the students present to their peers, the audience will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the state and also comment on the postcard and information sheet. The presenters will want to hear if they have done a successful job of getting the information across. The slideshow of all the states will be saved. The individual postcards will be printed out in color and posted on a large wall map in the correct state location. The postcards will add to the wall art in the classroom and be displayed for all visitors to see. The postcard product of the project is artistic and students will be able to create it however they like as long as information is being displayed. Students will be using technology throughout this entire project. Students will be researching on the computer, creating typed information sheets, and designing postcards using computer software. As students are working they will be able to reflect on how they are doing. They will be getting feedback from their partner as well. Since the students will be in the computer lab for multiple days they will have time to go back and edit parts of the project as they move forward. Students must research to learn new information about a state they may or may not know anything about. Each pair will find new and interesting information about the state they are researching. Since the information sheet and postcard do not have to be completed in a specific way, students will have the opportunity to design it in their own ways. The postcard will probably be a new concept to many of the students and they

will hopefully enjoy creating a work of art on the computer as a way to display their new knowledge. This project involves many of the21st Century Skills. The students will need to work together in pairs to complete their tasks. They are also working as a whole because the information each pair finds will be shared with the class. The information will be expressed visually, written on paper, and explained aloud to the class. This project will allow students the opportunity to problem solve and think critically as well as they decide which information to use and how to display it. Students will be working to create a postcard and information sheet to display to the class in a presentation. Students must remember what the focus of the project is and find meaningful information to share with their classmates.

V. Project Implementation Plan Unit Introduction: I will introduce the unit to the students by asking them if they have travelled around the United States or even New York State. Are there places they would like to go but know nothing about? Would they like to learn more about the different states? I would explain to the students that for the next few days we will be doing a project which will deal with different states. I would show the students my postcard and ask them what they notice. They will hopefully realize that the postcard represents New York State and a few pictures and words people would consider important when describing New York. I would also discuss the artistic components of the postcard with the class. Then I would ask what important information they know about the state but they feel are missing. After taking a few responses I will show the students the information sheet I created on New York. I will tell the students they will be working in pairs (that I have assigned) to create their own postcards and information sheets on different states. Each pair is assigned a state and we will go to the computer lab to begin research. The Class: This lesson will be for 3 fifth grade classes that all have 28 students. When working in pairs there will be 14 sets of partners in each class. Overall 42 different states will be covered by the students. This will be a regular academic class. Some students may have IEPs or 504s but the class is not inclusion. Those students receive services outside of the classroom time. Learning Objectives: Students will learn how to portray information in a written and artistic way. Students will learn to identify important characteristics about their state (geographic representation, physical environment, culture, important places, industries, etc.) Students will relay this information to their classmates during a presentation Standards: Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects

2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

The Arts: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Visual Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter,
topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

Assessment: The students will be presenting their research to their peers. They will answer questions from the audience when the presentation is complete. I will create a rubric that will score the students on what information they have presented. The students will receive a copy of this in order to make sure their presentation encompasses all that it should. The students will also receive the information on each of the other states from their peers. They will then receive a quiz about the states/presentations. The students will be able to use the information sheet they now have. The students will have learned from the project they did as well as the ones their classmates did. Presentation: Students will be presenting their postcards and information sheets to their classmates. The individual postcards will be printed in color and posted on the wall on a large map in the correct state each postcard represents. The postcards will be displayed so any visitors to the classroom can see.

Individual Sessions: Daily Lesson: Day 1 (1 hour) Instructional Goal: Students will become aware of the project they will be working on for the next few days. The students will learn which state they are researching and will work with their partner to decide how the research should be done on the computer. Standards/Learning Objectives: Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects 2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

Materials: Use of computer room, Internet, Microsoft Word, some library books will be provided as well Procedure (What the students and teacher will do): Students will come in to class and be introduced to the new unit. Students will be shown a map of the United States and we will discuss whether or not the students have had the opportunity to travel around the country or even around New York State. Then we will discuss how we could learn more about these unknown places and that we will have the opportunity to do that over the next few days. I will show the students my mock student work sample of the digital collage postcard and ask them to tell me what they notice. Students should notice it is a postcard about New York. The pictures and words represented on the postcard tell the viewer important information about New York.

