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Eldar Weaponry

Eldar Psychic Powers

Other Equipment

Eldar Vehicle Upgrades

Bright Lance:
Range Strength AP Special
36 8 2 Heavy 1,
Range Strength AP Special
Deathspinner Template 3 - Assault
Range Strength AP Special
Wraithcannon 18 X 2 Assault
D-Cannon 24 X 2 Heavy 1,
Range Strength AP Special
Doomweaver 36 6 4 Heavy 3
Eldar Missile Launcher:
Range Strength AP Special
Eldar Missile
48 8 3 Heavy 1
Eldar Missile
48 4 4 Heavy
1, Blast
Flamer: See the Warhammer 40,00
Range Strength AP Special
Firepike 18 8 1 Assault
1, Melta,
Fusion Gun:
Range Strength AP Special
Fusion Gun 18 6 1 Assault
1, Melta
Fusion Pistol:
Range Strength AP Special
6 6 1 Pistol,
Hallucinogen Grenades: See the
Harlequins unit entry
Harlequins Kiss: Rending CCW
Hawks Talon:
Range Strength AP Special
18 5 4 Assault
Haywire Grenades: As per current
Range Strength AP Special
Lasblaster 18 3 5 Assault
Laser Lance: A laser lance is a one
handed close combat weapon that renders
its bearer S6 in close combat, striking in
initiative order, in addition, a laser lance
my be red with the following prole:
Range Strength AP Special
6 6 2 Assault
1, Lance
Meltabombs: See the Warhammer 40,00
Plasma Grenades: See the Warhammer
40,00 rulebook.
Power Weapon: See the Warhammer
40,00 rulebook.
Pathnder Rie:
Range Strength AP Special
36 X 4 Heavy 1,
*When red against vehicles, a Pathnder
rie has a base strength of 5, and rolls
2D6, pick highest penetration, stacking
with rending as is normal for sniper ries.
Prism Cannon:
Range Strength AP Special
234 5 6 7/(89&:;&
234 B C 7/(89&:;&
*see unit entry for futher details.
(Combines in same fashion to previous
Pulse Laser:
Range Strength AP Special
Pulse Laser 36 8 2 Heavy 2
Ranger Long Rie:
Range Strength AP Special
Long Rie
36 X 4 Heavy 1,
Reaper Launcher: See the Dark Reaper
Aspect Warriors unit entry.
Range Strength AP Special
36 6 4 Heavy 3
Scatter Laser:
Range Strength AP Special
36 6 6 Heavy 4
Scorpion Chainsword: See the Striking
Scorpion Aspect Warriors unit entry. +1S
Shadow Weaver:
Range Strength AP Special
36 6 6 Heavy 4
Shuriken Weaponry:
Range Strength AP Special
24 4 5 Assault 2
18 3 5 Assault 2
24 4 5 Heavy 5
12 3 5 Pistol
24 * 5 Assault
Singing Spear: The singing spear is a two
handed close combat weapon that can be
thrown with the following prole:
Range Strength AP Special
12 9 5 Assault 1
When used as a close combat weapon, it
follows the rules for Witchblades detailed
Spinneret Rie:
Range Strength AP Special
12 6 3 Assault
Range Strength AP Special
Starcannon 36 5 2 Heavy 3
Star Lance: A Star lance is a one handed
close combat weapon that renders its
bearer S8 in close combat, striking in
initiative order, in addition, a star lance
may be red with the following prole:
Range Strength AP Special
Star Lance 6 8 2 Assault
1, Lance
Suin Daellae:
Range Strength AP Special
12 8 1 Assault
1, Melta,
Range Strength AP Special
Sunrie 18 2 5 Assault
For every hit taken from a Sunrie, the
target units LD value is lowered for each
hit for the purposes of taking pinning &
morale tests.
Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack: See the
Swooping Hawk Aspect Warriors unit
Tanglefoot Grenades: Tanglefoot
grenades are defensive grenades as
described in the Warhammer 40,000
Tempest Launcher:
Range Strength AP Special
36 5 3 Heavy 2,
Wraithsword: See the Wraithlord unit
Witchblade: The Witchblade is the
weapon favoured by Eldar Farseers and
Warlocks acting as a rough equivalent to
the Force Weapons employed by the
Adeptus Astartes. In a non-active state, a
Witchblade never requires worse than a 3+
to wound when used in close combat
against models with a toughness value.
When used against vehicles in close
combat, a Witchblade counts as S7. If
activated with a psychic test at the start of
the assault phase, a Witchblade counts as
a power weapon in addition to always
wounding on 3+. When used against
vehicles in an activated state (following a
successful psychic test), a Witchblade rolls
2D6 + S for armour penetration.
Void Sabre: +1S,rending CCW#
Eldar Psychic Powers:
Guide: Same as current ruleset.
Doom: Same as current ruleset.
Fortune: Same as current ruleset.
Eldritch Storm: S5 ap5 large blast
template, pinning
Mind War: S10 attack, wounding vs ld
against specic model in LoS of farseer/
channeller. Ap2 No effect vs models
without a toughness value. Causes instant
death for double leadership. No cover
saves. R18
Rolling Darkness: Farseer projects an
aura of Nightght for a 6 radius around
him/her. Locus of Night Fighting aura can
be modied by channelling and the radius
can doubled by successfully casting
Augment. (Active) Farseer Psychic Power)
Executioner: D3 S9/3+ to wound ap- hits
(Active) Used in shooting phase (psy
shooting attack). (Active) Farseer Psychic
Eldritch Tempest: S6 + 1S per pskyer
involved (must declare when casting
power, each psyker must pass a psytest to
contribute). 1 template + 1 template per
each psyker involved (like a PBS). Small
Blast Ap5, rotative, pinning (Active) used in
shooting phase (psy shooting attack) Eg: 1
Whiteseer, 2 Farseer, 2 Warlock = S9 Ap5
Small blast x 3, pinning ((Active) Seer
Council Psychic Power)
Webway Portal: lasts one turn, placed
within 6 of the Seer Council (Active) Cast
before reserves are rolled for. Whiteseer
Psychic Power
Veil of Tears: Same as current ruleset.
(Passive) Shadowseer Psychic Power
Keening: Keening sharpens the plasti-
crystal discs thrown from Shuriken
Weapons to a monomolecular penetration,
allowing them to scythe apart even the
toughest of foes with great ease. When
successfully cast, Keening gives all
