Education Management Creativity in Children's Face

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Management Education

Education Management Creativity in Childrens Face

Presented To Fulfill the Requirement of the Task Of Speaking 3

Subject Guided: Johan Wibowo, M.M.

By: Retno Rahayuningsih (Konversi) (0958657)


PREFACE Praise is to Allah, the Lord of hosts, which teaches people with intermediate Pen and teaches people. What is not desired, so I can complete this task the right time although there are many mistakes and shortcomings, I realized that in completing this task can not be separated from the guidance and instructions, therefore I humbly say thank you to:

1. Johan Wibowo, M.M. as Subject Guide 2. All parties who have assisted me in completing this task.

We realize fully that this task is far from perfect. Therefore, criticism and suggestions always hoped for future writers. Finally I hope this paper will be usefully for all. Amen.

Metro, Maret 2012




PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................................................................ PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................

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INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... CONCLUSION................................................................................................................... REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................

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1. Problem Background. Many people are not satisfied with the quality of education in our country. Obviously we do not often hear phrases like: "our country has not been quality education", "education in Indonesia has fallen far behind other countries", "when are we going forward if we walk in the place of education", and so forth. This is supported by education expert Prof. Dr. Oteng Sutisna, M, Sc. Professor of Guidance and Counseling in his "Think System" published 1984, p. 76. Development of science and technology from developed countries are very fast, very fast too a public mindset, this has resulted in educational programs and teaching more lag when compared to the needs of society, this is a challenge for the organization of education in order not to broaden the horizon of the static to dynamic thinking Produce qualified

graduates.Education experts have agreed that a quality education system can be said, if the process of teaching and learning to walk in an interesting and challenging so that students can learn as much as possible and continuing through the learning process. Process will result in quality education hasli quality and relevant to the times. In order to realize a quality education and efficient, should be formulated and implemented programs that can education learning learners on an ongoing basis, because the quality of the optimal aducation, is expected to produce edge sources human who can master the knowledge, skills and expertise in accordance with science and technology continues to evolve rapidly. In order to achieve a quality education needed pedidikan management capable of mobilizing all the resources of education. Among these are the students whose contents management is the management and implementation. There are many facts we find in the field management system students who are still using conventional methods and more emphasis on the development of intelligence in the strict sense, and certainly less mmberi attention to the development of creative talents of students

2. Problem formulation Challenges of educational institutions (schools) are meant to catch up competition in the first achievement in the face of global competition, these challenges can be resolved if the influence of school leadership concentrated on achieving the target in question.

Principal leadership influences in addition to catch up to the challenge above, other things to consider: Create transparency in the process of education and teaching. Create a pleasant working climate Give recognition and appreciation to the personnel who perform exemplary Show Apply management functions in the process of education, such as: Planning Organizing staff determination on the basis of ability, the ability and willingness Provide guidance and coaching that leads towards the achievement of the goal is control of all the activities of the slightest deviation can be found so quickly resolved Conduct an assessment of all programs to measure of success and find ways to cope with failure.

3. The discussion purposes Problems 1. A. Thinking skills to understand the system means that a unified whole is supported by the components (parts of) the interdependence of each other when the components are not running then it will not form a unified whole in this case can be applied in providing education in schools. In order for the process of education in schools is a unified whole, the program will run smoothly and objectives will be achieved. 2. Development of science and technology is a challenge.


A. Definition of management education Muhibbin Shah explained that the root word of education is a "learner" or "educate" which literally means to maintain and provide training. While the "education", the stages of activities change attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people through training and teaching efforts. This indicates that education can not be separated from teaching. Activities of teaching involves students as recipients of teaching materials with the final purpose of all this is in accordance mandated in the law no. 20 of the Education System in 2003; so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society, nation and state. In education, learners are strategic focal point because it was to him of teaching materials through a process of teaching provided. And already understand that learners have drawbacks and advantages of each, they are unique with all the potential and capacity that is in them and this uniqueness can not be made uniform with the same rules as the one between participant students with other students. Educators and educational institutions must respect the differences that exist in them. The uniqueness of the place on the learner's own rise to a problem that must be identified and resolved so that the management of pupils (students) in a unified framework that absolute attention, especially in consideration of the development of creativity, this should be a point of concern for the education system is still recognized emphasizes the development of intelligence in the strict sense, and little attention to the creative development of students. This occurs from the concept of creativity is still poorly understood in holistic, as well as philosophy of education since colonial times wing single uniform principles and oriented to the interests, which in turn have an impact on parenting, educating and managing student learning. The need for creativity appears and is felt in all human activities. Eventual development of creativity will be related to four aspects, namely: personal aspects, drivers, processes and products. Creativity will emerge from a unique interaction with environment. Kreativitas is the feel and observe the problem, making allegations about the lack of (problem) is, assess and test it. The process of creativity in its realization requires the urge (intristik motivation) and external encouragement. Intrinstik motivation