As a class we will discuss the artistic components that went into creating the postcard. As a class we will then discuss what other important types of information could be shared about New York. For example, geographic information, the physical environment, important industries, cultural aspects, and important places should be known about New York. All this information cannot be displayed on the postcard so I will show the students the information sheet I also created on New York. I will now tell the students they will be working in pairs (that I have assigned) to create their own postcards and information sheets. Every pair will have a different state chosen at random. Students will also receive a rubric to explain what is expected of them. For the second half of class we will go to the computer lab to get started on the research. Students will be able to search the internet as well as have access to books I have already taken out from the library. Each student will have their own computer to work on; partners will be seated next to each other. Students will be expected to have begun compiling a list of important information on the state by the end of class. The Word document should be saved so they can return to it the next day. Product: Students will begin compiling their list of important information about their state. Assessment: While the students are working in the computer lab I will be walking around the room to check their progress and be sure they understand the requirements for the project. Logistics: Students will be seated at their own computers next to their partner. Since this project is computer-based there is very little set-up and clean-up time. Students must log on to the computers to begin and remember to save their work at the end.

Daily Lesson: Day 2 (1 hour) Instructional Goal: Students will continue researching in order to create their postcard. Today they should have a completed list of information and a rough draft of what they would like their postcard to look like. Standards/Learning Objectives: Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects 2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

The Arts: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Visual Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter,
topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

Materials: Use of computer room, Internet, Microsoft Word, some library books will be provided as well Procedure (What the students and teacher will do): Students will continue where they left off the previous day researching their state they were assigned. As a class we will discuss the artistic components that went into creating the postcard. As a class we will go over basic editing options for the postcard. Once students have a basic understanding they can begin creating their draft postcard.

Students will be expected to have begun compiling a list of important information on the state by the end of class. The Word document should be saved so they can return to it the next day. The draft postcard should be a work in progress so students can complete editing it the next day. All items should be saved. Product: Students should have a more complete list of important information about their state. The pairs should also have begun work on their draft postcard. Since this is the artistic component students should take the time to work on it. As the students try different editing options they will learn what they do and do not like. Assessment: While the students are working in the computer lab I will be walking around the room to check their progress and be sure they understand the requirements for the project. I will be sure to remind students to check with the rubric to make sure they are completing all parts of the project. I will also be checking to make sure each partner is contributing equally to the project. As I circulate the room I will need to make sure everyone is involved in the project. Logistics: Students will be seated at their own computers next to their partner. Since this project is computer-based there is very little set-up and clean-up time. Students must log on to the computers to begin and remember to save their work at the end.

Daily Lesson: Day 3 (1 hour) Instructional Goal: Students will finish up their information sheets and postcards. They will decide who will say what during their presentations. Standards/Learning Objectives: Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects 2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

The Arts: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Visual Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter,
topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

Materials: Use of computer room, color printer, Internet, Microsoft Word, some library books will be provided as well Procedure (What the students and teacher will do): Students will finish where they left off the previous day. They will finalize the information sheet and the postcard for the presentation. The files will be saved to a shared drive that I have access to so I can compile all of the states into one file for the presentation day. The postcard will be printed in color so it can be mounted on the wall. The information sheets will be printed so I can make copies for the students.

Product: The product for today will be the finalized postcard and information sheet. The postcard will be printed in color to mount on the wall. Assessment: I will circulate the room as the students complete their assignments. Logistics: Students will be seated at their own computers next to their partner. Since this project is computer-based there is very little set-up and clean-up time. Students must log on to the computers to begin and remember to save their work at the end.

Daily Lesson: Day 4 (1 hour) Instructional Goal: Students will present their postcards and information sheets they created to the class. They will speak about the information they discovered about their state. Presenters will also answer questions from their peers. Standards/Learning Objectives: Social Studies: Standard 3: Geography
Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface.

Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze
important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects 2- Locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994) 3- Investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

Key Idea 2: Geography requires the development and application of the skills of asking and answering
geographic questions; analyzing theories of geography; and acquiring, organizing, and analyzing geographic information. (Adapted from: The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life)

Performance Indicators--Students will: Elementary

1- Gather and organize geographic information from a variety of sources and display in a number of ways 2- Analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

The Arts: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in The Arts Visual Arts Key idea: Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter,
topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works.

Materials: Classroom with a SmartBoard for projecting the presentation, copies of the information sheets for the class. Procedure (What the students and teacher will do): The pairs will take turn presenting their postcards to the class and the information sheet they created. Students (the audience) will listen quietly and ask questions about the state and also about the artistic choices made on the postcards. I will grade students according to the rubric.

Product: Students will be presenting their finalized postcards and information sheets to the class. Assessment: Students will be graded on their postcards and information sheets according to the rubric. Logistics: Students will be seated to view the presentations. Partners will take turns presenting to the class.

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