shuriken weapons red by target squad or
vehicle within 6 of the caster the rending
USR. Keening is cast at the beginning of
the players shooting phase. Keening is an
(Active) Warlock Psychic Power.
Channel: Channel allows a Farseer with
Runes of Distance to channel their psychic
powers through the amplifying Warlock. In
order to channel, the Farseer must be
within 12 of the Warlock possess Line of
Sight to the channelling Warlock and
Runes of Distance.
When channelling through a Warlock, a
Farseer must rst pass a psychic test to
cast the psychic power. Then, the Warlock
must pass a psychic test of its own to
successfully channel the psychic power. If
the psychic power is not cast due to
nullication or psychic test failure, then the
Warlock does not have to pass a psychic
test as there is nothing to channel.
When psychic powers are channelled
through a Warlock, the Warlock is
considered to be the point of origin of the
psychic power, not the original caster.
Channel is an (Active) Warlock Psychic
Augment: Double range of Farseer power.
(Active) Cast at start of turn.
Destructor: Same as current ruleset.
Enhance: Same as current ruleset.
Fury of Asuryan: Furious charge USR.
Endure: Stubborn USR (Passive)
Embolden: Same as current ruleset
Conceal: 4+ Cover save for unit. (Passive)
Amplify: A Spiritseer, after passing a
psychic test has as an enlarged psychic
presence of 18 for the purposes of
determining if a wraithbone construct has
to test for Wraithsight with regards to
psychic resonance.
Animate: A Spiritseer greatly quickens the
movement of a target Wraithbone
construct. Upon passing a successful
psychic test, a Wraithbone construct within
6 (either Wraithlord or Wraithguard) of the
Spiritseer gains the Fleet USR for the
duration of the game turn.
Other Equipment:
Ancient Warsuit: The armour of a phoenix
lord was constructed well before the time
of the craftworlds, incorporating multiple
spirit stones of each Exarch providing
unparalleled (2+/ 5++)
Aspect Warrior Warsuit: As per current
ruleset. (4+ armour save)
Banshee Mask: See the Howling
Banshee Aspect Warriors unit entry.
Eldar Jetbike: As per current ruleset.
(Change unit type to jetbike, add 3+
armour save and +1T, but not for purposes
of instant death.)
Flip Belt: As per current ruleset.
Force Shield: A force shield reects the
Eldars elegance in size and function,
performing an analogous purpose to the
more bulky, less rened Iron Halos of the
Adeptus Astartes. A Force Shield bestows
upon its bearer a 4+ invulnerable save.
Ghosthelm: As per current ruleset. (3+ to
prevent Perils of the Warp)
Guardian Bodysuit: A guardian bodysuit
confers its wearer a 5+ armour save.
Holo-Suit: As per current ruleset. (5+
invulnerable save)
Mandiblasters: As per current ruleset.
Power Field: See the Wraithlord unit
entry. (4+ inv)
Reinforced Aspect Warrior Bodysuit: As
per current ruleset (3+ armour save)
Rune Armour: As per current ruleset. (4+
invulnerable save)
Runes of Distance: Allows a Farseer to
make use of Channelling Warlocks and
Psycho-conductive matrices.
Runes of Warding: As per current ruleset.
(All enemy psypowers must be taken on
3D6, including all dice in nal total, perils
of the warp occurs on anything greater
than 13)
Runes of Witnessing: As per current
Spirit Stones: As per current ruleset.
(Bearer may cast an additional psychic
power each game turn)
Swooping Hawk Wings: A model with
Swooping Hawk wings is jump infantry, as
described in the Warhammer 40,000
rulebook. A model with Swooping Hawk
Wings may elect to move 18 in the
movement phase as a longer jump move,
sacricing any further actions in the
shooting or assault phase, including run
moves unless a unit ability allows them to
do so.
Targeting Optics: See the Support
Weapon Battery unit entry. (+1BS)
Warp Jump Generator: As per current
Webway Portal: As per codex Dark Eldar.
Wraithbone Cradle: See the Seer
Council unit entry.
Vehicle Upgrades:
Crystal Targeting Matrix: The Crystal
Targeting matrix is a highly attuned sensor
array that replaces the standard targeting
array in Eldar tanks. Eldar tanks tted with
a crystal targeting matrix benet from
Holo Fields: Same as current ruleset.
Psycho-conductive Matrix: A psycho-
conductive matrix is a large psychically
resonant wraithbone anchor that allows
the skein to be manipulated easily by
Farseers that possess Runes of Distance.
When an Eldar Farseer casts an active
psychic power, it may cast powers from a
vehicle with a psycho-conductive matrix as
if the vehicle itself was the casting psyker
as long as the Farseer has LoS and is
within 12 of the channelling vehicle. This
feat may only be performed once per
player turn.
Spirit Stones: (3+ to negate shake, 4+ to
render stun a shake)
Star Engines: Star Engines allow an Eldar
tank to move rapidly across a battleeld
with an immense burst of speed. Star
engines confer the ability for the vehicle to
move 12 in the Shooting phase in lieu of
any shooting. This can be combined with a
at out movement to traverse 36 in one
turn. Star engines cannot be used to ram
other vehicles.
Vectored Engines: Vectored Engines
allow precise manipulation of a vehicles
movement, allowing the Eldar to perform
the hit and run attacks that make them so
feared. Vectored engines confer a 6 move
in the assault phase to a vehicle when
tted with them. This move may not be
performed after having used Star Engines
or having moved at out.
!"#$%%#................................................................... 123pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
larseer 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 10 -
1 larseer

