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AP English The Awakening Gender Issues Research Paper As we continue to read and discuss The Awakening, your task

k is to write a short research paper on any (approved) topic related to gender issues. The paper should be approximately three pages, typed, double-spaced and should include a minimum of five scholarly references. Your references should be taken from: EBSCOhost - (User ID: ns179012; Password: LASHigh) SweetSearch: Google Scholar:

For those who missed class today, please view the following video: Your paper must be in MLA format, typed, double spaced, with parenthetical references and a works cited page. To review the expectations for MLA format, please visit: You can download a sample MLA-formatted paper here: Your first task is to prepare an annotated bibliography. You can find out more about what an annotated bibliography is here: and here: A sample annotated bibliography is MLA format is located here: Please find a suggested research paper outline format attached below. When preparing your Works Cited list, remember that EBSCOhost has a Cite function that does the formatting for you. You can also use:

Word also contains tools that can help you in formatting your Works Cited list. Click on References, and then Insert Citation. Make sure to select MLA Style. For any questions concerning how to format parenthetical references or Works Cited entries, please consult: Please remember that your first and final drafts must be submitted to for authentication. Assessment Criteria: RESEARCH: quality of ideas; range and depth of research; relevancy of information; understanding of the topic; originality of ideas; use of evidence. (10 marks) ORGANIZATION: Clarity of thesis; presentation of ideas; focus; ordered, logical development of ideas; flow of argument from one paragraph to another; thorough and convincing discussion supported with relevant detail; validity of conclusion. (10 marks) FORMATTING and REFERENCING: MLA format; parenthetical references; bibliography. (10 marks) LANGUAGE: use of English (spelling, vocabulary, grammar, usage); clarity; conciseness; proofread. (10 marks) TOTAL: 40 marks Deadlines: Annotated Bibliography Tuesday, February 21st Outline Thursday, February 23rd First Draft Wednesday, February 29th Final Draft deadline to be announced in class

Suggested Research Paper Outline Format 1st Paragraph Research Topic Research Focus Areas of Research (within focus) Area 1 Evidence/Proof/Example Evidence/Proof/Example 3rd Paragraph Area 2 Evidence/Proof/Example Evidence/Proof/Example 4th Paragraph Area 3 Evidence/Proof/Example Evidence/Proof/Example 5th Paragraph Restate Focus & Areas of Research Summarize Key Findings Leave the Reader Thinking... 1. 2. 3. (or more) 2nd Paragraph

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