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Climate Change Summit

Wisconsin Communities Take Action

Climate Change Resources

Table of Contents
Hold down the “ctrl” key while clicking on the colored section heading to go
directly to that section. You may find information for a specific issue under
both the “general” heading as well as for an individual topic.

References Provided by Terry Tamminen, Summit Opening Keynote

• Terry Tamminen’s Home Page

• The New America Foundation The New America

Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy institute that invests in
new thinkers and new ideas to address the next generation of challenges
facing the United States.

• Pegasus Capital Advisors Pegasus Capital

Advisors, L.P. is a U.S.-based private equity fund manager that provides
creative capital and business solutions to middle market companies across a
wide variety of industries.

• Seventh Generation Advisors

Seventh Generation Advisors focuses on ways to preserve the environment
by advocating policy and promoting a sustainable

Office of Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton . A

website maintained by the Office of the Lt. Governor. Keep up to date on her
projects and initiatives and keep her updated on your work. If you have an idea or
have hit a roadblock with your planning, visit the “contact us” page to stay in touch
Lt. Governor Lawton.

Wisconsin Climate Change Summit

Summit website containing speaker power point presentations and copies of
handout materials.

Sustainable Communities Capacity Center A website maintained by UW Extension to
provide access to educational materials and resources to expand the capacity of
communities to explore, understand, create, implement, evaluate, and share
sustainability strategies.

Climate Protection Strategies and Best Practices Guide
A report created by the U.S. Council of Mayors that provides a wide range of
illustrations of how cities are tackling the need to conserve energy and other
resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and what they are
accomplishing as a result of their efforts.

Climate Change: a Multidisciplinary Approach. 2007. Book by William James

Burroughs. (UWSP Library call number: QC981.8 .C5 B86 2007). Current
knowledge of climate change and its implications for society.
Earth, the Sequel: the Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming.
2008. Book by Fred Krupp. (TJ163.4 .U6 K78 2008). The innovators and investors
who are reinventing energy and the way it is used.

Economics and the Environment. 2008. Book by Eban S. Goodstein. (HE75.6

.G66 2008). Includes an economic discussion of global warming.

The Last Polar Bear: a Photographic Journey. 2008. Book by Steven

Kazlowski. (QL737 .C27 K39 2008). Addresses the history of climate change and
the fate of the polar bear in the warming Arctic.

Climate Information and Services Provides

links to climate resources from 9 different government agencies (Departments of
Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, Transportation and the EPA,
NASA, and the National Science Foundation).

EPA Climate Web Site Includes

scientific discussion, greenhouse gas emissions, environmental impacts and other
resource materials.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth

annual climate change assessment report and topical technical papers.

Regional Initiatives to Address Global Climate Change. 2008 Wisconsin

Legislative Council.
Identifies four regional initiatives in North America, the European Union Climate
Change Program, and the International Carbon Action Partnership. Print copy in
Library, WI Documents Dept. (WI LEG. 3: IM/2008/2).

Personal Emissions Calculator (EPA) An online tool to
calculate your household greenhouse gas emissions and how you can lower your
total emissions.

Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water

Resources, and Biodiversity in the United States 2008. The U.S.
Climate Change Science Program studies the effects of global warming on the

Pew Center on Global Climate Change A non-profit

research group that brings together business leaders, scientists, policy makers and
other experts. They also sponsor the Business Environmental Leadership Council.
Center on Wisconsin Strategy The Center on Wisconsin
Strategy (COWS) conducts research and policy analysis to demonstrate "high road"
(high wage/productivity/profits, low waste, democratically accountable) economic
growth and government is possible for Wisconsin and beyond.
Wisconsin Green Building Alliance State organization
promotes using sustainable materials in building and remodeling.
Blueprint for Congress A
copy of the blueprint for the new president and Congress from local communities,
sending a message about the need for federal support to empower greater local
action to create green jobs and address climate and energy challenges.
Links to Wisconsin Climate Change Sponsors
Boardman Law Firm
Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin
Orion Energy Systems
Wisconsin Alliance of Cities
Wisconsin Public Service
Alliant Energy
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The Impact of Climate Change in Wisconsin

Climate Information and Services Provides
links to climate resources from 9 different government agencies (Departments of
Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, Transportation and the EPA,
NASA, and the National Science Foundation).