8une Armour

WlLchblade Speclal

8unes of Wardlng

Shurlken lsLol

lleeL of looL

syker (lvl 2)


lndependenL CharacLer
"-("#2@................................................................... 70pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
AuLarch 7 6 3 3 3 7 4 10 3+
1 AuLarch

AuLarch WarsulL

lorce Shleld

lasma Crenades

Paywlre Crenades

Shurlken lsLol

Scorplon Chalnsword
lleeL of looL
lndependenL CharacLer
1he larseer may Lake:
-8unes of WlLnesslng ................................ +3pLs
-8unes of ulsLance .................................... +10pLs
-8unes of loreslghL .................................... +10pLs
-SplrlL SLones ............................................ +13pLs
-Lldar !eLblke ............................................ +13pLs
1he larseer may replace lLs WlLchblade wlLh:
-Slnglng Spear........................................... +3pLs
1he larseer musL chose Lhree powers from Lhe followlng llsL:
1he AuLarch may Lake one of Lhe followlng:
-Swooplng Pawk Wlngs............................ +13pLs
-Warp !ump CeneraLor ............................ +12pLs
-Lldar !eLblke ........................................... +20pLs
1he AuLarch may also Lake one of Lhe followlng:
-8anshee Mask ........................................ +3pLs
-MandlblasLers ........................................ +10pLs
1he AuLarch may Lake one of Lhe followlng Lwo handed weapons:
-Avenger Shurlken CaLapulL ...................... free
-ueaLhsplnner ........................................... +3pLs
-luslon Cun ............................................... +10pLs
-LasblasLer ................................................. +3pLs
-8eaper Launcher ...................................... +13pLs
-Slnglng Spear ............................................ +20pLs
1he AuLarch may replace lLs Scorplon Chalnsword wlLh:
-ower Weapon ....................................... +10pLs
-Laser Lance (only on !eLblke) .................. +13pLs
"C"("#1B!1D@")E% .................................................................. 190pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
AvaLar 10 3 7 7 3 4 4 10 3+
1 (unlque)
MonsLrous CreaLure

Suln uaellae
AvaLar of khalne
MolLen 8ody
MonsLrous CreaLure & LLernal Warrlor
2B-#(1B!1(@%1FB-EG1D)EG1................................................... 300pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
uragon Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
8anshee Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 3 9 3+
Scorplons Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 3 9 3+
Avenger Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
8eaper Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
Pawk Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
1 llre uragon Lxarch, 1 Powllng 8anshee Lxarch, 1 SLrlklng Scorplons Lxarch, 1 ulre Avenger
Lxarch, 1 uark 8eaper Lxarch, 1 Swooplng Pawk Lxarch
ueLalled ln relevanL unlL enLrles
LLernal Warrlors
CourL Cf 1he ?oung klng
Wargear ls selecLed per Lxarch accordlng Lo
Lhelr speclc enLrles. Lxarchs ln a CourL may
noL choose Lxarch owers.
Lxarchs ln Lhe CourL only beneL from Lhe
speclal rules llsLed here, noL Lhose ln Lhelr
speclc unlL enLrles.
$%%#12B-E2)*................................................................... 230pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
larseer 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 10 -
WhlLeseer 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 10 -
2 larseers, 1 WhlLeseer

8une Armour


8unes of Wardlng & WlLnesslng

Shurlken lsLol
8une Armour
Shurlken lsLol
WralLhbone Cradle

lleeL of looL

Seer Councll
A larseer or WhlLeseer may replace lLs WlLchblade wlLh:
-Slnglng Spear........................................... +3pLs
Lach larseer musL chose Lwo powers from Lhe followlng llsL:
1he WhlLeseer knows Lhe followlng psychlc powers:
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Asurmen 8 8 4 4 3 7 4 10 2+
karandras 8 8 4 4 3 7 3 10 2+
!aln Zar 8 8 3 4 3 7 4 10 2+
8aharroLh 8 8 4 4 3 7 4 10 2+
luegan 8 8 3 4 3 7 4 10 2+
Maugan 8a 8 8 3 4 3 7 4 10 2+
1 hoenlx Lord (unlque)
$59=/:>1#?>96H lleeL of looL, lndependenL CharacLer, LLernal Warrlor, hoenlx Lord, ulsclples
"$-#L%E ...................................... 190pLs

