Credit System

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Central University of Jharkhand

Regulation on the implementation of Credit System of Evaluation

Regulation on the implementation of Credit System of Evaluation: RA (I)

1. Definitions: 1.1. Course means a Semester Course.

1.2. Credit (c) is the weightage assigned to a course in terms of Contact hours. 1.3. Grade means a letter grade assigned to a student on the basis of evaluation of a course on the ten point scale. 1.4. Grade point (g) means the numerical equivalent of a letter grade assigned to a student in the ten point scale. 1.5. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) means a cumulative index grade point average of a student calculated in the manner explained below : 1.6 The computation of average performance

The average performance of a student in a Semester will be based on his/her SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average). The Semester Grade Point average will be computed as follows:


C g
i =1 n i

i =1

where i= 1,2,3.n

Where Ci is the number of credits assigned to the ith course and gi is the grade Points earned in the ith course and n is the total number of courses to be offered by the candidates in the concerned Semester. The average performance of a candidate upto a given Semester will be judged by his/her CGPA ( Cumulative Grade Point Average) upto the concerned Semester. The formula for CGPA upto the given Semester will be :


j =1 m j =1

where j = 1,2,3.n

Where Cj is the credit assigned to the jth course and gj is the grade points earned for the jth course and m is the total number of courses upto the concerned Semester. The average performance for the whole programme will be measured by the final grade points average which will be the CGPA upto the end of the last Semester of the Programme. Note: The SGPA and CGPA will be computed upto two places of decimal. The CGPA of any candidate should be worked out only after the candidate completes and clears all the courses prescribed in all semesters in the particular program. A Candidate will be considered to have passed a progamme provided he has passed in the prescribed programme earning the minimum credits prescribed for the course with other requirements of passing the programme as prescribed in the concerned Ordinances. Example: If a particular course is planned for 10 semesters with an exit clause at the end of the 6th/8th semester for the award of Bachelor Degree/B.Tech degree shall be awarded Bachelor of Degree/B.Tech Degree only after he/she clears all the courses prescribed in the 6th/8thsemester respectively provided he/she has no F grade in any of the courses prescribed in these 6/8 semester. Similarly in all 5 year integrated course for Master Degree/M.Tech degree at the end of 10 semester, a candidate must have cleared all the courses prescribed for the award of the degree in all the 10 semester,and he/she should not have F grade in any of these courses. 2. Evaluation: Each course will consist of Maximum 100 marks out of which 60 marks will be for end Semester Exam and 40 marks for Sessional Exam. The total marks obtained in a course shall be the sum of the marks obtained by the students in these two components. 2.1. The actual credits requirement in the case of a student or a group of students for Masters Degree shall be prescribed by the Centre concerned and approved by the Academic Council. 2.2. The system of evaluation for each course shall be laid down by the Board of the School on the recommendation on the Centre/Department concerned.

2.3. The pattern and schedule of sessional work for each course of a semester shall be prescribed by the Board of the School, on the recommendation of the Centre/Department concerned and shall be made known to the students at the commencement of each semester.


The Credit System of evaluation will be as follows:

a) The total marks obtained by the candidates will be put on 10 point scale with 7 letter grades viz S, A, B, C, D, E & F carrying grade points 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 0 respectively. These will be uniform for all courses. b) will be as The letter grades of marks obtained for different courses per the table given below:

(i) School of Applied Mathematics Range of % age of marks Letter S A B C D E F Numerical Equivalent (Grade Points) 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 Maths 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 <40

(ii) School of Life Sciences, Science, English, Mass Communication, Indigenous Culture and Business Administration.




Range of % age of marks Applied Physics, English/Mass

Grad e S A B C D E F

l Equivalen t (Grade Points)

Scienc e 85-100 75-84 65-74 55-64 50-54 40-44 <40

Applied Chemistry Nanotechnology, Water Engineering & Mgt.

Comm./Indi genous Culture/MBA 85-100 75-84 65-74 55-64 50-54 40-44 <40

10 9 8 7 6 5 0

85-100 75-84 65-74 55-64 50-54 40-44 <40

A candidate getting five and above grade points will be considered to have passed the given course with assigned credits for the course. The students getting F letter grade will be considered as failed in the course.

(c)The final CGPA obtained by the student shall be classified into following divisions:
Post-grade Degree/ M.Tech. Courses. CGPA of 8.0 and above I Division with Distinction CGPA of 6.5 and below 8.0 I Division CGPA of 5.5 and below 6.5 II Division CGPA of 5.0 and below 5.5 III Division CGPA below 5.0 Failed NOTE: (i) The Candidates in Non-technical Subjects may exit after 6th semesters and their results will be declared based on 6th Semester CGPA. (ii) The Candidates in Technical Subjects may exit after 8 semesters and their results will be declared based on 8th Semester CGPA. 4.Conversion Formula from CGPA to Percentage 80+( CGPA -8.5) x 40 70+( CGPA -7.5) x 10 60+(CGPA-6.5) x 10 55+(CGPA-5.5) x 5 50+(CGPA-4.5) x 5 45+(CGPA-4.0) x 10 35+(CGPA-3.0) x 10 30+(CGPA-2.5) x 10 25+(CGPA-2.0) x 10 15+(CGPA-1.0) x 10 0+(CGPA-4.5) x15 >8.5 7.5 to 8.49 6.5 to 7.49 5.5 to 6.49 4.5 to 5.49 4.0 to 4.49 3.0 to 3.99 2.5 to 2.99 2.0 to 2.49 1.0 to 1.99 0.0 to 0.99

Explanatory Note: 1. For example, if a student has obtained a CGPA OF 6.00, his percentage is 55+(6-5.50)x5=55+.50x5=55+2.50=57.50 Similarly, if a student has obtained a CGPA of 4.38, his percentage is 45+(4.38-4.00)x10=45+.38x10= 45+3.80=48.80


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