Regional Initiatives to Address Global Climate Change. 2008. Wisconsin

Legislative Council.
Identifies four regional initiatives in North America, the European Union Climate
Change Program, and the International Carbon Action Partnership. Print copy in
Library, WI Documents Dept. (WI LEG. 3: IM/2008/2).

State Climatology Office Web Site This site has many
graphs and maps showing climate variability and trends in Wisconsin.

Midwest Regional Climate Center Graphs and maps

focusing on the multi-state region surrounding Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts . The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change
Impacts was formed in response to questions raised by a bipartisan committee of
state legislators who wanted to know how climate change could impact their
districts and constituents.
Wisconsin’s Strategy for Reducing Global Warming July 2008
Final Report of the Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming.

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Dealing with Risk, Uncertainty and Local Capacity for

An Unfamiliar State: How Global Warming Could Change Natural
Wisconsin. 2007.
n_Unfamiliar_State_Wisconsin_Global-Warming.May2007.pdf . Report of the WI
Environment Research & Policy Center describing how water, forests, farming, and
natural recreation may be affected by global warming.

DSIRE Information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives

that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency which includes summary
maps with contractor license requirements, income tax incentives, property tax
exemptions, rebate programs, and other topics.

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Energy Options
Wisconsin Land Use Megatrends: Energy. 2008. WI
Center for Land Use Education investigates the connections between energy and
land use.

Clean Energy Wisconsin: a Plan for Energy Independence. 2008.,1009 . Print copy in WI
Documents Dept (WI ENE 2.1/6:I 53/2008). WI Office of Energy Independence on WI
energy policy and renewable energy sources.

Energy Independent Communities The section of the
Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence website explaining the voluntary program
for communities that adopt the Wisconsin Governor’s 25x25 Energy Goal. Contains
information and resources for implementation as well as funding opportunities.

Understanding Renewable Energy Systems. 2005. Book by Voker

Quaschning. (TJ808 .Q37 2005). Renewable sources with high development
potential such as solar thermal, photovoltaics and wind power.
Renewable Energy Handbook: a Guide to Rural Energy Independence, Off-
Grid and Sustainable Living. 2005. Book by William H. Kemp. (TJ808.3 .K44
2005). Creating energy from clean sources and stretching the energy dollar.

Government Green Building Programs Inventory Learn how municipalities around the country are
moving green building into practice. This site contains the municipal government
green building policies spreadsheet of UW-Extension which is now a searchable GIS

Wisconsin Green Building Alliance State organization promotes using

sustainable materials in building and remodeling.

Focus on Energy Focus on Energy is the state wide energy

program that works with home and business owners to promote energy efficiency and renewable
energy programs through education and cash-back rewards.

Midwest Renewable Energy Association The MREA promotes

renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable living through education and demonstration. The
MREA conducts year round training on renewable energy technology and offers education to the
general public through its annual Energy Fair.

DSIRE DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local,

utility, and federal incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Searchable by

Appalachian Voices Find out of your community is connected

to mountain top removal, and what you can do to take action.

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Transportation Options
National Complete Streets Program
Information on how communities can implement this national program including
fact sheets and assessment tools.

Wisconsin Safe Routes to School Website for the State of
Wisconsin Safe Routes to School program including background material, toolkits,
surveys and funding opportunities.

Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter – October 2008 - Prepared by

the Office of Planning, Environment and Realty Federal Highway Administration
Climate Change Predicted To Have Major Impact On Transportation
Infrastructure And Operations. Mar. 12, 2008. Science Daily.

Wisconsin Energy Transportation. 2008 Pew Center on Global Climate Change


1000 Friend of Wisconsin: Perfecting the Places We Live and Protecting

the Places We Don’t. 2008. Information focuses on
helping communities make the connection between land use and transportation
decisions and the state's economic, environmental and cultural health.