AnclenL AspecL SulL wlLh uual WrlsL-mounLed

Avenger Shurlken CaLapulLs

1he Sword of Asur

8aule laLe
D"#"EK#"$ ................................. 180pLs
AnclenL AspecL SulL wlLh Lhe Scorplon's 8lLe
Scorplon's Claw & Scorplons Sword
lasma Crenades
N")E1O"# ................................... 160pLs
Lxecuuoner & 1he SllenL ueaLh
AnclenL AspecL SulL wlLh 8anshee Mask
lurlous Charge
'"@"##B(@ ............................. 170pLs
Paywlre & lasma grenades
Swooplng Pawk Wlngs & Crenade ack
Pawk's 1alon & ower Weapon
PlL and 8un
!-%G"E .................................. 180pLs
MelLabombs & lasma Crenades
llre Axe
leel no aln
L"-G"E1#"............................ 160pLs
AnclenL AspecL SulL
1he MaugeLar
AcuLe Senses
When chosen, a hoenlx Lord does noL
counL as lllng an lCC sloL, desplLe counung
as an PC cholce. A hoenlx Lord does noL
counL as a mandaLory PC cholce when
I#)E2%1F#)%*P1"-("#2@1B!1)F"EK%E.......................................................... 140pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
rlnce ?rlel 7 6 3 3 3 7 4 10 3+
1 (unlque)

AuLarch WarsulL


1he Lye of WraLh

1he Spear of 1wlllghL

lasma Crenades

Shurlken lsLol
lleeL of looL
%*K#"K1-*(@-"E1.......................................................................................... 200pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Lldrad ulLhuan 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 10 -
1 (unlque)

AnclenL 8une Armour


1he SLa of ulLhamar

SplrlL SLones


8unes of Wardlng, WlLnesslng & ulsLance

Shurlken lsLol
lleeL of looL
syker (lvl 4)
lndependenL CharacLer
Lldrad ulLhuan knows all Lldar larseer sychlc owers
!)#%1K#"GBE1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ................................................................... 113pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
llre uragon 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 4+
llre uragon Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
4 llre uragons, 1 llre
uragon Lxarch
AspecL Warrlor 8odysulL
luslon Cun
lleeL of looL
@B&*)EG1'"E$@%%1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ................................................................... 110pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Powllng 8anshee 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 4+
8anshee Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 3 9 3+

4 Powllng 8anshees, 1
Powllng 8anshee Lxarch

AspecL Warrlor 8odysulL
8anshee Mask
ower Weapon
Shurlken lsLol
lleeL of looL
lurlous Charge
Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 llre uragons for +18pLs per model
CharacLer Cpuons:
1he Lxarch may replace hls luslon Cun wlLh:
-llreplke ................................. 8pLs
-uragon's 8reaLh llamer ........ free
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-Crack ShoL
-1ank PunLers
1he Squad may Lake a Wave SerpenL as a dedlcaLed 1ransporL.
Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 Powllng 8anshees for +19pLs per
1he Lxarch may replace her ower Sword and Shurlken lsLol
-Mlrrorswords ................................. +8pLs
-Lxecuuoner .................................... +10pLs
1he Lxarch may replace her Shurlken lsLol wlLh:
-1rlskele ........................................... +12pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-Whlrlwlnd of 8lades
1he Squad may Lake a Wave SerpenL as a dedlcaLed 1ransporL.
$(#)D)EG1$2B#I)BE1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ................................................................... 113pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
SLrlklng Scorplon 4 4 4 3 1 3 2 9 3+
Scorplon Lxarch 3 3 4 3 2 6 3 9 3+
4 SLrlklng Scorplons, 1
SLrlklng Scorplon Lxarch
8elnforced AspecL Warrlor
Scorplon Chalnsword
Shurlken lsLol
lasma Crenades
lleeL of looL
&#")(@G-"#K ................................................................... 163pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
WralLhguard 4 4 3 6 1 4 2 10 3+
3 WralLhguard
Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 SLrlklng Scorplons for +20pLs per
1he Lxarch may replace hls Scorplon Chalnsword and Shurlken
lsLol wlLh:
-A Scorplons Claw and A Scorplon Chalnsword ..... +10pLs
-1wln Chalnsabres.................................... +3pLs
-8lung 8lade ............................................ +10pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-uarung 8lposLe
-Move 1hrough Cover
1he Squad may Lake a Wave SerpenL as a dedlcaLed 1ransporL.
WralLhbone ConsLrucL
Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 WralLhguard for +33pLs per model
$5/;/01@360H lf Lhe army
conLalns a SplrlLseer, unlLs
of WralLhguard numberlng
6 or more consLrucLs, may
be Laken as a 1roops
cholce lnsLead of an LllLes
I"(@!)EK%#$ ............................... 96pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
aLhnder 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 9 3+
3 Lldar aLhnders
aLhnder Cloaks & 8les
Webway orLal
Shurlken lsLol
1anglefooL & lasma
&"#*B2D$................................................................... 33pLs per model
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Warlocks 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 -
SplrlLseer 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 10 -
1 Lo 13 Warlocks
8une Armour
Shurlken lsLol
lleeL of looL
lleeL of looL
Webway orLal
?ou may add up Lo anoLher 3 aLhnders aL Lhe cosL of +32pLs a
Can add up Lo an addluonal 14 Warlocks for +33pLs per model
Lach Warlock May 1ake:
-SplrlL SLones................................. +12pLs
-Lldar !eLblke................................. +13pLs
Lach Warlock may replace lLs wlLchblade wlLh:
-Slnglng Spear................................... +3pLs