is intelligence, it has historically, creativity and giftedness is defined as having a high intelligence, and tests intellejensi traditionally a central feature for identifying intellectually gifted children, but in the end this also becomes a problem because if creativity and giftedness viewed from the perspective of the various talents of specialized intelligence that there is less attention on students who end up preserving and conventional breeding Traditional Education-oriented and highly appreciate the linguistic and mathematical logic. In fact, the latest educational psychology theory which produces the revolution paradigm of thinking about the concept of intelligence proposed by Prof. Gardner identifies that within every child when he was born with a normal brain in the sense that there is no damage to the nervous system, and then at least there are eight kinds of intelligence possessed by them. Law No.20 of 2003 the national education system, the legislation states that "citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and / or socially entitled to special education". Either expressed or implied by Law No.20 has been mandated for the management of a special service for children who have the talent and creativity. Understanding of special education here is to provide education for learners with disabilities or students who have extraordinary intelligence which was held in an inclusive or a unit of education-special education at primary and secondary education. In the end it is necessary to a rational attempt to manage the problems arising from the students because it is the existence of a learner management is very important to note. Talented students in the classroom may have mastered the subject matter before it is given. They have the ability to learn skills and learning more advanced concepts. To support the progress of students is required modifications to the curriculum. The curriculum generally includes all learners experience gained at school, at home, and in the community and that helped him realize his potential. If the general curriculum aims to meet the needs of education in general, then this should be strived berdiferensi organizing the curriculum to provide service to the differences in interests and abilities of learners. In doing a different curriculum for students who have a high potential for giftedness, teachers can plan and prepare more complex material, a different set of teaching materials, or to find alternative placements for students. So that every student can learn according to their own pace. In Indonesia the paradigm of thinking about creativity, a lot of parents and teachers who have the view that creativity requires a climate of openness and freedom, giving rise to conflict management in the learning or education, as opposed to discipline. This

perspective is not appropriate. Creativity it requires discipline in order to translate into tangible and meaningful products. Discipline here composed of discipline in a particular discipline because after all one's creativity is always associated with a particular field or domain, and creativity are also demanding internal discipline to not only have ideas but can also be up on stage to develop and refine an idea or a responsibility to complete.An uncontested if future generations have the skills needed to face challenges and changes that occur in an increasingly globalized era. But the education in Indonesia is currently preparing the students with creative thinking skills and attitudes that determine their success in solving the problem. The need for creativity in the organization of adult education is perceived a need for individual learners. In the era of development and an increasingly globalized and competitive environment of each individual is required to prepare mentally to be able to face future challenges. Therefore, the development of creative potential that basically exist in every human being especially in those with exceptional ability and intelligence need to be started at an early age, be it for personal self-realization and for the continuity of the nation's progress. In the development of talent and creativity must proceed from the characteristics of giftedness and creativity that needs to be optimized on the learner which includes the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Internal motivation fostered by considering the talent and creativity of individuals and creates a psychological climate that guarantees freedom for creative expression of students in the home environment, schools, and communities. Is a challenge for education in Indonesia to be able to foster and develop optimally talents, interests, and abilities of each student so that they can fully realize our potential to potentially provide a meaningful contribution to the development of society and state Or creative techniques in the current taxonomy of learning should be focused on developing talent and creativity is applied in an integrated and sustainable manner in all subjects in accordance with the concept berdiferensi curriculum for gifted students.

B. Definition of Management Resource management is the effective use of manpower and non-human as well as other material substances in order to achieve the intended purpose. Management as a social process, putting weight on the interaction of people, both those inside and outside formal institutions, or that are above or below the operating position of a person. In

addition, management education is of strategic alternatives to enhance the quality of education. Improving the quality of education is not an easy task, because not only related to technical issues, but includes a variety of complex issues and complex, so demanding better educational management. Unfortunately, for this aspect of education at various levels of management and education unit has not received serious attention, so that all components of the education system not functioning properly. Weak management of education has an impact on internal efficiency of education is evident from the number of students who repeat and drop out of school.