Wisconsin Bicycle Facilities Design Handbook A detailed
resource for including bicycle and pedestrian facilities in all street and highway

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Waste Management Options

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Apartments. 2007. Print copy in WI Docs
Dept (WI NAT. 9/4: R42/12/2007). A guide for owners of apartments and other multi-
family dwellings.

Commercial Recycling in Wisconsin, Moving Beyond the Status Quo. 2007.,665 . The DNR provides
strategies to increase recycling among Wisconsin's businesses.

WasteCap Wisconsin. 2008. A statewide, nonprofit,

industry supported organization that provides waste reduction and recycling
assistance to businesses.

Recycle Bank A state participation program to

encourage personal recycling through a rewards program. Currently, no
communities in Wisconsin participate in this program.

Curbside Values Program The Curbside Value

Partnership was formed in 2003 to help communities grow and sustain their
curbside recycling programs. The organization’s two goals are to help communities
grow participation in their programs and to help them measure this growth to make
better decisions.

US EPA WARM model for calculating GHG impacts EPA
created the WAste Reduction Model (WARM) to help solid waste planners and
organizations track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions reductions
from several different waste management practices.

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Planning and Infrastructure

Wisconsin Strategy for Reducing Global Warming: Interim Report to
Governor Jim Doyle. 2008.,1237 Print copy in Library, WI
Document Dept (WI GO GLO. 1:2008). Interim report of the Governor's Task Force
including policy recommendations.

EPA Climate Web Site. 2008.

Includes scientific discussion, greenhouse gas emissions, environmental impacts
and other resource materials.

State Climate Action Plans. 2008. EPA State and Local Government Planning site.

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts. The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change
Impacts was formed in response to questions raised by a bipartisan committee of
state legislators who wanted to know how climate change could impact their
districts and constituents.

Sustainable Communities Capacity Center A website maintained by UW Extension to
provide access to educational materials and resources to expand the capacity of
communities to explore, understand, create, implement, evaluate, and share
sustainability strategies.

LEED for Neighborhood Development The LEED for
Neighborhood Development Rating System integrates the principles of smart
growth, urbanism and green building into the first national system for neighborhood

Center for Land Use Education Reports,

handbooks, fact sheets and workshops on a wide range of planning topics.

1,000 Friends of Wisconsin Information focuses on

helping communities make the connection between land use and transportation
decisions and the state's economic, environmental and cultural health.

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Developing Local Food Systems
Worldchanging: a User's Guide for the 21st Century. 2006. Book edited by
Alex Steffen. (HC79 .E5 W676 2006). Ideas for buying locally produced food,
workplace sustainability, eco-building, and advocating for change.

Developing a Vibrant and Sustainable Regional Food System: Suggestions

for Community-Based Groups. August 2006. Prepared by The
Leopold Center’s Regional Food System Working Group Subcommittee. This site
provides suggestions for community groups as they: envision their food future,
identify key elements that will make their regional food system more sustainable,
and consider, which indicators will best inform whether they are making progress
toward their goals.

Wisconsin’s Farm-to-School program Wisconsin Homegrown Lunch is a
grassroots program whose goal is to enhance Wisconsin schools' existing meal
programs by introducing fresh, nutritious, local and sustainably grown food to

Madison area R.E.A.P. (Research, Education, Action and Policy on Food Group): The city of Madison’s program to build a regional
food program.

Wisconsin’s Institutional Food Market Coalition The

Institutional Food Market Coalition works to connect large volume institutional
buyers in the private, public and not-for profit sectors with local WI produce auctions
and growers.

Wisconsin Local Food Network Wiki

Provides information about and for local food initiatives in Wisconsin.

Dane County Food Policy Council

The Dane County Food Council explores issues and develops recommendations to
create an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable local food system
for the Dane County region.

Central Rivers Farmshed Central Rivers Farmshed is a

growing movement in Central Wisconsin to build and strengthen relationships
between local farms, restaurants, retailers, and consumers.