A Warlock musL choose Lwo powers from Lhe llsL below:

-When accompanylng a unlL of WralLhguard, a Warlock may be
upgraded Lo a SplrlLseer, Laklng Lhe psychlc powers E-#)6,% and
E)B/#F? ................................. +13pLs
8efore Lhe baule, each Warlock
can be spllL o from Lhe squad and
asslgned Lo lead one of Lhe
followlng unlLs: CourL Cf 1he ?oung
klng, Cuardlans, Cuardlan !eLblkes,
Seer Councll, Arullery,
WralLhguard. WlLh Lhe excepuon of
Lhe CourL of Lhe ?oung klng and
Lhe Seer Councll, only one Warlock
can lead a unlL ln Lhls manner.
%*K"#1@"#*%R-)E$1.................................................................................. 120pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Parlequln 3 4 3 3 1 8 2 9 -
1roupe MasLer 3 4 3 3 1 8 3 10 -
Shadowseer 3 4 3 3 1 8 2 9 -
ueaLh !esLer 3 4 3 3 1 8 2 9 -
4 Parlequlns, 1 1roupe
lllp 8elL
Shurlken lsLol
Paywlre Crenades
Parlequln's klss
Palluclnogen Crenades
(Shadowseer only)
lleeL of looL
uance of ueaLh
vell of 1ears (Shadowseer
Can add up Lo an addluonal 10 Parlequlns for +18pLs per model
Any Parlequln may Lake:
-vold Sabre........................................... +3pLs
-ower Weapon................................... +3pLs
up Lo Lwo models may replace Lhelr Shurlken lsLol wlLh:
-luslon lsLol ........................................ +8pLs
Cne Parlequln may be upgraded Lo:
-ueaLh !esLer (replaclng hls shurlken plsLol wlLh a Shrleker
Cannon) .................................................. +13pLs
Cne Parlequln may be upgraded Lo:
-Shadowseer .......................................... +20pLs
1he 1roupe MasLer may replace hls Parlequln's klss wlLh:
-LlLher a vold Sabre or a ower Weapon ................ free
1he 1roupe MasLer may replace hls Shurlken plsLol wlLh:
-luslon lsLol ........................................ +8pLs
K)#%1"C%EG%#1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ................................................................... 73pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
ulre Avenger 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 4+
ulre Avenger Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
4 ulre Avengers, 1 ulre
Avenger AspecL Warrlor

AspecL Warrlor 8odysulL

Avenger Shurlken

lasma Crenades

1anglefooL Crenades

lleeL of looL
#"EG%#$ .......................................................................................................... 43pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
8anger 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+
3 Lldar 8angers

8anger PolosulL and Cloaks

8anger Long 8le

Shurlken lsLol

1anglefooL & lasma Crenades


lleeL of looL

MasLers of SLealLh

Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 ulre Avengers for +12pLs per model
1he Lxarch may replace hls Avenger Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-ower Weapon and Shlmmershleld ............................... +10pLs
-uual Avenger Shurlken CaLapulLs.................................... +3pLs
-ulresword and Shurlken lsLol........................................ +10pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-Asur's 8esolve
1he Squad may Lake a Wave SerpenL as a dedlcaLed 1ransporL.
Can add up Lo an addluonal 12 8angers for +13pLs per model
1he enure squad may Lake:
-Paywlre Crenades ................................. +2pLs per model
-A Webway orLal ................................... +23pLs
%*K"#1G-"#K)"E1K%!%EK%#$ ........................................................................ 80pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Lldar Cuardlan 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+
10 Lo 20 Lldar Cuardlan

Cuardlan 8odysulL

Shurlken CaLapulL

1anglefooL Crenades

lleeL of looL
%*K"#1$(B#L1G-"#K)"E$1.............................................................................. 80pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Lldar Cuardlan 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+
10 Lo 20 Lldar SLorm

Cuardlan 8odysulL

Shurlken CaLapulL

lasma Crenades

lleeL of looL
Can add up Lo an addluonal 10 Cuardlan uefenders for +8pLs per
lor every 10 Cuardlans ln Lhe squad, you musL Lake a weapon
plauorm from Lhe followlng:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................................................. free
-Scauer Laser .................................................................... +3pLs
-SLarcannon ...................................................................... +10pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher .................................................... +8pLs
-8rlghL Lance .................................................................... +10pLs
lor every larseer or Seer Councll ln Lhe army, you may upgrade a
unlL of Cuardlans Lo 8lack Cuardlans aL a cosL of +2pLs per model.
lf Lhe squad numbers less Lhan 12, Lhe squad may Lake a Wave
SerpenL as a dedlcaLed LransporL.
Can add up Lo an addluonal 10 SLorm Cuardlans for +8pLs per

Any model may replace Lhelr Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:

-Close CombaL Weapon and Shurlken lsLol ............... free

1wo SLorm Cuardlans per Len may replace Lhelr weapons wlLh:
-luslon Cun....................................................................... +8pLs
-llamer ............................................................................. +3pLs

