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There are four generally-accepted type of error.

By survey error , I mean factors which reduce the accuracy of a survey estimate. Its important to keep each type of survgey error in mind when designing, executing and interp[reting surveys. However, I suspect some of them are more ingrained in our thinking about research, while others are more often neglected. Imagine if we interviewed 100 researches and asked each of them to name a type of survey error. Which type of survey error do you think would be mentioned most frequently? Which type would be most overlooked? Her is my predicted order of finish in our hypothical esample. 1): Sampling Error: Sampling error would be the mosst commonly named type of survey error. Below is the concept of sampling error and also 3 ways of calculating it. Sampling error is essentially the degree to which a survey statistic differs from its true valuedue to the fact that the survey was conducted among only one of many possible survey samples. It is a degree of uncertainty that we are willing to live with. Even most non-researchers have a basic understanding,or at least awareness, of sampling error due to the medias reference to the margin of error when reporting public survey results. 2): measurement error: Measurement error would be the second most frequently named type of error. Measurement error is the degree to which a survey statistic differs from its true value due to imperfection in the waythe statistic is collected. The most common type of measurement error is one researchers deal nwith on a daily basis: poor question wording, with faulty assumptions and imperfect scales. 3): Coverage error: Coverage error is another important source of variability in survey statistics it is the degree to which statistic are off due to the fact that the sample used does not properly represented the underlying population being measured.

There was generally more concern about coverage error in the past. Concern about coverage error is still an important conversation. However, it is being discussed more in academic and thought-leadership circles than by the average day to day research practitioner. 4): Non-Response error: Non-Respnse Error would be the lest named type of error in our hypothetical survey. It is just easier to replace non-responders with fresh sample. It is also not considered acceptable in an online context to conduct scores of follow-up emails. That would get the senders sent to a blacklist post haste.

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