American Planning Association’s Food System Planning Whitepaper. 2005. Provides background
material on food system planning and its relationship to other types of land use
planning. Contains an extensive bibliography on the topic.
Center for Land Use Education’s Land Use Tracker Winter 2007 edition on
Food Systems

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Community Purchasing
Green Purchasing This government website
offered by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive. This site provides
information on the acquisition of recycled content products, environmentally
preferable products and services, biobased products, energy- and water-efficient
products, alternate fuel vehicles, products using renewable energy, and alternatives
to hazardous or toxic chemicals.

Green Purchasing. 2008. The

Health Care Without Harm Website provides information on the Environmentally
Preferable Purchasing system for hospitals and health systems.

REGREEN The American Society of Interior

Designers’ Foundation and the U.S. Green Building Council have partnered on the
development of best practice guidelines and targeted educational resources for
sustainable residential improvement projects. This program will increase
understanding of sustainable renovation project practices and benefits among
homeowners, residents, design professionals, product suppliers and service
providers to build both demand and industry capacity.

Green Government Purchasing – King County, WA The Environmental Purchasing Program
provides county employees with information to help them identify, evaluate, and
ultimately purchase, economical and effective environmentally preferable products
and services.
Responsible purchasing 101 An
introductory primer presenting the basics of responsible purchasing.
Responsible Purchasing Network
Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) is an international network of buyers
dedicated to socially responsible and environmentally sustainable purchasing. Our
membership program and consulting services provide institutional purchasers with
cutting edge procurement tools and resources designed to save money, conserve
resources, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.
RPN Purchasing Guide Purchasing Guides for
a range of products and services.
Montana DEQ - Responsible Purchasing in State Government Resources compile by the
State of Montana to support green responsible purchasing.
Minnesota Environmentally Responsible Purchasing Resources compiled by the State of
Minnesota Materials Management to help state agencies purchase environmentally
preferable products.
Penn Purchasing Services, Socially Responsible Purchasing
Website of the University of Pennsylvania Purchasing Services department with
information that supports the seven principals of "socially responsible purchasing".
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Biofuels and Bioenergy

Wisconsin Biofuels and Alternative Fuel Use Report: 2008 Annual Report. Print copy in WI
Documents Dept (WI ENE.1/2:G 37/2008). WI Office of Energy Independence report
on biofuels production and state fleet vehicles and consumption.

Wisconsin Guide to Building Biofuels Facilities. 2007. Print copy in WI
Documents Dept (WI ENE 2.6:F33/2007). WI Office of Energy Independence report
on biofuel facilities site considerations, design, and business considerations.

Biofuels for Transportation: A Climate Perspective, June 2008. Report prepared by the Pew
Center on Global Climate Change. This paper offers an introduction to the current
state of play for biofuels: the technologies used in their production, their GHG
emissions, and associated policy issues.

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Opportunities for Innovative Businesses

The Clean Tech Revolution: the Next Big Growth and Investment
Opportunity. 2007. Book by Ron Pernick. (UWSP Library call number: TD145
.P46 2007). Developing clean technologies is not just a social issues, but it's a
moneymaking enterprise moving into the business mainstream.

Greener Buildings. A one-stop resource on

designing, constructing, and operating environmentally responsible commercial and
industrial buildings, created in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council.
Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy. 2008. BICEP’s goal is to work directly with key allies in the
business community and with members of Congress to pass meaningful energy and
climate change legislation that is consistent with our core principles.

Strategies for the Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges in the

New World of Business. 2008. Book by Joel Makower. (UWSP – on order) This
book distills more than twenty years of watching the green business scene and
offers insights and inspiration for understanding and untangling the complexities
and controversies of profiting in the growing green economy. 2008. The leading online news and

information resource on how to align environmental responsibility with business

Southern Wisconsin’s THRIVE initiative Thrive, the

Madison Region Economic Development Enterprise, is a nonprofit organization
created to grow the economy of Wisconsin's eight-county Madison Region in ways
that preserve and enhance the quality of life.

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Federal and Private Funding Up-to-date information
on current federal and private funding opportunities that are available for clean
energy projects.

Energy Independent Communities The section of the
Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence website explaining the voluntary program
for communities that adopt the Wisconsin Governor’s 25x25 Energy Goal. Contains
information and resources for implementation as well as funding opportunities.

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