1he squad may be armed wlLh:

-Paywlre Crenades .......................................................... +2pLs each
lor every larseer or Seer Councll ln Lhe army, you may upgrade a
unlL of Cuardlans Lo 8lack Cuardlans aL a cosL of +2pLs per model.
lf Lhe squad numbers less Lhan 12, Lhe squad may Lake a Wave
SerpenL as a dedlcaLed LransporL.
%*K"#1&"C%1$%#I%E( ....................................................... 80pLs
'$ ! $ #
Wave SerpenL 3 12 12 10
1 Wave SerpenL 1ransporL
vehlcle (1ank, lasL Sklmmer)
1wln-Llnked Shurlken
1wln-Llnked Shurlken
Lldar Lnergy lleld
2:5:=/08: 1welve Models (or
llve WralLhguard and an
accompanylng syker)
May replace 1wln Llnked Shurlken Cannon wlLh:
-Scauer Laser ........................................ +10pLs
-SLarcannon .......................................... +13pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher ........................ +12pLs
-8rlghL Lance ........................................ +13pLs
May replace 1wln Llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................. +10pLs
May Lake any of Lhe lollowlng:
-SplrlL SLones ..................................... +10pLs
-SLar Lnglnes ......................................+3pLs
-vecLored Lnglnes ............................. +10pLs
Cne of Lhe lollowlng:
-CrysLal 1argeung MaLrlx ...................... +10pLs
-sychlc Channellng MaLrlx .................. +23pLs
G-"#K)"E1N%(')D%1$R-"K#BE ............................... 60pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Cuardlan !eLblke 3 3 3 3 (4) 1 4 1 8 3+
3 Cuardlan !eLblkes

Lldar !eLblke

1wln-llnked Shurlken
lf Lhe army conLalns an
AuLarch on !eLblke, Lhls unlL
may be Laken as 1roops.
CFI%#1N%(')D% ....................................................... 33pLs
'$ ! $ #
vyper 3 10 10 10

1 vyper !eLblke
vehlcle, Sklmmer, lasL,
Cpen 1opped
1wln Llnked Shurlken
Shurlken Cannon
Can add up Lo an addluonal 4 vypers for +30pLs per model.
May replace Shurlken Cannon wlLh:
-Scauer Laser ........................................ +3pLs
-SLarcannon .......................................... +8pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher ........................ +3pLs
-8rlghL Lance ........................................ +8pLs
May replace 1wln Llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................. +3pLs
May Lake any of Lhe lollowlng:
-SplrlL SLones ..................................... +3pLs
-SLar Lnglnes ......................................+3pLs
-vecLored Lnglnes ............................. +10pLs
-CrysLal 1argeung MaLrlx ................... +10pLs

Can add up Lo an addluonal 9 !eLblkes for +20pLs per model

lor every 3 Cuardlan !eLblkes, one !eLblke may replace lLs Lwln-
llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................................. +10pLs

lor every 4 Cuardlan !eLblkes ln Lhe Squadron, one Cuardlan

!eLblke may exchange lLs Lwln-llnked Shurlken CaLapulL for:
-luslon Cun

1he enure squadron may be addluonally equlpped wlLh:

-Paywlre Crenades............................................... +2pLs each
$@)E)EG1$I%"#1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ............................... 100pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Shlnlng Spear 4 4 3 3 (4) 1 3 1 9 3+
Spear Lxarch 3 3 3 3 (4) 2 6 2 9 3+
2 Shlnlng Spears, 1 Shlnlng
Spear Lxarch

Lldar !eLblke

1wln-llnked Shurlken

Laser Lance
$&BBI)EG1@"&D1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ............................... 120pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Swooplng Pawk 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 4+
Pawk Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
4 Swooplng Pawks, 1
Swooplng Pawk Lxarch
!ump lnfanLry

Swooplng Pawk Wlngs

AspecL Warrlor 8odysulL


Paywlre Crenades

Swooplng Pawk Crenade

ueep SLrlke, lleeL of looL
Can add up Lo an addluonal 3 Shlnlng Spears for +30pLs per
lor every 3 Shlnlng Spears, one AspecL Warrlor may replace lLs
Lwln-llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................................. +10pLs
1he Lxarch may replace hls Laser Lance wlLh:
-ower Weapon................................... free
-SLar Lance........................................... +10pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-Skllled 8lder
-PlL and 8un
Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 Swooplng Pawks for +21pLs per
1he Lxarch may replace lLs LasblasLer wlLh:
-Pawk's 1alon ................................................. +6pLs
-ower Weapon and Shurlken lsLol............... +3pLs
-Sunrle........................................................... +8pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-PlL and 8un
&"#I1$I)K%#1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$ ............................... 140pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Warp Splder 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 3+
Splder Lxarch 3 3 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
4 Warp Splder AspecL
Warrlors, 1 Warp Splder
!ump lnfanLry