C. Management Education Functions Functions of management education is divided four kinds 1) Planning Planning education program at least has two main functions, namely: a) Planning is a systematic attempt to describe the preparation of a series of actions to be taken to achieve the goals of the organization or institution taking into consideration the available resources or resources that could be provided. b) Planning is an activity to deploy or use limited resources efficiently, and effectively to achieve its intended purpose. 2) Implementation Implementing an activity to realize the plan into action in order to achieve goals effectively and efficiently, and will have value if implemented effectively and efficiently. 3) Supervision Supervision can be interpreted as an attempt to observe systematically and continuously; record; give an explanation, guidance, coaching and rectify the things that are less precise; and fix the error, and the key to success in the overall management process. 4) Development Coaching is a series of efforts to control all elements of the organization in a professional manner in order to function properly, so plan to achieve the goal can be accomplished effectively and efficiently. There are several opinions about the management functions are expressed by several authors, namely:

1) Louis A. Allen: Leading, planning, organizing, controlling 2) Prajudi Atmosukirjo: planning, organizing, directing or actuating, controlling. 3) John Robert Beishline: planning, organization, command control 4) Henry Fayol: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding, controlling. 5) Luther Gullich: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting.

D. Principles of Management Education Henry Fayol suggested that management principles are divided into 14 sections, namely: a. Division of work Is the nature, seen in every community? When people grow it also increases the new organization replaces the old organizations. Objectives rather than the division of labor is generating more jobs and better with the same effort. b. Authority and Responsibility Authority (authority) is right to give instructions and authority requesting compliance. Responsibility is a duty or responsibility and functions to be performed by one officer and to be implemented, authority (the authority) must be given to him. c. Discipline Compliance is the essence of the discipline to do what was agreed upon between the leaders and workers, both consent in writing, orally or in the form of rules or customs. d. Unity of command For every action, an employee shall receive instructions from a supervisor only. If this is violated, the authority (authority) means reduced risk of discipline, order and stability have interrupted trials, and one would not carry out the instructions that are dualistic. e. Unity of direction This principle can be translated as: "one head and one plan for a group of activities having the same objective," which is an essential requirement for unity of action, coordination and strength and business focus. f. Subordination of individual interest to general interest In the interest of an employee of a company should not be in the interests of the company, that the interests of households have precedence over the interests of its members and that the interests of the state shall take precedence over the interests of citizens and interest groups.

g. Remuneration of Personnel Employee salary than the price rather than services rendered and to be fair. Salary levels are influenced by the cost of living, demand and labor supply. In addition to the leader of the welfare of employees both at work and outside work. h. Centralization The issue of centralization or decentralization is the issue of power sharing, in a small organization of centralization can be applied, but in large organizations have implemented decentralization. i. Scalar chain Scalar chain (scalar chain) is a chain instead stems from the authority last boss to the lowest level. j. Order For humans there is a formula of order must be held that is, a place for every person and every people in their places. k. Equity To stimulate the employees perform their duties with sincerity and loyalty, they should be treated with kindness and justice. Combination of hospitality and justice and equity yield. l. Stability Of Tonure Of Personnel An employee takes the time to normal in a new job and to succeed in doing it well. m. Initiative Think of a plan and assure its success is a satisfying experience for someone. Ability to think and ability to implement this is what is called the initiative. n. Ecsprit de Corps "Unity is strength". Leaders have done little to realize the discussion.


In order to achieve a quality education needed pedidikan management capable of mobilizing all the resources of education. Among these are the students whose contents management is the management and implementation. There are many facts we find in the field management system students who are still using conventional methods and more emphasis on the development of intelligence in the strict sense, and certainly less mmberi attention to the development of creative talents of students. Though beneficial for the development of creativity in addition to the students themselves is also a need for selfrealization as one of the highest needs of man. Creativity is the process to feel and observe the problem, making allegations about deficiencies, assess and meguji conjecture or hypothesis, then change it and test it again until in the end deliver the result. Given that diimplementasikan creativity in the learning system, learners will be expected to find different ideas to solve the problems encountered so rich in ideas are progressive and divergent in the future to compete in a global competition that is always changing. A change in the quality of both physical and mental balance is perkambangan idikasi of good students. No single aspect of the self perkambangan students who are considered more important than others. Thus, it is not wrong if compound intelligence theory expressed by Gardner perkambangan considered meeting the trend of students varied. Then the current organization of education must be to provide special services to students who have the creativity and giftedness are also different for the purpose of education can be better directed.


2003. Undang- Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 tahun 2003 manajemen pendidikan , Jakarta: Depdiknas RI -----------,2002. Masalah manajemen pendidikan di Indonesia, Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan kebudayaan Ditjen Dikdasmen - Dik menum. Wanto, 2005. manajemen dan pendidikan, Surabaya; Tabloid Nyata IV Desember


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