8elnforced AspecL
Warrlor 8odysulL


Warp !ump CeneraLor

ueep SLrlke
Long !ump Move
Can add up Lo an addluonal 7 Warp Splders for +23pLs per model
1he Lxarch may Lake:
-uual owerblades.......................................... +10pLs
1he Lxarch may also replace hls ueaLhsplnner wlLh:
-uual ueaLhsplnners........................................ +3pLs
-SplnnereL 8le................................................ +20pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-Surprlse AssaulL
!"*2BE ....................................................... 100pLs
'$ ! $ #
lalcon 3 12 12 10
1 lalcon
vehlcle (1ank, lasL,
6 Models
1wln Llnked Shurlken
Shurlken Cannon
ulse Laser
vecLored Lnglnes
ueep SLrlke
!)#%1I#)$L....................................................... 90pLs
'$ ! $ #
llre rlsm 4 12 12 10
1 llre rlsm
vehlcle (1ank, lasL,
1wln Llnked Shurlken
rlsm Cannon.
ueep SLrlke
May replace Shurlken Cannon wlLh:
-Scauer Laser ........................................ +3pLs
-SLarcannon .......................................... +10pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher ........................ +8pLs
-8rlghL Lance ........................................ +10pLs
May replace 1wln Llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................. +10pLs
May Lake any of Lhe lollowlng:
-SplrlL SLones ..................................... +10pLs
-SLar Lnglnes ......................................+3pLs
-Poloelds ......................................... +20pLs
Cne of Lhe lollowlng:
-CrysLal 1argeung MaLrlx ...................... +13pLs
-sychlc Channellng MaLrlx .................. +23pLs
May replace 1wln Llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................. +10pLs
May Lake any of Lhe lollowlng:
-SplrlL SLones ..................................... +10pLs
-SLar Lnglnes ...................................... +3pLs
-vecLored Lnglnes ............................. +10pLs
-Poloelds ......................................... +20pLs
-sychlc Channellng MaLrlx ............... +23pLs
E)G@($I)EE%#.................................................. 93pLs
'$ ! $ #
nlghLsplnner 4 12 12 10
1 nlghLsplnner
vehlcle (1ank, lasL,
1wln Llnked Shurlken
1wln-Llnked uoomweaver
ueep SLrlke
K"#D1#%"I%#1"$I%2(1&"##)B#$................................................................... 103pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
uark 8eapers 4 4 4 4 1 3 1 9 3+
8eaper Lxarch 3 3 4 4 2 6 2 9 3+
2 uark 8eapers and 1 uark
8eaper Lxarch
8elnforced AspecL Warrlor
8eaper Launcher
lasma Crenades
May replace 1wln Llnked Shurlken CaLapulL wlLh:
-Shurlken Cannon .............................. +10pLs
May Lake any of Lhe lollowlng:
-SplrlL SLones ..................................... +10pLs
-SLar Lnglnes ...................................... +3pLs
-vecLored Lnglnes ............................. +10pLs
-Poloelds ......................................... +20pLs
-sychlc Channellng MaLrlx ............... +23pLs
Can add up Lo an addluonal 3 uark 8eapers for +30pLs per model
1he Lxarch may replace hls 8eaper Launcher wlLh:
-1empesL Launcher......................................... +10pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher.................................... +3pLs
1he Lxarch musL chose a power from Lhe followlng aL no cosL:
-lasL ShoL
-Crack ShoL
1he Squad may Lake a Wave SerpenL as a dedlcaLed 1ransporL.
&#")(@*B#K .......................................... 110pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
WralLhlord 3 4 10 8 4 4 3 10 3+
1 WralLhlord
MonsLrous CreaLure
1wo Shurlken CaLapulLs
Shurlken Cannon
WralLhbone ConsLrucL
&"#1&"*D%# ......................................... 40pLs
&$ '$ $ ! $ # ) "
War Walker 3 3 3 10 10 10 4 2
1 War Walker
1wo Shurlken Cannons
1he WralLhlord may Lake:
-WralLhsword ........................ +13pLs
-ower lleld .......................... +13pLs
1he WralLhlord may replace lLs Shurlken CaLapulLs wlLh:
-llamer ................................. free
1he WralLhlord may replace lLs Shurlken Cannon wlLh:
-Scauer Laser ....................... +3pLs
-SLarcannon ......................... +10pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher ....... +8pLs
-8rlghL Lance ....................... +10pLs

1he WralLhlord may Lake an addluonal:

-Shurlken Cannon ................ +3pLs
-Scauer Laser ....................... +10pLs
-SLarcannon ......................... +13pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher ....... +12pLs
-8rlghL Lance ....................... +13pLs
Can add up Lo an addluonal 2 War Walkers for 40pLs per model
A War Walker may replace a Shurlken Cannon wlLh:
-Scauer Laser ....................... +3pLs
-SLarcannon ......................... +10pLs
-Lldar Mlsslle Launcher ....... +8pLs
-8rlghL Lance ....................... +10pLs

1he Squadron may Lake:

-SplrlL SLones ......................... +3pLs per model
$5/;/01@360H lf Lhe army
conLalns a SplrlLseer,
WralLhlords may be Laken
as an LllLes cholce ln
addluon Lo Peavy SupporL
$-IIB#(1&%"IBE1'"((%#F1.............................. 20pLs
&$ '$ $ ( & ) " *+ $,
Cuardlan Crewman 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+
2 Cuardlan Crewmen, 1
SupporL Weapon
Cuardlan 8odysulL
1argeung Cpucs
Shurlken CaLapulL
May add up Lo an addluonal Lwo Weapon 8auerles, each
composed of a SupporL Weapon and 1wo Cuardlan Crewmen aL a
cosL of +20pLs each.
All SupporL Weapon 8auerles musL chose an armamenL:
-u-Cannon ................................ +20pLs
-vlbro Cannon ......................... +13pLs
- Shadow Weaver .................... +3pLs
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Page
Autarch 7 6 3 3 3 7 4 10 3+/ 4++ 1
Avatar 10 5 7 7 4 4 4 10 3+/ 5++ 2
Dark Reaper 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ 17
Reaper Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 17
Death Jester 5 4 3 3 1 8 2 9 - / 5++ 9
Dire Avenger 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 10
Avenger Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 10
Eldrad Ulthuan 5 5 3 4 3 5 1 10 - / 3++ 5
Farseer 5 5 3 3 3 5 1 10 - / 4++ 1
Warlock 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 - / 4++ 8
Whiteseer 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 10 - / 4++ 3
Fire Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 6
Dragon Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 6
Guardian 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+ 11
Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3 (4) 1 4 1 8 3+ 13
Guardian Crewman 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+ 19
Harlequin 5 4 3 3 1 8 2 9 - / 5++ 9
Troupe Master 5 4 3 3 1 8 3 10 - / 5++ 9
Shadowseer 5 4 3 3 1 8 2 9 - / 5++ 9
Howling Banshee 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 6
Banshee Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 6
Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 10
Pathnder 3 5 3 3 1 5 1 9 5+ 8
Shining Spear 4 4 3 3 (4) 1 5 1 9 3+ 14
Spear Exarch 5 5 3 3 (4) 2 6 2 9 3+ 14
Striking Scorpion 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ 7
Scorpion Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 7
Swooping Hawk 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 14
Hawk Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 14
Warp Spider 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ 15
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Page
Spider Exarch 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ 15
Wraithguard 4 4 5 6 1 4 2 10 3+/ 5++ 7
Wraithlord 5 4 10 8 4 4 3 10 3+/ 5++ 18
Yriel 7 6 3 3 3 7 4 10 3+/ 4++ 5
Asurmen 7 7 4 4 3 7 4 10 2+/ 3++ 4
Baharroth 7 7 4 4 3 7 4 10 2+/4++ 4
Jain Zar 7 7 5 4 3 7 4 10 2+/4++ 4
Karandras 7 7 4 4 3 7 5 10 2+/4++ 4
Fuegan 7 7 5 4 3 7 4 10 2+/4++ 4
Maugan Ra 7 7 5 4 3 7 4 10 2+/4++ 4
WS BS S F S R I A Page
War Walker 3 3 5 10 10 10 4 2 18
Vyper - 3 - 11 10 10 - - 13
Wave Serpent - 3 - 12 12 10 - - 12
Falcon - 3 - 12 12 10 - - 16
Fire Prism - 4 - 12 12 10 - - 16
Nightspinner - 4 - 12 12 10 - - 17
#:.<9 $0;V "I (859 I:<9
Shurlken CaLapulL 18" 3 3 AssaulL 2
Shurlken Cannon 24" 4 3 Peavy 3
Scauer Laser 36" 6 6 Peavy 4
SLarcannon 36" 3 2 Peavy 3
Lldar Mlsslle Launcher (SaboL) 48" 8 3 Peavy 1
Lldar Mlsslle Launcher (lasma) 48" 4 4 Peavy 1, 8lasL
8rlghL Lance 36" 8 2 Peavy 1, Lance
Slnglng Spear 12" 9 3 AssaulL 1
Shurlken lsLol 12" 3 3 lsLol
luslon Cun 18" 6 1 AssaulL 1, MelLa
llreplke 18" 8 1 AssaulL 1, MelLa, Lance
luslon lsLol 12" 6 1 AssaulL 1, MelLa
Avenger Shurlken CaLapulL 18" 4 3 AssaulL 2
ulse Laser 48" 8 2 Peavy 2
Laser Lance 8" 6 2 AssaulL 1, Lance
SLar Lance 8" 8 1 AssaulL 1, Lance
LasblasLer 18" 3 3 AssaulL 3, lnnlng
Pawk's 1alon 18" 3 4 AssaulL 3, lnnlng
Sunrle 18" 2 6 AssaulL 3, Speclal
ueaLhsplnner 1emplaLe 3 - AssaulL 1, 8endlng
8eaper Launcher 36" 6 4 Peavy 3
1empesL Launcher 36" 3 3 Peavy 2, 8lasL
Shrleker Cannon 24" * 3 AssaulL 4, olson 2+*
Suln uaellae 12" 8 1 AssaulL 1, MelLa, Lance
WralLhcannon 18" * 2 AssaulL 1*
aLhnder 8le 36" x 4 Peavy 1, Snlper
8anger Longrle 36" x 4 Peavy 1, Snlper, Speclal
llamer 1emplaLe 4 3 AssaulL 1
SplnnereL 8le 12" 6 3 AssaulL 2, 8endlng, lnnlng
#:.<9 $0;V "I (859 I:<9
rlsm Cannon (locused) 60" 9 2 Peavy 1, 8lasL, Lance
rlsm Cannon (ulspersed) 60" 3 4 Peavy 1, Large 8lasL
uoomweaver 48" 7 3 Peavy 1, Large 8lasL, 8endlng, ueaLh Web
vlbro Cannon 36" * 3 Peavy 1*
u-Cannon 24" * 2 Peavy 1, Large 8lasL*
Shadow Weaver 48" 3 4 Peavy 1, Large 8lasL, 8endlng, ueaLh Web

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